
unter Mitarbeit von

Natalia Bolatti-Guzzo

Andrea Intilia, Alvise Matessi & Marco De Pietri


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13 Hits
9 MKKS: IX. Müze Kurtarma Kazıları Semineri, 27-28 Nisan 1998, Antalya
9 UCLA IEConf: Proceedings of the Ninth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference
9 AST: IX. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı. Çanakkale, 27-31 Mayıs 1991
9 Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı: IX. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı (Ankara 6.-10. nisan 1987) [IX. Symposium über die Grabungsergebnisse]
9 KST/1: IX. Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi. Ankara, 6-10 Nisan 1987. Cilt I
9 KST/2: IX. Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi. Ankara, 6-10 Nisan 1987. Cilt II
9CongrJewStud: Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 4-12, 1985. Division A: The Period of the Blble
9CongrLing: Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists. Cambridge, Mass., August 27-31, 1962
9CongrOr: Transactions of the Ninth International Congress of Orientalists, Held in London, 5th to 12 th September 1892, Vol. II
9TTKongr: IX. Türk Tarih Kongresi (Ankara, 21.-25. Eylül 1981). Kongreye Sunulan Bildiriler [Vorträge zum IX. türkischen Geschichtskongress, 21.-25. September 1981]
9 ICAANE: Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 9–13 June 2014, Basel, 3 voll.
9 ICAANE – vol. 3: Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 9–13 June 2014, Vol. 3: Reports
9HitCongr: IX. Uluslararası Hititoloji Kongresi Bildirileri, Çorum 08-14 Eylül 2014 / Acts of the IXth International Congress of Hittitology, Çorum September 08-14, 2014, voll. I-II

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