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The Identification of Slags from Archaeological Sites |
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Das Quellheiligtum Eflatun Pınar |
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Divine Justice Across the Mediterranean: Hittite arkuwars and the Trial Scene in Aeschylus’ Eumenides |
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The Poet’s Point of View and the Prehistory of the Iliad |
Anatolian Interfaces 93-106 |
Bachvarova M. 2005a: |
Relations Between God and Man in the Hurro-Hittite Song of Release |
JAOS 125 45-58 |
Bachvarova M. 2005b: |
The Eastern Mediterranean Epic Tradition from Bilgames and Akka to the Song of Release to Homer's Iliad
GRBS 45 131-153 |
Bachvarova M. 2007a: |
Suffixaufnahme and Genitival Adjectives as an Anatolian Areal Feature in Hurrian, Tyrrhenian, and Anatolian Languages |
18 UCLA IEConf 169-189 |
Bachvarova M. 2009a: |
Hittite and Greek Perspectives on Travelling Poets, Texts and Festivals |
Wandering Poets 23-45 |
Bachvarova M. 2010a: |
Manly Deeds: Hittite Admonitory History and Eastern Mediterranean Didactic Epic |
Epic and History 66-85 (Ch. 5) |
Bachvarova M. 2011a: |
The Meter of Hurrian Narrative Song
AoF 38 285-308 |
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From “Kingship in Heaven” to King Lists: Syro-Anatolian Courts and the History of the World |
JANER 12 97-118 |
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James Mellaart and the Luwians: A Culture-(Pre)history |
Luwian Identities 279-304 |
Bachvarova M. 2013a: |
Adapting Mesopotamian Myth in Hurro-Hittite Rituals at Hattuša: IŠTAR, the Underworld, and the Legendary Kings |
Fs Beckman 23-44 |
Bachvarova M. 2013b: |
CTH 767.7 – The Birth Ritual of Pittei: Its Occasion and the Use of Luwianisms
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Bachvarova M. 2014b: |
Hurro-Hittite Stories and Hittite pregnancy and birth rituals
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Bachvarova M. 2014a: |
Hurro-Hittite Narrative Song as a Bilingual Oral-Derived Genre |
8Hit Congr 77-109 |
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The Anatolian Plateau |
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Elements for a Comparative Study of Textile Production and Use in Hittite Anatolia and in Neighbouring Areas |
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Sumerian GALA Priests and Eastern Mediterranean Returning Gods. Tragic Lamentation in Cross-Cultural Perspective |
Lament 18-52 |
Bachvarova M. 2001a: |
Successful Birth, Unsuccessful Marriage, Aeschylus´ Suppliants and Mesopotamian Birth Incantations |
NIN 2 49-90 |
Bachvarova M. 2015a: |
Migrations in Anatolian Narrative Traditions |
NOSTOI 145-184 |
Bachvarova M. 2016a: |
From Hittite to Homer. The Anatolian Background of Ancient Homeric Epic |
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Manifestation göttlicher Präsenz. Das Quellheiligtum Eflatun Pınar |
Byzas 23 105-120 |
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Forces of Transformation: The End of the Bronze Age in the Mediterranean. Proceedings of an international symposium held at St. John's College, University of Oxford, 25-6th March 2006 |
Bachvarova M. 2019a: |
Towards an Understanding of the Gendered Hittite Landscape: What Does It Mean When Mountains Give Birth? |
9HitCongr 81-100 |
Bachvarova M. 2019b: |
Survival of “Popular” Mythology: From Hittite Mountain Man to Phrygian Mountain Mother |
Religious Convergence 203-230 |
Bachvarova M. 2017a: |
Wisdom of former days: The manly Hittite king and foolish Kumarbi, father of the gods |
Zsolnay I. 2017a 83-111 |
Bachvarova M. 2018a: |
Multiformity in the Song of Ḫedammu |
AoF 45 1-21 |
Bachhuber Ch. 2022a: |
In Search of a Luwian Land |
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Bachvarova M. 2022a: |
The Origin of Apollo – Again |
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Divine Staging. The Civil Engineering Peculiarities of the Hittite Spring Sanctuary Eflatun Pınar |
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Bachvarova M. 2023a: |
The Seer Mopsos: Legendary Foundations in Archaic Anatolia before the Neileids |
Ponchia S. – Prandi L. 2023a 129-152 |
Bachvarova M. 2023b: |
Methodology and Methods of Borrowing in Comparative Greek and Near Eastern Religion: The Case of Incense-Burning |
Rollinger R. et al. 2023a 175-189 |