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O nekotorych spornych problemach istorii drevnej Armenii [Über einige umstrittene Probleme der altarmenischen Geschichte] |
Manczak W. 1987a: |
Rev. of: Gamkrelidze T.V. - Ivanov V.V. 1985a |
Folia Orientalia 24 270-272 |
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Armenian and Indo-European. Historical Phonology |
Mansel A.F. 1958a: |
Ein Basaltkessel aus Side |
Anadolu 3 1-13 |
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Preistorik boyalĭ keramik kültürleri [Les cultures de la céramique peinte préhistorique] |
Belleten 1 657-671 |
Mansel A.M. 1949a: |
Forschungsreisen und Ausgrabungen in der Türkei |
Fasti Archaeologici 2 20 |
Mansel A.M. 1949b: |
Rev. of: Bossert H.Th. - Alkim U.B. 1947a |
Fasti Archaeologici 2 229-230 |
Mansel A.M. 1954a: |
Türkei. Ausgrabungen und Forschungen im Jahre 1954 |
Fasti Archaeologici 9 12-13 |
Mansel A.M. 1956a: |
Türkische Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen in Kleinasien im Jahre 1956 |
Fasti Archaeologici 11 8-9 |
Mansel A.M. 1959a: |
Türkische Entdeckungen und Ausgrabungen im Jahre 1959 |
Fasti Archaeologici 14 8-9 |
Mansel A.M. 1961a: |
Die neuesten Funde und Forschungen in Kleinasien |
7CongrAchClass 293-308 |
Mansion J. 1937a: |
Apropos de la déclinaison du hittite |
Fs Pedersen 480-487 |
Mantel P. 1961a: |
A propos des ordalies suméro hittites et préhelléniques |
RAr 2 1-4 |
Manzelli G. 1981a: |
Per la storia dell'ungherese tolmács, 'interprete' |
Annales Budapest Sectio philologica 12 111-141 |
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Mannus. Zeischrift für Deutsche Vorgeschichte |
Mannus Bibliothek: |
Mannus Bibliothek |
Management of Agricultural Land: |
The Management of Agricultural Land and the Production of Textiles in the Mycenaean and Near Eastern Economies |
Studi egei e vicinorientali 4 |
Manessy Guitton J. 1987a: |
Les noms du roi en hittite |
Gs Dumézil 25-42 |
Manassero N. 2008a: |
Mesopotamia 43 167-168 |
Mancini M. – Turchetta B. 2014a: |
Etnografia della scrittura |
Manuelli F. 2009a: |
Local Imitations and Foreign Imported Goods. Some problems and new questions on Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware in the light of the new excavations of the Southern Step Trench at Yumuktepe/Mersin |
AoF 36 251-267 |
Mangaloğlu-Votruba S. 2015a: |
Liman Tepe during the Late Bronze Age |
NOSTOI 647-668 |
Maner Ç. 2015a: |
When East Meets West: The Social Identity of Western Anatolia |
NOSTOI 835-848 |
Maner Ç. ‒ Horowitz M.T. ‒ Gilbert A.S. 2017a: |
Overturning Certainties in Near Eastern Archaeology. A Festschrift in Honor of K. Aslıhan Yener |
Fs Yener |
Manuelli F. 2016a: |
What Remains when Contact Breaks Off? Survival of Knowledge and Techniques in the Material Culture of the Peripheral Regions of the Hittite Empire after Its Dissolution |
Foietta E. et al. 2016a 26-35 |
Maner Ç. 2017a: |
Searching for Ḫupišna Hittite Remains in Ereğli Kara Höyük and Tont Kalesi |
Alparslan M. 2017a 101-114 |
Manuelli F. 2017a: |
Ḫatti and the East. A Reassessment of the Archaeological Evidence from the Upper Euphrates Region: Places, Spaces and Artifacts |
Alparslan M. 2017a 137-158 |
Maner Ç. 2019c: |
Inside Tarḫuntašša: A Systematic Survey of Karapınar, Konya. The 2017–2018 Field Seasons of the KEYAR Survey Project |
Steadman S.R. − McMahon G. 2019a 205-217 |
Maner Ç. 2019a: |
Crossroads/Kavşaklar. Konya Plain from Prehistory to the Byzantine Period/Prehistorik Çağ'dan Bizans Dönemine Konya Ovası |
Manuelli F. 2020a: |
The Dawn and Demise of Imperial Impact - Tell Atchana vs. Arslantepe in the Framework of the Hittite Expansion and Dissolution |
ANES-S 55 317-341 |
Mangaloğlu-Votruba S. −Yildirim C. 2020a: |
Chemical Characterisation of Mycenaean Pottery from Alalakh via ICP-MS |
ANES-S 55 453-472 |
Maner Ç. 2017b: |
Preliminary report on the forth season of the Konya-Ereğli survey (KEYAR) 2016 |
Anatolia Antiqua 25 95-113 |
Mantzourani E. – Kopanias K. – Voskos J. 2019a: |
A Great King of Alašiya? The archaeological and textual evidence |
Kelder J. − Waal W. 2019a 95-148 |
Mäntylä L. 2016a: |
"Modeled after a Palace of the Land of Hatti": hilani Suites in the Neo-Assyrian Empire |
9 ICAANE - vol. 1 201-212 |
Maner Ç. 2016a: |
Preliminary Report on the Third Season of the Konya-Ereğli Survey (Keyar) 2015 |
Anatolia Antiqua 24 225-252 |
Maner Ç. 2017c: |
From the Konya Plain to the Bolkar Mountains: The 2015-2016 Campaigns of the Keyar Survey Project |
Steadman S.R. − McMahon G. 2017a 347-373 |
Manning S.W. – Bruce M.J. 2009a: |
Tree-Rings, Kings, and Old World
Archaeology and Environment: Papers Presented in Honor of Peter Ian Kuniholm |
Manuelli F. – Mori L. 2016a: |
The King at the Gate”. Monumental Fortifications and the Rise of Local Elites at Arslantepe at the End of the 2nd Millennium BCE |
Origini 39/1 209-241 |
Maner Ç. 2019d: |
"Du sollst für die Ewigkeit bauen!". Untersuchungen zu hethitischen und mykenischen Befestigungen |
Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 338 |
Maner Ç. – Menteş A. 2018a: |
An Attempt of Community Archaeology in İvriz Village: The Role of Archaeological Heritage, During the Process of Rural Regeneration and Heritage Conservation
TÜBA-AR 23 227-240 |
Maner Ç. 2009a: |
Neo-Hittite Helmets and their depictions |
SOMA 2007 254-261 |
Maner Ç. 2020a: |
Preliminary Report on the Seventh Season of Konya Ereğli, Halkapınar and Emirgazi Survey Project (KEYAR) 2019 |
Anatolia Antiqua 28 173-182 |
Manuelli F. 2013b: |
Pottery as an Indicator of Changing Interregional Relations in the Upper Euphrates Valley. The Case of the Late Bronze-Iron Age Assemblages from Arslantepe/Malatya |
Across the Border 373-392 |
Maner Ç. 2020b: |
Form and Function of Ashlar in Middle and Late Bronze Age Anatolia |
Ashlar 147-166 |
Maner Ç. 2019b: |
Networks, Crossroads and Interconnections in the Ereğli Plain During the Bronze and Iron Ages |
Maner Ç. 2019a 83-106 |
Maner Ç. 2017d: |
Fortification architecture of Late Bronze Age Anatolia: where are the borders? |
Baysal E.L. − Karakatsanis L. 2017a 73-84 |
Manuelli F. 2019a: |
From the Margin of the Hittite State to the Capital of the Kingdom of Melid: The Late Bronze and Iron Age Developments at Arslantepe |
Durak N. – Frangipane M. 2019a 157-171 |
Manuelli F. 2019b: |
Carving the memory, altering the past. PUGNUS-mili and the earlier Iron Age rulers at Arslantepe/Malizi (South-Eastern Turkey) |
Fs Strobel 227-241 |
Manuelli F. et al. 2021a: |
The Beginning of the Iron Age at Arslantepe: A 14C Perspective |
Radiocarbon 63 885-903 |
Maner Ç. 2021a: |
Eine bedeutende Salzquelle in Karapınar
Konya – Meke Gölü (Meke Maar) und ein
Gleichsetzungsvorschlag für liki „Salzlecke“
im Staatsvertrag des Kuruntija und
Tutḫalija IV |
AoF 48/2 324-346 |
Maner Ç. – Weeden M. – Alparslan M. 2021a: |
Archäologische Forschungen am Karacadağ
und eine hieroglyphenluwische Inschrift aus
Karaören |
AoF 48/2 347-383 |
Manuelli F. 2020b: |
Contextualizing crisis? Some thoughts on the end of the Bronze Age in the Euphrates region |
Balossi Restelli F. et al. 2020a 599-609 |
Maner Ç. 2021b: |
Preliminary Report on the Eight Season of the Konya Ereğli, Karapınar, Halkapınar and Emirgazi Survey Project (KEYAR) 2020 |
Anatolia Antiqua 29 109-127 |
Manuelli F. 2013a: |
Arslantepe - Late Bronze Age. Hittite Influence and Local Traditions in an Eastern Anatolian Community (with contributions by: L. Bartosiewicz, G. Bozzetti, S. Bököny, A. Buccolieri, R. Laurito, C. Lemorini, C. Mora, A. Serra, G. Siracusano) |
Arslantepe 9 |
Mantellini S. – Pizzimenti S. 2021a: |
Excavations at Karkemish II. The Inner West Gate in Area N |
Maner Ç. 2022a: |
Konya İli, Emirgazi, Karapınar ve Ereğli İlçelerinde Tunç ve Demir Çağları KEYAR 2019 - 2021 Yılı Arazi Çalışmaları |
38/1 AST 309-326 |
Maner Ç. 2023a: |
Kayalıpınar Çalışmaları |
42 KST/2 69-78 |
Maner Ç. 2023b: |
"Ebediyet İçin İnşa Et!" / "You Should Build for Eternity!" |
Yıldırım T. – Önder D. 2023a 253-266 |