8 AST: |
VIII. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı. Ankara, 28 Mayıs-1 Haziran 1990 |
8 KST/1: |
VIII. Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi. Ankara, 26-30 Mayis 1986. Cilt I |
8 Meeting Berkeley Oriental Society: |
Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society |
8CongrArchClass: |
VIIIe Congrès International d'Archéologie Classique, Paris, 3.-13. septembre 1963 |
8CongrJewStud: |
Eighth World Congress of Jewish Studies. Panel sessions Bible Studies and Hebrew Language |
8CongrLing: |
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Linguists |
8TTKongr: |
VIII. Türk Tarih Kongresi, Ankara, 11-15 Ekim 1976. Kongreye Sunulan Bildiriler [Communications Presented to the Concress] |
8HitCongr: |
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Hittitology, Warsaw, September 5–9, 2011 |
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 30 April – 4 May 2012, University of Warsaw, Voll. 1-3