Orlamünde J. 2001a: |
Zur Datierung und historischen Interpretation des hethitischen Orakelprotokolls KUB 5.1+ |
4HitCongr 511-523 |
Orlamünde J. 2001b: |
Überlegungen zum hethitischen KIN-Orakel |
Fs Haas 295-311 |
Orthmann W. 1993a: |
Zur Datierung des Ištar-Reliefs aus Tell 'Ain Dārā |
Fs Neve 245-251 |
Orthmann W. 2002a: |
Die Bildkunst im Übergang von der Großreichszeit zur späthethitischen Periode |
Die nahöstlichen Kulturen 153-159 |
Orthmann W. 2002b: |
Kontinuität und neue Einflüsse. Die Entwicklung der späthethitischen Kunst zwischen 1200 und 700 v. Chr. |
Hethiter 274-279 |
Orthmann W. 2002c: |
Die aramäisch-assyrische Stadt Guzana. Ein Rückblick auf die Ausgrabungen Max von Oppenheims in Tell Halaf |
von Oppenheim-Stiftung 15 |
Orthmann W. 2003-2004a: |
Rev. of: Çambel H. - Özyar A. 2003a |
AfO 50 466-470 |
Orthmann W. 2004b: |
Die Außenwirkung auf Assyrien, Urartu and Phrygien - Zusammenfassung und Ausblick |
Späthethitischer Kulturraum 459-463 |
OrA: |
Orient-Archäologie |
Orbis supp: |
Orbis / Supplementa. Monographies publiées par le Centre international de Dialectologie générale (Louvain) |
Origins of Wine: |
The Origins and Ancient History of Wine |
Orpheus: |
Orpheus. Journal of Indo-European and Thracian Studies |
Orlin L.L. 1970a: |
Assyrian Colonies in Cappadocia |
Studies in Ancient History 1 |
Ormann G. 1934a: |
Rev. of: Semper M. 1930a |
ZfE 65 150-151 |
Ort-Geuthner G. 1940a: |
Le déchiffrement par M. Hrozný des hiéroglyphes proto-indiens |
Syria 21 241-246 |
Orthmann W. 1962a: |
Beobachtungen an dem Hüyük in Eskiyapar |
IM 12 1-10 |
Orthmann W. 1963a: |
Die Keramik der Frühen Bronzezeit aus Inneranatolien |
IstFor 24 |
Orthmann W. 1963b: |
Frühe Keramik von Boğazköy aus den Ausgrabungen am Nordwesthang von Büyükkale |
WVDOG 74; Boğazköy-Ḫattuša 3 |
Orthmann W. 1964-1965a: |
Zu den Ausgrabungen in Tell Ain Dara |
ArAnz 1964 137-143 |
Orthmann W. 1964-1965b: |
Ein Brandgräberfeld hethitischer Zeit bei Ilica |
ArAnz 1964 321-331 |
Orthmann W. 1964a: |
Rev. of: Akurgal E. 1961a |
OLZ 59 468-471 |
Orthmann W. 1964b: |
Rev. of: Lloyd S. - Mellaart J. 1962a |
BJV 4 240-245 |
Orthmann W. 1965a: |
Hethitische Götterbilder |
Fs A. Moortgat 221-229 |
Orthmann W. 1966a: |
Ausgrabungen und Forschungsreisen |
AfO 21 167-183 |
Orthmann W. 1966b: |
Untersuchungen auf dem Asarcik Hüyük bei IIica |
IM 16 27-88 |
Orthmann W. 1967a: |
Das Gräberfeld bei llica |
Orthmann W. 1968-1969a: |
Ausgrabungen und Forschungsreisen [1964-1967] |
AfO 22 139-146 |
Orthmann W. 1970a: |
Ausgrabungen und Forschungsreisen [1968] |
AfO 23 156-160 |
Orthmann W. 1971a: |
Untersuchungen zur späthethitischen Kunst |
SAB 8 |
Orthmann W. 1972a: |
Rev. of: Alp S. 1968a |
ZA 62 142-145 |
Orthmann W. 1972b: |
Tanınmıyan Iki Geç Hitit Eseri |
7TTKongr 74-79 |
Orthmann W. 1973a: |
Ausgrabungen und Forschungsreisen [1969-1971] |
AfO 24 192-193 |
Orthmann W. 1974-1977a: |
Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Anatolien |
AfO 25 265-279 |
Orthmann W. 1974a: |
Der Löwe von Zilfe |
Fs Güterbock 239-243 |
Orthmann W. 1975a: |
Der alte Orient. Mit Beiträgen von Amiet P., Boehmer R.M., Börker-Klähn I., Boese J., Hansen D.P., Heinrich E., Hiesel G., Karageorghis V., Loon M.N. van, Matthiae P., Porada E., Schirmer W., Seidl U. |
PropKunst 14 |
Orthmann W. 1979a: |
Rev. of: Bittel K. 1976e |
Gnomon 51 803-805 |
Orthmann W. 1980a: |
Rev. of: Bittel K. 1976c |
WZKM 72 204-207 |
Orthmann W. 1981a: |
Rev. of: Genge H. 1979a |
BiOr 38 438-443 |
Orthmann W. 1983a: |
Zum Relief Nr. 81 in Yazilikaya |
Fs Bittel 427-431 |
Ortolani M. 1962a: |
Osservazioni sui tipi dell'insediamento umano nell'Anatolia centrale |
RGI 69 213-238 |
Or NS: |
Orientalia. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. Nova Series |
Orbis: |
Orbis. Bulletin international de documentation linguistique |
Orbis Antiquus: |
Orbis Antiquus |
Orbis pictus: |
Orbis pictus |
Oriens: |
Oriens. Journal of the International Society for Oriental Research |
Oriens Antiquus Dissertationes: |
Oriens Antiquus. Dissertationes sociorum Societatis Hungaricae ad antiquitates Asiae Anterioris inquirendas. A Magyar Keleti Társaság Kiadvanyai |
Acta Societatis Hungaricae Orientalis 9 |
Oriens Christianus: |
Oriens Christianus |
Oriens Extremus: |
Oriens Extremus |
Orient: |
Orient: The Reports of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan |
Oriental literary digest: |
Oriental literary digest |
Oriental Studies in Independent Poland: |
Oriental Studies in the Sixty Years of lndependent Poland |
Orientalia: |
Orientalia. Commentarii de rebus Assyro-Babylonicis, Arabicis, Aegyptiacis etc. editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico |
Orientalia Christiana Periodica: |
Orientalia Christiana Periodica. Commentaria de re orientali aetatis christianae sacra et profana |
Orientalia J. Duchesne-Guillemin: |
Orientalia J. Duchesne-Guillemin emerito oblata |
Orientalia Pragensia: |
Orientalia Pragensia |
Orientalia Suecana: |
Orientalia Suecana |
Orientalia Varsoviensia 1: |
Orientalia Varsoviensia, 1: Papers on Asia Past and Present |
Orientalisch-ägäische Einflüsse: |
Orientalisch-ägäische Einflüsse in der europäischen Bronzezeit |
Monographien RGZM |
Orientalism and History: |
Orientalism and History |
Orientalistika: |
Orientalistika |
OrientArchiv: |
Orient. Archiv. |
Oriente Moderno: |
Oriente Moderno |
Oriento-gaku ronshû: |
Oriento-gaku ronshû (Collected papers for the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan) |
Origin and History of Hebrew Law: |
The Origin and History of Hebrew Law |
Origines orientaIes de l'art: |
Origines orientaIes de l'art |
Origins of Civilization: |
The Origins of Civilization Wolfson College Lectures 1978 |
Orion: |
Orion. Sbornik posvjascennyj 80-letiju akademika A.G.Sanidze |
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Asaği Firat Projesi Yayınlari / Middle East Technical University Lower Euphrates Project Publications: |
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Asaği Firat Projesi Yayınlari / Middle East Technical University Lower Euphrates Project Publications |
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Keban Projesi Yayinlari / Middle East Technical University, Keban project publications series: |
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Keban Projesi Yayinlari / Middle East Technical University, Keban project publications series |
Or: |
Rev. of: |
Or NS |
Oracles and Divination: |
Rev. of: |
Divination and Oracles |
OrS: |
Rev. of: |
Orientalia Suecana |
Orthmann W. 2008a: |
Die Ausgrabungen der letzten 50 Jahre in Hattuša und die Geschichte der hethitischen Kunst
CDOG 6 15-33 |
Orhun M. 2009a: |
Hititler’de Karaciğer Falı, Kuş Uçuşu Falı ve Bunların Etrüskler’deki Uzantısı / The Fortune-Telling of Liver, Bird-Flying in Hittites and Their Tracks on Etruscans
Akademik Bakış 3 231-250 |
Orte der Herrschaft: |
Orte der Herrschaft; Charakteristika von antiken Machtzentren
(Menschen-Kulturen-Traditionen: ForschungsCluster 3, Bd. 3) |
Oreshko R. 2013a: |
Hieroglyphic Inscriptions of Western Anatolia: Long Arm of the Empire or Vernacular Tradition(s)? |
Luwian Identities 345-420 |
Orlin L.L. 2007a: |
Life and thought in the ancient Near East |
Orthmann W. – Matthiae P. – al-Maqdissi M. 2013a: |
Archéologie et Histoire de la Syrie I: La Syrie de 1'époque néolithique a l'âge du fer
Orthmann W. 2013a: |
The Neo-Hittite Period in Northern Syria: Stratigraphy and Architecture |
Orthmann W. − Matthiae P. − al-Maqdissi M. 2013a 499-510 |
Orthmann W. 2013b: |
Stone Sculpture of the Iron Age in Northern Syria |
Orthmann W. − Matthiae P. − al-Maqdissi M. 2013a 525-542 |
Orpheus 8: |
V.I. Georgiev Memorial Volume |
Oreshko R. 2014a: |
The Strange Case of Dr. FRATER and Mr. DOMINUS: a Re-Consideration of the Evidence concerning Luvian nani- |
8HitCongr 614-631 |
Oreshko R. 2017a: |
Hartapu and the Land of Maša. A New Look at the KIZILDAĞ-KARADAĞ Group |
AoF 44/1 47-67 |
Oreshko R. 2016a: |
New readings in the Hieroglyphic-Luwian inscriptions of BURUNKAYA and KIZILDAĞ 4 |
Kadmos 55 (1/2) 1-16 |
Orthmann W. – Matthiae P. – al-Maqdissi M. 2013a: |
Archéologie et Histoire de la Syrie I. La Syrie de l'époque néolithique à l'âge du fer |
SVA 1.1 |
Orthmann W. – Matthiae P. – al-Maqdissi M. 2013a: |
Archéologie et Histoire de la Syrie I. La Syrie de l'époque néolithique à l'âge du fer |
SVA 1.1 |
Oreshko R. 2018a: |
Ahhiyawa - Danu(na). Aegean ethnic groups in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Light of Old and New Hieroglyphic-Luwian Evidence |
PHILIPPIKA 118 23-56 |
Orsi V. 2020a: |
The Transition from the Bronze to the Iron Age at Uşaklı Höyük: The Ceramic Sequence |
Martino S. de − Devecchi E. 2020a 271-316 |
Oreshko R. 2020a: |
The Last Foothold of Arzawa: The Location of Puranda and Mount Arinnanda Revisited |
Hrozný and Hittite 544-570 |
Oreshko R. 2019a: |
Geography of the Western Fringes; Gar(a)giša/Gargiya and the Lands of the Late Bronze Age Caria |
Karia Arkhaia 139-190 |
Oreshko R. 2019b: |
Luwian word for ‘place, plot of land’ and Lycian alaha-, aladehal(i), *aladehxxa- and miñti- |
MSS 73/1 81-120 |
Or NS 73: |
Studi di Ittitologia in onore di Onofrio Carruba |
Or NS 73 |
Oreshko R. 2017b: |
Rev. of: Payne A. − Wintjes J. 2016a |
BSOAS 80 124-126 |
Oriental and European Archaeology. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften - Philosophisch-historische Klasse |
Oreshko R. 2020b: |
Ethnic Groups and Language Contact in Lycia (I): the ‘Maritime Interface’ |
JLR 18/1-2 13-40 |
Orthmann W. 1984a: |
Keramik aus den ältesten Schichten von Büyükkale |
WVDOG 74; Boğazköy-Ḫattuša 6 9-62 |
ORA: |
Orientalische Religionen in der Antike. Ägypten, Israel, Alter Orient/Oriental Religions in Antiquity. Egypt, Israel, Ancient Near East |
Orient 2020a: |
ORIENT. Journal of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 2020/55. Special Issue: Royal Ideology, Cult and Administration in the Ancient Near East and the Bible |
Orient 55 |
Orsi V. 2018a: |
Reading the Late Bronze Age ceramic evidence at Uşaklı Höyük (Central Turkey). The pottery from the Area A test sounding |
Anatolica 44 179-211 |
Oreshko R. 2020c: |
The onager kings of Anatolia: Hartapus, Gordis, Muška and the steppe strand in early Phrygian culture |
Kadmos 59 77-128 |
Oreshko R. 2021a: |
In Search of the Holy Cube Roots: Kubaba—Kubeleya—Κύβεβος—Kufaws and the Problem of Ethnocultural Contact in Early Iron Age Anatolia |
Bianconi M. 2021a 131-166 |
Oreshko R. 2019c: |
Phonetic value of Lydian letter revisited and development of PIE dentals in Lydian |
Wékwos 4 191-262 |
Ortega Balanza M. 2014a: |
Propietarios de cuerpos femeninos. Las mujeres en las leyes hititas |
Historiae 14 49-71 |
Oreshko R. 2021b: |
Observations on the Xanthos Trilingual: Syntactic Structure of TL 44a, 41‒55 and the Lycian Terminology of Art and War |
HAR 2/1 95–144 |
Oreshko R. 2019d: |
Swampy places in ÇİNEKÖY and KARATEPE |
HS 132 225-245 |
Oreshko R. 2022a: |
The rare letters of the Phrygian alphabet revisited |
Steele Ph.M. – Boyes Ph.J. 2022a 145-166 |
Oren E.O. 2000a: |
The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment, Philadelphia 2000 |
University Museum Monograph 108 |
Orsi V. – Volante N. – D'Agostino A. 2023a: |
Il piatto è servito. Il pane nel mondo ittita e il caso dei grandi piatti da cottura |
Bollettino di Archeologia on line 14 2023,2 75-102 |
Oreshko R. 2023a: |
Where All the Killed Dragons Graze: Luw. āla/i- wiluš(a)-, Ἠλύσιος λειμών and the PIE Concept of the Netherworld |
Massetti L. 2023a 229-255 |
Orsi V. 2022a: |
Excavations at Tilmen Höyük I. The Fortification System in the Lower Town |
Oriens Lab Series Maior 7 |
Oreshko R. 2023b: |
Ambassador, Doctor and Regent Famed in Babylon: Observations on the Hieroglyphic-
Luwian Logogram for “Babylon” and the Illustrious Career of Yarris of Karkemish |
FsKosyan 231-252 |
Oreshko R. 2021c: |
Phrygians in Disguise: Onomastic Evidence for Phrygian-Anatolian Ethnocultural Contact in Hieroglyphic-Luwian inscription PORSUK and elsewhere |
RANT 18 283-316 |