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unter Mitarbeit von Natalia Bolatti-GuzzoAndrea Intilia, Alvise Matessi & Marco De Pietri |
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Luraghi S. 1993c: | La modificazione nominale nelle lingue anatoliche | AGI 78 144ff. |
Luraghi S. 1993a: | Le lingue anatoliche | Le lingue indoeuropee 194-224 |
Luraghi S. 1996a: | Processi di grammaticalizzazione in ittita | AGI 81 45ff. |
Luraghi S. 1997a: | Hittite | LotW/M 114 |
Luraghi S. 1998a: | The Anatolian Languages | Indo-European Languages 169-196 |
Luraghi S. 1998b: | The Grammaticalization of the Left Sentence Boundary in Hittite | Limits of Grammaticalization 189-210 |
Luraghi S. 2001a: | The development of local particles and adverbs in Anatolian as a grammaticalization process) | Diachronica 18 31-54 |
Luraghi S. 1986a: | Der semantische und funktionelle Bau des althethitischen Kasussystems | ZVS 99 23-42 |
Luraghi S. 1990a: | Old Hittite Sentence Structure | |
Luraghi S. 1992a: | I verbi derivati in -nu e il loro valore causativo | Per una grammatica ittita 153-180 |
Luraghi, Old Hittite: | Rev. of: | Luraghi S. 1990a |
Luraghi S. 2008a: | Possessive Constructions in Anatolian, Hurrian, Urartian and Armenian as Evidence for Language Contact | Anatolian Interfaces 143-151 |
Luraghi S. 2009a: | Indo-European Nominal Classification: From Abstract to Feminine | 20 UCLA IE Conf 115-131 |
Luraghi S. 2010a: | Experiencer Predicates in Hittite | Fs Melchert, 249-263 |
Luraghi S. 2010b: | Transitivity, intransitivity and diathesis in Hittite | Indoevropejskoe Jazykoznanie i klassičeskaja filologija 14 133-154 |
Luraghi S. 1990b: | The structure and development of possessive noun phrases in Hittite | Andersen H. − Koerner K. 1990a 309-325 |
Luraghi S. 1993b: | Verb serialization and word order. Evidence from Hittite | Aertsen H. − Jeffers R. 1993a 267-281 |
Luraghi S. 1998c: | I verbi ausiliari in ittita | Fs Ramat 299-322 |
Luraghi S. 2010c: | Linguistique historique et indoeuropéenne | |
Luraghi S. 2009b: | The origin of the feminine gender in Indo-European. An old problem in a new perspective | Bubenik V. − Hewson J. − Rose S. 2009a 3-13 |
Luraghi S. 2001b: | Some remarks on Instrument, Comitative, and Agent in Indo-European | Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 54/4 385-401 |
Luraghi S. 2005a: | Hittite | Encyclopedia of Linguistics 467-470 |
Luraghi S. – Inglese G. 2018a: | Trends in the development of sentence connectives in Hittite: Evidence from subordination | Rieken E. − Geupel U. − Roth Th.M. 2018a 259-274 |
Luraghi S. 2017a: | The syntax of Anatolian: The simple sentence | Klein J. et al. 2017a 274–291, Ch. IV.22. |
Luraghi S. 2012a: | Basic valency orientation and the middle voice in Hittite | Studies in Language 36 1-32 |
Luraghi S. 2020a: | From verb to New Event Marker. A new look at the Hittite pai- and uwa- constructions | Studies in Language 44 788-811 |
Luraghi S. 2015a: | Instrument and Cause in the Indo-European languages and in Proto-Indo-European | Indoevropejskoe Jazykoznanie i klassičeskaja filologija 19 603-618 |
Luraghi S. 2020b: | External Possessor Constructions in Indo-European | Barðdal J. − Gildea S. − Luján E.R. 2020a 162-196 |