= Baranowski K.J., The Woman with Spindles in the Luwian-Phoenician Inscriptions from Karatepe, in: Folia Orientalia 55 11-19. [DOI: 10.24425/for.2018.124676 (direct link: https://journals.pan.pl/dlibra/publication/124676/edition/108800/content/folia-orientalia-the-woman-with-spindles-in-the-luwian-phoenician-inscriptions-from-karatepe-baranowski-krzysztof-j-2018-vol-lv?language=en). (Abstract: The Karatepe inscriptions contain an intriguing image of a woman walking fearlessly
with spindles. This image builds on the symbolism of the spindle in the ancient Near
East as an emblem of femininity and highlights the gendered language of the passage
in which it occurs. In the context, the figure of the woman with spindles is contraposed
with the image of the fearful man. The contrast between them portrays the magnitude
of the positive changes accomplished by Azitawada, the ruler who commissioned the
inscriptions)] Neue Abfrage | New Search