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Andrea Intilia, Alvise Matessi & Marco De Pietri


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172 Hits
Radner K. 2002a: Zu den frühesten lydischen Munzprägungen aus der Sicht Assyriens Brückenland Anatolien? 45-57
Radner K. 2004a: Pargâ (Bargâ) RlA 10 336-337
Radt H. 1993a: Anatolien 1: Ankara und Hattuscha, Kappadokien, Konya, Phrygien. Eine Reise durch das Zentrum der Türkei
Raggi M.S. 1994a: Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. - Hoffner H.A. 1989a OAM 1 135-139
Raimond E. 2002a: Tlos, un centre de pouvoir politique et réligieux de l'âge du Bronze au IVe s. av. J.-C. Anatolia Antiqua/Eski Anadolu 10 113-129
Raimond E. 2002b: Patara - Un foyer religieux aux Ier et IIe millénaires a.C. Hethitica 15 195-215
Raimond E. 2004a: La problématique lukkienne CollAn 3 93-146
Raimond E. 2004b: Quelques cultes des confins de la Lycie Fs Lebrun 2 293-314
Rainey A.F. 1999a: Rev. of: Edel E. 1997a BiOr 56 698-699
Ramaekers Hue M.-C. 2005a: Les lapicides du Tabal RANT 2 439-448
Rasmussen J.E. 1992a: Initial H₃ in Anatolian: A Vote for Chaos CWPL 2 53ff.
Rasmussen J.E. 2001a: From the Realm of Anatolian Verbal Stem Formation. Problems of Reduplication Anatolisch und Indogermanisch 355ff.
Raulwing P. 1999a: Neure Forschungen zum Kikkuli-Text. Eine kleine Bestandsaufnahme trainingsinhaltlicher Interpretationen zu CTH 284 vier Jahrzehnte nach A. Kammenhubers Hippologia hethitica Fs Meid 351ff.
Raulwing P. 2000a: Horses, Chariots and Indo-Europeans. Foundations and methods of Chariotry Research from the Viewpoint of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics
RAL s. 9: Rev. of:
Rabin Ch. 1963a: Hittite Words in Hebrew Or NS 32 113-139
Rachet G. 1987a: L'arrivée des Indo-Européens en Grèce et en Asie Antérieure Archaeologia Moldovei 11 51-63
Raczky P. 1981a: Rev. of: Mellaart J. 1978a Acta Archaeologica Hungarica 33 403-404
Radermakers J. 1965a: Rev. of: Akurgal E. 1961a Nouvelle revue théologique 87 75 1-752
Radet G. 1893a: La Lydie et le monde grec au temps des Mermnades (687-546)
Radet G. 1895a: En Phrygie. Rapport sur une mission scientifique en Asie Mineure (Août-Septembre 1893) NAMSL 6 425-594
Radet G. 1909a: Cybébé. Etude sur les transformations plastiques d'un type divin
Radet G. 1930b: Rev. of: Cavaignac E. 1929a REAn 32 62-63
Radet G. 1930c: Rev. of: Contenau G. 1927-1928a REAn 32 85
Radet G. 1930d: Rev. of: Dussaud R. 1930a REAn 32 279-280
Radet G. 1931a: Rev. of: Contenau G. - Chapot V. 1930a REAn 33 285-286
Radet G. 1938a: Rev. of: Delaporte L. et al. 1937a REAn 40 97
Radet G. 1938b: Rev. of: Delaporte L. 1938a REAn 40 445-446
Radet P. 1886a: Voyage en Karamanie
Radet P. 1891a: Notes de géographie ancienne BCH 15 3-4, 373-380
Raffaeli S. 1922a: A supposed Hittite deity PEQ 179
Raggi M.S. 1988a: Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. - Hoffner H.A. 1986a OA 27 309-315
Railton P. 1933a: Some Remains of the Ancient Near East JMEOS 18 55-59
Rainey A.F. 1969a: ["The King's Son" at Ugarit and among the Hittites] Lešonénu 33 304-308 (hebr.)
Rainey A.F. 1970a: EI Amama Tablets 357-379. Supplement to J.A. Knudtzon, Die EI-Amama-Tafeln AOAT 8
Rainey A.F. 1973a: Reflections on the Battle of Qedesh UF 5 280-282
Rainey A.F. 1973b: Gleanings from Ugarit IOS 3 34-62
Rainey A.F. 1974a: EI-Amama Notes UF 6 295-312
Rainey A.F. 1975a: More Gleanings from Ugarit IOS 5 18-31
Rainey A.F. 1987a: Rev. of: Loretz O. 1984a JAOS 107 539-541
Raison J. 1961a: Rev. of: Fs Sundwall Kratylos 6 127-136
Raison J. 1969a: Rev. of: Studia mycenaea REG 82 157-161
Raj T. 1981a: Rev. of: Haas V. 1978b Magyar Nemzet 4
Rajec E.M. 1986a: Rev. of: Zgusta L. 1984a Names 34 110-112
Ralegh Radford C.A. 1964a: Rev. of: NAture 4916 225-226
Ralph E.K. – Stuckenrath R. 1962a: University of Pennsylvania Radiocarbon Dates 5 Radiocarbon 4 144-159
Raman C.F.J. 1973a: The Old Hittite Relative Construction Dissertation, The University of Texas, 1973
Raman C.J. 1972a: Hittite Relative Construction 47LingSocAmMeet 102-103
Ramat P. 1963a: I problemi dalla radice indoeuropea *bhag- AION 5 33-57
Ramisvili P.R. 1985a: "Kappadokijskie" juridičeskie dokumenty o kuple-prodaže rabov i rabyn' [Die "kappadokischen" Kaufurkunden betreffend Sklaven und Sklavinnen] Archeologiceskie izyskanija 160-170
Ramlot L. 1962a: Rev. of: Doblhofer E. 1959a Bible et vie chrétienne 46 80-83
Ramlot L. 1962b: Rev. of: Février J.G. 1948a Bible et vie chrétienne 46 84
Ramlot L. 1962c: Rev. of: Bible et vie chrétienne 46 84-87
Ramlot M.-I. 1962d: Rev. of: Oppenheim A.L. 1959a Revue Thomiste 62 598-600
Ramlot M.L. 1965a: Rev. of: McCarthy D.J. 1963a Revue Thomiste 65 120-122
Ramsay W.M. – Bell G.L. 1909a: The Thousand and one churches
Ramsay W.M. – Hogarth D.G. 1890a: Notes from Pisidia Athenaeum 136
Ramsay W.M. – Hogarth D.G. 1891a: Notes from Asia Minor Athenaeum 233; 265; 327; 361; 423
Ramsay W.M. – Hogarth D.G. 1892a: Pre-Hellenic monuments of Cappadocia RecTrav 14 74-94
Ramsay W.M. – Hogarth D.G. 1893a: Pre-Hellenic monuments of Cappadocia RecTrav 15 89-97
Ramsay W.M. 1882a: Phrygian notes BezzBeitr 14 308-3112
Ramsay W.M. 1882a: Studies in Asia Minor JHS 3 1-68, 256-263
Ramsay W.M. 1883a: (Sur l'inscription de Tyana) BulAcInsc
Ramsay W.M. 1883a: Some recent researches in Asia Minor Academy 102-103
Ramsay W.M. 1883b: The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia JHS 4 370-436
Ramsay W.M. 1889b: A study of Phrygian Art (continued) JHS 10 147-189
Ramsay W.M. 1885a: Bas-relief of Ibriz ArchZeit 203-208
Ramsay W.M. 1885a: Syro-cappadocian monuments in Asia Minor MDAIA 14 176-191
Ramsay W.M. 1885b: Notes from Cappadocia Athenaeum 518
Ramsay W.M. 1885b: On the early historical relations between Phrygia and Cappadocia JRAS
Ramsay W.M. 1887a: The historical geography of Asia Minor
Ramsay W.M. 1887a: Antiquities of southern Phrygia and the borderlands AJA 3 344-368
Ramsay W.M. 1887b: The cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, being an essay of the locaI history of Phrygia from the earIiest times to theTurkish conquest
Ramsay W.M. 1887b: The cities and bishoprics of Phrygia. Part II JHS 8 461-519
Ramsay W.M. 1888a: A Study of Phrygian Art JHS 9 350-382
Ramsay W.M. 1888a: The cities and bishoprics etc. 2
Ramsay W.M. 1888b: Through the Cilician gates to Tarsus Travel 2 494-498
Ramsay W.M. 1888b: Antiquities of Southern Phrygia, etc. AJA 4 7-27, 263, 320
Ramsay W.M. 1899a: Some recent works on Asia Minor ClR 13 136-144
Ramsay W.M. 1902a: Exploration in Tarsus and the vicinity Athenaeum 761-766
Ramsay W.M. 1902b: The geographical conditions determining history and religion in Asia Minor GeogJourn 20 257-282
Ramsay W.M. 1903a: CiIicia, Tarsus, and the great Taurus pass GeogJourn 22 357-413
Ramsay W.M. 1903b: Tharsus and the pass of the CiIician gates Athenaeum 2 164-166
Ramsay W.M. 1906a: Tarsus Expositor 7/1-2 258-277, 353-379, 453-470; 29-47, 135-160, 268-288, 365-384
Ramsay W.M. 1906b: The peasant-god; the destruction and the restoration of Agriculture in Asia Minor ContRev 100 788-800
Ramsay W.M. 1907a: The cities of St Paul, their influence on his life and thought. The cities of Eastern Asia Minor
Ramsay W.M. 1908a: Luke the Physician and other studies in the history of religion
Ramsay W.M. 1909a: Two notes on religions antiquities in Asia Minor 64-66
Ramsay W.M. 1926a: Specimens of Anatolian Words Oriens 1 1-7
Ramsay W.M. 1927a: Asianic Elements in Greek Civilization. Gifford lectures in the University of Edinburg, 1915-16
Ramsay W.M. 1928a: Res Anatolicae Klio 22 369-383
Ramsay W.M. 1929a: Res Anatolicae. III. Ecce iterum Pisidia Klio 23 239-255
Randa A. 1954a: Handbuch der Weltgeschichte 1
Ranke H. 1910a: Keilschriftliches Material zur altägyptischen Vokalisation AbhPreussAkWiss
Ranke H. 1916a: Wer waren die Hethiter? Tag
Ranke H. 1916b: Rev. of: Hrozný B. 1915a Tag
Ranke H. 1920a: Keilschriftliches ZÄS 56 69-75
Ranke H. 1922a: Keilschriftliches ZÄS 58 132-138
Ranke H. 1923a: Einige neue keilschriftliche Umschreibungen ägyptischer Worte und Eigennamen AfK 1 93
Ranke H. 1937a: Keilschriftliches ZÄS 73 90-93
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Ranoszek R. 1934c: Rev. of: Sturtevant E.H. 1931a IF 52 165-168
Ranoszek R. 1936a: Rev. of: Gelb I.J. 1935b ROr 11 220-221
Ranoszek R. 1938a: Religia Asyro-Babilońska i Hetycka [Assyrisch-babylonische und hethitische Religion] In Religie Wschodu 307-360
Ranoszek R. 1938b: Rev. of: Furlani G. 1936a OLZ 41 428-430
Ranoszek R. 1938c: Rev. of: Delaporte L. 1936a OLZ 41 531-534
Ranoszek R. 1938d: Rev. of: Sommer F. 1932a IF 56 38-39
Ranoszek R. 1938e: Rev. of: Sommer F. 1934a IF 56 39-41
Ranoszek R. 1938f: Rev. of: Goetze A. 1936a IF 56 41-42
Ranoszek R. 1939a: Der Vertrag des Chattikönigs Arnuwandasch mit Vertretern des Landes Ischmirika Sprawozdania z posiedzeń Towarzystwa naukowego Warszawskiego 32 25-30
Ranoszek R. 1947a: Jak powstala hetytologia? [Wie ist die Hethitologie entstanden?] Meander 2 258-261
Ranoszek R. 1948a: Rev. of: Goetze A. 1940a Przegląd Historyczny 38 419-420
Ranoszek R. 1949a: Rev. of: Hrozný B. 1947a; Schachermeyr F. 1944a Przegląd Historyczny 39 15-17
Ranoszek R. 1950a: Apropos de KUB XXIII 1 ArOr 18 236-242
Ranoszek R. 1952a: Uwagi wstepne o odkryciach na Karatepe [Zu den Entdeckungen auf Karatepe] Rozprawy 97-108, 148-149
Ranovič A. 1946a: Rev. of: Struve V.V. 1941a VDI 15 178-182
Ransome H.M. 1937a: The Sacred Bee Ancient Times and Folklore
Raoul-Rochette 1848a: Mémoire sur I'Hercule phénicien et assyrien MémAcIns 17
Rapollo U. 1976a: Influssi anatolici sulla grammatica di Ipponatte Studi italiani di filologia classica 48 200-243
Rashid S.A. 1972a: Rev. of: Hrouda B. 1971a Sumer 28 81-83
Rasmussen J.E. 1985a: Miscellaneous Morphological Problems in Indo-European Languages Lingua Posnaniensis 28 27-37
Rasulova M.M. – Jusifov J.B. 1982a: Rev. of: Kuziščin V.I. 1979a VDl 160 175-178
RA: Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie orientale
RAA: Revue des arts asiatiques
Radiocarbon: Radiocarbon
Raggi: Raggi. Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie
RAI 34 Abstracts: XXXIV. Uluslararası Assiriyoloji Kongresi / XXXIVème Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. 6-10/VII/1987 - Istanbul
RAIGBI Occasional papers: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Occasional papers
RAr: Revue Archéologique
RAS: Revue Archéologique Syrienne
Ras Shamra-Ougarit: Ras Shamra-Ougarit
Rasse: Rasse
Razpravi pravnega razreda: Razpravi pravnega razreda
Razvivajuščiesja strany v mirovoj politike: Razvivajuščiesja strany v mirovoj politike
RAI: Rev. of: CRRAI
Raimond E. 2006a: Les cultes de montagnes dans le monde louvite RANT 3 291-298
RANT: Res Antiquae
Raimond E. 2005a: Etude philologique des inscriptions lyciennes / 1 – Tlôs CollAn 4 155-180
Raggi Braglia M.S. 1989a: IE. *per- “volare” nelle lingue anatoliche OA 28 201-211
Ragot P. 2010a: Rev. of: CDOG 6 BSL 105 213-222
Raimond E. 2009a: Questions de religion lycienne AOB 22 209-224
Rasmussen J.E. 2007a: A Reflex of *H1 in Hieroglyphic Luwian? 18 UCLA IEConf 161-167
Ragavan D. 2010a: Cuneiform Texts and Fragments in the Harvard Art Museum / Arthur M. Sackler Museum CDLJ 2010: 1
Radner K. 2005a: Kubaba und die Fische. Bemerkungen zur Herrin von Karkemiš Fs Schretter 543-556
Rasmussen J.E. 2010a: Some Debated Hittite Verbs: Marginalia to Recent Scholarship 21 UCLA IEConf 223-230
Raaflaub K.A. 2014a: Thinking, Recording, and Writing History in the Ancient World
Raulwing P. 2004a : Indogermanen, Indoarier und maryannu in der Streitwagenforschung. Eine rezeptions- und wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Spurenlese Fansa M. − Burmeister S. 2004a 515-531
Raulwing P. 2005a: The Kikkuli Text (CTH 284). Some interdisciplinary remarks on Hittite Training Texts for chariot horses in the second half of the 2nd millennium B.C. Gardeisen A. 2005a 61–75
Raulwing P. – Meyer H. 2004a: Der Kikkuli-Text. Hippologische und methodenkritische Überlegungen zum Training von Streitwagenpferden im Alten Orient Fansa M. − Burmeister S. 2004a 491-506
Raulwing P. – Schmitt R. 1998a: Zur etymologischen Beurteilung der Berufsbezeichnung aššuššanni des Pferdetrainers Kikkuli von Mittani Gs Bökönyi 675-706
Raumkonzeptionen in antiken Religionen: Raumkonzeptionen in antiken Religionen. Beiträge des internationalen Symposiums in Göttingen, 28. und 29. Juni 2012 PHILIPPIKA 69
Rašín O. 2015a: Stručná historie muzea v Lysé nad Labem / Brief History of the Museum in Lysá nad Labem Velhartická Š. 2015b 233-239
Ramazzotti M. 2010a: Archeologia e semiotica. Linguaggi, codici, logiche e modelli Nuova Cultura 224
Rahmstorf L. 2018a: Ökonomische Integration durch Gewichtsnutzung im bronzezeitlichen Anatolien Anatolian Metal 8 195-204
Ras Shamra-Ougarit 26: Archéologie, patrimoine et archives, Les fouilles anciennes à Ras Shamra et à Minet el-Beida, II Ras Shamra-Ougarit 26
Ragazzoli C. et al. 2018a: Scribbling through History. Graffiti, Places and People from Antiquity to Modernity
Raimond E. 2017a: Fonctions du dieu de l’Orage , hypostases et cultes locaux en Anatolie méridionale au Ier millénaire av. J.-C. : dieu-taureau puissant et fertile et dieu-cheval de l’éclair ? Lebrun R. − Van Quickelberghe E. 2017a 41-55
Raimond E. 2019a: Le symbolisme du nombre Neuf dans des mythes et rituels anciens RANT 16 259-270
Radner K. – Vacek A. 2020a: The Site of al-Mina Horst C. 2020a 107-194
Rahmstorf L. 2016a : Die Rahmenbedingungen des bronzezeitlichen Handels in Europa und im Alten Orient einschliesslich Ägyptens Prähistorische Bronzefunde Abt. 20 Bd. 14 291-310
Raggetti L. 2021a: Traces of Ink. Experiences of Philology and Replication Nuncius Series 7
Rainey A.F. 1996: Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets. A Linguistic Analysis of the Mixed Dialect Used by the Scribes from Canaan. Vols. 1-4 HdO I 25
Rainey A.F. 2015a: The El-Amarna Correspondence. A New Edition of the Cuneiform Letters from the Site of El- Amarna Based on Collations of All Extant Tablets. 2 vols. HdO I 110
Rainville L. 2003a: Rev. of: Yakar J. 2000a JESHO 46/2 237-239
Ray J.D. 1995a: Soldiers to Pharaoh: The Carians of Southwest Anatolia CANE 1185-1194
Radner K. – Moeller N. – Potts D.T. 2022a: The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East. Volume III: From the Hyksos to the Late Second Millennium BC
Rashkow I. 2023a: Azazel: The Scapegoat in the Bible and Ancient Near East Jewish Bible Quarterly 51/2 85-89
Radner K. – Moeller N. – Potts D.T. 2023b: The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East. Volume V: The Age of Persia
Radner K. – Moeller N. – Potts D.T. 2023a: The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East. Volume IV: The Age of Assyria
Raulwing P. et al. 2023a : Chariots in Antiquity. Essays in Honour of Joost Crouwel BAR S 3159

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