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unter Mitarbeit von Natalia Bolatti-GuzzoAndrea Intilia, Alvise Matessi & Marco De Pietri |
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Miller J.L. 2001a: | Hattušili I's Expansion into Northern Syria in Light of the Tikunani Letter | 4HitCongr 410-429 |
Miller J.L. 2001b: | Anum-Hirbi and His Kingdom | AoF 28 65-101 |
Miller J.L. 2002a: | The katra/i-women in the Kizzuwatnean Rituals from Ḫattuša | CRRAI 47 423-431 |
Miller J.L. 2002b: | Hittite Notes | JCS 54 87-92 |
Miller J.L. 2004a: | Studies in the Origins, Development and Interpretation of the Kizzuwatna Rituals | StBoT 46 |
Miller J.L. 2004b: | SÚR and SUR14 (SAG) in the Boğazköy Texts | NABU 2004 12, 2004/12 |
Miller J.L. 2005a: | A Join to the Hittite Atramhasi Myth (KUB 8.63+1718/u) | NABU 2005 10, 2005/11 |
Miller J.L. 2005b: | Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 53. Texte aus dem Bezirk des grossen Tempels V | KBo 53 |
Miller J.L. 2005c: | Piša(i)šapḫi | RlA 10 576-577 |
Miller J.L. 1999a: | The Expeditions of Ḫattušili I to the Eastern Frontiers. A Study in the Historical Geography and Internal Chronology of the Great King’s Campaigns | |
Miller J.L. 2005d: | Rev. of: Hazenbos 2003a | ZA 95 308-312 |
Miller J.L. 2005e: | Von Syrien durch Kizzuwatna nach Ḫatti: Die Rituale der Allaituraḫḫi und Giziya | Motivation und Mechanismen 129-144 |
Miller J.L. 2005f: | Unravelling the Kizzuwatna Rituals: The Redactional History of Mastigga's Ritual for Domestic Quarrel | 5HitCongr 527-540 |
Miller J.L. 2006a: | Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 50 – Texte historischen Inhalts | KBo 50 |
Miller J.L. 2006b: | Ein König von Ḫatti an einen König von Aḫḫijawa (der sogenannte Tawagalawa-Brief) | TUAT-NF 3 240-247 |
Miller J.L. 2006c: | Joins and Duplicates among the Boǧazköy Tablets (1-10) | ZA 96 235-241 |
Miller J.L. 2007a: | Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 57 – Texte aus dem Bezirk des Grossen Tempels VIII | KBo 57 |
Miller J.L. 2007b: | Joins and Duplicates among the Boǧazköy Tablets (11-20) | ZA 97 125-132 |
Miller J.L. 2007c: | Joins and Duplicates among the Boǧazköy Tablets (21-30) | ZA 97 133-141 |
Miller J.L. 2007d: | Amarna Age Chronology and the Identity of Nibhururiya in the Light of a Newly reconstructed Hittite Text | AoF 34 252-293 |
Miller J.L. 2007e: | The Kings of Nuḫḫašše and Muršili’s Casus Belli: Two New Joins to Year 7 of the Annals of Muršili II | Fs Košak 521-534 |
Miller J.L. 2007f: | Mursili II’s Dictate to Tuppi-Teššub’s Syrian Antagonists | KASKAL 4 121-152 |
Miller J.L. 2008a: | Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 58 - Texte aus dem Bezirk des Grossen Tempels IX | KBo 58 |
Miller J.L. 2008b: | Joins and Duplicates among the Boǧazköy Tablets (31-45) | ZA 98 117-137 |
Miller J.L. 2008c: | Joins and Duplicates among the Boǧazköy Tablets (46-60) | ZA 98 230-250 |
Miller J.L. 2008d: | The Rebellion of Ḫatti’s Syrian Vassals and Egypt’s Meddling in Amurru | 6HitCongr2 533-554 |
Miller J.L. 2009a: | Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 60 – Texte aus dem Bezirk des grossen Tempels XI | KBo 60 |
Miller J.L. 2008e: | Setting Up the Goddess of the Night Separately | Anatolian Interfaces 67-72 |
Miller J.L. 2005g: | Rev. of: Fs Hoffner | JAOS 125 282-288 |
Miller J.L. 2006d: | ZA 96 285-288 | |
Miller J.L. 2009b: | Rev. of: Strauß R. 2006a | ZA 99 148-152 |
Miller J.L. 2008f: | 4. Ein Ritual zur Reinigung eines Hauswesens durch eine Beschwörung an die Unterirdischen (CTH 446); 5. Ein Ritual gegen Familienzwist der Frau Mastigga aus Kizzuwatna (CTH 404); 6. Die Erweiterung des Kultes der Gottheit der Nacht (CTH 481) | TUAT-NF 4 206-217; 217-223; 223-229 |
Miller J.L. 2009c: | Rev. of: Christiansen B. 2006a | ZA 99 153-157 |
Miller J.L. 2009d: | Rev. of: Mieroop M. van De 2007a | ZA 99 312-315 |
Miller J.L. 2010a: | Revisiting the Conquest of Karkamiš of Mursili’s 9th Year: Assyrian Aggression or Mursili in the Long Shadow of His Father? | Fs Wilhelm 235-239 |
Miller J.L. 2010b: | Paskuwatti’s Ritual: Remedy for Impotence or Antidote to Homosexuality? | JANER 10 83-89 |
Miller J.L. 2010c: | Some Disputed Passages in the Tawagalawa Letter | Fs Hawkins 159-169 |
Miller J.L. 2010d: | Practice and Perception of Black Magic among the Hittites | AoF 37 167-185 |
Miller J.L. 2010e: | Six Rituals ‘Edited’ in the Manner of Arusna | 7 HitCongr 503-514 |
Miller J.L. 2011a: | Diverse Remarks on the Hittite Instructions | CollAn 10 1-20 |
Miller J.L. 2011b: | Die hethitischen Dienstanweisungen. Zwischen normativer Vorschrift und Traditionsliteratur | AOAT 391 193-206 |
Miller J.L. 2012a: | The (City-)Gate and the Projection of Royal Power in Ḫatti | CRRAI 54 675-686 |
Miller J.L. 2012b: | The Palaeography and Orthography of Six Rituals ‘Redacted’ in the Manner of Arusna | PIHANS 119 95-110 |
Miller J.L. 2012c: | The Location of Niḫriya and its Disassociation from Naʾiri | Fs Roaf 349-372 |
Miller J.L. 2012d: | BiOr 69 309-313 | |
Miller J.L. 2012e: | JNES 71 123-128 | |
Miller J.L. 2013a: | Royal Hittite Instructions and Related Administrative Texts | SBL 31 |
Miller J.L. 2014a: | Rev. of: Taracha P. 2009a | OrNS 83 284-288 |
Miller J.L. 2010f : | Notes on CTH 446: Eine Beschworung an die Unterirdischen | NABU 2010 46, Nr. 38 (= 2010/38) |
Miller J.L. 2010g: | On the Opening Lines of Musili II´s First Plague Prayer Once Again | NABU 2010 46-47, Nr. 39 (= 2010/39) |
Miller J.L. 2014b: | Mursili II’s Prayer Concerning the Misdeeds and the Outstanding of Tawananna | 8HitCongr 516-557 |
Miller J.L. 2017a: | Political interactions between Kassite Babylonia and Assyria, Egypt and Ḫatti during the Amarna Age | Bartelmus A. − Sternitzke K. 2017a 93-111 |
Miller J.L. 2016a: | The Contribution of the Hittite Documentation to the Historical Geography of the Middle Orontes Region | Parayre D. − Sauvage M. 2016a 107-118 |
Miller J.L. 2018a: | Towards a Typology of Quoted Speech (and Text) in Hittite Histographic Narrative | Fink S. − Rollinger R. 2018a 57-67 |
Miller J.L. 2020a: | Two Notes on Kizzuwatna’s Status as a Hittite Vassal in the Middle Hittite Period | Fs de Martino 345-350 |
Miller J.L. 2020b: | Are There Signs of the Decline of the Late Hittite State in the Textual Documentation from Hattuša? | Martino S. de − Devecchi E. 2020a 237-256 |
Miller J.L. 2017b: | The Tablet Finds of Temple I from the Early Excavations at Boğazköy-Hattusa (1906–1912) | Doğan-Alparslan M. − Schachner A. − Alparslan M. 2017a 69-84 |
Miller J.L. 2016b: | KUB 21.38 obv. 17’f. and Prosperity in the Land of Ḫatti | NABU 2016/2 76 |
Miller J.L. 2020c: | KBo 50.4 and Tutḫaliya III as Coregent? | NABU 2020/3 191-192 |
Miller J.L. 2013b: | Hititler Dönemi'nde Anadolu'da Halklar ve Diller / Peoples and Languages in Anatolia during the Hittite Period | Doğan-Alparslan M. − Alparslan M. 2013a 120-131 |
Miller J.L. 2013c: | Vier hethitische Tontafelfragmente im Antikenmuseum Basel | WdO 43 114–118 |
Miller J.L. 2014c : | Rev. of: Herbordt S. – Bawanypeck D. – Hawkins J. D. 2011a | BSOAS 77/1 197-198 |