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Andrea Intilia, Alvise Matessi & Marco De Pietri


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295 Hits
Wächter L. 1995: Rev. of: Bremmer J.M. et al. 1994a OLZ 90 529-532
Wächter L. 1995a: Rev. of: Hidden Futures OLZ 90 529-532
Warburton D.A. 1994a: The Egyptian Response to the Hittite Threat as Seen from the Amarna Letters Fs De Meyer 433-438
Warner J.L. 1994a: Elmali-Karatas, Vol 2: The early Bronze age village of Karatas
Wartke R.-B. 1993a: Rev. of: Muscarella O.W. 1988a OLZ 88 276-279
Wartke R.-B. 1995a: Rev. of: Cholidis N. 1992a OLZ 90 394-398
Wartke R.-B. 2005a: Sam'al. Ein aramäischer Stadtstaat des 10. bis 8. Jhs. v. Chr. und die Geschichte seiner Erforschung
Wasilewska E. 1999a: In search of Parallels: the Second Millennium Rock Sanctuaries of Yazilikaya (Anatolia) and Tamgaly (Kazakhstan) CRRAI 42 475-492
Watkins C. 1993a: Same Anatolian Words and Form Indogermanica et Italica 469-478
Watkins C. 1993b: Another Thorny Problem Fs Čop 243ff.
Watkins C. 1994a: Selected Writings. Volume I: Language and Linguistics. Volume II: Culture and Poetics
Watkins C. 1995a: Some Anatolian words and forms. Hitt. nega-, negna-, Luv. *niya-, nāni- Fs Strunk 357-361
Watkins C. 1995b: How to Kill a Dragon. Aspects of Indo-European Poetics
Watkins C. 1997a: Just the Day Before Yesterday Fs Hamp II 195ff.
Watkins C. 1997b: The Black and White adunaton Gs Cléirigh 593ff.
Watkins C. 1997c: Luvo-Hittite ːlapan(a)- Fs Puhvel 29ff.
Watkins C. 1997d: Delbrück and the Syntax of Hittite and Luvian: Predictive Power Actas Madrid 611ff.
Watkins C. 1998a: Homer and Hittite revisited Fs Clausen 201ff.
Watkins C. 1999a: A Celtic Miscellany 10 UCLA IEConf 3ff.
Watkins C. 2002a: Homer and Hittite Revisited II Gs Güterbock 167-176
Watkins C. 2002b: Some Indo-European Logs Gs Imparati 879-884
Watkins C. 2003a: Hittite ku-ku-uš-zi, KUB 10.99 i 29 Fs Hoffner 389-391
Watkins C. 2004a: The Third Donkey: Origin Legends and Some Hidden Indo-European Themes Fs Morpurgo Davies 65-80
Watkins C. 2004b: Hittite Cambridge Encyclopedia of Ancient Languages 551-575
Watson W.G.E 1998a: Rev. of: Neu E. 1996a BLOT 35
Watson W.G.E. 1995a: Non-semitic Words in the Ugaritic Lexicon UF 27 533-558
Watson W.G.E. 2004a: A Hittite Loanword in Ugaritic? UF 36 533-538
Watson W.G.E. 2006a: Ploughing the Furrow Again NABU 2006 19, 2006/22
Wazana N. 2001a: Border Descriptions and Cultural Barriers 4HitCongr 696-710
Waage F.G. 1952a: Rev. of: Goldman H. 1950a Classical Philology 47 62-63
Wachsmann S. 1986a: Is Cyprus Ancient Alashiya? New Evidence from an Egyptian Tablet BA 49 37-40
Wachsmuth F. 1923-1924a: Die Baugeschichte von Sendschirli (Šamal) JDAI 38-39 158-169
Wachsmuth F. 1923-1924a: Die Baugeschichte v. Sendschirli (Samal) JDAI 38-39 158-169
Wachsmuth F. 1938a: Die Wiederspiegelung völkischer Eigentümlichkeiten in der alt-morgenländischen Baugestaltung Abh Kunde des Morgenlandes 23
Wachsmuth F. 1958a: Rev. of: Naumann R. 1955a ZDMG 108 189-195
Wächter L. 1984a: Prophetie in der Umwelt des Alten Testaments Von Bileam bis Jesaja 9-31
Wachtsmuth F. 1931a: Zum Problem der hethitischen und mitannischen Baukunst JDAI 46 32-44
Wachtsmuth F. 1931b: Hethitische (Hettitische) Baukunst Wachtsmuths Lexikon der Baukunst 3 95-99
Wachtsmuth F. 1937a: Hethitische Baukunst Wachtsmuths Lexikon der Baukunst, Ergänzungsband
Wachtsmuth F. 1941-1944a: Rev. of: Krause K. 1940a AfO 14 213-216
Waddell L.A. 1922a: The «Oropus» title of Carchemish JRAS 266-269
Waelkens M. 1980a: Das Totenhaus in Kleinasien Antike Welt 11 3-12
Waerden B.L. von der 1973a: Rev. of: Kudlek M. - Mickler E.H. 1971a BiOr 30 203
Waetzoldt H. 1980a: Rev. of: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Alten Vorderasien WdO 11 136-142
Waetzoldt H. 1987a: Rev. of: Circulation of Goods OA 26 309-313
Waetzoldt H. 1992a: Rev. of: Fs Reiner ZA 82 148-149
Wäfler M. 1975a: Zum Felsrelief von Imarnkulu MDOG 107 17-26
Wäfler M. 1982a: Rev. of: Genge H. 1979a Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 73-14 295-302
Wäfler M. 1983a: Zu Status und Lage von Tabāl Fs Kammenhuber 181-193
Wäfler M. 1983b: Rev. of: Boehmer R.M. 1979a OLZ 78 142-145
Wagenvoort H. 1965a: Rev. of: Schuler E. von 1962a BiOr 22 145-146
Wagner G.A. 1984-1986a: Frühe Kupfermetallurgie des östlichen Mittelmeerraumes Zbornik Radova Muzeja 3-4 54-59
Wagner G.A. 1988a: Die Anfänge der Kupfermetallurgie Kleinasiens. Ein geowissenschaftlicher Ansatz Geowissenschaften 6 323-329
Wagner G.A. et al. 1986a: Geochemische und isotopische Charakteristika früher Rohstoffquellen für Kupfer, Blei, Silber und Gold in der Türkei Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 33 723-752
Wagner H. 1957a: Indogermanisch-Vorderasiatisch-Mediterranes ZVS 75 58-75
Wagner H. 1968a: Zur hethitischen Partikel -ašta ArOr 36 365-370
Wagner H. 1985a: Das Hethitische vom Standpunkte der typologischen Sprachgeographie
Wagner M.L. 1918a: (Sur les travaux de Hrozný) LBGRP 126
Wagner M.L. 1918b: Rev. of: Hrozný B. 1915a; Hrozný B. 1917a LBGRP 126
Wagner R.L. 1949a: Rev. of: Benveniste E. 1948a Journal de psychologie normale et pathologique 42 348-350
Wagner-Rieger R. 1961a: Rev. of: Neue deutsche Ausgrabungen MGVKFW 13 31-35
Wainwright G.A. 1931a: Caphtor. Keftiu and Cappadocia PEQ 63 203-216
Wainwright G.A. 1931b: Keftiu JEA 17 26-43
Wainwright G.A. 1931c: Keftiu: Crete or Cilicia? JHS 51 1-38
Wainwright G.A. 1932a: Keftiu JHS 52 118-119
Wainwright G.A. 1935a: Rev. of: Speiser E.A. 1933a JEA 21 256-258
Wainwright G.A. 1936a: The coming of iron Antiquity 10 01.05.24
Wainwright G.A. 1939a: Some Sea-Peoples and Others in the Hittite Archives JEA 25 148-153
Wainwright G.A. 1952a: Asiatic Keftiu AJA 56 196-212
Wainwright G.A. 1954a: Keftiu and Karamania (Asia Minor) AnSt 4 33-48
Wainwright G.A. 1956a: The Cappadocian Symbol Gs Garstang 137-143
Wainwright G.A. 1958a: The "Signe Royal" or Cappadocian Symbol Or NS 27 287
Wainwright G.A. 1958b: Rev. of: Coghlan H.H. 1951a Antiquity 32 60-62
Wainwright G.A. 1959a: The Teresh, the Etruscans and Asia Minor AnSt 9 197-213
Wainwright G.A. 1961a: Some Sea-Peoples JEA 47 71-90
Wainwright G.A. 1965a: Two Groups among the Sea Peoples Gs Bossert 481-189
Wakeman M.K. 1971a: Rev. of: Gaster Th.H. 1969a JACR 39 92-96
Walbank F.W. 1950a: Rev. of: Goldman H. 1950a Erasmus 3 759-762
Walcot P. 1956a: The Text of Hesiod's Theogony and the Hittite Epic of Kumarbi ClQ 6 198-206
Walcot P. 1962a: Hesiod and the Didactic Literature of the Near East REG 75 13-36
Walcot P. 1963a: Hesiod and the Near East ProcClAss 60 26-27
Walcot P. 1963b: The Near Eastern Background of Hesiod's Theogony MLMS 4 282-285
Walcot P. 1966a: Hesiod and the Near East
Waldbaum J.C. 1978a: From Bronze to lron. The Transition from the Bronze Age to the lron Age in the Eastern Mediterranean SIMA 44
Wallace R. 1982a: A Note on the Development of PIE *ie and *e in Anatolian ZVS 96 50-55
Wallace R. 1983a: The Development of PIE *ē in Palaic Sprache 29 159-173
Wallace R. 1986a: The Lydian Word for "Lion" WdO 17 61-65
Walle B. van de – Capart J. 1940a: Rev. of: Sethe K. 1939a Chronique d' 29 85-88
Wallert l. 1966a: Rev. of: Cichy B. 1965a Mundus 2 13-14
Wallis G. 1964a: Rev. of: Brandon S.G.F. 1962a OLZ 59 263-265
Wallis G. 1966a: Rev. of: Kutsch E. 1963a OLZ 61 244-246
Wallis G. 1974a: Der Vollbürgereid in Deuteronomium 27, 15-26 HUCA 45 47-63
Wallis G. 1975a: Rev. of: Vieyra M. 1970a OLZ 70 30-31
Wallis G. 1978a: Rev. of: Hoffner H.A. 1973b OLZ 73 461-463
Walser G. 1964a: Alte Geschichte und Hethiterforschung Neuere Hethiterforschung 1-10
Walther A. – Weber O. 1923a: Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi 6 KUB 6
Walther A. 1922a: Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi 5 KUB 5
Walther A. 1926a: Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi 16 (Wahrsage-Texte) KUB 16
Walther A. 1927a: Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi 18 (Wahrsage-Texte) KUB 18
Walther A. 1928a: Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi 22 (Wahrsage-Texte) KUB 22
Walther A. 1930a: Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi 24 (Religiöse Texte) KUB 24
Walther A. 1931a: The Hittite Code Origin and History of Hebrew Law 246-279
Waltke B.K. 1964a: Rev. of: Kline M.G. 1963a Bibliotheca Sacra 121 264
Wankenne A. 1970: Rev. of: Allgemeine Grundlagen der Archäologie EtCl 38 269-270
Wankenne A. 1971a: Rev. of: Alkim U.B. 1968d EtCl 37 413
Wankenne A. 1979a: Rev. of: Waldbaum J.C. 1978a EtCl 47 71
Wankenne A. 1980a: Rev. of: Helck W. 1979b EtCl 48 190
Wankenne A. 1980b: Rev. of: Hellbing L. 1979a EtCl 48 190
Wankenne A. 1980c: Rev. of: Lebrun R. 1980e EtCl 48 370
Ward W. – Frothingham A.-L. 1888a: Unpublished or imperfectly published hittite monuments III Reliefs at Carchemish-Jerablus AJA 4 172-174
Ward W. 1964a: Rev. of: Helck W. 1962a Or NS 33 135-140
Ward W.A. 1961a: Egypt and the East Mediterranean in the Early Second Millennium B.C. Or NS 30 22-45, 129-155
Ward W.A. 1964a: Rev. of: Kitchen K.A. 1964b Or NS 33 473-476
Ward W.A. 1970a: Rev. of: Wolf W. 1969a BiOr 27 331-332
Ward W.A. 1971a: Egypt and the East Mediterranean World 2200-1900 B.C. Studies in Egyptian Foreign Relations during the First Intermediate Period
Ward W.A. 1981a: Rev. of: Helck W. 1979b JESHO 24 325-330
Ward W.H. – Frothingham A.L. 1887a: Unpublished or imperfectly published hittite monuments II. Sculptures near Sindjerly AJA 3 62-68
Ward W.H. 1844-1872a: Monuments de l'Egypte et de la Nubie
Ward W.H. 1873a: (Sur les inscriptions de Hamath) PEF 3
Ward W.H. 1880a: On the Hittite Inscriptions JAOS 10 CXXXIX-CXLI
Ward W.H. 1886a: Unpublished or imperfectly published hittite monuments; I. The façade a Eflatun-Bunar AJA 2 49-52
Ward W.H. 1894a: Some hittite seals AJA 9 361-365
Ward W.H. 1894b: On some hittite seal-cylinders ProcAOS CXXIX-CXXXI
Ward W.H. 1895a: The hittite problem SST 37 402-404, 467
Ward W.H. 1896a: On some hittite seal cylinders JAOS 16 CXXIX-CXXXI
Ward W.H. 1896b: The Hittites Recent research in Bible lands 159-160
Ward W.H. 1898a: Notes on oriental antiquities (3. A hittile cylinder seal) AJA 159-168
Ward W.H. 1899a: The hittite gods SST 41 163
Ward W.H. 1899b: The hittite gods in hittite art AJA 3 1-39
Ward W.H. 1902a: The hittite lituus AJA 6 41
Ward W.H. 1909a: Cylinders and other ancient oriental seals in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan
Ward W.H. 1910a: The seal cylinders of Western Asia 267-269
Ward W.H. 1912a: Asianic influence in Greek mythology Fs Toy 243-253
Warm H.-L. 1991: Rev. of: Hutter M. 1988a IF 96 300-302
Warren P. 1979a: Rev. of: Edwards I.E.S. et al. 1977a ClR 29 173-174
Wartke R.-B. 1980a: Vorderasiatische Gussformen aus den staatlichen Museen zu Berlin FuB 20-21 223-258
Wartke R.-B. 1985a: Rev. of: Barnett R.D. 1982a OLZ 80 128-131
Wartke R.-B. 1991a: Rev. of: Abu-Assaf A. 1990a OLZ 86 512-515
Watanabe K. 1989a: Mit Gottessiegeln versehene hethitische "Staatsverträge" ASJ 11 260-276
Watkins C. 1958a: Rev. of: Kuryłowicz J. 1956a Language 34 381-398
Watkins C. 1961a: Anatolian Evidence on a Germano-Slavic Isogloss. Past Passive Participles in *-e/ono- and the Hittite Ordinal IJSLP 4 7-12
Watkins C. 1967a: An Indo-European Construction in Greek and Latin Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 71 115-117
Watkins C. 1969a: A Latin-Hittite Etymology Language 45 235-242
Watkins C. 1969b: Indogermanische Grammatik: Formenlehre 1 Geschichte der Indogermanischen Verbalflexion
Watkins C. 1970a: Language of Gods and Language of Men. Remarks on Same Indo-European Metalinguistic Traditions Puhvel J. 1970b 1-17
Watkins C. 1970b: On the family of arceō, 'arkeō and Hittite ḫark- Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 74 67-74
Watkins C. 1970c: Studies in Indo-European Legal Language, Institutions, and Mythology Indo-European and Indo-Europeans
Watkins C. 1971a: Hittite and Indo-European Studies: The Denominative Statives in -ē- TAPA 51-93
Watkins C. 1972a: Indo-European Studies. Special Report to the National Science Foundation
Watkins C. 1974a: "Star" Sprache 20 10-14
Watkins C. 1974b: Rev. of: Grothus J. 1973a Kratylos 19 63-71
Watkins C. 1975a: Die Vertretung der Laryngale in gewissen morphologischen Kategorien in den indogermanischen Sprachen Anatoliens Flexion und Wortbildung 358-378
Watkins C. 1975b: Reflexes of Laryngeals in Certain Morphological Categories in the Indo-European Languages of Anatolia Indo-European Studies 2 1-27
Watkins C. 1975c: Hittite šāru, Old Irish serb, Welsh herw Indo-European Studies 2 322-331
Watkins C. 1975d: Hittite ḫat- Again Indo-European Studies 2 367-378
Watkins C. 1975e: NAM.RA GUD UDU in Hittite Indo-European Studies 2 489-503
Watkins C. 1975f: Latin ador, Hittite ḫat- Again. Addenda ad Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 72 (1973)1 187-193 Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 79 181-187
Watkins C. 1978a: A Palaic Carmen Fs Hill 305-314
Watkins C. 1979a: NAM.RA GUD UDU in Hittite: Indo-European poetic language and the folk taxonomy of wealth Hethitisch und Indogennanisch 269-287
Watkins C. 1981a: Hittite ḫarziyalla- Gs Kerns 345-348
Watkins C. 1982a: Notes on the Plural Formations of the Hittite Neuters Gs Kronasser 250-262
Watkins C. 1982b: A greco-hittite etymology Fs Neumann 455-457
Watkins C. 1983a: Rev. of: Oettinger N. 1979a JAOS 103 473-474
Watkins C. 1985a: Hittite and Indo-European Studies 2 MSS 45 245-255
Watkins C. 1985b: Indo-European *-kwe 'and' in Hittite Fs Knobloch 491-497
Watkins C. 1986a: The Indo-European Background of a Luvian Ritual Fs Mayrhofer 324-333
Watkins C. 1986b: The Language of the Trojans Troy and the Trojan War 45-62
Watkins C. 1987a: Questions linguistiques palaïtes et louvites cunéiformes Hethitica 8 423-426
Watkins C. 1987b: Two Anatolian Forms: Palaic aškumāuwa-, Cuneiform Luvian wa-a-ar-ša Fs Hoenigswald 399-404
Watkins C. 1990a: A Celtic-Latin-Hittite Etymology Fs Moran 451-453
Watkins K. 1976a: Rev. of: Muhly J.D. 1973a Antiquity 50 70-71
Watkins M.C. 1992a: Le dragon hittite Iluyankas et le géant Typhôeus CRAIBL 319-330
Watson P.J. 1982a: Rev. of: Sherratt A. 1980a Archaeology 35 79-81
Watson V. 1973a: The British Museum: Its Antiquities and Civilizations, from Prehistory to the Fall of the Roman Empire
Watson W.G.E. 1967a: XVe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale CBQ 29 119-123
Watson W.G.E. 1969a: 17th International Meeting of Assyriologists CBQ 31 524-532
Watson W.G.E. 1970a: 18th International Meeting of Assyriologists CBQ 32 591
Watson W.G.E. 1979a: Rev. of: Gurney O.R. 1977a Scripture Bulletin 9 44
Watson W.G.E. 1980a: Rev. of: Mellaart J. 1978a; Burney C.A. 1977a Scripture Bulletin 11 46-47
Watson W.G.E. 1983a: Rev. of: Wilhelm G. 1982a Scripture Bulletin 14 24
Watson W.G.E. 1983b: Rev. of: Heimpel W. 1982a Scripture Bulletin 13 40-41
Watson W.G.E. 1984a: Rev. of: Roos J. de 1983a BLOT 118
Watson W.G.E. 1984b: Rev. of: Weitenberg J.J.S. 1983a BLOT 118
Watson W.G.E. 1984c: Rev. of: CRRAI 26 Scripture Bulletin 14 47
Watson W.G.E. 1985a: Rev. of: CRRAI 25 BLOT 122
Watson W.G.E. 1986a: Rev. of: Monarchies and Socio-Religious Traditions BLOT 20
Watson W.G.E. 1986b: Rev. of: Cities of the Biblical World BLOT 101
Watson W.G.E. 1990a: Rev. of: Neu E. 1988a BLOT 34-35
Wachtsmuths Lexikon der Baukunst: Wachtsmuths Lexikon der Baukunst
Wachtsmuths Lexikon der Baukunst, Ergänzungsband: Wachtsmuths Lexikon der Baukunst, Ergänzungsband
Wages and Prices in Oriental Antiquity9th International Economic History Congres: Wages and Prices in Oriental Antiquity. 9th International Economic History Congress
Walther, HC: Rev. of: Walther A. 1931a
Watkins, Idg.Gr: Rev. of: Watkins C. 1969b
Watkins, IESt: Rev. of: Watkins C. 1972a
Watkins, IESt II: Rev. of: Indo-European Studies 2
WAW: Rev. of: SBL Writings from the Ancient World
Watkins C. 2000a: sá figé” in Indo-Iranian and Anatolian Fs Narten 263-281
Warburg Institute Colloquia 9: The Iconography of Cylinder Seals Warburg Institute Colloquia 9
Waal W. 2007a: Rev. of: Bryce T. 2005a BiOr 64 417-420
Watkins C. 1992a: Le dragon hittite Illuyankas et le géant grec Typhôeus CRAIBL 136-2 319-330
Watkins C. 2008a: “Hermit Crabs”, or New Wine in Old Bottles: Anatolian and Hellenic Connections from Homer and Before to Antiochus I of Commagene and After Anatolian Interfaces 135-141
Watkins C. 1992b: The comparison of formulaic sequences Reconstructing Languages 391-418
Watkins C. 2009a: The Milk of the Dawn Cows Revisited East and West Papers 225-239
Watson W.G.E. 2008a: Some Akkadian and Hittite equivalences NABU 2008 95-96 (= 2008/68)
Watson W.G.E. 2009a: More Akkadian and Hittite equivalences NABU 2009 27-28 (= NABU 2009/21)
Wagensonner K. 2009a: Rev. of: Klinger J. 2007a 409-411
Watkins C. 2007a: The Golden Bowl: Thoughts on the New Sappho and its Asianic Background Classical Antiquity 26 305-325
Watkins C. 2007b: Hipponactea quaedam Fs West 118-126
Watkins C. 2010a: Notes on the Hittite Funerary Ritual for a Prince or a Princess Fs Hawkins 244-248
Watkins C. 2010b: Toward a Hittite Stylistics: Remarks on Some Phonetic and Grammatical Figures Fs Melchert 356-362
Watkins C. 2010c: An Indo-European Stylistic Figure in Hittite: The a a b Triad and the Climatic Formula … Vi … Vi … Vj Gs Neu 329-335
Waal W. 2010a: Hulanabi vs. Talmi-Teššub: who wrote KBo 33.175+ and KBo 23.28+ (CTH 628)? NABU 2010 (4, décembre) 91-94, NABU 2010/81
Was sind Genres?: Was sind Genres? Nicht-abendländische Kategorisierungen von Gattungen. Narratio Aliena. Studien des Bonner Zentrums für Transkulturelle Narratologie. Bd. 1
Waal W. 2011a: They wrote on wood. The case for a hieroglyphic scribal tradition on wooden writing boards in Hittite Anatolia AnSt 61 21-34
Waartke R.-B. 2005a: Sam’al – Ein araamäischer Stadtstaat des 10. bis 8. Jhs. v.Chr. und die Geschichte seiner Erforschung
Way K.C. 2011a: Donkeys in the Biblical World. Ceremony and Symbol
Waal W. 2011b: Rev. of: Fs Košak BiOr 68 343-346
Waal W. 2012a: Chronological Developments in Hittite Scribal Habits and Tablet Shapes PIHANS 119 217-228
Wagner E. 2011a: Zur lykischen Schrift und Phonologie DBH 35 146-170
Wasmuth M. – Ögüt B. 2010a: A Syro-Hittite Weather-God in Egypt? 6 ICAANE 567-578
Watkins C. 2013a: Aspects of the "expressive dimension" in Indo-European: toward a comparative grammar of speech registers 24 UCLA IEConf 243–254.
Wachter R. 2001a: Die Troia-Geschichte wird schriftlich. Homers llias wird zum Buch Troia - Traum und Wirklichkeit 77-83
Waal W. 2012b: An Anatolian Iliad? Kelder J. et al. 2012a 18
Waal W. 2012c: A broader perspective: an overview of the East Kelder J. et al. 2012a 19-20
Waal W. 2012d: The Hittites Kelder J. et al. 2012a 43-44
Waal W. 2012e: Alakšandu of Wiluša Kelder J. et al. 2012a 44-45
Waal W. 2012f: A war over Troy in the Tawagalawa letter? Kelder J. et al. 2012a 59
Watkins C. 2014a: Notes on Hittite, Greek, and Indo-European Poetics Fs Oettinger 360-372
Watkins C. 2008b: Hittite Woodard R.D. 2008a 6-30
Warburton D.A. 2011a: The Fall of Babylon in 1499: Another Update Akkadica 132 1-22
Wawruschka C. 2014a: Prehistoric economies of Anatolia: Subsistence practices and exchange. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, November 13-14, 2009
Waal W. 2010b: Rev. of: Dardano P. 2006a BiOr 67 554-559
Waal W. 2012g : Writing in Anatolia: The origins of the Anatolian Hieroglyphs and the Introductions of the Cuneiform Script AoF 39 287-315
Walcot P. 1969a: The Comparative Study of Ugaritic and Greek Literatures, I UF 1 111-118
Walcot P. 1970a: The Comparative Study of Ugaritic and Greek Literatures, II UF 2 273-275
Walcot P. 1972a: The Comparative Study of Ugaritic and Greek Literatures, III UF 4 129-132
Waal W. 2014a: Changing Fate. Hittite Gulš-/Gul-š-, Dgulšeš/DGUL-šeš, Cuneiform Luwian gulzā(i)- / Gul-zā(i)- Hieroglyphic Luwian REL-za- and the Kuwanšeš Deities 8HitCongr 1016-1033
Waal W. 2017a: A New Interpretation of the Hittite Expression šarā ar- Centennial Laroche 71-80
Warbinek L. 2017a: The MUNUS.MEŠŠU.GI and the KIN Oracle. New Perspectives on the Oracle Inquiry AoF 44/1 111-120
Waal W. 2015a: Hittite Diplomatics. Studies in Ancient Document Format and Record Management StBoT 57
Watson W. 2018a: Similar serpent similes NABU 2018/1 31-32
Waxenberger G. – Sauer H. – Kazzazi K. 2017a: Von den Hieroglyphen zur Internetsprache: Das Verhältnis von Laut, Schrift und Sprache [From Hieroglyphs to Internet Language: The Relation of Script, Sound and Language] LSS 2
Watson W.G.E. 2018b: Anatolian Influences in Semitic Languages PHILIPPIKA 118 419-442
Waal W. 2017b: How to read the signs: The use of symbol, marking and pictographs in Bronze Age Anatolia Jasink A.M. − Weingarten J. − Ferrara S. 2017a 111-129
Waal W. 2017c: Anatolian Hieroglyphs on Hittite Clay Tablets AOAT 441 297-307
Warburton D.A. 2018a: The Fundamentals of Economics: Lessons from the Bronze Age Near East. Civ. du Proche-Orient. Série IV. Histoire – Essais 3
Warbinek L. 2019a: An “Economical” Oracular Procedure. Evidence from the Hittite KIN Oracle AOAT 467 153-167
Warbinek L. 2019b: Abbreviations, Lines, and Clay Tablets: How to write a KIN Oracle, How to Manage the Space Devecchi E. – Mynářová J. – Müller G.W. 2019a 137-155
Wagner E.-M. – Outhwaite B. – Beinhoff B. 2013a: Scribes as Agents of Language Change Studies in Language Change 10
Waal W. 2019a: Fate strikes back: new evidence for the identification of the Hittite fate deities and its implications for Hieroglyphic writing in Anatolia JCS 71 121-132
Waal W. 2019b: ‘My brother, a Great King, my peer’. Evidence for a Mycenaean kingdom from Hittite texts Kelder J. − Waal W. 2019a 9-29
Waal W. 2016a: Silver in Search of his Father: A Comparative Folkloristic Approach to an Episode of the Song of Silver. Kleber K. − Pirngruber R. 2016a 295-306
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Warbinek L. 2019c: Was the Hittite MUNUSENSI a Dream Interpretress? KASKAL 16 53-74
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