Systematik zur Hethitischen Bibliographie

Jana Součková
und Gerfrid G.W. Müller

Citatio: J. Součková & G.G.W. Müller, Hethitische Bibliographie (2008-02-18)

Ergebnisse der Auswahl | Selection Results

Thema: 7.6. Ende der Bronzezeit - Seevölker
Zur Systematik
Adams M.J. – Cohen M.E. 2013a: The “Sea Peoples” in Primary Sources Killebrew A.E. − Lehmann G. 2013a 645-664
Adams M.J. – Cohen M.E. 2013a: The “Sea Peoples” in Primary Sources, the and Other “Sea Peoples” Philistines 645-664
Akurgal E. 1983a: Das dunkle Zeitalter Kleinasiens Griechenland, die Ägäis und die Levante 67-78
Alaura S. 2020b: The Much-Fabled End of the Hittite Empire. Tracing the History of a Crucial Topic Martino S. de − Devecchi E. 2020a 9-30
Arai K. 1979a: Mycenaean Refugees and Sea Peoples 25 Anniversary SNESJ 3-22
Artzy M. 1984a: "Havfolkene" og deres skibe [The "Sea Peoples" and their ships] Meilern Nilen og Tigris 29-39
Artzy M. 1987a: On Boats and Sea Peoples BASOR 266 75-84
Artzy M. 2013a: On the Other "Sea Peoples" Philistines 329-344
Aydıngün H. 2021a: The Possible Role of Dana Island in the Events Of 1200 BC Öniz H. 2021a 186–193
Barako T.J. 2003a: The Changing Perception of the Sea Peoples Phenomenon: Migration, Invasion or Cultural Dffusion? Sea Routes 163-171
Ben-Dor Evian Sh. 2015a: "They were thr on land, others at sea...". The Etymology of the Egyptian Term for "Sea-Peoples" Semitica 57 57-75
Benzi M. 2013a: The Southeast Aegean in the Age of the Sea Peoples Killebrew A.E. − Lehmann G. 2013a 509-542
Benzi M. 2013a: The Southeast Aegean in the Age of the Sea Peoples Philistines 509-542
Boruchovič V.G. 1965b: Achejcy i morskie narody, napavšie na Egipet v konce XIII - načale XII vv. do n.e. [Die Achäer und die Seevölker, die Ende des XIII.-Anfang des XII. Jh. v. Chr. in Ägypten einfielen] Učenye zapiski Gor' 67 26-51
Cifola B. 1994a: The Role of the Sea Peoples at the End ofthe Late Bronze Age: A Reassessment of Textual and Archaeological Evidence OAM 1 1-23
Cline E. 2014a: 1177 B.C. : the year civilization collapsed ?Rezension?
Crossland R.A. 1962c: Immigrants from the North CAH Revised edition, vol 1
Dark Ages and Nomads: Dark Ages and Nomads c. 1000 B.C. Studies in Iranian and Anatolian Archaeology PIHANS 18 ?Rezension?
Dietrich M. – Loretz O. 2010a: Die Seevölkergruppe der ṯrtnm „Šardana/Šerdena“ in Ugarit UF 42 109-123
Dothan T. 1995a: The "Sea Peoples" and the Philistines of Ancient Palestine CANE 1267-1279
Dothan T. – Dothan M. 1992a: People of the Sea: The Search for Philistines ?Rezension?
Drews R. 1993a: The End of the Bronze Age. Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe ca. 1200 B.C. ?Rezension?
Emanuel J.P. 2014a: Sea Peoples, Aegypt, and Aegean: The Transference of Maritime Technology in the Late Bronze-Early Iron Transition (LH IIIB-C) Aegean Studies 2014/1 21-56
French E. 2013a: Cilicia Killebrew A.E. − Lehmann G. 2013a 479-484
French E. 2013a: Cilicia Philistines 479-483
Gates M.H. 2013a: Early Iron Age Newcomers at Kinet Höyük, Eastern Cilicia Philistines 485-508
Genz H. 2004a: JNES 63 130-133
Genz H. 2013a: “No Land Could Stand Before Their Arms, from Hatti ... on ...”? New Light on the End of the Hittite Empire and the Early Iron Age in Central Anatolia Killebrew A.E. − Lehmann G. 2013a 469-477
Genz H. 2013a: “No Land Could Stand Before Their Arms, from Hatti … on …”? New Light on the End of the Hittite Empire and the Early Iron Age in Central Anatolia Philistines 469-477
Hajnal I. 2018a: Graeco-Anatolian contacts in the Mycenaean period Klein J. et al. 2018a 2037-2055
Harrison T.P. 2006-2007a: Cyprus, the Sea Peoples and the Eastern Mediterranean: Regional Perspectives of Continuity and Change Scripta Mediterranea 27–28 ?Rezension?
Hawkins J.D. 1994a: The end of the Bronze Age in Anatolia. New light form recent discoveries Anatolian Iron Ages 3 91-94
Hawkins J.D. 2002a: Anatolia: The End of the Hittite Empire and After Die nahöstlichen Kulturen 144-151
Hutter M. 2013c: Exkurs: Philister und Anatolien BN 156 53-64
Jung R. 2018a: Push and Pull Factors of the Sea Peoples between Italy and the Levant AEGIS 15 273-306
Kemp L. – Cline E.H. 2022a: Systemic Risk and Resilience: The Bronze Age Collapse and Recovery Izdebski A. et al. 2022a 207-223
Kienitz F.-K. 1981a: Völker im Schatten: Die Gegenspieler der Griechen und Römer von 1200 v. Chr. -200 v. Chr. ?Rezension?
Killebrew A.E. 2014a: Introduction to the Levant during the Transitional Late Bronze Age / Iron Age I and Iron Age I Periods Steiner M.L. – Killebrew A.E. 2014a 595-606
Killebrew A.E. 2018a: The Levant in Crisis. The Materiality of Migrants, Refugees and Colonizers at the End of the Bronze Age AEGIS 15 187-202
Killebrew A.E. – Lehmann G. 2013a: The Philistines and Other “Sea Peoples” in Text and Archaeology SBL 15 ?Rezension?
Killebrew A.E. – Lehmann G. 2013b: The World of the Philistines and Other "Sea Peoples" Philistines 1-17
Knapp A.B. – Manning S.W. 2016a: Crisis in Context: The End of the Late Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean AJA 120 99-149
Koehl R.B. 2017a: Were There Sea Peoples at Alalakh (Tell Atchana)? Fs Yener 275-295
Lehmann G. 2017a: The Late Bronze – Iron Age Transition and the Problem of the Sea Peoples Phenomenon in Cilicia Fischer P. − Bürge T. 2017a 229-256
Lehmann G.A. 1979a: Die Šikālajū - ein neues Zeugnis zu den "Seevölker"-Heerfahrten im späten 13. Jh. v. Chr. (RS 34.129) UF 11 481-494
Lehmann G.A. 1983a: Zum Auftreten von "Seevölker"-Gruppen im östlichen Mittelmeerraum - eine Zwischenbilanz Griechenland, die Ägäis und die Levante 79-92
Lehmann G.A. 1985a: Die mykenisch-frühgriechische Welt und der östliche Mittelmeerraum in der Zeit der "Seevölker"-Invasionen um 1200 v. Chr. ?Rezension?
Lehmann G.A. 2005a: Das Auftreten der “Seevölker“ Invasoren im östlichen Mittelmeerraum des 14.-12./11. Jh. v. Chr. Uluburun 283-289
Lipinski E. 1999a: „Sea Peoples“ and Canaan in Transition c. 1200-950 bc. OLP 30 1–35
Lipiński E. 2015a: Peuples de la Mer, Phéniciens, Puniques. Études d´épigrapie et d´histoire méditerranéenne OLA 237 ?Rezension?
Maeir A.M. 2020a: A ‘Repertoire of Otherness’? Identities in early Iron Age Philistia Broadening Horizons 5.1 161-170
Malamat A. 1966a: [Western Asia Minor in the Time of the "Sea Peoples"] Yediot 30 195-208
Malamat A. 1971a: The Egyptian Decline in Canaan and the Sea-Peoples "Judges" World History of the Jewish People 1 23-38, 294-300, 347
Manuelli F. 2020b: Contextualizing crisis? Some thoughts on the end of the Bronze Age in the Euphrates region Balossi Restelli F. et al. 2020a 599-609
Martino S. de 2009a: Anatolia After the Collapse of the Hittite Empire Borgna E. − Cassola Guida P. 2009a 21-28
Martino S. de 2018d: The Fall of the Hittite Kingdom Mesopotamia 53 23-48
Mazzoni S. 2018a: In Search of a Land. The Age of Migrations, Exoduses and Diaspora across the Eastern Mediterranean (13th-11th c. BCE) AEGIS 15 203-218
Meijer D.J.W. 2017a: The Archaeological Ramifications of ‘Philistines’ in Aleppo Fischer P. − Bürge T. 2017a 257-262
Mellaart J. 1958a: The End of the Early Bronze Age in Anatolia and the Aegean AJA 62 9-33
Mertens P. 1960a: Les Peuples de la Mer Chronique d' 35 65-88
Mertens P. 1964a: Völkerwanderungen im östlichen Mittelmeer am Ende des 2. Jahrtausends v.Chr. Altertum 10 3-9
Millek J.M. 2017a: Sea Peoples, Philistines, and the Destruction of Cities: A Critical Examination of Destruction Layers 'Caused' by the 'Sea Peoples' Fischer P. − Bürge T. 2017a 113-140
Millek J.M. 2019a: Destruction at the End of the Late Bronze Age in Syria: A Reassessment Studia Eblaitica 5 157–190
Millek J.M. 2019b: Exchange, Destruction, and a Transitioning Society: Interregional Exchange in the Southern Levant from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron I ?Rezension?
Millek J.M. 2021a: Dual Narratives: Collapse and Transition at the End of the Late Bronze Age Hess Ch.W. – Manuelli F. 2021a 250-264
Millek J.M. 2021c: Just What did They Destroy? The Sea Peoples and the End of the Late Bronze Age ADPV 48 59-98
Millek J.M. 2023a: Destruction and Its Impact on Ancient Societies at the End of the Bronze Age ?Rezension?
Morandi Bonacossi D. 2013a: The Crisis of Qatna at the Beginning of the Late Bronze Age II and the Iron Age II Settlement Revival. A Regional Trajectory towards the Collapse of the Late Bronze Age Palace System in the Northern Levant Across the Border 113-145
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1986b: The linguistic evidence: is there any? The end of the Early Bronze Age 93-123
Mühlenbruch T. 2017a: Von der „Urnenfelderwanderung“ zum „Seevölkersturm“. Zum Kulturwandel zwischen Mitteleuropa und Ägypten um 1200 v. Chr. Brandherm D. − Nessel B. 2017a 215-222
Nibbi A. 1985a: The Sea Peoples: Some Problems Concerning Historical Method Fs Danov 310-317
Noort E. 1993a: Seevölker, materielle Kultur und Pantheon. Bemerkungen zur Benutzung archäologischer Daten - ein kritischer Bericht Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen 363-390
Nowicki K. 2018a: The Late 13th c. BCE Crisis in the East Mediterranean. Why the case of Crete matters? AEGIS 15 117-176
Núñez F.J. 2017a: The Impact of the Sea Peoples in the Central and Northern Levant in Perspective Fischer P. − Bürge T. 2017a 263-284
Oettinger N. 2010a: Seevölker und Etrusker Fs Singer 233-246
Oren E.O. 2000a: The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment, Philadelphia 2000 University Museum Monograph 108 ?Rezension?
Pfoh E. 2018a: Socio-Political Changes and Continuities in the Levant (1300-900 BCE) PHILIPPIKA 118 57-67
Philistines: The Philistines and Other “Sea Peoples” in Text and Archaeology ?Rezension?
Sams G.K. 2011a: Anatolia: The First Millennium Historical Context Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 604-622
Sandars N.K. 1978a: The Sea Peoples: Warriors of the Ancient Mediterranean, 1250-1150 B.C. Ancient Peoples and Places 89 ?Rezension?
Schachermeyr F. 1916a: Materialien zur Geschichte der ägäischen Wanderung in Kleinasien MDAIA 41 375-428
Schachermeyr F. 1957a: Die "Seevölker" im Orient Gs Kretschmer 118-126
Schachermeyr F. 1982a: Die Levante im Zeitalter der Wanderungen. Vom 13. bis zum 11. Jahrhundert v. Chr. SitzBÖstAkWiss-PhilHistKlass 387; Ägäische Frühzeit 5 ?Rezension?
Sea Peoples: The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment ?Rezension?
Seeher J. 2010a: After the Empire: Observations on the Early Iron Age in Central Anatolia Fs Hawkins 220-229
Singer I. 1986b: [The Settlement of the Sea Peoples in the Shores of Canaan] 9CongrJewStud 1-6
Singer I. 2000g: New Evidence on the End of the Hittite Empire Sea Peoples 21-34
Singer I. 2013a: The Philistines in the Bible: A Short Rejoinder to a New Perspective Philistines 19-27
Sliwa J. 1974a: Inwazja "ludów morskich" na Egipt w drugiej polowine II tys. p.n.e. [Der Angriff der "Seevölker" auf Ägypten in der zweiten Hälfte des 2. Jahrt. v. Chr.] Zeszyty naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 369 7-26
Sommer M. 2001a: Der Untergang des hethitischen Reiches: Anatolien und der ostliche Mittelmeerraum um 1200 v.Chr. Saeculum 52 157-176
Stiebing W.H. 1980a: The End of the Mycenean Age BA 43 7-21
Strobel A. 1976a: Der spätbronzezeitliche Seevölkersturm. Ein Forschungsüberblick mit Folgerungen zur biblischen Exodusthematik ?Rezension?
Strobel K. 2011b: The Crucial 12th Century BC: The ‛Fall of Empires’ Revisited Eothen 17 167-254
Summers G. 2017a: After the Collapse, Continuities and Discontinuities in the Early Iron Age of Central Anatolia Byzas 23 257-276
Velikovsky I. 1978a: Die Seevölker ?Rezension?
Wainwright G.A. 1939a: Some Sea-Peoples and Others in the Hittite Archives JEA 25 148-153
Wainwright G.A. 1959a: The Teresh, the Etruscans and Asia Minor AnSt 9 197-213
Wainwright G.A. 1961a: Some Sea-Peoples JEA 47 71-90
Wainwright G.A. 1965a: Two Groups among the Sea Peoples Gs Bossert 481-189
Woudhuizen F.C. 2006b: The Ethnicity of the Sea People ?Rezension?
Woudhuizen F.C. 2015e: The Sea Peoples: superior on land and at the sea Dacia 59 215-225
Yasur-Landau A. 2010a: On birds and dragons: a note on the Sea Peoples and Mycenaean ships Fs Singer 399–410
Yasur-Landau A. 2017a: Some Notes on Philistines, Migration and Mediterranean Fischer P. − Bürge T. 2017a 141-148
Yener K.A. 2013a: Introduction: Imperial Demise and Forging Emergent Kingdoms; Ch. 1: New Excavations at Alalakh: The 14th-12th Centuries BC Across the Border 1-8; 11-36
Vgl. zum Thema ferner:
AEGIS 15: An Archaeology of Forced Migration. Crisis-induced mobility and the Collapse of the 13th c. BCE Eastern Mediterranean
Bányai M. 2018a: Der Beyköy Text: Eine Fälschung? Talanta 50 57-81
Bemporad A. 2006a: Considerazioni sulla fine dell’impero ittita Kaskal 3 69-80
Bittel K. 1977a: Das Ende des Hethiterreiches auf grund archäologischer Zeugnisse JIVF 1976 36-56
Devecchi E. 2010a: Amurru between Ḫatti, Assyria, and Aḫḫiyawa. Discussing a recent hypothesis ZA 100 242-256
Divon S.A. 2008a: A Survey of the Textual Evidence for “Food Shortage” from the Late Hittite Empire The City of Emar 101-109
Driessen J. 2018a: An Archaeology of Forced Migration. Crisis-induced mobility and the Collapse of the 13th c. BCE Eastern Mediterranean AEGIS 15
d’Alfonso L. 2020b: An Age of Experimentation: New Thoughts on the Multiple Outcomes Following the Fall of the Hittite Empire After the Results of the Excavations at Niğde-Kınık Höyük (South Cappadocia) Martino S. de − Devecchi E. 2020a 95-116
Edel E. 1984a: Die Sikeloi in den ägyptischen Seevölkertexten und in Keilschrifturkunden BN 23 7-8
Forrer E. 1969a: Der Untergang des Hatti-Reiches Ugaritica 6 207-228
Freu J. 1998b: La fin d'Ugarit et de l'empire hittite. Donée nouvelles et chronologie Semitica 47 17-39
Freu J. – Mazoyer M. 2010a: Le déclin et la chute du nouvel empire hittite. Les Hittites et leur histoire
Genz H. 2003a: The Early Iron Age in Central Anatolia Identifying Changes 179-191
Genz H. – Mielke D.P. 2011a: Research on the Hittites: a Short Overview ColAnt 2 1-29 (= Ch. 1)
Halayqa I.K.H. 2010a: The Demise of Ugarit in the Light of ist Connections with Ḫatti UF 42 297-330
Janeway B. 2017a: Sea Peoples of the Northern Levant? Aegean-Style Pottery from Early Iron Age Tell Tayinat
Kealhofer L. – Grave P. 2011a: The Iron Age on the Central Anatolian Plateau Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 415-442
Klengel H. 1974a: "Hungerjahre" In Ḫatti AoF 1 165-174
Klengel H. 2002g: Hattuschili und Ramses
Lehmann G.A. 1970a: Der Untergang des hethitischen Grossreiches und die neuen Texte aus Ugarit UF 2 39-73
Marazzi M. 2018b: The 'Administered' System of Trans-Mediterranean Maritime Relations at the End of the 2nd Millennium BC: Apogee and Collapse SMEA NS 4 95-110
Marazzi M. 2018c: Corsairs, Pirates, Traders, or Nomads of the Sea? Socioeconomic Changes in the Mediterranean at the End of the Thirteenth Century BC FsVagnetti 261-278
Martino S. de 2011b: Western and South-Eastern Anatolia and Syria in the 13th and 12th Centuries. Possible Connections to the Poem Lag Troia in Kilikien? 181-205
Mazzoni S. 2020a: Crisis and Fall: a View from Uşaklı Höyük and Its Territory Martino S. de − Devecchi E. 2020a 209-236
Millek J.M. 2020a: "Our City is Sackked, May You Know It!" The Destruction of Ugarit and Its Environs by the "Sea People" Archaeology and History of Lebanon 52-53 102-132
Millek J.M. 2021b: Troy, the Sea Peoples and 1200 B.C.: The Origins and Future of an Iconic Date UF 52 159-178
Miller J.L. 2020b: Are There Signs of the Decline of the Late Hittite State in the Textual Documentation from Hattuša? Martino S. de − Devecchi E. 2020a 237-256
Müller-Karpe A. 2009b: The Rise and Fall of the Hittite Empire in the Light of Dendroarchaeological Research Fs Kuniholm 253-262
Niemeier W.-D. 1998a: The Mycenaeans in Western Anatolia and the Problem of the Origins of the Sea Peoples Fs Dothan 17-65
Oreshko R. 2018a: Ahhiyawa - Danu(na). Aegean ethnic groups in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Light of Old and New Hieroglyphic-Luwian Evidence PHILIPPIKA 118 23-56
Orsi V. 2020a: The Transition from the Bronze to the Iron Age at Uşaklı Höyük: The Ceramic Sequence Martino S. de − Devecchi E. 2020a 271-316
Otten H. 1977a: Zum Ende des Hethiterreiches auf grund der Boğazköy-Texte JIVF 1976 22-35
Otten H. 1983d: Die letzte Phase des hethitischen Grossreiches nach den Texten Griechenland, die Ägäis und die Levante 13-24
Pucci M. 2019b: Cultural encounters during the LBII and IAI: Hittites and ‘Pelesets’ in the Amuq (Hatay) Turkey AsiAnA 1/1 169-194
Pucci M. 2020b: Drinking in Iron Age Atchana ANES-S 55 249-272
Seeher J. 2001i: Die Zerstörung der Stadt Hattuša 4HitCongr 623-634
Sherratt S. 2013a: The Ceramic Phenomenon of the “Sea Peoples”: An Overview Killebrew A.E. − Lehmann G. 2013a 619-644
Singer I. 1985a: The Battle of Niḫriya and the End of the Hittite Empire ZA 75 100-123
Singer I. 1987a: Dating the End of the Hittite Empire Hethitica 8 413-421
Strobel K. 2013a: Qadesh, Sea-Peoples, and Anatolian-Levantine Interactions Across the Border 501-538
Summers G.D. 2009a: The End of Chronology: New Directions in the Archaeology of the Central Anatolian Iron Age Fs Kuniholm 239-252
Ünal A. 2021a: The Importance of the Southern Mediterranean Coast: Dana Island and its Surroundings within the Historical Process Öniz H. 2021a 12-25
Voigt M.M. – Henrickson R. 2001a: Formation of the Phrygian state: the Early Iron Age at Gordion AnSt 50 37ff.
Yakar J. 2006a: Dating the Sequence of the Final Destruction / Abandonment of LBA Settlements: Towards a Better Understanding of Events that led to the Collapse of the Hittite Kingdom Strukturierung und Datierung 33-51
Yakubovich I. 2015a: Phoenician and Luwian in Early Iron Age Cilicia AnSt 65 35–53
Zangger E. 2016a: The Luwian Civilization. The Missing Link in the Aegean Bronze Age
Zangger E. 2016b: Die luwische Kultur. Das fehlende Element in der Ägäischen Bronzezeit
Zangger E. 2017a: Die Luwier und der trojanische Krieg. Eine Entdeckungsgeschichte

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Gerfrid G.W. Müller -- 2007- 2024