Systematik zur Hethitischen Bibliographie

Jana Součková
und Gerfrid G.W. Müller

Citatio: J. Součková & G.G.W. Müller, Hethitische Bibliographie (2008-02-18)

Ergebnisse der Auswahl | Selection Results

Thema: 74.3.1. Altes Reich
Zur Systematik
Avetisjan H.M. 1978a: Churrity na rubežach Maloj Azii do ustanovlenija moguščestva Mitanni (Hurrians at the outskirts of Asia Minor betore the rise of the empire of Mitanni) Drevnij Vostok 3 5-24
Badalì E. 1987a: Eine neue Lesung im Anfang des 'Anitta-Textes' WdO 18 43-44
Bayun L. 1994a: The Legend about the Queen of Kanis: a Historical Source? JAC 9 1-13
Beal R.H. 2003a: The Predecessors of Hattušili I Fs Hoffner 13-35
Beckman G. 2000b: Edicts and Proclamations: Bilingual Edict of Hattušili I Context of Scripture 2 79-81 (Nr. 2.15)
Beckman G. 2001a: Hantili I Fs Haas 51-58
Beckman G. 2006a: Hittite Historical Texts I: “The Anitta Text” Chavalas M.W. 2006a 216-219
Beckman G. 2006b: Hittite Historical Texts I: “Annals of Hattušili I” Chavalas M.W. 2006a 219-222
Bryce T. 1981a: Ḫattušili l and the Problems of the Royal Succession in the Hittite Kingdom AnSt 31 9-17
Bryce T. 1982a: The Major Historical Texts of Early Hittite History Asian Studies Monograph 1 ?Rezension?
Bryce T. 2018b: The Annals and Lost Golden Statue of the Hittite King Hattusili I GEPHYRA 26 1-12
Çakmak D. 2016a: Marshall Sahlins’in Büyük Adam Modeli: I.Hattuşili Örneği Fs Ünal 75-96
Cammarosano M. 2006a: Il decreto antico-ittita di Pimpira ?Rezension?
Carruba O. 1985b: Testi arcaici d'Anatolia AION 7 157-175
Carruba O. 1992a: Die Tawannannas des Alten Reiches Fs Alp 73-89
Carruba O. 2001c: Anitta res gestae: paralipomena I 4HitCongr 51-72
Carruba O. 2003a: Anittae res gestae StudMed 13; SerHeth 1 ?Rezension?
Cavaignac E. 1938a: Le bilingue hittite-akkadien de Hattusil l. RHA 5/33 01.06.04
Collins B.J. 1986a: Some thoughts on the periphery of the Hittite Old Kingdom 196 ASOR Meeting Abstracts 49-50
Cornelius F. 1959a: Die Annalen Ḫattušiliš I Or NS 28 292-296
Corti C. 2002a: I frammenti "minori" di CTH 3: ipotesi di interpretazione Gs Imparati 171-180
Dardano P. 2014d: Šanda e i Hurriti: nota su KBo 3.34 I 24‒25 Fs Nowicki 41-50
De Zorzi N. 2017a: Teratomancy at Tigunānum: Structure, Hermeneutics, and Weltanschauung of a Northern Mesopotamian Omen Corpus JCS 69 125-150
Dossin G. 1939a: Une mention de Ḫattuša dans une lettrede Mari RHA 5/35 70-76
Durand J.M. – Charpin D. 2006a: La lettre de Labarna au roi de Tigunânum, un réexamen Fs Sanmartín 219-227
Ekmen F.G. 2023a: Acemhöyük in the Old Hittite Kingdom: From the Commercial Center to Rural Settlement AuOr 41/2 161-181
Forlanini M. 1995a: The Kings of Kaniš 2HitCongr 123-132
Forlanini M. 2004c: Considerazioni sullo spostamento del centro del potere nel periodo della formazione dello stato hittita Fs Lebrun 1 249-269
Forlanini M. 2010a: An Attempt at Reconstructing the Branches of the Hittite Royal Family of the Early Kingdom Period Fs Singer 115-135
Freu J. 1995a: De l'ancien royaume au nouvel empire. Les temps obscurs de la monarchie hittite 2HitCongr 133-148
Freu J. – Klock-Fontanille I. – Mazoyer M. 2007a: Des origines à la fin de l'ancien royaume hittite. Les hittites et leur histoire ?Rezension?
Freydank H. – Prechel D. 2020a: Nochmals zum Brief des Labarna an Tunija von Tikunani Fs de Martino 193-201
Gadd C.J. 1962a: Hammurabi and the End of His Dynasty CAH Revised edition, vol 2
Gates M.H. 2017a: Gods, Temples, and Cult at the Service of the Early Hittite State Fs Postgate Vol. 1 189-210
Gilan A. 2007a: Bread, Wine and Patridges – A Note on the Palace Anecdotes (CTH 8) Fs Košak 299-304
Gilan A. 2020a: “She did not call me father, so I will not call her my daughter!”. The Episode of the “Daughter” in CTH 6 and Its Historical Significance Fs de Martino 203-214
Giorgadze G.G. 1965a: "Tekst Anitty" i nekotorye voprosy rannej istorii Chettov [The "Anittas Text" and Same Problems of Early Hittite History] VDI 94 87-111
Giorgadze G.G. 1969a: Chetty i Churrity po drevnechettskim textarn [Hittites and Hurrians in Old Hittite Texts] VDI 107 71-85
Giusfredi F. 2013c: Appunti di critica delle varianti degli Annali bilingui di Hattusili I RSO NS 86 93-102
Goedegebuure P. 2006b: Hittite Historical Texts I: “The Bilingual Testament of Hattusili I” Chavalas M.W. 2006a 222-228
Goedegebuure P. 2006c: Hittite Historical Texts I: “The proclamation of Telipinu” Chavalas M.W. 2006a 228-235
Goedegebuure P. 2007b: “Let only Neša become populous!”, and more. Philological Notes on Old Hittite Fs Košak 305-312
Goetze A. 1922a: Akkadisch-Hethitisches ZA 34 170-188
Groddek D. 2016a: KUB 14.4 IV 22 – Grammatik und Geschichte Fs Tischler 89-97
Guichard M. 1993a: La conquète de Haššum par le roi de Zarwar NABU 1993 46-47, 1993/54
Gurney O.R. 1962a: Anatolia c. 1750-1600 B.C. CAH Revised edition, vol 2
Haas V. 1977c: Zalpa, die Stadt am Schwarzen Meer und das althethitische Königtum MDOG 109 15-26
Haas V. 1993a: Eine hethitische Weltreichsidee. Betrachtungen zum historischen Bewusstsein und politischen Denken in althethitischer Zeit Anfänge politischen Denkens 135-144
Haas V. – Wegner I. 2002c: Betrachtungen zu dem Bericht des Puḫanu. Versuch einer Interpretation Gs Imparati 353-358
Hardy R.S. 1941a: The Old Hittite Kingdom. A Political History AJSL 58 177-216
Helck W. 1983a: Zur ältesten Geschichte des Hatti-Reiches Fs Bittel 271-281
Helck W. 1984a: Die Sukzija-Episode im Dekret des Telepinus WdO 15 103-108
Hoffner H.A. 1997h: Hittite Canonical Compositions - Historiography: Proclamation of Anitta of Kuššar Context of Scripture 1 182-184 (Nr. 1.72)
Hoffner H.A. 1997i: Hittite Canonical Compositions - Historiography: Crossing of the Taurus Context of Scripture 1 184-185 (Nr. 1.73)
Hrozný B. 1930c: O prastarém hethitském králi Anittovi z 20. stolo př. Kr. [Über den uralten hethitischen König Anitta vom 20. Jhd. v.Chr.] Národní politika 11
Hrozný B. 1934d: Anittas Tvůrcové dĕjin 24-28
Imparati F. – Saporetti C. 1965a: L'autobiografia di Ḫattušili I SCO 14 40-85
Ivanov V.V. 1968a: Interpretacija drevnechetskogo fragmenta 2 BoTU 10 ß [Die Interpretation des althethitischen Fragments 2 BoTU 10 B] IV. Vsesojuznaja sessija po Drevnemu Vostoku 70-72
Jean Ch.-F. 1952a: Qui a saccagé et incendié Mari au IIe millénaire? RA 46 55-57
Kempinski A. – Košak S. 1982a: CTH 13: The Extensive Annals of Hattušili I (?) Tel Aviv 9 87-116
Klinger J. 2001b: Historische Texte: Aus der sogenannte "Palastchronik" TUAT Erg. 61-64
Klinger J. 2005e: Herrscherinschriften und andere Dokumente zur politischen Geschichte des Hethiterreiches. 1. Der sogennante Anitta-Text; 2. Das Testament Ḫattušilis I.; Der Tatenbericht des Šuppiluliumas I. - Auszug TUAT-NF 2 139-150
Klinger J. 2014a: The Imperial Space – The Early Hittite Kingdom The Emergence of the Mittani State 75-90
Kloekhorst A. 2021a: A New Interpretation of the Old Hittite Zalpa-Text (CTH 3.1): Nēša as the Capital under Ḫuzzii̯a I, Labarna I, and Ḫattušili I JAOS 141/3 557-575
Košak S. 1980b: The Rulers of the Early Hittite Empire Tel Aviv 7 163-168
Kourkoulakos A. 2022a: Did Ḫattušili I Destroy Beycesultan II? An Interpretation of the Site’s New C-14 Dating Hajnal I. – Zangger E. – Kelder J. 2022a 377-393
Kupper J.-R. 1949a: Uršu RA 43 79-87
Lewy J. 1962a: Old Assyrian Evidence Concerning Kuššara and its Location HUCA 33 45-57
Lewy J. 1965a: Old Assyrian Evidence Concerning Kuššara and its Location Gs Bossert 305-315
Martínez J. 2016a: The Evidence for Hurma as Early Hittite Capital in the Old Kingdom Fs Tischler 173-190
Martino S. de 1991a: Alcune osservazioni su KBo III 27 AoF 18 54-66
Martino S. de 1991c: I Hurriti nei testi ittiti dell'antico regno Seminari 1990 71-83
Martino S. de 1992c: I rapport i tra Ittiti e Hurriti durante il regno di Muršili I Hethitica 11 19-37
Martino S. de 1995b: Die Unternehmungen des Muršili I. im südöstlichen Anatolien nach KUB XXXI 64+ (CTH 12) AoF 22 282-296
Martino S. de 1999c: La cosiddetta "cronaca di Ammuna" Studi e testi 2 69-82
Martino S. de 2002a: The Military Exploits of the Hittite King Hattušili I in Lands Situated between the Upper Euphrates and the Upper Tigris Fs Popko 77-85
Martino S. de 2003a: Annali e res gestae antico ittiti StudMed 12; SerHeth 2 ?Rezension?
Martino S. de 2005f: Le Res Gestae dei sovrani ittiti dell’Antico Regno Narrare gli eventi 143-147
Martino S. de 2012d: Malatya and Išuwa in Hittite Texts: New Elements of Discussion Origini 34 375-383
Martino S. de – Imparati F. 2003a: More on the So-Called "Puḫanu Chronicle" Fs Hoffner 253-263
Masalcı Şahin G. 2023a: Some Observations on the Exiled Members of the Royal Family during the Old Hittite Period Vakanüvis-Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 8/1 676-692
Masson E. 1995a: L'avènement de Ḫattušili ler à la lumière des plus anciens documents 2HitCongr 257-262
Masson E. 2008a: Testament politique de Hattusili Ier: encore et toujours 6HitCongr2 513-52
McMahon G. 2010a: Agency, Identity, and the Hittite State Agency and Identity 181-189
Melchert H.C. 1977a: The Acts of Hattušil l Indo-European Studies 3 568-620
Melchert H.C. 1978a: The Acts of Hattušili I JNES 37 1-22
Menabde E.A. 1962a: O charaktere pridvornych smut v Chettskom gosudarstve (XVII-XVI vv. do n.e.) (Du caractere des troubles avant Telipinus dans l'Empire Hittite) Kavkazsko-bližnevostočnyj sbornik 2 33-45
Miller J.L. 2001a: Hattušili I's Expansion into Northern Syria in Light of the Tikunani Letter 4HitCongr 410-429
Mladjov I. 2016a: Ammuna, Ḫuzziya, and Telipinu reconsidered NABU 2016/1 21-24, Nr. 14
Monte G.F. del 2001a: Un frammento delle "Gesta di Hattušili I" (CTH 4) NABU 2001 8-9, 2001/6
Neu E. 1974a: Der Anitta-Text StBoT 18 ?Rezension?
Nowicki H. 2000a: Zum Einleitungsparagraphen des Anitta-Textes (CTH 1,1-4) 125 Jahre Indogermanistik 347ff.
Otten H. 1951a: Zu den Anfängen der hethitischen Geschichte MDOG 83 33-45
Otten H. 1974b: Die Königin von Kaniš CRRAI 19 301-303
Pecchioli Daddi F. 1992a: Note di storia politica antico-ittita SEL 9 11-19
Pecchioli Daddi F. 1994a: Il re, il padre deI re, il nonno del re OAM 1 75-91
Pecchioli Daddi F. 1995a: Le così dette "cronache di palazzo" 2HitCongr 321-332
Pugliese Carratelli G. 1994a: La clausola dei 'Testamento' di Ḫattusili I PdP 49 401-408
Roszkowska-Mutschler H. 1992a: "... and on its site I sowed cress ...". Some Remarks on the Execration of Defeated Enemy Cities by the Hittite Kings JAC 7 1-12
Roszkowska-Mutschler H. 2009a: Einige Bemerkungen zu den Annalen Hattusilis I. und den Zehnjahr-Annalen Mursilis II. Fs Łyczkowska 221-231
Salvini M. 1993a: Un documento del re ittita Ammuna SMEA 32 85-89
Salvini M. 1994a: Una lettera di Ḫattušili I relativa alla spedizione contro Ḫaḫḫum SMEA 34 61-80
Sayce A.H. 1928b: The Original Home of the Hittites and the Site of Kussar JRAS 264
Schachner A. 2009b: Das 16. Jahrhundert v.Chr. – eine Zeitenwende im hethitischen Zentralanatolien IM 59 9-34
Schachner A. 2010a: M.Ö. 16. yüzyıl: Hitit Anadolusu’nda dönüm noktası 7 HitCongr 661-691
Schmökel H. 1973a: Überlegungen zum Zug des Mursili I. nach Babylon Fs Otten 303-310
Shelestin V. 2014a: The Foreign Policy of Late Old Hittite Kingdom: the Case of Ammuna, 8HitCongr 800-826
Simon Zs. 2020h: The Ancestors of Labarna I and the Cruciform Seal AsiAnA 2 181-191
Smith S. 1956a: Ursu and Ḫaššum Gs Garstang 35-43
Sommer F. – Falkenstein A. 1938a: Die hethitisch-akkadische Bilingue des Ḫattušili I. (Labarna II) ABAW 16 ?Rezension?
Soysal O. 1987a: KUB XXXI 4 + KBo III 41 und 40 (Die Puḫanu-Chronik). Zum Thronstreit Ḫattušilis I. Hethitica 7 173-253
Soysal O. 1989b: Mursili I. - Eine historische Studie. PhD Dissertation, Würzburg ?Rezension?
Soysal O. 1990a: Noch einmal zur Šukziya-Episode im Erlass Telipinus Gs von Schuler 271-279
Soysal O. 1998b: Beiträge zur althethitischen Geschichte (II) AoF 25 5-33
Soysal O. 1999b: Beiträge zur althethitischen Geschichte (I). Ergänzende Bemerkungen zur Puhanu-Chronik und zum Menschenfresser-Text Hethitica 14 109-145
Soysal O. 2021b: Kleine Beiträge zu den unpublizierten Bo-Texten (I): Die Klageschrift eines althethitischen Königs (Bo 6109) Kaskal 18 55-63
Stefanini R. 1992a: On the Tenth Paragraf of the Bronze Tablet (I.91-II.3) AGI 77 133-152
Steiger G. 1989a: Kültepe-Kaniš und der" Anitta"-Text Fs T. Özgüç 471-480
Steiner G. 1984a: Struktur und Bedeutung des sog. Anitta-Textes OA 23 54-73
Steiner G. 1992a: How was the city of Hattuša taken by "Anitta"? 1HitCongr 170ff.
Steiner G. 1994a: Die Zerstörung von Hattuša durch "Anitta" und seine Wiederbesiedlung durch Hattušili I. 11TTKongr 125-136
Steiner G. 1996a: Muršili I: Sohn oder Enkel Labarna-Hattušilis I? UF 28 561-618
Vielle C. 1996a: "Chronique de" ou "plainte du" Puhānu (KUB XXXI 4 / KBo III 41). Note sur les problèmes d'interprétation des textes "historiques" en vieux-hittite Ollodagos 307ff.
Wilhelm G. 2005d: Pijušti RlA 10 562
Wilhelmi L. 2016a: Materiality and the Presence of the Anitta Text in Original and Secondary Context: Considerations on the Original Nature of the Proclamation of Anitta (CTH 1) and its Transmission as part of Hittite Traditional Literature Balke T.E. − Tsouparopoulou Ch. 2016a 223-239
Yiğit T. 2003a: Hitit Krallığı'nın Kuruluş Dönemindeki İç Olayların Sırası ArchAnat 6/2 143-154
Yiğit T. 2005a: Sequence of Internal Events During the Foundation Period of the Hittite Kingdom 5HitCongr 779-788
Yiğit T. 2006a: Uršu Kuşatması Metni’nin Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi Anadolu/Anatolia 31 43-55
Yiğit T. 2016a: Šanahuitta ve Hitit Krallığı’nın Erken Dönemine İlişkin Bazı Gözlemler Fs Ünal 531-544
Vgl. zum Thema ferner:
Adalı S.F. – Taş I. 2014a: The umman-manda in Hittite Texts 8HitCongr 3-19
Alp S. 1963a: Kaniş = Anişa = Nişa. Erken Hitit Çağının Bir Başkenti / Kaniš = Aniša = Niša. Eine Hauptstadt der frühhethitischen Periode Belleten 27 367-376 / 377-386
Archi A. 1999a: Hattušili I and the Treaty with Talmi-Šarruma of Aleppo again NABU 1999 39-40, 1999/40
Archi A. 2015a: How the Anitta text reached Hattusa Gs Otten 1-14
Archi A. 2021a: "Formengeschichte" and the Transmission of the Anitta Text Or NS 90/2 256–273
Arnaud D. 1978-1979a: Religion assyro-babylonienne [Comptes-rendus des conférences] AEPHER 87 189-195
Bachvarova M. 2010a: Manly Deeds: Hittite Admonitory History and Eastern Mediterranean Didactic Epic Epic and History 66-85 (Ch. 5)
Beal R.H. 1983a: Studies in Hittite History JCS 35 115-126
Beckman G. 1995c: The Siege of Uršu Text (CTH 7) and Old Hittite Historiography JCS 47 23-34
Börker-Klähn J. 2004a: Tutḫalija "König der Heiden" Gs Forrer 207-224
Collins B.J. 1987a: § 54 of the Hittite Laws and the Old Kingdom Periphery Or NS 56 136-141
Corti C. 2005a: Il racconto delle origini: alcune riflessioni sul testo di Zalpa Narrare gli eventi 113-121
Dardano P. 1997a: L'aneddoto e il racconto in età antico-hittita: la cosiddetta "Cronaca di Palazzo"
Dercksen J.G. 2010a: Anitta and the Man of Purušhanda Fs Donbaz 71-75
Devecchi E. 2005a: Gli annali di Ḫattušili I nella versione accadica StudMed 16
Di Nocera G.M. – Forlanini M. 1992a: Atlante Storico del Vicino Oriente Antico 4.2: Anatolia:La prima metà del II millennio a.C.
Dinçol A.M. et al. 1993a: The 'Cruciform Seal' from Boğazköy-Ḫattusa Fs Neve 87-106
Easton D.F. 1981a: Hittite Land Donations and Tabarna Seals JCS 33 3-43
Forlanini M. 1984a: Die "Götter von Zalpa". Hethitische Götter und Städte am Schwarzen Meer ZA 74 245-266
Forlanini M. 1999a: Remarques sur la dynastie hittite: avant et après Boğazköy Hethitica 14 19-26
Forlanini M. 2004b: La nascita di un impero. Considerazioni sulla prima fase della storia hittita: da Kaniš a Hattuša Or NS 73 363-389
Forlanini M. 2007c: The Offering List of KBo 4.13 (I 17’-48’) to the local gods of the kingdom, known as “Sacrifice List”, and the history of the formation of the early Hittite state and its initial growing beyond central Anatolia 6HitCongr1 259-280
Forlanini M. 2009c: Upper Mesopotamia in the Middle of the 17th Century B.C. According to the Hittite Texts KASKAL 6 49-75
Forlanini M. 2017a: Le rôle de Purušḫanda dans l’histoire hittite Centennial Laroche 125-150
Gambashidze M. 2004a: Piruwa – the Son of Anitta? Bulletin of AGIBAS 2-3 1
Gilan A. 2004b: Der Puḫānu-Text – Theologischer Streit und politische Opposition in der althethitischen Literatur AoF 31 263-296
Gilan A. 2007b: How many princes can the land bear? - Some thoughts on the Zalpa text (CTH 3) 6HitCongr1 305-318
Gilan A. 2015a: Formen und Inhalte althethitischer Literatur THeth 29
Giorgadze G.G. 1969b: O prestolonasledii v drevnechettskom carstve. (K interpretacii § 28 "Ukaza Telipinu") (The order of Succession to the Throne in the Old Hittite Kingdom. (On the Interpretation of § 28 in The "Decree of Telipinu") VDl 110 67-82
Giorgadze G.G. 1970a: Nasledovanie carskoj vlasti v drevnechettskom gosud~tve (do Telepinu) [Die Thronfolge im althethitischen Staat (bis Telepinu)] Kavkazsko-bližnevostočnyj sbornik 3 10-30
Giusfredi F. 2019a: Le cosiddette Res Gestae di Anitta. Note di filologia e storia ittita Fs Poetto 209-220
Gorny R.L. 1995b: Hittite Imperialism and Anti-Imperial Resistance as Viewed from Alishar Höyük BASOR 299-300 65-89
Groddek D. 2019a: Zwei neue Anschlußstücke zu CTH 12 Fs Poetto 229-232
Hoffner H.A. 2009a: Letters from the Hittite Kingdom
Hout Th.P.J. van den 1997a: Hittite Canonical Compositions - Biography and Autobiography: The Proclamation of Telipinu Context of Scripture 1 194-198 (Nr. 1.76)
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1983a: The History of Warfare according to Hittite Sources: The Annals of Hattusilis I Anatolica 10 91-109
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1984a: The History of Warfare according to Hittite Sources: The Annals of Hattusilis I (Part 2) Anatolica 11 47-83
Jasink A.M. 2001b: Kizzuwatna and Tarhuntašša - their historical evolution and interactions with Hatti La Cilicie 47-56
Kılıç Y. 2005a: Hitit Öncesi ve Hitit Dönemi Anadolu'da Veraset Sistemi 5HitCongr 513-518
Klinger J. 2001c: Briefe aus hethitischen Archiven: 1. Ein akkadischsprachiger Brief Hattusilis I.; 2. Aus der innerhethitischen Verwaltungskorrespondenz; 3. Ein Beispiel für diplomatische Korrespondenz in hethitischer Sprache TUAT Erg. 65-69
Klock-Fontanille I. 1996a: Le Testament politique de Hattušili Ier ou les conditions d'exercise de la royauté dans l'ancien royaume hittite Anatolia Antiqua/Eski Anadolu 4 33-66
Klock-Fontanille I. 2001b: Les premiers rois hittites et la représentation de la royauté dans les textes de l'Ancien Royaume
Kloekhorst A. – Waal W. 2019a: A Hittite Scribal Tradition Predating the Tablet Collections of Ḫattuša? The origin of the ‘cushion-shaped’ tablets KBo 3.22, KBo 17.21+, KBo 22.1, and KBo 22.2 ZA 109 189–203
Liverani M. 2004a: Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography
Marazzi M. 1986c: Beiträge zu den akkadischen Texten aus Boğazköy in althethitischer Zeit BRLF 18
Marazzi M. 1997b: Problemi per una definizione formale e funzionale della cosiddetta "Cronaca di Palazzo" (o Libro degli Aneddoti) Dardano P. 1997a ix-xvii
Martino S. de 1989b: Hattušili I e Haštayar: un problema aperto OA 28 1-24
Martino S. de 2000a: Il regno hurrita di Mitanni: profilo storico politico La civiltà dei Hurriti 68-102
Martino S. de 2004a: König, Gott und Feind in den althethitischen historiographischen Texten KASKAL 1 31-44
Martino S. de 2005h: Old Hittite Historiographical Texts: Problems of Classifications 5HitCongr 225-230
Martino S. de 2018a: Sitting at the Table of the Hittite King Corti C. 2018a 319-329
Martino S. de 2022b: Hatti: From Regional Polity to Empire HHE 205-270
Martino S. de – Imparati F. 1998a: Sifting Through the Edicts and Proclamations of the Hittite Kings 3HitCongr 391-400
Matessi A. – Giusfredi F. 2023a: Society, Culture, and Early Language Contact in Middle Bronze Age Anatolia (Ca. 1950–1650 BCE) Giusfredi F. − Matessi A. − Pisaniello V. 2023a 62-107
Meriggi P. 1973b: Zu einigen Stellen hethitischer historischer Texte Fs Otten 199-208
Mielke D.P. 2006b: Inandıktepe und Sarissa. Ein Beitrag zur Datierung althethitischer Fundkomplexe Strukturierung und Datierung 251-276
Miller J.L. 1999a: The Expeditions of Ḫattušili I to the Eastern Frontiers. A Study in the Historical Geography and Internal Chronology of the Great King’s Campaigns
Özgüç T. 2002f: Neša. Beschreibung einer Stadtentwicklung Hethiter 152-155
Öztürk G. 2023a: Cultural Continuity from the Kaˉrum Period to the Hittite Empire Period in Light of Stamp Seals and Impressions Adalya 26 1-35
Peled I. 2015b: kula'ūtam epēšum: Gender Ambiguity and Contempt in Mesopotamia JAOS 135-4 751-764
Roos J. de 2001c : Rhetoric in the s.c. testament of Hattusilis I Fs Veenhof 401-406
Salvini M. 1996a: The Habiru Prism of King Tunip-Teššup of Tikunani DocAs 3
Salvini M. 1998a: New Documents for the History of Anatolia and Syria in the Old Hittite Period 3HitCongr 197-504
Salvini M. 1998b: Un royaume hourrite en Mésopotamie du Nord à l'époque de Hattušili I Šubartu 4 305-311
Sazonov V. 2017a: Some Notes on Text of King Anitta NABU 2017/4 179-182
Schnell R.H. 2017a: Shall No Man Raise His Sister’s Son?: The Anatolian Avuncular System in the II and I Millennia
Simon Zs. 2011e: When were the fortifications of the Upper City of Hattuša built? Anatolica 37 239-249
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