Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln

Silvin Košak

Citatio: S. Košak, hethiter.net/: hetkonk (2.plus)

Searched: INVNR:~Bo~2105 CTH:~~ PUBL.:~~~ ALIA:~~
1 Text(fragment)s

Inventory number PublicationCTH Find spot Date Comments
Bo 2105 . KUB 3.91 819 Ḫattuša: [In Istanbul] k.A. TLH
vgl. M. Weeden, Diss., 2007, 83 ("...a late fragment of an Akkadian-language Palace-Chronicle type of text has the Akkadian written in an OB "monumental" script while Hittite comments are written underneath in regular Boğazköy ductus."); id., StBoT 54, 2011, 184.

(Above 1 tablets, 1 fragments)

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