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Andrea Intilia, Alvise Matessi & Marco De Pietri


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Monte G.F. del 1993a: L'annalistica ittita Testi del Vicino Oriente Antico 4
Monte G.F. del 1994a: Recipienti enigmatici Drinking in Ancient Societies 187-208
Monte G.F. del 1995a: I testi amministrativi da Maşat Höyük/Tapika OAM 2 89-138
Monte G.F. del 1995b: Bier und Wein bei den Hethitern Fs Houwink ten Cate 211-224
Monte G.F. del 1995c: Un rituale contro la peste. La tavola antologica KUB XLI 17 e frammenti collegati EVO 18 173ff.
Monte G.F. del 1998a: Ein neues Bruchstück der ausführlichen Annalen des Mursili NABU 1998 27-28, 1998/24
Monte G.F. del 1999a: Rev. of: Gessel A.H.L. van 1998a JAOS 119 703-704
Monte G.F. del 2001a: Un frammento delle "Gesta di Hattušili I" (CTH 4) NABU 2001 8-9, 2001/6
Monte G.F. del 2002a: Sui rituali di Mallidunna di Turmita Fs Popko 63-75
Monte G.F. del 2004a: L'Epopea ittita Saga di Gilgameš 216-230, 295-311, 419-429
Monte G.F. del 2004b: Il rituale di guarigione di Bappi (CTH 431) Or NS 73 337-347
Moorey P.R.S. 1993a: Rev. of: Fs Kantor JNES 52 49-51
Moorey P.R.S. 1994a: Rev. of: Cholidis N. 1992a BiOr 51 683-685
Moortgat-Correns U. 1993a: Ein kleiner reliefierter Bronzeteller aus der hethitischen Grossreichszeit Fs N. Özgüç 121-126
Moortgat-Correns U. 1994a: Die Rosette - ein Schriftzeichen? Die Geburt des Sterns aus dem geiste der Rosette AoF 21 359-371
Mora C. 1993a: Lo "status" dei re di Kargamiš Or NS 62 67-70
Mora C. 1994a: Rev. of: Pecchioli Daddi F. - Polvani A.M. 1990a Athenaeum 82 569-570
Mora C. 1994b: L'Étude de la glyptique anatolienne. Bilan et nouvelles orientations de la récherche Syria 71 205-215
Mora C. 1995a: I Luvi e la scrittura geroglifica anatolica 2HitCongr 275-281
Mora C. 1997a: Rev. of: Fs Houwink ten Cate Mesopotamia (T) 32 320ff.
Mora C. 1997b: Rev. of: Hawkins J.D. 1995c BiOr 54 427-433
Mora C. 1998a: Osservazioni sull'uso del "geroglifico anatolico" in Siria nel II millennio a.C. Il geroglifico anatolico 195-218
Mora C. 1998b: Kurunta, Prince Studi e testi 1 85-91
Mora C. 1999a: Una nuova scrittura per la storia. Iscrizioni e monumenti nell'ultimo periodo dell'Impero ittita Presentazione e scrittura della storia 23ff.
Mora C. 2000a: Per una migliore utilizzazione della corrispondenza reale assiro-ittita come fonte storica Gs Cagni 765-782
Mora C. 2000b: Il titolo "re del paese di…" tra II e I millennio a.C. in Anatolia e Siria CRRAI 44/2 57-64
Mora C. 2000c: Archivi periferici nell'Anatolia ittita: l'evidenza delle cretule Administrative Documents 63-78
Mora C. 2002a: Le figure e le parole (a proposito di due reperti da Ugarit e da Ḫattuša) Gs Imparati 603-611
Mora C. 2003a: On Some Clauses in the Kurunta Treaty and the Political Scenery at the End of the Hittite Empire Fs Hoffner 289-296
Mora C. 2003b: Rev. of: Beyer D. 2001a BiOr 60 191-195
Mora C. 2004a: "Overseers" and "Lords" of the Land in the Hittite Administration Gs Forrer 477-486
Mora C. 2004b: Sigilli e sigillature di Karkemiš in età imperiale ittita I. I re, i dignitari, il (mio) Sole Or NS 73 427-450
Mora C. 2005a: Grands rois, petits rois, gouvernants de second rang RANT 2 309-314
Mora C. et al. 2002a: Seminario scientifico "sull'informatizzazione dei testi cuneiformi e per una catalogazione dei documenti dell'Anatolia antica" (Pavia, 12-13.11.2001) - Sigilli, cretule, documenti amministrativi in Anatolia e Siria: vecchi e nuovi sistemi per la catalogazione e l'analisi dei dati SMEA 44 328-330
Mori M. – Omura S. 1993a: Preliminary Report on the Third Excavation at Kaman-Kalehöyük in Turkey (1988) Essays in Anatolian Archaeology 43-74
Mori M. – Omura S. 1995a: A Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Kaman-Kalehöyük in Turkey (1989-1993) Anatolia and Surrounding Civilizations 1-42
Morpurgo Davies A. 1998a: Sessanta anni (o cento) di linguistica anatolica Il geroglifico anatolico 219-257
Mountjoy P.A. 1998a: The East Aegean-West Anatolian Interface in the Late Bronze Age: Mycenaeans and the Kingdom of Ahhiyawa AnSt 48 33-67
Mouton A. 2001a: Rev. of: BMECCJ 11 BiOr 58 426-430
Mouton A. 2002a: Y a-t-il une relation entre les motifs de la glyptique cappadocienne et les hiéroglyphes anatoliens? SMEA 44 83-113
Mouton A. 2002b: Rev. of: 4HitCongr BiOr 59 581-586
Mouton A. 2003a: Usages privés et publics de l'incubation d'après les textes Hittites JANER 3 73-91
Mouton A. 2004a: Use of Private Incubations Compared to "Official" Ones in Hittite Texts Offizielle Religion 293-300
Mouton A. 2004b: Rev. of: Gs Imparati BiOr 61 165-173
Mouton A. 2004c: Rev. of: Torri G. 2003a BiOr 61 343-348
Mouton A. 2004d: Anatomie animale : le festin carné des dieux d'après les textes hittites I - Les membres antérieurs CollAn 3 67-92
Mouton A. 2004e: Rev. of: Nakamura M. 2002a JANER 4 163-172
Mouton A. 2004f: Le rituel de Walkui (KBo 32.176): quelques réflexions sur la déesse de la nuit et l'image du porc dans le monde hittite ZA 94 85-105
Mouton A. 2005a: Rev. of: Mazoyer M. 2003a BiOr 62 96-101
Mouton A. 2005b: Quelques observations supplémentaires sur le compte rendu oraculaire hittite KUB 22.61 NABU 2005 36, 2005/33
Monografies Eridu: Monografies Eridu
Mosaïque: Mosaïque des langues, mosaïque culturelle. Le bilinguisme dans le Proche-Orient ancien, Actes de la table-ronde du 18 novembre 1995 Antiquités sémitiques 1
Modderman P.J.R. 1967a: Rev. of: Ehrich R.W. 1965a Helinium 7 93-94
Mode H. 1963a: Rev. of: Deshayes J. 1960a DLZ 84 810-812
Mode H. et al. 1959a: Archäologische Übersichtskarte des Alten Orients
Modestov V. 1902a: Novyj trud o pelazgach Zurnal Ministerstva Narodnago Prosvescenija 343 149-188
Modrzejewski J. – Kupiszewski H. 1956a: Session internationale des droits cunéiformes et de la papyrologie juridique, Warszawa 2.-4.XII.1955 lura 7 635-642
Modrzejewski J. – Kupiszewski H. 1956b: Session internationale des droits cunéiformes et de la papyrologie juridique, Warszawa 2.-4.XII.1955 Journal of Juristic Papyrology 9-10 589-592
Möhlenbrink K. 1930a: Rev. of: Wiesner J. 1938a OLZ 43 227-230
Möhlenbrink K. 1941a: Rev. of: Hrozný B. 1940a TLZ 66 189-191
Mohr F. 1983a: Rev. of: Kinet D. 1981a Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 105 89-90
Mohr F. 1984a: Rev. of: TUAT 1/2 Zeitschrift für katolische Theologie 106 95
Mohr F. 1987a: Rev. of: TUAT 1/5 Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 109 95-97
Moigne A.-M. 1987a: Rev. of: Meadow R.H. - Uerpmann H.-P. 1986a Anthropologie 91 717
Mole M. 1948a: Contributions à l'étude du genre grammatical en hittite ROr 15 25-62
Mollart H. 1951a: Rev. of: Goldman H. 1950a EtCl 19 148-149
Möller G. 1915a: Hettitisch ḫat = "Silber"? OLZ 18 78-79
Mollo P. 1990a: Rev. of: Dolce R. - Zaccagnini C. 1989a Mesopotamia (T) 25 251-253
Momigliano A. 1954a: Rev. of: Gurney O.R. 1952a RSI 66 92-94
Momigliano A. 1971a: La libertà di parola nel mondo antico RSI 83 499-524
Monte G.F. del – Tischler J. 1978a: Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der hethitischen Texte RGTC 6; TAVO Beihefte B 7
Monte G.F. del 1971a: Rev. of: Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1970a; Otten H. 1969b OA 10 243-247
Monte G.F. del 1973a: Il terrore dei morti AION 33 = NS 23 373-385
Monte G.F. del 1973b: La porta nei rituali di Boğazköy OA 12 107-129
Monte G.F. del 1973c: Rev. of: Szabó G. 1971a OA 12 171-177
Monte G.F. del 1974a: Su un frammento degli annali di Muršili OA 13 35-37
Monte G.F. del 1974b: Mašḫuiluwa, König von Mira Or NS 43 365-368
Monte G.F. del 1974c: Rev. of: Jakob-Rost L. 1972a OA 13 72-75
Monte G.F. del 1974d: Rev. of: Neve P. 1971a OA 13 242-244
Monte G.F. del 1975a: Le "istruzioni militari" di Tutḫalija SCO 24 127-140
Monte G.F. del 1975b: La fame dei morti AION 35 319-346
Monte G.F. del 1975c: I testimoni del trattato con Aleppo (KBo 1 6) RSO 49 1-10
Monte G.F. del 1976a: Rev. of: Balkan K. 1973a OA 15 345-347
Monte G.F. del 1977a: Rev. of: Ünal A. 1974a SMEA 18 319-324
Monte G.F. del 1978a: Utruna e la festa purulli- OA 17 179-192
Monte G.F. del 1979a: Il mitologema di Kataḫziwuri Gs Meriggi 109-120
Monte G.F. del 1980a: Metrologia hittita, I, Le misure di capacità per aridi OA 19 219-226
Monte G.F. del 1980b: Neue Bruchstücke zum Manapa-dU-Vertrag Or NS 49 58-66
Monte G.F. del 1980c: Traduzione e interferenza nei trattati siro-hittiti VO 3 103-119
Monte G.F. del 1981a: Note sui trattati fra Ḫattusa e Kizuwatna OA 20 203-221
Monte G.F. del 1982a: Considerazioni sull'uso delle negazioni nell'accadico dei testi storici di Ḫattuša OA 21 143-158
Monte G.F. del 1983a: Niqmadu di Ugarit e la rivolta di Tette di Nuḫašše (RS 17.344) OA 22 221-231
Monte G.F. del 1983b: Sulla. terminologia hittita per la restituzione dei fuggiaschi Gs Pintore 29-47
Monte G.F. del 1984a: Note ḫattiche OA 23 167-176
Monte G.F. del 1985a: Muršili II e I'Egitto Fs Bresciani 161-167
Monte G.F. del 1985b: Nuovi frammenti di trattati hittiti OA 24 263-269
Monte G.F. del 1985c: Un nuovo frammento degli "Annali completi" di Muršili II Athenaeum 63 164-166
Monte G.F. del 1985d: Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. - Hoffner H.A. 1980a OA 24 148-154
Monte G.F. del 1985e: Nuovi frammenti di trattati hittiti OA 24 263-269
Monte G.F. del 1986a: Rituali magici e potere nell'Anatolia ittita Soprannaturale e potere 83-94
Monte G.F. del 1986b: Il trattato fra Muršili Il di Ḫattuša e Niqmepa' di Ugarit OAC 18
Monte G.F. del 1987a: Inferno e paradiso nel mondo hittita Archeologia dell' 95-115
Monte G.F. del 1988a: Rev. of: Kümmel H.M. 1985a JAOS 108 306-307
Monte G.F. del 1989a: Una nuova suddivisione dei sūtu a Boğazköy EVO 12 139-144
Monte G.F. del 1991-1992a: Ulmitešub re di Tarḫuntaša EVO 14-15 123-148
Monte G.F. del 1992a: Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der hethitischen Texte. Supplement RGTC 6/2; TAVO Beihefte B 7/6
Montenegro A. 1967a: El imperio hitita
Montet E.L. 1926a: Les Hetéens HistIsrael 15-16
Montet P. 1960a: De Tjarou à Qadech avec Ramses II RHA 18/67 109-115
Moor J.C. de – Spronk K. 1982a: Problernatical passages in the Legend of Kirtu I-II UF 14 153-171, 173-190
Moor J.C. de 1964a: Rev. of: Ellenbogen M. 1962a Vox theologica 34 95
Moor J.C. de 1969a: Rev. of: Gröndahl F. 1967a BiOr 26 105-108
Moor J.C. de 1986a: Systems of Writing and Non-Biblical Languages World of the Bible Handbook 1
Moore G.C. 1974a: The Disappearing Deity Motif in Hittite Texts. A Study in Religious History Dissertation
Moore G.C. 1981a: gišTUKUL as "Oracle Procedure" in Hittite Oracle Texts JNES 40 49-52
Moorey P.R.S. 1980a: Cemeteries of the First Millennium B.C. at Deve Hüyük, near Carchemish, salvaged by Lawrence T.E. and Woolley C.L. in 1913 BAR-IS 87
Moorey P.R.S. 1980b: Rev. of: Littauer M.A. - Crouwel J.H. 1979a Antiquity 54 247-248
Moorey P.R.S. 1986a: The emergence of the light, horse-drawn chariot in the Near-East c. 2000-1500 B.C. World Archaeology 18 196-215
Moorey P.R.S. 1986b: Rev. of: Anonymus 1982d JNES 45 59-60
Moorey P.R.S. 1987a: The Ancient Near East
Moorey P.R.S. 1992a: Rev. of: Muscarella O.W. 1988a JNES 51 65-67
Moortgat A. 1930a: Der Kampf zu Wagen in der Kunst des alten Orients OLZ 33 841-854
Moortgat A. 1930b: Eine mitannische Statuette Berliner Museen 51 56-59
Moortgat A. 1931a: Rev. of: Osten H.H. von der - Schmidt E.F. 1930a OLZ 34 441-444
Moortgat A. 1932a: Die bildende Kunst des alten Orients und die Bergvölker
Moortgat A. 1933a: Ein Basaltidol aus churrischem Bereich ZA 41 209-215
Moortgat A. 1934a: Bildwerk und Volkstum Vorderasiens zur Hethiterzeit
Moortgat A. 1934b: Rev. of: Osten H.H. von der - Schmidt E.F. 1932a; Schmidt E.F. 1932a OLZ 37 503-504
Moortgat A. 1936a: Rev. of: Osten H.H. von der 1934a OLZ 39 510-512
Moortgat A. 1938a: Rev. of: Thureau-Dangin F. et al. 1936a OLZ 41 685-687
Moortgat A. 1939a: Rev. of: Osten H.H. von der 1936a OLZ 41 529-531
Moortgat A. 1940a: Rev. of: Osten H.H. von der 1937a OLZ 43 25-26
Moortgat A. 1941a: Rev. of: Frankfort H. 1939a OLz 44 217-223
Moortgat A. 1944a: Nur hethitische oder auch churritische Kunst? ZA 48 152-160
Moortgat A. 1949a: Rev. of: Porada E. 1948a JAOS 69 95-97
Moortgat A. 1950a: Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. 1946a ZA 49 319-320
Moortgat A. 1952a: Rev. of: Akurgal E. 1949a Gnomon 24 395-398
Moortgat A. 1971a: Einführung in die vorderasiatische Archäologie. Die Altertumswissenschaft. Einführungen in Gegenstand, Methoden und Ergebnisse ihrer Teildisziplinen und Hilfswissenschaften
Moortgat A. 1973a: Zur Geschichte der Karyatide Fs Otten 209-216
Moortgat-Correns U. 1952a: Ritzzeichnung auf Tontafel aus Bogazköy MDOG 84 38-40
Mora C. 1974a: A Hittite Seal of the British Museum AnSt 24 163-167
Mora C. 1974b: I sigilli etei a iscrizione geroglifica Tesi di Laurea. Università di Pavia
Mora C. 1977a: Un sigillo eteo del museo di Rothenburg o.d.T. OA 16 177-181
Mora C. 1977b: Saggio per uno studio sulla popolazione urbana nell' Anatolia antica SMEA 18 227-241
Mora C. 1979a: Sulla mitologia ittita di origine anatolica Gs Meriggi 373-385
Mora C. 1980a: La produzione glittica e i contatti tra Anatolia e Creta nel III-II millennio SMEA 22 297-313
Mora C. 1982a: I sigilli anatolici deI Bronzo Antico Or NS 51 204-226
Mora C. 1983a: Sul § 55 delle leggi ittite OA 22 49-51
Mora C. 1983b: Il ruolo politico-sociale di pankus e tulijas: Revisione di un problema Gs Pintore 159-184
Mora C. 1983c: Rev. of: Poetto M. - Salvatori S. 1981a BiOr 40 734-738
Mora C. 1987a: La glittica anatolica del II millennio A.C.: Classificazione tipologica. Vol 1: I sigilli a iscrizione geroglifica StudMed 6
Mora C. 1987b: Una probabile testimonianza di coreggenza tra due sovrani ittiti Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo 121 97-108
Mora C. 1987c: Su alcuni termini architettonici ittiti (in margine a un lavoro recente) Athenaeum 65 552-559
Mora C. 1988a: Halpaziti e Kukulana: indagine sui sigilli ittiti a doppia intestazione Fs Pugliese Carratelli 159-167
Mora C. 1988b: I proprietari di sigillo nella società ittita Stato, Economia, Lavoro 249-269
Mora C. 1988c: Scambi di beni e movimenti di persone nell'impero ittita. La traccia deI sigillo Athenaeum 66 165-178
Mora C. 1989a: La datazione di "Malnigal" OA 28 183-191
Mora C. 1991a: Sull'origine della scrittura geroglifica anatolica Kadmos 30 1-28
Mora C. 1992a: Regarding Some Inscriptions of Post-Hittite Kings and Great Kings Fs Alp 385-390
Mora C. 1992b: Artistes, artisans et scribes entre Kargamiš et Ḫatti au XIIIe siecle CRRAI 38 241-249
Mora C. 1992c: KUB XXI 33 e l'identità di Muršili III SMEA 29 127-148
Mora C. 1992d: Rev. of: Boehmer R.M. - Güterbock H.G. 1987a Athenaeum 80 255-262
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Moran W.L. 1980a: Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. 1978b JAOS 100 189-190
Moran W.L. 1982a: Rev. of: Hellbing L. 1979a Or NS 51 143-145
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Morpurgo-Davies A. – Hawkins J.D. 1988a: A Luwian Heart Fs Pugliese Carratelli 169-182
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Morpurgo-Davies A. 1971a: Rev. of: Dressler W. 1968a ClR 21 91-93
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Morpurgo-Davies A. 1983b: Rev. of: Gs Kronasser Kratylos 28 95-102
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1986a: Fighting, Ploughing and the Karkamis Kings Fs Risch 129-145
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1986b: The linguistic evidence: is there any? The end of the Early Bronze Age 93-123
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Mouterde R. 1954a: Rev. of: Dussaud R. 1953a MUSJ 31 349-350
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Mouterde R. 1957b: Rev. of: Rutten M. 1957a MUSJ 34 285-287
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MO: Le Monde Oriental. Revue des études orientales
MÖAGUFG: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Môlād: Môlād
Monarchies and Socio-Religious Traditions: Monarchies and Socio-Religious Traditions in the Ancient Near East. Papers Rea at the 31st International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa BMECCJ 1
MonBPreussAkWiss: Monatsberichte der (Kgl.) Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss
MondIll: Le Monde illustré
Monographien RGZM: Monographien RGZM
Monographs on Archaeology: Monographs on Archaeology and the Fine Arts Sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America
Month: The Month
Monthly Review: Monthly Review
Moore, Thesis: Rev. of: Moore G.C. 1974a
Moran, Amarna Letters: Rev. of: Moran W.L. 1992a
Moyer, Diss.: Rev. of: Moyer J.C. 1969a
Mora C. 2005b: Il conflitto tra Ittiti e Assiri e le molteplici interpretazioni di un evento non narrato Narrare gli eventi 245-256
Mora C. 2006a: Riscossione dei tributi e accumulo dei beni nell’impero ittita Fiscality 133-146
Motivation und Mechanismen: Motivation und Mechanismen des Kulturkontaktes in der späten Bronzezeit Eothen 13
Mouton A. 2004g: Une épreuve pour différencier l’homme du dieu: le “texte des cannibales” hittite (KBo 3.60) et quelques rapprochements, ou comment reconnaît-on un dieu hittite? AoF 31 303-319
Mouton A. 2004h: Tarpalli-, tarpašša- et PUHU dans les rituels de substitution hittites NABU 2004 2004/54
Mouton A. 2005c: Rev. of: Taracha 2000a JNES 64 209-212
Mouton A. 2006h: KUB 22,61 (CTH 578): comment traiter les yeux de Mon Soleil ? WdO 36 206-216
Mouton A. 2006a: Rev. of: Miller 2004a BiOr 63 129-133
Mouton A. 2006b: L’importance des rêves dans l’existence de Ḫattušili III Symposium de Roos 9-16
Mouton A. 2006c: Le porc dans les textes religieux hittites De la domestication au tabou 255-265
Mora C. 2005c: Sigilli e sigillature di Karkemiš in età imperiale ittita. II. I sigilli dei principi e dei funzionari: caratteristiche, uso, funzioni Fs Fiandra 229-244
Morphologies of Asia and Africa: Morphologies of Asia and Africa
Mora C. 2006b: Il sistema amministrativo ittita in Anatolia e Siria. Indagini sulla corte di Karkemiš UfficioDocumento 53-63
Mora C. 2007a: I testi ittiti di inventario e gli ‘archivi’ di cretule. Alcune osservazioni e riflessioni Fs Košak 535-550
Mora C. 2007b: Three Metal Bowls Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 515-521
Mouton A. 2005d: Walkui's Ritual (KBo 32.176) 5HitCongr 541-554
Mouton A. 2005f: Anatomie animale : le festin carné des dieux d’après les textes hittites II / Les membres postérieurs et d’autres parties anatomiques CollAn 4 139-154
Mouton A. 2006d: Rev. of: Bawanypeck 2005a RA 100 184-185
Mouton A. 2007a: Rêves hittites. Contributions à une histoire et une anthropologie du rêve en Anatolie ancienne
Mouton A. 2007b: Au sujet du compte rendu oraculaire hittite KBo 18.142 Fs Košak 551-555
Mouton A. 2007c: Rev. of: Christiansen B. 2006a BiOr 64 426-428
Mouton A. 2007d: Sur la différenciacion entre rêve et parā handandatar dans les textes hittites Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 523-531
Mouton A. 2007e: Anatomie animale : le festin carné des dieux d’après les textes hittites, III. Le traitement des viandes RA 101 81-94
Mouton A. 2008a: Un nouveau joint relatif au culte de Lallupiya – Ištanuwa (CTH 773) ZA 98 251-261
Mora C. 2008a: Principi di Karkemiš a Ḫattuša: attività e rapporti con il potere ittita 6HitCongr2 555-563
Mouton A. 2008b: Quelques différences régionales concernant le sacrifice sanglant en Anatolie hittite 6Hit Congr2 565-573
Monte G.F. del 1986c: “E gli dei camminano davanti a me…” EVO 9 59-70
Monte G.F. del 1988b: Il mese ittita Fs Pugliese Carratelli 51-56
Monte G.F. del 2009a: L'opera storiografica di Mursili II re di Hattusa, Vol. I: Le gesta di Suppiluliuma
Mouton A. 2008c: Les rituels de naissance kizzuwatniens. Un example de rites de passage en Anatolie Hittite
Mouton A. 2005e: Quand la reine hittite vit en rêve l’herbe qui pouvait soigner Mon Soleil Le Journal des Médecines Cunéiformes 5 44-46
Monte G.F. del 2008a: Le gesta di Suppiluliuma. Traslitterazione, traduzione e commento
Mora C. 2003c: Gli stati territoriali nel Vicino Oriente nel II millennio a.C.: modelli di funzionamento e difficoltà di applicazione Stati territoriali 3-19
Mora C. 2008b: Entre Anatolie et Syrie, entre Âge du Bronze et Âge du Fer, entre paix et guerre: l’histoire inachevée de Karkemiš et les données d’Emar The City of Emar 79-90
Mora C. 2008c: La ‘Parola del re’. Testi ittiti a carattere politico-giuridico e politico-amministrativo: editti e istruzioni I diritti nel mondo cuneiforme 293-323
Mouton A. 2007f: WdO 37 185-188
Mouton A. 2009a: JNES 68 213-215
Monte G.F. del 2009a: “Quando il nemico venne a sapere che…”. Uno stilema nelle opere storiografiche di Mursili II Fs Saporetti 97-117
Monte G.F. del 2010a: La Fine del Canto di Ullikummi Fs Archi 140-151
Mora C. 2010a: Studies on Ancient Anatolia at Pavia University, and the Hittite Lower Land StMed 22 13-25
Mora C. 2010b: Seals and Sealings of Karkamiš, Part III: The Evidence from the Nişantepe-Archives, the Digraphic Seals and the Title EUNUCHUS2 Fs Hawkins 170-181
Mora C. 2010c: Le sigillature multiple nell’archivio di Nişantepe (Ḫattuša, Città alta) Fs Archi 216-231
Morris S.P. 2001a: Potnia Aswiya: Anatolian Contributions to Greek Religion Aegeum 22 423-434
Mouton A. 2005f: L’Anatolie antique, un exemple parfait de mosaïque culturelle Mosaïque culturelle 3 50-51
Mouton A. 2005g: Les rites de passage de l’Anatolie hittite: un projet de recherche Actes des Deuxièmes Rencontres Doctorales d’Orient Express 9-15
Mouton A. 2006e: Rev. of: Herbordt S. 2005a BiOr 63 335-340
Mouton A. 2008d: Les „mauvais rêves” en Mésopotamie et Anatolie ancienne: entre représentation et non représentation La Part de l’Oeil 23 41-47
Mouton A. 2008e: Dead of Night’ in Anatolia: Hittite Night Rituals Religion Compass 2/1 1-17
Mouton A. 2010a: Sorcellerie hittite JCS 62 105-125
Mouton A. 2010b: Le “mauvais œil” d’après les textes cunéiformes hittites et mésopotamiens Fs Tardieu 425-439
Mouton A. – Rutherford I. 2010a: The Sun Deity of the hilammar: an unnoticed “pan-luwian” deity? BiOr 67 276-281
Mouton A. 2011a: Sulusaray/Sebastopolis du Pont (Province de Tokat) : La Karahna des textes hittites ? Anatolia Antiqua 19 101-111
Mora C. 2010d: Rev. of: Herbordt S. 2005a OrNS 79 92-97
Mouton A. 2006f: La musique chez les Hittites Le Dossiers d’Archéologie 310 68-71
Monte G.F. del 2005a: The Hittite Ḥerem, Gs Diakonoff 21-43
Mora C. 1988d: Il paese di Ḫatti è pieno di discendenti della regalità" (KUB XXVI 1+ I 10). Ipotesi sull'ultimo periodo della impero ittita Athenaeum 66 553-576
Mora C. 2010e: Les Hittites en Syrie du Nord. Contacts, influences et échanges Identité et Alterité 163-170
Mora C. – Balza M.E. 2010a: Importanza politica ed economica di alcune istituzioni religiose e funerarie nell’impero ittita (Attualità degli studi di Fiorella Imparati) SMEA 52 253-264
Morpurgo Davies A. 2011a: Philology and Linguistics: When Data Meet Theory. Two Case Studies. I: The Case of Hieroglyphic Luwian TPhS 109 207-212
Mouton A. 2008f: Les divinités mésopotamiennes de la nuit et la déesse de la nuit hittite : un cas d’emprunt? Ktema 33 215-233
Mouton A. 2010c: Hittite Witchcraft 7 HitCongr 515-528
Mouton A. 2011b: Réflexions autour de la notion de rituel initiatique en Anatolie hittite. Au sujet de la fête haššumaš (CTH 633) JANER 11 1-38
Mouton A. 2011c: Rev. of: Fs Singer Syria 88 426-429
Mouton A. 2011d: Syria 88 430-432
Mouton A. 2011e: La vieille femme hourrite Aštu et son rituel: quelques réflexions autour d´un ouvrage récent BiOr 68 243-254
Moorey P.R.S. 2004a: Rev. of: Muscarella O.W. 2000a JNES 63 55–56
Mora C. – Vigo M. 2012a: Attività femminili a Ḫattuša: la testimonianza dei testi di inventario e degli archivi di cretulae CMP-SR 3 173-223
Mora C. 2012a: The Enigma of the ‘Westbau’ Depot in Ḫattuša’s Upper City StMed 23 59-76
Mora C. 2012b: Un “leone errante” e altre evidenze di contatti, di influenze, di trasmissione di motivi nella glittica ittita StMed 24 191-206
Mora C. – Balatti S. 2012a: Stelae from Tuwana Fs Fales 527-538
Mottausch K.-H. 2006a: Eine neue Lösung für ein altes Problem: Kentum und Satəm HS 119 35-76
Mottausch K.-H. 2011a: “Satemisierung” im Luwo-Lykischen? HS 124 66-83
Mouton A. 2012a: Trois fragments hittites inédits en provenance d’une collection privée d’Istanbul Anatolia Antiqua 20 13-17
Mouton A. – Patrier J. – Sachet I. 2012a: The VIGMA Project – Life and Death in Antiquity: Individual Rites of Passage in the Ancient Near East 7 ICAANE 609-616
Mora C. 2012c: Nel “Paese Basso” ittita e nella regione di Tabal. Ricerche archeologiche, storiche, epigrafiche Pasiphae 6 195-205
Mora C. – d’Alfonso L. 2012a: Anatolia after the End of the Hittite Empire. New Evidence from Southern Cappadocia Origini 34
Molina Valero C. 2007a: Contactos griego-licio: las inscripciones bilingües Las aguas primigenias 127-142
Momigliano N. et al. 2011a: Settlement history and material culture in southwest Turkey: report on the 2008–2010 survey at Çaltılar Höyük (northern Lycia) AnSt 61 61-121
Mouton A. 2013a: Temporalité et spatialité dans les rites de passage de l’Anatolie hittite CRRAI 56 229-244
Mouton A. 2013b: Le rituel d’Allī d’Arzawa contre un ensorcellement (CTH 402): une nouvelle édition Fs Beckman 195-230
Mouton A. – Rutherford I. 2013a: Luwian Religion, a Research Project: The Case of “Hittite” Augury Luwian Identities 329-344
Mouton A. – Rutherford I. – Yakubovich I. 2013a: Introduction Luwian Identities 1-21
Mora C. 2014a: An Interesting Group of Post-Hittite Biconvex Seals Fs Nowicki 139-147
Mora C. 2013a: Sculptors in or from Hattusa? RA 107 23-28
Mora C. 2014b: Symbols of Power in the Kingdom of Karkamiš (13th–12th Centuries BC) Fs Lanfranchi 433-440
Mora C. 2013b: Seals and seal impressions Arslantepe 9 251-274, pl. VII (= Chapter 5)
Mouton A. 2006g: Quelques usages du feu dans les rituels hittites et mésopotamiens - Several uses of fire in Hittite and Mesopotamian rituals RhR 3 251-264
Mountjoy P. 2013a: The Late LH IIIB and LH IIIC Early Pottery of the East Aegean–West Anatolian Interface Killebrew A.E. − Lehmann G. 2013a 563-584
Mouton A. 2008g: Rev. of: Pecchioli Daddi F. 2003a BiOr 65 456-459
Mountjoy P. 2013a: The Late LH IIIB and LH IIIC Early Pottery of the East Aegean–West Anatolian Interface Philistines 563-584
Mora C. 2012d: Rev. of: Herbordt S. – Bawanypeck D. – Hawkins J. D. 2011a OrNS 81 398-402
Monte G.F. del 2013a: Due note sul “Canto di Ullikummi” Fs Xella 181-188
Morris S. 2013a: From Kizzuwatna to Troy? Puduḫepa, Piyamaradu, and Anatolian Ritual in Homer 24 UCLA IEConf 151–168
Molfese C. 2007a: Prime manifestazioni dello "stile internazionale" nel medio bronzo ? Il caso dei sigilli e degli avori KASKAL 4 83-113
Monroe C.M. 2007a: Vessel Volumetrics and the Myth of the Cyclopean Bronze Age Ship JESHO 50 1-18
Monroe C.M. 2009a: Scales of fate. Trade, tradition, and transformation in the Eastern Mediterranean ca. 1350-1175 BCE AOAT 357
Moore M.S. 2011a: Rev. of: Cimok F. 2008a RBL 06/2011
Mouton A. 2012b: Le rituel d’Allī d’Arzawa contre un ensorcellement (CTH 402): texte et contexte CollAn 11 247-266
Mouton A. 2004i: Messages from the Gods: An Aspect of the Dreams The Oriental Institute News & Notes 180. 1 3-4
Mouton A. 2012d: Rev. of: Gs Garelli BiOr 69 550-553
Mouton A. 2009b: Cunéiformes et hiéroglyphes chez les Hittites Lion B. − Michel C. 2009a 141-151
Mouton A. 2014a: Rituels de ‘boucs émissaires’ en Anatolie hittite 8HitCongr 558-587
Mouton A. 2014b: Rev. of: De Vos A. 2013a Syria 91 477-478
Mouton A. 2015a: Violence ritualisée en Anatolie hittite ZA 105 69-85
Mouton A. – Roche-Hawley C. 2015a: La polyvalence des scribes d'Anatolie hittite et d'Ougarit Devins et Lettrés 191-204
Mouton A. 2015b: Hépatoscopie à Ḫattuša Devins et Lettrés 207-237
Mora C. 2016a: The Luwian-Hieroglyphic Seal from Troy: an Update and Some Remarks Fs Tischler 213-218
Morrow J.L. 2015a: Rev. of: CDOG 7 RBL 5/5/2015
Mora C. 2016b : Activities and Roles of Court Dignitaries towards the End of the Hittite Empire Fs Siegelová 221-232
Mora C. 2015a: The LÚMEŠSAG at the Hittite Court Fs Liverani II 15-24
Mora C. 2016c: The ‘Quellgrotte’ in Boğazköy: A Re-Examination Fs Ünal 361-366
Mora C. 2016d : A Hittite Seal in the Ebnother Collection, Schaffhausen (Switzerland) FsBeyer 349-355
Mountjoy P. 2015a: The East Aegean-West Anatolian Interface in the 12th Century BC: Some Aspects Arising from the Mycenaean Pottery NOSTOI 37-80
Momigliano N. – Aksoy B. 2015a: Lycia Before Lycians: The Elusive Second Millennium BC in Southwest Turkey and the Caltılar Archaeological Project NOSTOI 539-556
Mouton A. – Rutherford I. 2015a: Arzawan Rituals and Greek Religion NOSTOI 737-748
Mouton A. 2015c: Rev. of: Fs Nowicki Syria 92 448-450
Mouton A. 2017a: L’individu et son corps en Anatolie hittite : un nouveau projet Centennial Laroche 101-112
Mouton A. 2016e: Rev. of: Beckman G.M. 2014, The babilili-Ritual from Hattusa (CTH 718), Winona Lake, Indiana, Eisenbrauns Or NS 85/2 176-177
Mouton A. 2016b: Rites de Passage in Hettitisch Anatolië Phoenix 62.1 4-25
Mora C. 2011a: Un sopralluogo al rilievo di Gökbez Athenaeum 99 549-564
Mora C. 2011b: Humain, trop humain. Le roi hittite entre dieux, femmes et hommes Rouillard-Bonraisin H. 2011a 83-92
Mora C. 2013c: The Archaeological Mission of the University of Pavia in Southern Cappadocia Il Politico 78/2 152-160
Mora C. 2013d: Rev. of: Dinçol A.M. − Dinçol B. 2008a AWE 12 371-373
Mora C. 2013e: Rev. of: T. Bryce 2012, The World of the Neo-Hittite Kingdoms: A Political and Military History, Oxford Or NS 82 311-315
Mora C. 2014c: La corte di Karkemish durante il periodo imperiale ittita Marchetti N. 2014a 93-98
Mora C. 2014d: La Cappadocia al tempo degli Ittiti Bordi G. et al. 2014a 605-609
Mora C. 2015c: Rev. of: A.H. Podany 2010, Brotherhood of Kings. How International Relations Shaped the Ancient Near East, Oxford - New York Athenaeum 103 294-297
Mora C. 2015b: Rev. to: C. Rüster – G. Wilhelm 2012, Landschenkungsurkunden hethitischer Könige, Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten, Beiheft 4, Wiesbaden Or NS 84 169-171
Mora C. 2017a: Rilievi, stele, iscrizioni nel paesaggio anatolico tra Bronzo Tardo e Età del Ferro. Alcune riflessioni sulla base di studi recenti Turchetto J. et al. 2017a 249-259
Mora C. et al. 2017a: A link between "ancient words" and the "underground world": Cappadocian landscape, rock-cut structures and textual evidence from Hittite documentation Parise M. et al. 2017a 65-78
Mouton A. 2017b: Animal Sacrifice in Hittite Anatolia Hitch S. − Rutherford I. 2017a 239-327
Mouton A. 2014c: Rev. of: Blood Expiation in Hittite and Biblical Ritual JAOS 134.3 527-529
Mouton A. 2018a: Portent Dreams in Hittite Anatolia ANEM 21 27-42
Mouton A. 2013d: Rituels hittites à exécuter avant ou après le combat RiHiMA 3 277-288
Mouton A. 2018b: Water and the Gods: Ponds and Fountains in the Hittite State Cult according to Hittite Textual Evidence BANE 2/1 112-120
Mouton A. 2014d: Liminarité, impureté et franchissements rituels en Anatolie hittite Mouton A. − Patrier J. 2014a 441-452
Mouton A. – Patrier J. 2014a: Life, death and coming of age in antiquity: individual rites of passage in the ancient Near East and adjacent regions PIHANS 124
Mouton A. 2016c: La fête dite de l'intronisation CTH 659 Fs Siegelová 233-256
Mouton A. 2015d: The Sacred in Hittite Anatolia: A Tentative Definition HR 55/1 41-64
Mora C. 2019b: Titles and Activities of Hittite Women: The Evidence of the Seals Fs Pinnock 633-639
Mora C. 2019a: Lo strano caso del Sig. VITA+RA/I, scriba ‘4’ alla corte ittita Fs Salvini 354-358
Mouton A. – Yakubovich I. 2019a: Internal or external evil: a merism in Luwian incantations BSOAS 82 209-231
Mora C. – De Pietri M. 2018a : Typological classification of Hittite hieroglyphic seals. State of work, preparation of the second supplement and index of names News from the Lands of the Hittites 2 85-93
Mouton A. 2016a: Rituels, mythes et prières hittites
Mouton A. 2019a: Le sol en tant que lieu rituel d’après les textes hittites Fs Poetto 386-409
Mouton A. 2016d: The Festivals of Lallupiya-Ištanuwa: Local Traditions or Part of the Religion of the Hittite State? StBoT 60 119-132
Mouton A. 2019b: Divine Speech in Hittite Dreams Anthonioz S. − Mouton A. − Petit D. 2019a 21-32
Mora C. 2020a: Cylinder Seals as a Status Symbol in Hittite Anatolia Fs de Martino 351-359
Mora C. 2020b: The Seals of the Kings Šuppiluliuma I and II and the Dating of the SÜDBURG Inscription Martino S. de − Devecchi E. 2020a 257-270
Molina M. 2019a: Corpus Study of Information Structure in Hittite: Negation and Word Order 9HitCongr 595-622
Montuori C. 2019a: CTH 416 as a Sammeltafel: New Perspectives on an Old-Hittite Ritual 9HitCongr 623-639
Mouton A. 2019c: Ritualized Violence in Hittite Anatolia 9HitCongr 641-668
Mouton A. 2015e: Les rituels de la Vieille Femme Tunnawiya : témoignages du Bas Pays hittite ? La Cappadoce méridionale 79-87
Mouton A. 2014e: Terre divinisée et autres "génies" de l’Anatolie hittite Semitica et Classica 7 19-29
Mouton A. 2017c: French Hittitology: A History Doğan-Alparslan M. − Schachner A. − Alparslan M. 2017a 225-231
Mouton A. – Yakubovich I. 2020a: Пролептическая конструкция в лувийском языке (Proleptic Construction in the Luwian Language) Indoevropejskoe jazykoznanie i klassičeskaja filologija 24 206-233
Montesanto M. 2020a: 12th Century BC Painted Pottery at Alalakh: Local Development and Foreign Contact ANES-S 55 225-248
Montesanto M. 2020b: More than a pile of sherds: functional analysis and social behaviour during Iron Age Alalakh Broadening Horizons 5.1 337-352
Mora C. 2019c: Des monuments et des hommes de Tabal Fs Rouault 135-142
Mouton A. 2014f: Interprétation des rêves et traités oniromantiques au Proche-Orient ancien Chandezon C. − du Bouchet J. 2014a 373-392
Mouton A. 2013c: Torche et encens en Anatolie et Mésopotamie anciennes Tardieu M. et al. 2013a 51-66
Mouton A. 2012d: Hommes et femmes au service des dieux hittites. La répartition sexuée du personnel des temples de l’Anatolie ancienne RHR 229-3 307-323
Motta G. – Biagini A. 2017a: Fashion through History: Costumes, Symbols, Communication (Volume I)
Mouton A. 2020a: Flesh and Bones. The individual and his body in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin Semitica & Classica Supplementa 2
Mouton A. 2017d: Rev. of: Waal W. 2015a Syria 94 397-399
Montanari F. – Rengakos A. – Tsagalis C. 2009a: Companion to Hesiod
Mouton A. 2016f: Jumeaux et naissances multiples en Anatolie hittite FsBeyer 357-366
Mora C. 1990a: La glittica anatolica del II millennio A.C.: Classificazione tipologica. Vol 1: I sigilli a iscrizione geroglifica. Primo Supplemento StudMed 6 (1. Suppl.)
Mora C. – Balza M.E. – Bixio R. – De Pascale A. 2020a: Cappadocia, a “Hidden” Landscape: “Underground World” and Neo-Hittite Evidence 11 ICAANE 481ff.
Mouton A. 2020c: Rev. of: AOAT 467 BSOAS 83/2-3 329-331
Mouton A. – Erbil Y. 2018a : From Ikkuwaniya to Ura: A reassessment of the geography of the Hulaya River Land according to the Hittite archaeological and philological evidence Anatolica 44 75-122
Mountjoy P.A. – Mommsen H. – Özyar A. 2018a: Neutron activation analysis of Aegean-style IIIC pottery from the Goldman excavations at Tarsus-Gözlükule AnSt 68 75-98
Mora C. 2017b: Rumeurs, délations, secrets: "Esprit de cour" au Proche Orient ancien Gonzales A. − Schettino M.T. 2017a 69-79
Mora C. 2020c: Experts de la parole au Proche-Orient ancien. Diplomates, messagers, interprètes Gonzales A. − Schettino M.T. 2020a 15‑27
Mora C. 2013f: The Archaeological Mission of the University of Pavia in Southern Cappadocia Il Politico 2013/2 152-160
Mora C. – Giorgieri M. 2016a: Alcuni passi del poema di Gilgamesh in due tavolette ittite inedite Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo 150 171-208
Morra V. – Grifa C. – Germinario C. 2019/2020a: Integrated diagnostic procedures on Yazılıkaya reliefs (Hattuša, Turkey) - Mission report News from the Lands of the Hittites 3/4 201-210
Morris S.P. 2008a: Bridges to Babylon: Homer, Anatolia, and the Levant Beyond Babylon 435-444
Morandi Bonacossi D. 2013a: The Crisis of Qatna at the Beginning of the Late Bronze Age II and the Iron Age II Settlement Revival. A Regional Trajectory towards the Collapse of the Late Bronze Age Palace System in the Northern Levant Across the Border 113-145
Molina M. 2019b: Degrees of comparison in Hittite and Luwian Journal of Language Relationship 17/4 297–309
Mouton A. 2020b: The involvement of the individual’s body in the ritual process in Hittite Anatolia Mouton A. 2020a 119-136
Mouton A. – Yakubovich I. 2021a : Where did one speak luwili? Geographic and linguistic diversity of Luwian cuneiform texts JLR 19/1-2 25–53
Mora C. 2020d: Use (and non-use) of seals in Neo-Hittite Anatolia Balossi Restelli F. et al. 2020a 361-367
Mora C. 2022a: Anatolian Hieroglyphic Documentation HHE 45-91
Mora C. 2020e: Rev. of: Bilgin T. 2018a BiOr 77/5-6 600-604
Mouton A. 2014g: Rev. of: Christiansen B. 2012a 479-481
Mouton A. 2019d: Histoire de l’Anatolie et de la Syrie au IIe millénaire av. J.-C. Blanchard V. 2019a 31-37
Mouton A. 2021a: Rev. of: Hrozný and Hittite BiOr 78/1-2 177-179
Mouton A. – Yakubovich I. 2022a: Introduction [to the Proceedings of the Conference “Religious Discourse in the Ancient Near East” held at Sorbonne University (Paris) on December 12–13, 2019] Religious Discourse in the ANE 125–127
Montesanto M. 2021a: Do Not Fear the Dark: Change and Continuity in the Amuq Valley (14th–6th Centuries BC) Hess Ch.W. – Manuelli F. 2021a 263-283
Mouton A. 2022a: Altérations corporelles en Anatolie hittite Battini L. 2022a 56–64
Mouton A. 2021b: Rev. of: Görke S. − Steitler Ch. 2020a BiOr 78/5-6 719-722
Mora C. – Torri G. 2023a: Administrative Practices and Political Control in Anatolian and Syro-Anatolian Polities in the 2nd and 1st Millennium BCE StAs 13
Mora C.− Balza M.E. – De Pietri M. 2023a: The Court and Administration of Karkemish in the Late Bronze Age Mora C. – Torri G. 2023a 93-126
Montanari D. 2021a: Four Broad Fenestrated Axes in the British Museum: Some Considerations on a Symbolic Weapon Between the 3rd and the 2nd Millennium BC VO 25 61-80
Mouton A. 2019-2020a: Nommer les dieux hittites : au sujet de quelques épithètes divines Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 21-22 225-243
Mora C. 2022b: The "Westbau" Enigma in Hattusa's Oberstadt: An Update FsGraziani 327-336
Mouton A. 2022b: Les procédés d’identification du substitut animal avec l’homme dans les textes rituels hittites Magikon Zōon 71-84
Molina M. – Sideltsev A. 2014a: Corpus Study of Information Structure and clause borders in Hittite (on the basis of the Middle Hittite letters) [Russ.] Indoevropejskoe Jazykoznanie i klassičeskaja filologija 18 657-666
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Mora C. 2021-2022a: Anatolian Hieroglyphic Writing between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age: An Unfolding Situation News from the Lands of the Hittites 5-6 83-93
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Monastero J. 2023a: Developing New Dimensions in Documentation: 3D Data Management at Karkemish 12 ICAANE(1) 951-962
Mouton A. – Yakubovich I. 2023a: Luwili. Hittite-Luwian Ritual Texts Attributed to Puriyanni, Kuwattalla and Šilalluḫi (CTH 758–763). Volume I: Edition and Commentary; Volume II: Discussion and Glossary StBoT 72/1-2
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Moody J. – Watrous L.V. 2016a: Climate Change and the Aegean Bronze Age. 2 ICAANE/1 81-94
Mondi plurilingui: Mondi plurilingui
Mouton A. − Erbil Y.H. 2023a: Alaca Höyük'te Hayvan Kurbanı: Filolojik ve Arkeolojik Deliller / Animal Sacrifice in Alaca Höyük: Philological and Archaeological Evidences Yıldırım T. – Önder D. 2023a 367-373

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