Monte G.F. del 1993a: |
L'annalistica ittita |
Testi del Vicino Oriente Antico 4 |
Monte G.F. del 1994a: |
Recipienti enigmatici |
Drinking in Ancient Societies 187-208 |
Monte G.F. del 1995a: |
I testi amministrativi da Maşat Höyük/Tapika |
OAM 2 89-138 |
Monte G.F. del 1995b: |
Bier und Wein bei den Hethitern |
Fs Houwink ten Cate 211-224 |
Monte G.F. del 1995c: |
Un rituale contro la peste. La tavola antologica KUB XLI 17 e frammenti collegati |
EVO 18 173ff. |
Monte G.F. del 1998a: |
Ein neues Bruchstück der ausführlichen Annalen des Mursili |
NABU 1998 27-28, 1998/24 |
Monte G.F. del 1999a: |
Rev. of: Gessel A.H.L. van 1998a |
JAOS 119 703-704 |
Monte G.F. del 2001a: |
Un frammento delle "Gesta di Hattušili I" (CTH 4) |
NABU 2001 8-9, 2001/6 |
Monte G.F. del 2002a: |
Sui rituali di Mallidunna di Turmita |
Fs Popko 63-75 |
Monte G.F. del 2004a: |
L'Epopea ittita |
Saga di Gilgameš 216-230, 295-311, 419-429 |
Monte G.F. del 2004b: |
Il rituale di guarigione di Bappi (CTH 431) |
Or NS 73 337-347 |
Moorey P.R.S. 1993a: |
Rev. of: Fs Kantor |
JNES 52 49-51 |
Moorey P.R.S. 1994a: |
Rev. of: Cholidis N. 1992a |
BiOr 51 683-685 |
Moortgat-Correns U. 1993a: |
Ein kleiner reliefierter Bronzeteller aus der hethitischen Grossreichszeit |
Fs N. Özgüç 121-126 |
Moortgat-Correns U. 1994a: |
Die Rosette - ein Schriftzeichen? Die Geburt des Sterns aus dem geiste der Rosette |
AoF 21 359-371 |
Mora C. 1993a: |
Lo "status" dei re di Kargamiš |
Or NS 62 67-70 |
Mora C. 1994a: |
Rev. of: Pecchioli Daddi F. - Polvani A.M. 1990a |
Athenaeum 82 569-570 |
Mora C. 1994b: |
L'Étude de la glyptique anatolienne. Bilan et nouvelles orientations de la récherche |
Syria 71 205-215 |
Mora C. 1995a: |
I Luvi e la scrittura geroglifica anatolica |
2HitCongr 275-281 |
Mora C. 1997a: |
Rev. of: Fs Houwink ten Cate |
Mesopotamia (T) 32 320ff. |
Mora C. 1997b: |
Rev. of: Hawkins J.D. 1995c |
BiOr 54 427-433 |
Mora C. 1998a: |
Osservazioni sull'uso del "geroglifico anatolico" in Siria nel II millennio a.C. |
Il geroglifico anatolico 195-218 |
Mora C. 1998b: |
Kurunta, Prince |
Studi e testi 1 85-91 |
Mora C. 1999a: |
Una nuova scrittura per la storia. Iscrizioni e monumenti nell'ultimo periodo dell'Impero ittita |
Presentazione e scrittura della storia 23ff. |
Mora C. 2000a: |
Per una migliore utilizzazione della corrispondenza reale assiro-ittita come fonte storica |
Gs Cagni 765-782 |
Mora C. 2000b: |
Il titolo "re del paese di…" tra II e I millennio a.C. in Anatolia e Siria |
CRRAI 44/2 57-64 |
Mora C. 2000c: |
Archivi periferici nell'Anatolia ittita: l'evidenza delle cretule |
Administrative Documents 63-78 |
Mora C. 2002a: |
Le figure e le parole (a proposito di due reperti da Ugarit e da Ḫattuša) |
Gs Imparati 603-611 |
Mora C. 2003a: |
On Some Clauses in the Kurunta Treaty and the Political Scenery at the End of the Hittite Empire |
Fs Hoffner 289-296 |
Mora C. 2003b: |
Rev. of: Beyer D. 2001a |
BiOr 60 191-195 |
Mora C. 2004a: |
"Overseers" and "Lords" of the Land in the Hittite Administration |
Gs Forrer 477-486 |
Mora C. 2004b: |
Sigilli e sigillature di Karkemiš in età imperiale ittita I. I re, i dignitari, il (mio) Sole |
Or NS 73 427-450 |
Mora C. 2005a: |
Grands rois, petits rois, gouvernants de second rang |
RANT 2 309-314 |
Mora C. et al. 2002a: |
Seminario scientifico "sull'informatizzazione dei testi cuneiformi e per una catalogazione dei documenti dell'Anatolia antica" (Pavia, 12-13.11.2001) - Sigilli, cretule, documenti amministrativi in Anatolia e Siria: vecchi e nuovi sistemi per la catalogazione e l'analisi dei dati |
SMEA 44 328-330 |
Mori M. – Omura S. 1993a: |
Preliminary Report on the Third Excavation at Kaman-Kalehöyük in Turkey (1988) |
Essays in Anatolian Archaeology 43-74 |
Mori M. – Omura S. 1995a: |
A Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Kaman-Kalehöyük in Turkey (1989-1993) |
Anatolia and Surrounding Civilizations 1-42 |
Morpurgo Davies A. 1998a: |
Sessanta anni (o cento) di linguistica anatolica |
Il geroglifico anatolico 219-257 |
Mountjoy P.A. 1998a: |
The East Aegean-West Anatolian Interface in the Late Bronze Age: Mycenaeans and the Kingdom of Ahhiyawa |
AnSt 48 33-67 |
Mouton A. 2001a: |
Rev. of: BMECCJ 11 |
BiOr 58 426-430 |
Mouton A. 2002a: |
Y a-t-il une relation entre les motifs de la glyptique cappadocienne et les hiéroglyphes anatoliens? |
SMEA 44 83-113 |
Mouton A. 2002b: |
Rev. of: 4HitCongr |
BiOr 59 581-586 |
Mouton A. 2003a: |
Usages privés et publics de l'incubation d'après les textes Hittites |
JANER 3 73-91 |
Mouton A. 2004a: |
Use of Private Incubations Compared to "Official" Ones in Hittite Texts |
Offizielle Religion 293-300 |
Mouton A. 2004b: |
Rev. of: Gs Imparati |
BiOr 61 165-173 |
Mouton A. 2004c: |
Rev. of: Torri G. 2003a |
BiOr 61 343-348 |
Mouton A. 2004d: |
Anatomie animale : le festin carné des dieux d'après les textes hittites I - Les membres antérieurs |
CollAn 3 67-92 |
Mouton A. 2004e: |
Rev. of: Nakamura M. 2002a |
JANER 4 163-172 |
Mouton A. 2004f: |
Le rituel de Walkui (KBo 32.176): quelques réflexions sur la déesse de la nuit et l'image du porc dans le monde hittite |
ZA 94 85-105 |
Mouton A. 2005a: |
Rev. of: Mazoyer M. 2003a |
BiOr 62 96-101 |
Mouton A. 2005b: |
Quelques observations supplémentaires sur le compte rendu oraculaire hittite KUB 22.61 |
NABU 2005 36, 2005/33 |
Monografies Eridu: |
Monografies Eridu |
Mosaïque: |
Mosaïque des langues, mosaïque culturelle. Le bilinguisme dans le Proche-Orient ancien, Actes de la table-ronde du 18 novembre 1995 |
Antiquités sémitiques 1 |
Modderman P.J.R. 1967a: |
Rev. of: Ehrich R.W. 1965a |
Helinium 7 93-94 |
Mode H. 1963a: |
Rev. of: Deshayes J. 1960a |
DLZ 84 810-812 |
Mode H. et al. 1959a: |
Archäologische Übersichtskarte des Alten Orients |
Modestov V. 1902a: |
Novyj trud o pelazgach |
Zurnal Ministerstva Narodnago Prosvescenija 343 149-188 |
Modrzejewski J. – Kupiszewski H. 1956a: |
Session internationale des droits cunéiformes et de la papyrologie juridique, Warszawa 2.-4.XII.1955 |
lura 7 635-642 |
Modrzejewski J. – Kupiszewski H. 1956b: |
Session internationale des droits cunéiformes et de la papyrologie juridique, Warszawa 2.-4.XII.1955 |
Journal of Juristic Papyrology 9-10 589-592 |
Möhlenbrink K. 1930a: |
Rev. of: Wiesner J. 1938a |
OLZ 43 227-230 |
Möhlenbrink K. 1941a: |
Rev. of: Hrozný B. 1940a |
TLZ 66 189-191 |
Mohr F. 1983a: |
Rev. of: Kinet D. 1981a |
Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 105 89-90 |
Mohr F. 1984a: |
Rev. of: TUAT 1/2 |
Zeitschrift für katolische Theologie 106 95 |
Mohr F. 1987a: |
Rev. of: TUAT 1/5 |
Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 109 95-97 |
Moigne A.-M. 1987a: |
Rev. of: Meadow R.H. - Uerpmann H.-P. 1986a |
Anthropologie 91 717 |
Mole M. 1948a: |
Contributions à l'étude du genre grammatical en hittite |
ROr 15 25-62 |
Mollart H. 1951a: |
Rev. of: Goldman H. 1950a |
EtCl 19 148-149 |
Möller G. 1915a: |
Hettitisch ḫat = "Silber"? |
OLZ 18 78-79 |
Mollo P. 1990a: |
Rev. of: Dolce R. - Zaccagnini C. 1989a |
Mesopotamia (T) 25 251-253 |
Momigliano A. 1954a: |
Rev. of: Gurney O.R. 1952a |
RSI 66 92-94 |
Momigliano A. 1971a: |
La libertà di parola nel mondo antico |
RSI 83 499-524 |
Monte G.F. del – Tischler J. 1978a: |
Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der hethitischen Texte |
RGTC 6; TAVO Beihefte B 7 |
Monte G.F. del 1971a: |
Rev. of: Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1970a; Otten H. 1969b |
OA 10 243-247 |
Monte G.F. del 1973a: |
Il terrore dei morti |
AION 33 = NS 23 373-385 |
Monte G.F. del 1973b: |
La porta nei rituali di Boğazköy |
OA 12 107-129 |
Monte G.F. del 1973c: |
Rev. of: Szabó G. 1971a |
OA 12 171-177 |
Monte G.F. del 1974a: |
Su un frammento degli annali di Muršili |
OA 13 35-37 |
Monte G.F. del 1974b: |
Mašḫuiluwa, König von Mira |
Or NS 43 365-368 |
Monte G.F. del 1974c: |
Rev. of: Jakob-Rost L. 1972a |
OA 13 72-75 |
Monte G.F. del 1974d: |
Rev. of: Neve P. 1971a |
OA 13 242-244 |
Monte G.F. del 1975a: |
Le "istruzioni militari" di Tutḫalija |
SCO 24 127-140 |
Monte G.F. del 1975b: |
La fame dei morti |
AION 35 319-346 |
Monte G.F. del 1975c: |
I testimoni del trattato con Aleppo (KBo 1 6) |
RSO 49 1-10 |
Monte G.F. del 1976a: |
Rev. of: Balkan K. 1973a |
OA 15 345-347 |
Monte G.F. del 1977a: |
Rev. of: Ünal A. 1974a |
SMEA 18 319-324 |
Monte G.F. del 1978a: |
Utruna e la festa purulli- |
OA 17 179-192 |
Monte G.F. del 1979a: |
Il mitologema di Kataḫziwuri |
Gs Meriggi 109-120 |
Monte G.F. del 1980a: |
Metrologia hittita, I, Le misure di capacità per aridi |
OA 19 219-226 |
Monte G.F. del 1980b: |
Neue Bruchstücke zum Manapa-dU-Vertrag |
Or NS 49 58-66 |
Monte G.F. del 1980c: |
Traduzione e interferenza nei trattati siro-hittiti |
VO 3 103-119 |
Monte G.F. del 1981a: |
Note sui trattati fra Ḫattusa e Kizuwatna |
OA 20 203-221 |
Monte G.F. del 1982a: |
Considerazioni sull'uso delle negazioni nell'accadico dei testi storici di Ḫattuša |
OA 21 143-158 |
Monte G.F. del 1983a: |
Niqmadu di Ugarit e la rivolta di Tette di Nuḫašše (RS 17.344) |
OA 22 221-231 |
Monte G.F. del 1983b: |
Sulla. terminologia hittita per la restituzione dei fuggiaschi |
Gs Pintore 29-47 |
Monte G.F. del 1984a: |
Note ḫattiche |
OA 23 167-176 |
Monte G.F. del 1985a: |
Muršili II e I'Egitto |
Fs Bresciani 161-167 |
Monte G.F. del 1985b: |
Nuovi frammenti di trattati hittiti |
OA 24 263-269 |
Monte G.F. del 1985c: |
Un nuovo frammento degli "Annali completi" di Muršili II |
Athenaeum 63 164-166 |
Monte G.F. del 1985d: |
Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. - Hoffner H.A. 1980a |
OA 24 148-154 |
Monte G.F. del 1985e: |
Nuovi frammenti di trattati hittiti |
OA 24 263-269 |
Monte G.F. del 1986a: |
Rituali magici e potere nell'Anatolia ittita |
Soprannaturale e potere 83-94 |
Monte G.F. del 1986b: |
Il trattato fra Muršili Il di Ḫattuša e Niqmepa' di Ugarit |
OAC 18 |
Monte G.F. del 1987a: |
Inferno e paradiso nel mondo hittita |
Archeologia dell' 95-115 |
Monte G.F. del 1988a: |
Rev. of: Kümmel H.M. 1985a |
JAOS 108 306-307 |
Monte G.F. del 1989a: |
Una nuova suddivisione dei sūtu a Boğazköy |
EVO 12 139-144 |
Monte G.F. del 1991-1992a: |
Ulmitešub re di Tarḫuntaša |
EVO 14-15 123-148 |
Monte G.F. del 1992a: |
Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der hethitischen Texte. Supplement |
RGTC 6/2; TAVO Beihefte B 7/6 |
Montenegro A. 1967a: |
El imperio hitita |
Montet E.L. 1926a: |
Les Hetéens |
HistIsrael 15-16 |
Montet P. 1960a: |
De Tjarou à Qadech avec Ramses II |
RHA 18/67 109-115 |
Moor J.C. de – Spronk K. 1982a: |
Problernatical passages in the Legend of Kirtu I-II |
UF 14 153-171, 173-190 |
Moor J.C. de 1964a: |
Rev. of: Ellenbogen M. 1962a |
Vox theologica 34 95 |
Moor J.C. de 1969a: |
Rev. of: Gröndahl F. 1967a |
BiOr 26 105-108 |
Moor J.C. de 1986a: |
Systems of Writing and Non-Biblical Languages |
World of the Bible Handbook 1 |
Moore G.C. 1974a: |
The Disappearing Deity Motif in Hittite Texts. A Study in Religious History Dissertation |
Moore G.C. 1981a: |
gišTUKUL as "Oracle Procedure" in Hittite Oracle Texts |
JNES 40 49-52 |
Moorey P.R.S. 1980a: |
Cemeteries of the First Millennium B.C. at Deve Hüyük, near Carchemish, salvaged by Lawrence T.E. and Woolley C.L. in 1913 |
BAR-IS 87 |
Moorey P.R.S. 1980b: |
Rev. of: Littauer M.A. - Crouwel J.H. 1979a |
Antiquity 54 247-248 |
Moorey P.R.S. 1986a: |
The emergence of the light, horse-drawn chariot in the Near-East c. 2000-1500 B.C. |
World Archaeology 18 196-215 |
Moorey P.R.S. 1986b: |
Rev. of: Anonymus 1982d |
JNES 45 59-60 |
Moorey P.R.S. 1987a: |
The Ancient Near East |
Moorey P.R.S. 1992a: |
Rev. of: Muscarella O.W. 1988a |
JNES 51 65-67 |
Moortgat A. 1930a: |
Der Kampf zu Wagen in der Kunst des alten Orients |
OLZ 33 841-854 |
Moortgat A. 1930b: |
Eine mitannische Statuette |
Berliner Museen 51 56-59 |
Moortgat A. 1931a: |
Rev. of: Osten H.H. von der - Schmidt E.F. 1930a |
OLZ 34 441-444 |
Moortgat A. 1932a: |
Die bildende Kunst des alten Orients und die Bergvölker |
Moortgat A. 1933a: |
Ein Basaltidol aus churrischem Bereich |
ZA 41 209-215 |
Moortgat A. 1934a: |
Bildwerk und Volkstum Vorderasiens zur Hethiterzeit |
Moortgat A. 1934b: |
Rev. of: Osten H.H. von der - Schmidt E.F. 1932a; Schmidt E.F. 1932a |
OLZ 37 503-504 |
Moortgat A. 1936a: |
Rev. of: Osten H.H. von der 1934a |
OLZ 39 510-512 |
Moortgat A. 1938a: |
Rev. of: Thureau-Dangin F. et al. 1936a |
OLZ 41 685-687 |
Moortgat A. 1939a: |
Rev. of: Osten H.H. von der 1936a |
OLZ 41 529-531 |
Moortgat A. 1940a: |
Rev. of: Osten H.H. von der 1937a |
OLZ 43 25-26 |
Moortgat A. 1941a: |
Rev. of: Frankfort H. 1939a |
OLz 44 217-223 |
Moortgat A. 1944a: |
Nur hethitische oder auch churritische Kunst? |
ZA 48 152-160 |
Moortgat A. 1949a: |
Rev. of: Porada E. 1948a |
JAOS 69 95-97 |
Moortgat A. 1950a: |
Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. 1946a |
ZA 49 319-320 |
Moortgat A. 1952a: |
Rev. of: Akurgal E. 1949a |
Gnomon 24 395-398 |
Moortgat A. 1971a: |
Einführung in die vorderasiatische Archäologie. Die Altertumswissenschaft. Einführungen in Gegenstand, Methoden und Ergebnisse ihrer Teildisziplinen und Hilfswissenschaften |
Moortgat A. 1973a: |
Zur Geschichte der Karyatide |
Fs Otten 209-216 |
Moortgat-Correns U. 1952a: |
Ritzzeichnung auf Tontafel aus Bogazköy |
MDOG 84 38-40 |
Mora C. 1974a: |
A Hittite Seal of the British Museum |
AnSt 24 163-167 |
Mora C. 1974b: |
I sigilli etei a iscrizione geroglifica Tesi di Laurea. Università di Pavia |
Mora C. 1977a: |
Un sigillo eteo del museo di Rothenburg o.d.T. |
OA 16 177-181 |
Mora C. 1977b: |
Saggio per uno studio sulla popolazione urbana nell' Anatolia antica |
SMEA 18 227-241 |
Mora C. 1979a: |
Sulla mitologia ittita di origine anatolica |
Gs Meriggi 373-385 |
Mora C. 1980a: |
La produzione glittica e i contatti tra Anatolia e Creta nel III-II millennio |
SMEA 22 297-313 |
Mora C. 1982a: |
I sigilli anatolici deI Bronzo Antico |
Or NS 51 204-226 |
Mora C. 1983a: |
Sul § 55 delle leggi ittite |
OA 22 49-51 |
Mora C. 1983b: |
Il ruolo politico-sociale di pankus e tulijas: Revisione di un problema |
Gs Pintore 159-184 |
Mora C. 1983c: |
Rev. of: Poetto M. - Salvatori S. 1981a |
BiOr 40 734-738 |
Mora C. 1987a: |
La glittica anatolica del II millennio A.C.: Classificazione tipologica. Vol 1: I sigilli a iscrizione geroglifica |
StudMed 6 |
Mora C. 1987b: |
Una probabile testimonianza di coreggenza tra due sovrani ittiti |
Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo 121 97-108 |
Mora C. 1987c: |
Su alcuni termini architettonici ittiti (in margine a un lavoro recente) |
Athenaeum 65 552-559 |
Mora C. 1988a: |
Halpaziti e Kukulana: indagine sui sigilli ittiti a doppia intestazione |
Fs Pugliese Carratelli 159-167 |
Mora C. 1988b: |
I proprietari di sigillo nella società ittita |
Stato, Economia, Lavoro 249-269 |
Mora C. 1988c: |
Scambi di beni e movimenti di persone nell'impero ittita. La traccia deI sigillo |
Athenaeum 66 165-178 |
Mora C. 1989a: |
La datazione di "Malnigal" |
OA 28 183-191 |
Mora C. 1991a: |
Sull'origine della scrittura geroglifica anatolica |
Kadmos 30 1-28 |
Mora C. 1992a: |
Regarding Some Inscriptions of Post-Hittite Kings and Great Kings |
Fs Alp 385-390 |
Mora C. 1992b: |
Artistes, artisans et scribes entre Kargamiš et Ḫatti au XIIIe siecle |
CRRAI 38 241-249 |
Mora C. 1992c: |
KUB XXI 33 e l'identità di Muršili III |
SMEA 29 127-148 |
Mora C. 1992d: |
Rev. of: Boehmer R.M. - Güterbock H.G. 1987a |
Athenaeum 80 255-262 |
Moran W.L. 1956a: |
Rev. of: Moscati S. 1954a |
CBQ 18 84-85 |
Moran W.L. 1964a: |
XXVI International Congress of Orientalists, New Delhi-India, 4-10 January 1964 |
Biblica 45 141-143 |
Moran W.L. 1974a: |
An Apotropaic Formula in KUB 30 6 |
JCS 26 55-58 |
Moran W.L. 1978a: |
Rev. of: Jaros K. 1976a |
CBQ 40 242-243 |
Moran W.L. 1980a: |
Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. 1978b |
JAOS 100 189-190 |
Moran W.L. 1982a: |
Rev. of: Hellbing L. 1979a |
Or NS 51 143-145 |
Moran W.L. 1987a: |
Les lettres d'EI-Amama. Correspondance diplomatique du pharaon. Traduction avec la collaboration de Haas V. et Wilhelm G. Trad. française de Collon D. et Cazelles H. |
LAPO 13 |
Moran W.L. 1992a: |
The Amarna Letters. Edited and Translated |
Morani M. 1981a: |
Armeno e ittita |
AArmL 2 35-63 |
Morani M. 1981b: |
Di alcuni rapporti armeno-ittiti |
Giornata di studi camito-semitici e indoeuropei 99-103 |
Mordtmann A.D. 1861a: |
Boghasköi und Uyük |
SitzBPreussAkWiss |
Mordtmann A.D. 1861b: |
Die Troglodyten in Kappadokien |
SitzBPreussAkWiss |
Mordtmann A.D. 1872a: |
Entzifferung und Erklärung der Armenischen Keilinschriflen von Van und der Umgegend |
ZDMG 26 465-696 |
Mordtmann A.D. 1925a: |
Anatolien, Skizzen und Reisebriefe aus Kleinasien (1850-1859) Eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Babinger F. |
Moret A. – Dawy G. 1923a: |
Des Clans aux Empires |
Moret A. 1934a: |
Rev. of: Hrozný B. 1933a |
CRAIBL 256-260 |
Moret M. 1933a: |
La stèle de Napata: Nouveau récit des campagnes de Thoutmès III contre les Mitanniens |
CRAIBL 326-329 |
Morgan J. de 1927a: |
La Préhistoire Orientale. Vol 3 L'Asie Antérieute 1. A posthumous work edited by Germain L. |
Morgenroth W. 1964a: |
Studien zur Laryngaltheorie. Habilitationsschrift, Philosophische Fakultät, Ernst-Moritz-Amdt-Universität, 1964 |
Mori M. – Omura S. 1990a: |
1988 Kaman-Kalehöyük Kazıları |
11 KST/1 335-353 |
Moriarty F.L. 1951a: |
Rev. of: ANET |
ThS 12 104-108 |
Moriarty F.L. 1956a: |
Rev. of: Moscati S. 1956a |
CBQ 18 443-444 |
Moriarty F.L. 1979a: |
Rev. of: Religionsgeschichtliches Textbuch |
ThS 40 172-173 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. – Hawkins J.D. 1978a: |
Il sistema grafico del luvio geroglifico |
Annali Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa 8 755-782 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. – Hawkins J.D. 1979a: |
The Hieroglyphic Inscription of Bohça |
Gs Meriggi 387-405 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. – Hawkins J.D. 1987a: |
The Late Hieroglyphic Luwian Corpus: Same New Lexical Recognitions |
Hethitica 8 267-295 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. – Hawkins J.D. 1988a: |
A Luwian Heart |
Fs Pugliese Carratelli 169-182 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1969a: |
Rev. of: Studia mycenaea |
JHS 89 159-160 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1971a: |
Rev. of: Dressler W. 1968a |
ClR 21 91-93 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1975a: |
Negation and Disjunction in Anatolian -and Elsewhere |
AnSt 25 157-168 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1979a: |
The Luwian Languages and the Hittite -ḫi Conjugation |
Fs Szemerényi 577-610 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1980a: |
Analogy and the -an Datives of Hieroglyphic Luwian |
Fs Gurney 123-137 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1980b: |
The Personal Endings of the Hieroglyphic Luwian verb |
ZVS 94 86-108 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1983a: |
Dentals, Rhotacism and Verbal Endings in the Luwian Languages |
ZVS 96 245-270 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1983b: |
Rev. of: Gs Kronasser |
Kratylos 28 95-102 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1986a: |
Fighting, Ploughing and the Karkamis Kings |
Fs Risch 129-145 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1986b: |
The linguistic evidence: is there any? |
The end of the Early Bronze Age 93-123 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1986c: |
Forms of Writing in the Ancient Mediterranean World |
Written Word 51-77 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. 1987a: |
"To put" and "to stand" in the Luwian languages |
Gs Cowgill 205-228 |
Morricone L. 1962-1963a: |
Rev. of: Bittel K. et al. 1952a |
Bollettino di Paletnologia Italiana 14 444-445 |
Morrison P. 1981a: |
Rev. of: Wertime T. - Muhly J.D. 1980a |
Scientific American 245 60 |
Moscati S. – Bosticco S. 1952a: |
L'Oriente antico |
Storia universale |
Moscati S. – Bosticco S. 1959a: |
Le civiltà dell'antico Oriente |
Storia universale 1 193-422 |
Moscati S. 1954a: |
Oriente in nuova luce. Saggi sulle civiltà dell'Asia Anteriore |
Moscati S. 1955a: |
Nuovi aspetti della cronologia dell'antico Oriente anteriore |
10CongrStor 169-197 |
Moscati S. 1956a: |
Il profilo dell'Oriente Mediterraneo. Panorami di civiltà preclassiche |
Moscati S. 1960a: |
The Face of the Ancient Orient. A Panorama of Near Eastern Civilizations in Pre-Classical Times |
Moscati S. 1962a: |
Scoprendo l'antico Oriente |
Moscati S. 1962b: |
Die Kulturen des Alten Orients Deutsche Erstausgabe, mit einem Nachtrag auf Grund der neueren Forschungsergebnisse |
Moscati S. 1963a: |
Historical Art in the Ancient Near East |
Studi Semitici 8 |
Moscati S. 1963b: |
Antichi imperi d'Oriente |
Moscati S. 1963c: |
L'Orient avant les Grecs. Les civilizations de la Méditerranée antique |
Moscati S. 1964a: |
L'archeologia italiana nel Vicino Oriente |
OA 3 1-14 |
Mötefindt H. 1928a: |
Rev. of: Bonnet H. 1926a |
OLZ 31 682-687 |
Moulerde R. 1944-1946a: |
Rev. of: Akurgal E. 1946a |
MUSJ 26 121 |
Moulton J.H. 1916a: |
(Sur les déchiffrements de Hrozny) |
ET 106-109 |
Moulton J.H. 1916d: |
Rev. of: Hrozný B. 1915a |
ET 28 106-109, 284 |
Moustier A de 1864a: |
Voyage de Constantinople à Ephèse par l'intérieur de l' Asie Mineure, Bithynie, Phrygie, Lydie, Ionie |
TMonde 9 225-272 |
Mouterde P. 1949-1950a: |
Rev. of: Gaster Th.H. 1950a |
MUSJ 28 308-310 |
Mouterde R. 1931-1932a: |
Rev. of: Ariëns-Kappers C.U. 1934a |
MUSJ 16 242-244 |
Mouterde R. 1939a: |
Rev. of: Bonkamp H. 1939a |
MUSJ 22 207-209 |
Mouterde R. 1954a: |
Rev. of: Dussaud R. 1953a |
MUSJ 31 349-350 |
Mouterde R. 1957a: |
Rev. of: Ugaritica 3 |
MUSJ 34 247-248 |
Mouterde R. 1957b: |
Rev. of: Rutten M. 1957a |
MUSJ 34 285-287 |
Mouterde R. XXXXxxx: |
Rev. of: Speleers L. 1928a |
MUSJ 14 190-191 |
Mouterde R. XXXXxxx: |
Rev. of: Curtius L. 1924a |
MUSJ 11 374-376 |
Moyer J.C. 1969a: |
The Concept of Ritual Purity among the Hittites Dissertation. Brandeis University |
Moyer J.C. 1983a: |
Hittite and Israelite Cult Practices: A Selected Comparison |
Scripture in Context 3 19-38 |
Mozsolics A. – Radnoti A. 1955a: |
Rev. of: Bengtson H. et al. 1953a |
Archaeologiai Értesitö 82 113-116 |
MO: |
Le Monde Oriental. Revue des études orientales |
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte |
Môlād: |
Môlād |
Monarchies and Socio-Religious Traditions: |
Monarchies and Socio-Religious Traditions in the Ancient Near East. Papers Rea at the 31st International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa |
MonBPreussAkWiss: |
Monatsberichte der (Kgl.) Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss |
MondIll: |
Le Monde illustré |
Monographien RGZM: |
Monographien RGZM |
Monographs on Archaeology: |
Monographs on Archaeology and the Fine Arts Sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America |
Month: |
The Month |
Monthly Review: |
Monthly Review |
Moore, Thesis: |
Rev. of: |
Moore G.C. 1974a |
Moran, Amarna Letters: |
Rev. of: |
Moran W.L. 1992a |
Moyer, Diss.: |
Rev. of: |
Moyer J.C. 1969a |
Mora C. 2005b: |
Il conflitto tra Ittiti e Assiri e le molteplici interpretazioni di un evento non narrato |
Narrare gli eventi 245-256 |
Mora C. 2006a: |
Riscossione dei tributi e accumulo dei beni nell’impero ittita |
Fiscality 133-146 |
Motivation und Mechanismen: |
Motivation und Mechanismen des Kulturkontaktes in der späten Bronzezeit |
Eothen 13 |
Mouton A. 2004g: |
Une épreuve pour différencier l’homme du dieu: le “texte des cannibales” hittite (KBo 3.60) et quelques rapprochements, ou comment reconnaît-on un dieu hittite? |
AoF 31 303-319 |
Mouton A. 2004h: |
Tarpalli-, tarpašša- et PUHU dans les rituels de substitution hittites |
NABU 2004 2004/54 |
Mouton A. 2005c: |
Rev. of: Taracha 2000a |
JNES 64 209-212 |
Mouton A. 2006h: |
KUB 22,61 (CTH 578): comment traiter les yeux de Mon Soleil ? |
WdO 36 206-216 |
Mouton A. 2006a: |
Rev. of: Miller 2004a |
BiOr 63 129-133 |
Mouton A. 2006b: |
L’importance des rêves dans l’existence de Ḫattušili III |
Symposium de Roos 9-16 |
Mouton A. 2006c: |
Le porc dans les textes religieux hittites |
De la domestication au tabou 255-265 |
Mora C. 2005c: |
Sigilli e sigillature di Karkemiš in età imperiale ittita. II. I sigilli dei principi e dei funzionari: caratteristiche, uso, funzioni |
Fs Fiandra 229-244 |
Morphologies of Asia and Africa: |
Morphologies of Asia and Africa |
Mora C. 2006b: |
Il sistema amministrativo ittita in Anatolia e Siria. Indagini sulla corte di Karkemiš |
UfficioDocumento 53-63 |
Mora C. 2007a: |
I testi ittiti di inventario e gli ‘archivi’ di cretule. Alcune osservazioni e riflessioni |
Fs Košak 535-550 |
Mora C. 2007b: |
Three Metal Bowls |
Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 515-521 |
Mouton A. 2005d: |
Walkui's Ritual (KBo 32.176) |
5HitCongr 541-554 |
Mouton A. 2005f: |
Anatomie animale : le festin carné des dieux d’après les textes hittites II / Les membres postérieurs et d’autres parties anatomiques |
CollAn 4 139-154 |
Mouton A. 2006d: |
Rev. of: Bawanypeck 2005a |
RA 100 184-185 |
Mouton A. 2007a: |
Rêves hittites. Contributions à une histoire et une anthropologie du rêve en Anatolie ancienne |
Mouton A. 2007b: |
Au sujet du compte rendu oraculaire hittite KBo 18.142 |
Fs Košak 551-555 |
Mouton A. 2007c: |
Rev. of: Christiansen B. 2006a |
BiOr 64 426-428 |
Mouton A. 2007d: |
Sur la différenciacion entre rêve et parā handandatar dans les textes hittites |
Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 523-531 |
Mouton A. 2007e: |
Anatomie animale : le festin carné des dieux d’après les textes hittites, III. Le traitement des viandes |
RA 101 81-94 |
Mouton A. 2008a: |
Un nouveau joint relatif au culte de Lallupiya – Ištanuwa (CTH 773) |
ZA 98 251-261 |
Mora C. 2008a: |
Principi di Karkemiš a Ḫattuša: attività e rapporti con il potere ittita |
6HitCongr2 555-563 |
Mouton A. 2008b: |
Quelques différences régionales concernant le sacrifice sanglant en Anatolie hittite |
6Hit Congr2 565-573 |
Monte G.F. del 1986c: |
“E gli dei camminano davanti a me…” |
EVO 9 59-70 |
Monte G.F. del 1988b: |
Il mese ittita |
Fs Pugliese Carratelli 51-56 |
Monte G.F. del 2009a: |
L'opera storiografica di Mursili II re di Hattusa, Vol. I: Le gesta di Suppiluliuma |
Mouton A. 2008c: |
Les rituels de naissance kizzuwatniens. Un example de rites de passage en Anatolie Hittite |
Mouton A. 2005e: |
Quand la reine hittite vit en rêve l’herbe qui pouvait soigner Mon Soleil |
Le Journal des Médecines Cunéiformes 5 44-46 |
Monte G.F. del 2008a: |
Le gesta di Suppiluliuma. Traslitterazione, traduzione e commento |
Mora C. 2003c: |
Gli stati territoriali nel Vicino Oriente nel II millennio a.C.: modelli di funzionamento e difficoltà di applicazione
Stati territoriali 3-19 |
Mora C. 2008b: |
Entre Anatolie et Syrie, entre Âge du Bronze et Âge du Fer, entre paix et guerre: l’histoire inachevée de Karkemiš et les données d’Emar
The City of Emar 79-90 |
Mora C. 2008c: |
La ‘Parola del re’. Testi ittiti a carattere politico-giuridico e politico-amministrativo: editti e istruzioni
I diritti nel mondo cuneiforme 293-323 |
Mouton A. 2007f: |
WdO 37 185-188 |
Mouton A. 2009a: |
JNES 68 213-215 |
Monte G.F. del 2009a: |
“Quando il nemico venne a sapere che…”. Uno stilema nelle opere storiografiche di Mursili II
Fs Saporetti 97-117 |
Monte G.F. del 2010a: |
La Fine del Canto di Ullikummi
Fs Archi 140-151 |
Mora C. 2010a: |
Studies on Ancient Anatolia at Pavia University, and the Hittite Lower Land
StMed 22 13-25 |
Mora C. 2010b: |
Seals and Sealings of Karkamiš, Part III: The Evidence from the Nişantepe-Archives, the Digraphic Seals and the Title EUNUCHUS2 |
Fs Hawkins 170-181 |
Mora C. 2010c: |
Le sigillature multiple nell’archivio di Nişantepe (Ḫattuša, Città alta)
Fs Archi 216-231 |
Morris S.P. 2001a: |
Potnia Aswiya: Anatolian Contributions to Greek Religion
Aegeum 22 423-434 |
Mouton A. 2005f: |
L’Anatolie antique, un exemple parfait de mosaïque culturelle
Mosaïque culturelle 3 50-51 |
Mouton A. 2005g: |
Les rites de passage de l’Anatolie hittite: un projet de recherche |
Actes des Deuxièmes Rencontres Doctorales d’Orient Express 9-15 |
Mouton A. 2006e: |
Rev. of: Herbordt S. 2005a |
BiOr 63 335-340 |
Mouton A. 2008d: |
Les „mauvais rêves” en Mésopotamie et Anatolie ancienne: entre représentation et non représentation |
La Part de l’Oeil 23 41-47 |
Mouton A. 2008e: |
Dead of Night’ in Anatolia: Hittite Night Rituals |
Religion Compass 2/1 1-17 |
Mouton A. 2010a: |
Sorcellerie hittite |
JCS 62 105-125 |
Mouton A. 2010b: |
Le “mauvais œil” d’après les textes cunéiformes hittites et mésopotamiens |
Fs Tardieu 425-439 |
Mouton A. – Rutherford I. 2010a: |
The Sun Deity of the hilammar: an unnoticed “pan-luwian” deity? |
BiOr 67 276-281 |
Mouton A. 2011a: |
Sulusaray/Sebastopolis du Pont (Province de Tokat) : La Karahna des textes hittites ? |
Anatolia Antiqua 19 101-111 |
Mora C. 2010d: |
Rev. of: Herbordt S. 2005a |
OrNS 79 92-97 |
Mouton A. 2006f: |
La musique chez les Hittites |
Le Dossiers d’Archéologie 310 68-71 |
Monte G.F. del 2005a: |
The Hittite Ḥerem,
Gs Diakonoff 21-43 |
Mora C. 1988d: |
Il paese di Ḫatti è pieno di discendenti della regalità" (KUB XXVI 1+ I 10). Ipotesi sull'ultimo periodo della impero ittita |
Athenaeum 66 553-576 |
Mora C. 2010e: |
Les Hittites en Syrie du Nord. Contacts, influences et échanges |
Identité et Alterité 163-170 |
Mora C. – Balza M.E. 2010a: |
Importanza politica ed economica di alcune istituzioni religiose e funerarie nell’impero ittita (Attualità degli studi di Fiorella Imparati) |
SMEA 52 253-264 |
Morpurgo Davies A. 2011a: |
Philology and Linguistics: When Data Meet Theory. Two Case Studies. I: The Case of Hieroglyphic Luwian
TPhS 109 207-212 |
Mouton A. 2008f: |
Les divinités mésopotamiennes de la nuit et la déesse de la nuit hittite : un cas d’emprunt? |
Ktema 33 215-233 |
Mouton A. 2010c: |
Hittite Witchcraft
7 HitCongr 515-528 |
Mouton A. 2011b: |
Réflexions autour de la notion de rituel initiatique en Anatolie hittite. Au sujet de la fête haššumaš (CTH 633)
JANER 11 1-38 |
Mouton A. 2011c: |
Rev. of: Fs Singer |
Syria 88 426-429 |
Mouton A. 2011d: |
Syria 88 430-432 |
Mouton A. 2011e: |
La vieille femme hourrite Aštu et son rituel: quelques réflexions autour d´un ouvrage récent
BiOr 68 243-254 |
Moorey P.R.S. 2004a: |
Rev. of: Muscarella O.W. 2000a |
JNES 63 55–56 |
Mora C. – Vigo M. 2012a: |
Attività femminili a Ḫattuša: la testimonianza dei testi di inventario
e degli archivi di cretulae |
CMP-SR 3 173-223 |
Mora C. 2012a: |
The Enigma of the ‘Westbau’ Depot in Ḫattuša’s Upper City |
StMed 23 59-76 |
Mora C. 2012b: |
Un “leone errante” e altre evidenze di contatti, di influenze, di trasmissione di motivi nella glittica ittita
StMed 24 191-206 |
Mora C. – Balatti S. 2012a: |
Stelae from Tuwana |
Fs Fales 527-538 |
Mottausch K.-H. 2006a: |
Eine neue Lösung für ein altes Problem: Kentum und Satəm |
HS 119 35-76 |
Mottausch K.-H. 2011a: |
“Satemisierung” im Luwo-Lykischen? |
HS 124 66-83 |
Mouton A. 2012a: |
Trois fragments hittites inédits en provenance d’une collection privée d’Istanbul |
Anatolia Antiqua 20 13-17 |
Mouton A. – Patrier J. – Sachet I. 2012a: |
The VIGMA Project – Life and Death in Antiquity: Individual Rites of Passage in the Ancient Near East
7 ICAANE 609-616 |
Mora C. 2012c: |
Nel “Paese Basso” ittita e nella regione di Tabal. Ricerche archeologiche, storiche, epigrafiche |
Pasiphae 6 195-205 |
Mora C. – d’Alfonso L. 2012a: |
Anatolia after the End of the Hittite Empire. New Evidence from Southern Cappadocia
Origini 34 |
Molina Valero C. 2007a: |
Contactos griego-licio: las inscripciones bilingües |
Las aguas primigenias 127-142 |
Momigliano N. et al. 2011a: |
Settlement history and material culture in southwest Turkey: report on the 2008–2010 survey at Çaltılar Höyük (northern Lycia)
AnSt 61 61-121 |
Mouton A. 2013a: |
Temporalité et spatialité dans les rites de passage de l’Anatolie hittite |
CRRAI 56 229-244 |
Mouton A. 2013b: |
Le rituel d’Allī d’Arzawa contre un ensorcellement (CTH 402): une nouvelle édition
Fs Beckman 195-230 |
Mouton A. – Rutherford I. 2013a: |
Luwian Religion, a Research Project: The Case of “Hittite” Augury
Luwian Identities 329-344 |
Mouton A. – Rutherford I. – Yakubovich I. 2013a: |
Introduction |
Luwian Identities 1-21 |
Mora C. 2014a: |
An Interesting Group of Post-Hittite Biconvex Seals |
Fs Nowicki 139-147 |
Mora C. 2013a: |
Sculptors in or from Hattusa? |
RA 107 23-28 |
Mora C. 2014b: |
Symbols of Power in the Kingdom of Karkamiš (13th–12th Centuries BC) |
Fs Lanfranchi 433-440 |
Mora C. 2013b: |
Seals and seal impressions |
Arslantepe 9 251-274, pl. VII (= Chapter 5) |
Mouton A. 2006g: |
Quelques usages du feu dans les rituels hittites et mésopotamiens - Several uses of fire in Hittite and Mesopotamian rituals |
RhR 3 251-264 |
Mountjoy P. 2013a: |
The Late LH IIIB and LH IIIC Early Pottery of the East Aegean–West Anatolian Interface |
Killebrew A.E. − Lehmann G. 2013a 563-584 |
Mouton A. 2008g: |
Rev. of: Pecchioli Daddi F. 2003a |
BiOr 65 456-459 |
Mountjoy P. 2013a: |
The Late LH IIIB and LH IIIC Early Pottery of the East Aegean–West Anatolian Interface |
Philistines 563-584 |
Mora C. 2012d: |
Rev. of: Herbordt S. – Bawanypeck D. – Hawkins J. D. 2011a |
OrNS 81 398-402 |
Monte G.F. del 2013a: |
Due note sul “Canto di Ullikummi” |
Fs Xella 181-188 |
Morris S. 2013a: |
From Kizzuwatna to Troy? Puduḫepa, Piyamaradu, and Anatolian Ritual in Homer |
24 UCLA IEConf 151–168 |
Molfese C. 2007a: |
Prime manifestazioni dello "stile internazionale" nel medio bronzo ? Il caso dei sigilli e degli avori |
KASKAL 4 83-113 |
Monroe C.M. 2007a: |
Vessel Volumetrics and the Myth of the Cyclopean Bronze Age Ship |
JESHO 50 1-18 |
Monroe C.M. 2009a: |
Scales of fate. Trade, tradition, and transformation in the Eastern Mediterranean ca. 1350-1175 BCE
AOAT 357 |
Moore M.S. 2011a: |
Rev. of: Cimok F. 2008a |
RBL 06/2011 |
Mouton A. 2012b: |
Le rituel d’Allī d’Arzawa contre un ensorcellement (CTH 402): texte et contexte |
CollAn 11 247-266 |
Mouton A. 2004i: |
Messages from the Gods: An Aspect of the Dreams |
The Oriental Institute News & Notes 180. 1 3-4 |
Mouton A. 2012d: |
Rev. of: Gs Garelli |
BiOr 69 550-553 |
Mouton A. 2009b: |
Cunéiformes et hiéroglyphes chez les Hittites |
Lion B. − Michel C. 2009a 141-151 |
Mouton A. 2014a: |
Rituels de ‘boucs émissaires’ en Anatolie hittite |
8HitCongr 558-587 |
Mouton A. 2014b: |
Rev. of: De Vos A. 2013a |
Syria 91 477-478 |
Mouton A. 2015a: |
Violence ritualisée en Anatolie hittite |
ZA 105 69-85 |
Mouton A. – Roche-Hawley C. 2015a: |
La polyvalence des scribes d'Anatolie hittite et d'Ougarit |
Devins et Lettrés 191-204 |
Mouton A. 2015b: |
Hépatoscopie à Ḫattuša |
Devins et Lettrés 207-237 |
Mora C. 2016a: |
The Luwian-Hieroglyphic Seal from Troy: an Update and Some Remarks |
Fs Tischler 213-218 |
Morrow J.L. 2015a: |
Rev. of: CDOG 7 |
RBL 5/5/2015 |
Mora C. 2016b : |
Activities and Roles of Court Dignitaries towards the End of the Hittite Empire
Fs Siegelová 221-232 |
Mora C. 2015a: |
The LÚMEŠSAG at the Hittite Court |
Fs Liverani II 15-24 |
Mora C. 2016c: |
The ‘Quellgrotte’ in Boğazköy: A Re-Examination
Fs Ünal 361-366 |
Mora C. 2016d : |
A Hittite Seal in the Ebnother Collection, Schaffhausen (Switzerland)
FsBeyer 349-355 |
Mountjoy P. 2015a: |
The East Aegean-West Anatolian Interface in the 12th Century BC: Some Aspects Arising from the Mycenaean Pottery |
NOSTOI 37-80 |
Momigliano N. – Aksoy B. 2015a: |
Lycia Before Lycians: The Elusive Second Millennium BC in Southwest Turkey and the Caltılar Archaeological Project |
NOSTOI 539-556 |
Mouton A. – Rutherford I. 2015a: |
Arzawan Rituals and Greek Religion |
NOSTOI 737-748 |
Mouton A. 2015c: |
Rev. of: Fs Nowicki |
Syria 92 448-450 |
Mouton A. 2017a: |
L’individu et son corps en Anatolie hittite : un nouveau projet |
Centennial Laroche 101-112 |
Mouton A. 2016e: |
Rev. of: Beckman G.M. 2014, The babilili-Ritual from Hattusa (CTH 718), Winona Lake, Indiana, Eisenbrauns |
Or NS 85/2 176-177 |
Mouton A. 2016b: |
Rites de Passage in Hettitisch Anatolië |
Phoenix 62.1 4-25 |
Mora C. 2011a: |
Un sopralluogo al rilievo di Gökbez |
Athenaeum 99 549-564 |
Mora C. 2011b: |
Humain, trop humain. Le roi hittite entre dieux, femmes et hommes |
Rouillard-Bonraisin H. 2011a 83-92 |
Mora C. 2013c: |
The Archaeological Mission of the University of Pavia in Southern Cappadocia |
Il Politico 78/2 152-160 |
Mora C. 2013d: |
Rev. of: Dinçol A.M. − Dinçol B. 2008a |
AWE 12 371-373 |
Mora C. 2013e: |
Rev. of: T. Bryce 2012, The World of the Neo-Hittite Kingdoms: A Political and Military History, Oxford |
Or NS 82 311-315 |
Mora C. 2014c: |
La corte di Karkemish durante il periodo imperiale ittita |
Marchetti N. 2014a 93-98 |
Mora C. 2014d: |
La Cappadocia al tempo degli Ittiti |
Bordi G. et al. 2014a 605-609 |
Mora C. 2015c: |
Rev. of: A.H. Podany 2010, Brotherhood of Kings. How International Relations Shaped the Ancient Near East, Oxford - New York
Athenaeum 103 294-297 |
Mora C. 2015b: |
Rev. to: C. Rüster – G. Wilhelm 2012, Landschenkungsurkunden hethitischer
Könige, Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten, Beiheft 4, Wiesbaden |
Or NS 84 169-171 |
Mora C. 2017a: |
Rilievi, stele, iscrizioni nel paesaggio anatolico tra Bronzo Tardo e Età del Ferro. Alcune riflessioni sulla base di studi recenti |
Turchetto J. et al. 2017a 249-259 |
Mora C. et al. 2017a: |
A link between "ancient words" and the "underground world": Cappadocian landscape, rock-cut structures and textual evidence from Hittite documentation |
Parise M. et al. 2017a 65-78 |
Mouton A. 2017b: |
Animal Sacrifice in Hittite Anatolia |
Hitch S. − Rutherford I. 2017a 239-327 |
Mouton A. 2014c: |
Rev. of: Blood Expiation in Hittite and Biblical Ritual |
JAOS 134.3 527-529 |
Mouton A. 2018a: |
Portent Dreams in Hittite Anatolia |
ANEM 21 27-42 |
Mouton A. 2013d: |
Rituels hittites à exécuter avant ou après le combat |
RiHiMA 3 277-288 |
Mouton A. 2018b: |
Water and the Gods: Ponds and Fountains in the Hittite State Cult according to Hittite Textual Evidence |
Ash-sharq 2/1 112-120 |
Mouton A. 2014d: |
Liminarité, impureté et franchissements rituels en Anatolie hittite |
Mouton A. − Patrier J. 2014a 441-452 |
Mouton A. – Patrier J. 2014a: |
Life, death and coming of age in antiquity: individual rites of passage in the ancient Near East and adjacent regions |
PIHANS 124 |
Mouton A. 2016c: |
La fête dite de l'intronisation CTH 659 |
Fs Siegelová 233-256 |
Mouton A. 2015d: |
The Sacred in Hittite Anatolia: A Tentative Definition |
HR 55/1 41-64 |
Mora C. 2019b: |
Titles and Activities of Hittite Women: The Evidence of the Seals |
Fs Pinnock 633-639 |
Mora C. 2019a: |
Lo strano caso del Sig. VITA+RA/I, scriba ‘4’ alla corte ittita |
Fs Salvini 354-358 |
Mouton A. – Yakubovich I. 2019a: |
Internal or external evil: a merism in Luwian incantations |
BSOAS 82 209-231 |
Mora C. – De Pietri M. 2018a : |
Typological classification of Hittite hieroglyphic seals. State of work, preparation of the second supplement and index of names |
News from the Lands of the Hittites 2 85-93 |
Mouton A. 2016a: |
Rituels, mythes et prières hittites |
Mouton A. 2019a: |
Le sol en tant que lieu rituel d’après les textes hittites |
Fs Poetto 386-409 |
Mouton A. 2016d: |
The Festivals of Lallupiya-Ištanuwa: Local Traditions or Part of the Religion of the Hittite State? |
StBoT 60 119-132 |
Mouton A. 2019b: |
Divine Speech in Hittite Dreams |
Anthonioz S. − Mouton A. − Petit D. 2019a 21-32 |
Mora C. 2020a: |
Cylinder Seals as a Status Symbol in Hittite Anatolia |
Fs de Martino 351-359 |
Mora C. 2020b: |
The Seals of the Kings Šuppiluliuma I and II and the Dating of the SÜDBURG Inscription |
Martino S. de − Devecchi E. 2020a 257-270 |
Molina M. 2019a: |
Corpus Study of Information Structure in Hittite: Negation and Word Order |
9HitCongr 595-622 |
Montuori C. 2019a: |
CTH 416 as a Sammeltafel: New Perspectives on an Old-Hittite Ritual |
9HitCongr 623-639 |
Mouton A. 2019c: |
Ritualized Violence in Hittite Anatolia |
9HitCongr 641-668 |
Mouton A. 2015e: |
Les rituels de la Vieille Femme Tunnawiya : témoignages du Bas Pays hittite ? |
La Cappadoce méridionale 79-87 |
Mouton A. 2014e: |
Terre divinisée et autres "génies" de l’Anatolie hittite |
Semitica et Classica 7 19-29 |
Mouton A. 2017c: |
French Hittitology: A History |
Doğan-Alparslan M. − Schachner A. − Alparslan M. 2017a 225-231 |
Mouton A. – Yakubovich I. 2020a: |
Пролептическая конструкция в лувийском языке (Proleptic Construction in the Luwian Language) |
Indoevropejskoe jazykoznanie i klassičeskaja filologija 24 206-233 |
Montesanto M. 2020a: |
12th Century BC Painted Pottery at Alalakh: Local Development and Foreign Contact |
ANES-S 55 225-248 |
Montesanto M. 2020b: |
More than a pile of sherds: functional analysis and social behaviour during Iron Age Alalakh |
Broadening Horizons 5.1 337-352 |
Mora C. 2019c: |
Des monuments et des hommes de Tabal |
Fs Rouault 135-142 |
Mouton A. 2014f: |
Interprétation des rêves et traités oniromantiques au Proche-Orient ancien |
Chandezon C. − du Bouchet J. 2014a 373-392 |
Mouton A. 2013c: |
Torche et encens en Anatolie et Mésopotamie anciennes |
Tardieu M. et al. 2013a 51-66 |
Mouton A. 2012d: |
Hommes et femmes au service des dieux hittites. La répartition sexuée du personnel
des temples de l’Anatolie ancienne |
RHR 229-3 307-323 |
Motta G. – Biagini A. 2017a: |
Fashion through History: Costumes, Symbols, Communication (Volume I) |
Mouton A. 2020a: |
Flesh and Bones. The individual and his body in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin |
Semitica & Classica Supplementa 2 |
Mouton A. 2017d: |
Rev. of: Waal W. 2015a |
Syria 94 397-399 |
Montanari F. – Rengakos A. – Tsagalis C. 2009a: |
Companion to Hesiod |
Mouton A. 2016f: |
Jumeaux et naissances multiples en Anatolie hittite |
FsBeyer 357-366 |
Mora C. 1990a: |
La glittica anatolica del II millennio A.C.: Classificazione tipologica. Vol 1: I sigilli a iscrizione geroglifica. Primo Supplemento |
StudMed 6 (1. Suppl.) |
Mora C. – Balza M.E. – Bixio R. – De Pascale A. 2020a: |
Cappadocia, a “Hidden” Landscape: “Underground World” and Neo-Hittite Evidence |
11 ICAANE 481ff. |
Mouton A. 2020c: |
Rev. of: AOAT 467 |
BSOAS 83/2-3 329-331 |
Mouton A. – Erbil Y. 2018a : |
From Ikkuwaniya to Ura: A reassessment of the geography of the Hulaya River Land according to the Hittite archaeological and philological evidence |
Anatolica 44 75-122 |
Mountjoy P.A. – Mommsen H. – Özyar A. 2018a: |
Neutron activation analysis of Aegean-style IIIC pottery from the Goldman excavations at Tarsus-Gözlükule |
AnSt 68 75-98 |
Mora C. 2017b: |
Rumeurs, délations, secrets: "Esprit de cour" au Proche Orient ancien |
Gonzales A. − Schettino M.T. 2017a 69-79 |
Mora C. 2020c: |
Experts de la parole au Proche-Orient ancien. Diplomates, messagers, interprètes |
Gonzales A. − Schettino M.T. 2020a 15‑27 |
Mora C. 2013f: |
The Archaeological Mission of the University of Pavia in Southern Cappadocia |
Il Politico 2013/2 152-160 |
Mora C. – Giorgieri M. 2016a: |
Alcuni passi del poema di Gilgamesh in due tavolette ittite inedite |
Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo 150 171-208 |
Morra V. – Grifa C. – Germinario C. 2019/2020a: |
Integrated diagnostic procedures on Yazılıkaya reliefs (Hattuša, Turkey) - Mission report |
News from the Lands of the Hittites 3/4 201-210 |
Morris S.P. 2008a: |
Bridges to Babylon: Homer, Anatolia, and the Levant |
Beyond Babylon 435-444 |
Morandi Bonacossi D. 2013a: |
The Crisis of Qatna at the Beginning of the Late Bronze Age II and the Iron Age II Settlement Revival. A Regional Trajectory towards the Collapse of the Late Bronze Age Palace System in the Northern Levant |
Across the Border 113-145 |
Molina M. 2019b: |
Degrees of comparison in Hittite and Luwian |
Journal of Language Relationship 17/4 297–309 |
Mouton A. 2020b: |
The involvement of the individual’s body in the ritual process in Hittite Anatolia |
Mouton A. 2020a 119-136 |
Mouton A. – Yakubovich I. 2021a : |
Where did one speak luwili? Geographic and linguistic diversity of Luwian cuneiform texts |
JLR 19/1-2 25–53 |
Mora C. 2020d: |
Use (and non-use) of seals in Neo-Hittite Anatolia |
Balossi Restelli F. et al. 2020a 361-367 |
Mora C. 2022a: |
Anatolian Hieroglyphic Documentation |
HHE 45-91 |
Mora C. 2020e: |
Rev. of: Bilgin T. 2018a |
BiOr 77/5-6 600-604 |
Mouton A. 2014g: |
Rev. of: Christiansen B. 2012a |
479-481 |
Mouton A. 2019d: |
Histoire de l’Anatolie et de la Syrie au IIe millénaire av. J.-C. |
Blanchard V. 2019a 31-37 |
Mouton A. 2021a: |
Rev. of: Hrozný and Hittite |
BiOr 78/1-2 177-179 |
Mouton A. – Yakubovich I. 2022a: |
Introduction [to the Proceedings of the Conference “Religious
Discourse in the Ancient Near East” held at Sorbonne University (Paris) on December 12–13, 2019] |
Religious Discourse in the ANE 125–127 |
Montesanto M. 2021a: |
Do Not Fear the Dark: Change and Continuity in the Amuq Valley (14th–6th Centuries BC) |
Hess Ch.W. – Manuelli F. 2021a 263-283 |
Mouton A. 2022a: |
Altérations corporelles en Anatolie hittite |
Battini L. 2022a 56–64 |
Mouton A. 2021b: |
Rev. of: Görke S. − Steitler Ch. 2020a |
BiOr 78/5-6 719-722 |
Mora C. – Torri G. 2023a: |
Administrative Practices and Political Control in Anatolian and Syro-Anatolian Polities in the 2nd and 1st Millennium BCE |
StAs 13 |
Mora C.− Balza M.E. – De Pietri M. 2023a: |
The Court and Administration of Karkemish in the Late Bronze Age |
Mora C. – Torri G. 2023a 93-126 |
Montanari D. 2021a: |
Four Broad Fenestrated Axes in the British Museum: Some Considerations on a Symbolic Weapon Between the 3rd and the 2nd Millennium BC |
VO 25 61-80 |
Mouton A. 2019-2020a: |
Nommer les dieux hittites : au sujet de quelques épithètes divines |
Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 21-22 225-243 |
Mora C. 2022b: |
The "Westbau" Enigma in Hattusa's Oberstadt: An Update |
FsGraziani 327-336 |
Mouton A. 2022b: |
Les procédés d’identification du substitut animal avec l’homme dans les textes rituels hittites |
Magikon Zōon 71-84 |
Molina M. – Sideltsev A. 2014a: |
Corpus Study of Information Structure and clause borders in Hittite (on the basis of the Middle Hittite letters) [Russ.] |
Indoevropejskoe Jazykoznanie i klassičeskaja filologija 18 657-666 |
Mouton A. 2012c: |
Rev. of: Identité et Alterité |
BiOr 69/1-2 95-99 |
Mora C. 2021-2022a: |
Anatolian Hieroglyphic Writing between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age: An Unfolding Situation |
News from the Lands of the Hittites 5-6 83-93 |
Mora C. 2023a: |
Barley and Sheep in Kululu (Central Anatolia, late 8th century BC) |
FsLiverani 2 181-195 |
Monastero J. 2023a: |
Developing New Dimensions in Documentation: 3D Data Management at Karkemish |
12 ICAANE(1) 951-962 |
Mouton A. – Yakubovich I. 2023a: |
Luwili. Hittite-Luwian Ritual Texts Attributed to Puriyanni, Kuwattalla and Šilalluḫi (CTH 758–763). Volume I: Edition and Commentary; Volume II: Discussion and Glossary |
StBoT 72/1-2 |
Mokrišová J. 2023a: |
Who were the Lelegians? Interrogating affiliations, boundaries and difference in ancient Caria |
AnSt 73 99-128 |
Montesanto M. 2022a: |
Cooking in Iron Age Alalakh: Change and Continuity in Vessels’ Functional Role |
AsiAnA 4 71-87 |
Motter Th. 2023a: |
Hittite correlatives are paratactic |
Glossa 8(1) 1-43 |
Moody J. – Watrous L.V. 2016a: |
Climate Change and the Aegean Bronze Age. |
2 ICAANE/1 81-94 |
Mondi plurilingui: |
Mondi plurilingui |
Mouton A. − Erbil Y.H. 2023a: |
Alaca Höyük'te Hayvan Kurbanı: Filolojik ve Arkeolojik Deliller / Animal Sacrifice in Alaca Höyük: Philological and Archaeological Evidences |
Yıldırım T. – Önder D. 2023a 367-373 |
Morris S.P. 2023a: |
“Yauna across the Sea?” Northwest Boundaries of Achaemenid Expansion (Anatolia and the North Aegean) |
Ponchia S. – Prandi L. 2023a 215-232 |
Morgan K.P. 2024a: |
Pomp, Circumstance, and the Performance of Politics. Acting Politically Correct in the Ancient World. Papers from the postdoctoral seminar held at the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures of the University of Chicago, March 7–8, 2019 |
ISAC Seminars 16 |
Mouton A. 2024a: |
Hittite Political Rituals |
Morgan K.P. 2024a 179-192 |
Morgan K.P. 2024b: |
Fumbling toward Complexity: Collective Action and the Built Environment at Early Phrygian Gordion |
Morgan K.P. 2024a 283-317 |