Podella T. 1993a: |
Notzeit-Mythologem und Nichtigkeitsfluch |
Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen 472-454 |
Poetto M. 1998b: |
Rev. of: Hawkins J.D. 1995c |
Kratylos 43 108ff. |
Poetto M. – Bolatti-Guzzo N. 1994a: |
La legenda in luvio geroglifico sulla cretula 81/402 del Museo Archeologico di Kayseri: una revisione |
SEL 11 11-15 |
Poetto M. 1993a: |
L'iscrizione luvio-geroglifica di Yalburt. Nuove acquisizioni relative alla geografia dell'Anatolia sud-occidentale |
StudMed 8 |
Poetto M. 1993b: |
Luvio geroglifico mu-ru-wa-tà-za |
Fs Szemerényi 2 163-169 |
Poetto M. 1995a: |
Una rivisitazione dei frammento in luvio geroglifico Alaca Höyük IV |
SMEA 35 101-104 |
Poetto M. 1995b: |
Luvio mi(ya)sa- nell'ambito dell'interpretazione di KUB 35.45 II 22-24 |
ZVS 108 30-38 |
Poetto M. 1997a: |
Un 'dono' luvio |
Fs Beekes 235ff. |
Poetto M. 1998a: |
Traces of Geography in Hieroglyphic Luwian Documents of the Late Empire and Early Post-Empire Period (BOĞAZKÖY-SÜDBURG and KIZILDAĞ IV): the Case of Maša |
3HitCongr 496-479 |
Poetto M. 1999a: |
In merito alla formazione del toponimo anatolico Mal(l)it/daskuri(ya) |
Gs Schindler 79ff. |
Poetto M. 2000a: |
Una nuova impronta di Kuzi-Tešub, sovrano di Karkemiš |
Gs Cagni 884-885 |
Poetto M. 2000b: |
Rev. of: Boley J. 2000a |
Incontri Linguistici 23 185 |
Poetto M. 2000c: |
Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. - Hoffner H.A. 1994a; Güterbock H.G. - Hoffner H.A. 1995a |
Kratylos 45 104ff. |
Poetto M. 2000d: |
Quando 'dire' è 'maledire' in anatolico. Nuove risultanze dal luvio |
Le parole per le parole 433-440 |
Poetto M. 2001a: |
Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. - Hoffner H.A. 1997a |
Kratylos 46 88ff. |
Poetto M. 2002a: |
Nuovi sigilli in luvio geroglifico V |
Fs Popko 273-276 |
Poetto M. 2002b: |
A New Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription from Ereğli |
Fs Neumann 2 397ff. |
Poetto M. 2002c: |
Il vitto in Anatolia |
Saperi e sapori mediterranei 807-815 |
Poetto M. 2002d: |
Nuove bullae geroglifiche di presumibile attribuzione alla regina Puduhepa |
Gs Imparati 637-644 |
Poetto M. 2002e: |
Intorno al pittogramma luvio geroglifico 197 |
Fs Giorgadze 98-99 |
Poetto M. 2003a: |
Annotazioni di glittica luvio-geroglifica (I) |
NABU 2003 108-109, 2003/98 |
Poetto M. 2004a: |
Un "nuovo" antroponimo currico in geroglifico anatolico |
Gs Forrer 513-519 |
Poetto M. 2004b: |
Dal nome comune al nome divino, proprio e locale: il caso di tasku- in anatolico |
Fs Morpurgo Davies 384-388 |
Poetto M. 2004c: |
Un frammento inedito in luvio geroglifico da Ancoz |
Or NS 73 469-471 |
Poetto M. 2004d: |
Annotazioni di glittica luvio-geroglifica (II) |
Muséon 117 5 |
Poetto M. 2004e: |
Rev. of: Puhvel J. 2001a |
Kratylos 49 102-107 |
Pohl D.M. 1995a: |
Rev. of: Moran W.L. 1992a |
PEQ 78-79 |
Poli P. 2002a: |
Le feste ittite: confronto tra testimonianze scritte e rappresentazioni figurate |
Fêtes et Festivités 165-186 |
Polit A. 1999a: |
Die Stadt Katapa im Lichte hethitischer Keilschrifttexte |
Hethitica 14 81-96 |
Polomé E.C. 1994a: |
Rev. of: Kammenhuber A. 1993a |
JIES 22 196ff. |
Polomé E.C. 1994b: |
Rev. of: Beal R.H. 1992a |
JIES 22 219-220 |
Polomé E.C. 1994c: |
Rev. of: Rüster C. - Neu E. 1993a |
JlES 22 448 |
Polomé E.C. 1995a: |
Rev. of: Haas V. 1994a |
JIES 23 233-234 |
Polomé E.C. 1995b: |
Rev. of: Popko M. 1994a |
JIES 23 457-458 |
Polomé E.C. 1995c: |
Rev. of: Beal R.H. 1992a |
JIES 23 461-462 |
Polomé E.C. 1995d: |
Rev. of: Essays on Ancient Anatolian and Syrian Studies |
JIES 23 470-471 |
Polomé E.C. 1997a: |
Rev. of: Hout Th.P.J. van den 1995c |
JIES 25 193 |
Polomé E.C. 1998a: |
Rev. of: Neu E. 1996a |
JIES 26 246 |
Polvani A.M. 1994a: |
Mineralien. B. In den hethtitischen Texten |
RlA 8 210-212 |
Polvani A.M. 1995a: |
Contributo alla lessicografia ittita |
SEL 12 149-158 |
Polvani A.M. 1997a: |
La cometa e gli Annali di Mursili II |
SEL 14 17-21 |
Polvani A.M. 1998a: |
Il "re di Kuššara" e l'inventario di culto KUB LVIII 15 |
Gs Quattordio Moreschini 321ff. |
Polvani A.M. 1999a: |
Considerazioni su lo strumento musicale<sup>giš</sup>ŠÀ.A.TAR nei testi religiosi ittiti |
Gs Duchesne-Guillemine 485ff. |
Polvani A.M. 2001a: |
Temi di mitologia anatolica tra Oriente e Occidente: il dio scomparso |
Influenze vicino-orientali 413-420 |
Polvani A.M. 2002a: |
Le divinità ittite e la guerra |
Battaglia di Qadesh 122ff. |
Polvani A.M. 2002b: |
Trattative diplomatiche e conclusione della "pace eterna" |
Battaglia di Qadesh 212ff. |
Polvani A.M. 2002c: |
Il dio Šanta nell'Anatolia del II millennio |
Gs Imparati 645-652 |
Polvani A.M. 2002d: |
Seminario scientifico "sull'informatizzazione dei testi cuneiformi e per una catalogazione dei documenti dell'Anatolia antica" (Pavia, 12-13.11.2001) - Problemi di catalogazione dei testi di rituali magici ittiti |
SMEA 44 333-334 |
Polvani A.M. 2003a: |
Hittite Fragments on the Atrahasis Myth |
Fs Fronzaroli 532-539 |
Polvani A.M. 2004a: |
Relations between Rituals and Mythology in Official and Popular Hittite Religion |
Offizielle Religion 369-376 |
Polvani A.M. 2005a: |
The Deity IMIN.IMIN.BI in Hittite Texts |
Or NS 74 181-194 |
Pongratz-Leisten B. 2002a: |
"Lying King" and "False Prophet": the Intercultural Transfer of a Rhetorical Device within Ancient Near Eastern Ideologies |
Melammu Symposia 3 215-242 |
Pongratz-Leisten B. 2004a: |
Rev. of: Schwemer D. 1998a |
WdO 34 186-187 |
Popko M. – Zakowski W. 1998a: |
The Region of Interest - An Historical Outline |
Miscellanea Geographica 8 219-223 |
Popko M. 1993a: |
Anikonische Götterdarstellungen in der altanatolischen Religion |
Ritual and Sacrifice 319-327 |
Popko M. 1994a: |
Zippalanda. Ein Kultzentrum im hethitischen Kleinasien |
THeth 21 |
Popko M. 1995a: |
Zur Geographie des nördlichen Zentralanatoliens in der Hethiterzeit |
Fs Houwink ten Cate 253-259 |
Popko M. 1995b: |
Religions of Asia Minor |
Popko M. 1995c: |
Towards a history of Hittite religion |
OLZ 90 469-483 |
Popko M. 1996a: |
Bezeichnungen für Brotbehälter im Hethitischen |
AoF 23 98-100 |
Popko M. 1998a: |
Zum Wettergott von Halab |
AoF 25 119-125 |
Popko M. 1998b: |
Hethitisch NINDAšaram(n)a: doch ein Behälter für Brot |
NABU 1998 53, 1998/51 |
Popko M. 1998c: |
Auf der Suche nach den siegreichen Waffen des Wettergottes von Halab in Kleinasien |
Fs Szarzyńska 75ff. |
Popko M. 1998d: |
Rev. of: Singer I. 1996b |
OLZ 93 460-464 |
Popko M. 1998e: |
Rev. of: Gessel A.H.L. van 1998a |
BiOr 55 855-858 |
Popko M. 1999a: |
Nochmals zum hethitischen GIŠhalmaš(š)uitt- |
AoF 26 53-57 |
Popko M. 1999b: |
Berg als Ritualschauplatz. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der hethitischen Religion |
Hethitica 14 97-108 |
Popko M. 1999c: |
Die Hethiter und die Urheimat der Indogermanen |
SIL 2 5ff. |
Popko M. 1999d: |
Ludy i języki starożytnej Anatolii [Völker und Sprachen des alten Anatolien] |
Popko M. 1999e: |
Wschód Starożytny a począ tki myśli europejskiej [The Ancient Near East and the Origins of European Thought] |
Przegąd Orientalistyczny 189-190 15ff. |
Popko M. 1999f: |
Zur hethitschen Gottheit Ka(m)ma(m)ma |
ROr 52 95ff. |
Popko M. 2000a: |
Zippalanda and Ankuwa Once More |
JAOS 120 445-448 |
Popko M. 2000b: |
Rev. of: Hoffner H.A. 1998c |
Or NS 69 129 |
Popko M. 2001a: |
Die Priester von Arinna |
Fs Haas 327-331 |
Popko M. 2001b: |
Muršili II, der mächtige Wettergott und Katapa |
AoF 28 147-153 |
Popko M. 2001c: |
Przestrzen sakralna w religiach starozytnej Anatolii |
Collectanea Theologica 71 83-89 |
Popko M. 2002a: |
Zum Tempel des Teššup von Ḫalap in Ḫattuša |
AoF 29 73-80 |
Popko M. 2002b: |
Rev. of: Gessel A.H.L. van 2001a |
BiOr 59 117-118 |
Popko M. 2002c: |
Zu einigen Kultstätten zwischen Ḫattuša und Arinna |
Gs Imparati 665-670 |
Popko M. 2003a: |
Zur Topographie von Ḫattuša: Tempel auf Büyükkale |
Fs Hoffner 315-323 |
Popko M. 2003b: |
Zum Tempel der Sonnengöttin von Arinna in Ḫattuša |
AoF 30 11-17 |
Popko M. 2003c: |
Zum hethitischen Schutzgott der Lanze |
JANER 3 93-97 |
Popko M. 2003d: |
Das hethitische Ritual CTH 447 |
Popko M. 2004a: |
Weitere Textfragmente zu CTH 447 |
Gs Forrer 521-529 |
Popko M. 2004b: |
Noch zu den hethitischen Arkuti-Priestern |
JANER 4 71-74 |
Popko M. 2004c: |
Zu den Göttern von Zalpa |
Fs Lebrun 2 241-251 |
Popko M. 2004d: |
Weitere Fragmente zum Zippalanda-Textcorpus |
SMEA 46 259-264 |
Popko M. 2005a: |
Der hethitische Gott und seine Kultbilder |
JANER 5 79-87 |
Porada E. 1993a: |
A Cylinder Seal for Discussion with Nimet Özguç |
Fs N. Özgüç 535-537 |
Postgate J.N. 1993a: |
Rev. of: Fs Garelli |
JSS 38 309-310 |
Postgate J.N. 1995a: |
Excavations at Kilise Tepe |
Anatolian Archaeology 1 7-8 |
Postgate J.N. 1996a: |
Kilise Tepe 1994. A summary of the principal results |
17 KST/1 419-431 |
Postgate J.N. 1997a: |
Kilise Tepe |
Anatolian Archaeology 3 8ff. |
Postgate J.N. 1997b: |
Kilise Tepe 1995. A Summary of the Principal Results |
18 KST/1 441-456 |
Postgate J.N. 2003a: |
Learning the lessons of the future: trade in Prehistory through a historian lens |
BiOr 60 6-23 |
Polytheismus und Monotheismus: |
Polytheismus und Monotheismus in den Religionen des Vorderen Orients |
AOAT 298 |
Peoples of the Old Testament World |
Pocci D. 1936: |
Sarpendonte e Arzawa. Episodi e personaggi omerici alla luce delle recenti scoperte |
Poetto M. – Salvatori S. 1981a: |
La collezione anatolica di E. Borowski (in "The Lands of the Bible Archaeology Foundation" - Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada) |
StudMed 3 |
Poetto M. 1973a: |
Due note lessicali etee |
Paideia 28 175-178 |
Poetto M. 1974a: |
Hittite sarap- and Connected Questions |
JIES 2 435-438 |
Poetto M. 1976a: |
Di alcune parole indeuropee per 'grano' |
AANL 31 151-163 |
Poetto M. 1976b: |
Una corrispondenza eteo-tocaria |
Fs Bonfante 717-721 |
Poetto M. 1978a: |
L'iscrizione luvio-geroglifico CTH 2 XLVIII |
Or NS 47 252-262 |
Poetto M. 1978b: |
Una revisione dell'iscrizione luvio-geroglifico di "Til Barsip" II |
OA 17 279-285 |
Poetto M. 1978c: |
Spigolature di Luvio geroglifico |
RSO 52 1-5 |
Poetto M. 1979a: |
Una nuova iscrizione luvio-geroglifica dei Museo di Maraş |
Gs Meriggi 501-507 |
Poetto M. 1979b: |
Eteo sappu- |
AION-L 1 117-121 |
Poetto M. 1979c: |
Some Parts of the Body and Secretions in Hittite |
Hethitisch und Indogermanisch 205-208 |
Poetto M. 1979d: |
Luvio geroglifico SAR+r(-à) KAT-ta |
Fs Szemerényi 669-677 |
Poetto M. 1980a: |
Nuovi e vecchi sigilli in luvio geroglifico |
Kadmos 19 1-8 |
Poetto M. 1980b: |
Un recente frammento in luvio geroglifico deI Museo di Aleppo |
SMEA 22 127-132 |
Poetto M. 1981a: |
La presumibile parola luvia per 'fegato' |
ZVS 95 274-278 |
Poetto M. 1982a: |
Osservazioni sull'iscrizione luvio-geroglifica di Aksaray |
Fs Neumann 275-286 |
Poetto M. 1982b: |
Ancora sulla parola per "esercito" in Luvio |
Kadmos 21 101-103 |
Poetto M. 1982c: |
Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. - Hoffner H.A. 1980a |
Or NS 51 493-499 |
Poetto M. 1982d: |
Rev. of: Masson E. 1981a |
ZA 72 154-159 |
Poetto M. 1983a: |
Nuovi sigilli in luvio geroglifico |
Gs Pintore 185-188 |
Poetto M. 1983b: |
Nuovi sigilli in luvio geroglifico II |
AANL 38 217-219 |
Poetto M. 1983c: |
Un nuovo sigillo iscritto di provenienza Anatolica |
Kadmos 22 54-55 |
Poetto M. 1983d: |
E ancora su 'esercito' in luvio |
Athenaeum 61 528-529 |
Poetto M. 1983e: |
Luvio cuneiforme puri- |
Sprache 29 37-40 |
Poetto M. 1985a: |
Nuovi sigilli in luvio geroglifico III |
Hethitica 6 185-187 |
Poetto M. 1985b: |
Un nuovo sigillo anatolico-persiano |
Kadmos 24 84-85 |
Poetto M. 1986a: |
Luvio mana- 'vedere': eteo meni/a- 'viso' |
Fs Risch 125-128 |
Poetto M. 1986b: |
L'iscrizione luvio-geroglifica Maraş V |
VO 6 157-161 |
Poetto M. 1986c: |
Eteo (URUDU)sa/epik(k)usta- |
Fs Mayrhofer 52-53 |
Poetto M. 1986d: |
Eteo (UZU)kudur |
ZVS 99 220-222 |
Poetto M. 1986e: |
Rev. of: Beckman G. 1983b |
ZA 76 143-146 |
Poetto M. 1987a: |
L'iscrizione luvio-geroglifica HATTUSA VIII |
OA 26 187-189 |
Poetto M. 1987b: |
Rev. of: Košak S. 1982a |
Or NS 56 110-115 |
Poetto M. 1989a: |
Luvio geroglifico ku-ma-ya-la "animali da sacrificio" |
OA 28 193-196 |
Poetto M. 1992a: |
Nuovi sigilli in luvio geroglifico |
Fs Alp 431-443 |
Poetto M. 1992b: |
'net' in Anatolian, Vedic and Greek |
MSS 53 159ff. |
Poetto M. et al. 1989a: |
A New Seal in Hieroglyphic Luwian |
Akkadica 62 21-23 |
Poghirc C. 1964a: |
Rev. of: Bosch-Gimpera P. 1961a |
Studii clasice 6 395-396 |
Poghirc C. 1967a: |
Rev. of: Georgiev V.I. 1966b |
Studii Clasice 9 293-299 |
Pohl A. – Gordon C.H. 1941a: |
Keilschriftbibliographie 2 (1.III.-1.IX.1940) |
Or NS 10 93-103 |
Pohl A. – Gordon C.H. 1941b: |
Keilschriftbibliographie 3 (1.IX.1940-1.III. 1941) |
Or NS 10 241-253 |
Pohl A. – Gordon C.H. 1942a: |
Keilschriftbibliographie, 4 (1.III.-1.IX.1941) |
Or NS 11 134-147 |
Pohl A. – Gordon C.H. 1942b: |
Keilschriftbibliographie, 5 (1.IX.1941-1.VII.1942) |
Or NS 12 91-109 |
Pohl A. – Gordon C.H. 1947a: |
Keilschriftbibliographie 9 (1.X.1945-1.X.1946) |
Or NS 16 85-102 |
Pohl A. – Gordon C.H. 1947b: |
Keilschriftbibliographie 10 (1.X.1946-1.VII.1947) |
Or NS 16 491-505 |
Pohl A. – Skehan P.W. 1944a: |
Keilschriftbibliographie 6 (1.VII.1942-1.X.1943) |
Or NS 13 120-136 |
Pohl A. – Skehan P.W. 1945a: |
Keilschriftbibliographie 7 (1.X.1943-1.X.1944) |
Or NS 14 83-90 |
Pohl A. – Skehan P.W. 1946a: |
Keilschriftbibliographie 8 (1.X.1944-1.X.1945) |
Or NS 15 105-122 |
Pohl A. 1931a: |
Rev. of: Semper M. 1930a |
Biblica 12 379-382 |
Pohl A. 1937a: |
Rev. of: Goetze A. 1936a |
Or NS 5 389-391 |
Pohl A. 1937b: |
Rev. of: Ungnad A. 1936a |
Or NS 6 387-389 |
Pohl A. 1937c: |
Rev. of: Delaporte L. 1936a |
Or NS 6 391-393 |
Pohl A. 1937d: |
Rev. of: Bossert H.Th. 1935a |
Or NS 6 393-394 |
Pohl A. 1939a: |
Rev. of: Thureau-Dangin F. et al. 1936a |
Or NS 8 261-262 |
Pohl A. 1939b: |
Rev. of: Goetze A. 1938a |
Or NS 8 267-268 |
Pohl A. 1939c: |
Rev. of: Naster P. 1938a |
Or NS 8 370 |
Pohl A. 1940a: |
Keilschriftbibliographie 1 (1.VIII.1939-1.III.1940) |
Or NS 9 230-239 |
Pohl A. 1940b: |
Rev. of: Fs Koschaker |
Or NS 9 123-125 |
Pohl A. 1940c: |
Rev. of: Bonkamp H. 1939a |
Biblica 21 100-102 |
Pohl A. 1941a: |
Rev. of: Mercer S.A.B. 1939a |
Or NS 10 154 |
Pohl A. 1942a: |
Rev. of: Hrozný B. 1940a |
Or NS 11 187-188 |
Pohl A. 1942b: |
Rev. of: Andrae W. 1941a |
Or NS 11 289-291 |
Pohl A. 1942c: |
Rev. of: 20CongrOr |
Or NS 11 294-295 |
Pohl A. 1947a: |
[Eine dritte Grabung auf dem Karatepe 1947] |
Or NS 17 272 |
Pohl A. 1948a: |
Keilschriftbibliographie 11 (1.VII.1947-1.VII.1948) |
Or NS 17 423-447 |
Pohl A. 1948b: |
21. Internationale Orientalistenkongress (23.-31. Juli [1948 in Paris]) |
Or NS 17 551-555 |
Pohl A. 1949a: |
Rev. of: Wendel C. 1949a |
Or NS 18 510 |
Pohl A. 1950a: |
Arbeitstagung der Orientalisten in Prag (20.-25. VI. 1949) |
Or NS 19 244-246 |
Pohl A. 1950b: |
Zusammenkunft der Assyriologen in Paris (28.1.1950) |
Or NS 19 247-248 |
Pohl A. 1950c: |
Forschungen und Funde |
Or NS 23 258-259, 453 |
Pohl A. 1950d: |
"Das Assyriologische Treffen" in Paris (28.1.1950) |
Or NS 19 377 |
Pohl A. 1950e: |
Assyriologen-Treffen in Paris (26.-28. VI. 1950) |
Or NS 19 508-510 |
Pohl A. 1950f: |
Der deutsche Orientalistentag 1950 (28.VIII.-1.IX. 1950) in Marburg (Lahn) |
Or NS 19 510-511 |
Pohl A. 1951a: |
Das 2. Internationale Assyriologentreffen in Paris (2.-4.VII.1951) |
Or NS 20 478-485 |
Pohl A. 1952a: |
Der 22. Internationale Orientalistenkongress in Istanbul (15.-22. IX. 1951) |
Or NS 21 98-106 |
Pohl A. 1952b: |
Forschungen und Funde |
Or NS 21 251 |
Pohl A. 1952c: |
Das 3. Internationale Assyriologentreffen in Leiden (28. VI.-4. VII. 1952) |
Or NS 21 496-502 |
Pohl A. 1952d: |
Rev. of: Schaeffer Cl.F.-A. 1948a |
Or NS 21 111-114 |
Pohl A. 1952e: |
Neue Studien zur hethitischen Geschichte. Die Anfünge der hethitischen Geschichte |
Or NS 21 256-258 |
Pohl A. 1952f: |
Neue Studien zur hethitischen Geschichte. Der Beitrag der hethitischen "Königslisten" zur Chronologie |
Or NS 21 258 |
Pohl A. 1952g: |
Nochmals die hethitische Chronologie |
Or NS 21 503-504 |
Pohl A. 1952h: |
Rev. of: Schachermeyr F. 1951a |
Or NS 21 261-262 |
Pohl A. 1952i: |
Rev. of: Bilgiç E. 1945-1951a |
Or NS 21 368-369 |
Pohl A. 1952j: |
Rev. of: Osten H.H. von der 1952b |
Or NS 21 370-371 |
Pohl A. 1952k: |
Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. 1951a |
Or Ns 21 371-372 |
Pohl A. 1952l: |
Rev. of: Ebeling E. 1951a |
Or NS 21 372-373 |
Pohl A. 1952m: |
Rev. of: Schaeffer Cl.F.-A. 1949a |
Os NS 21 517-520 |
Pohl A. 1953a: |
Der XII. Deutsche Orientalistentag in Bonn (29.VII.-2.VlII.1952) |
Or NS 22 106-116 |
Pohl A. 1953b: |
Das 4. Internationale Assyriologentreffen in Paris (29.VI.-2.VII. 1953) |
Or NS 22 432-435 |
Pohl A. 1953c: |
Rev. of: Laroche E. 1951d |
Or NS 22 218-219 |
Pohl A. 1953d: |
Rev. of: ANET |
Or NS 22 221-223 |
Pohl A. 1953e: |
Rev. of: Woolley C.L. - Barnett R.D. 1952a |
Or NS 22 294 |
Pohl A. 1953f: |
Rev. of: Gelb I.J. 1951-1953a |
Or NS 22 441 |
Pohl A. 1954a: |
Das 4. Internationale Assyriologentreffen in Paris |
Or NS 23 172-176 |
Pohl A. 1954b: |
Die neuen Tafeln aus Ugarit |
Or NS 23 177-178 |
Pohl A. 1954c: |
Forschungsreise in Anatolien |
Or NS 23 178-179 |
Pohl A. 1954d: |
Alalaḫ |
Or NS 23 237-251 |
Pohl A. 1954e: |
Rev. of: Gurney O.R. 1952a |
Or NS 23 264 |
Pohl A. 1955a: |
Internationaler Orientalistenkongress in Cambridge (21.-28.VIll.1954) |
Or NS 24 96-103 |
Pohl A. 1955b: |
5. Internationales Assyriologentreffen = Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Paris 1955 |
Or NS 24 407-410 |
Pohl A. 1955c: |
Rev. of: Bengtson H. et al. 1953a |
Or NS 24 170 |
Pohl A. 1955d: |
Rev. of: Roggia G.B. 1953a |
Or NS 24 175 |
Pohl A. 1955e: |
Rev. of: Moscati S. 1954a |
Or NS 24 176-177 |
Pohl A. 1955f: |
Rev. of: Bottéro J. 1954a |
Or NS 24 318-319 |
Pohl A. 1955g: |
Rev. of: Bilgiç E. 1954a |
Or NS 24 323 |
Pohl A. 1955h: |
Rev. of: PRU 3 |
Or NS 24 405 |
Pohl A. 1956a: |
Der 13. Deutsche Orientalistentag in Hamburg (27.-31.VII.1955) |
Or NS 25 103-104 |
Pohl A. 1956b: |
Das 6. Internationale Assyriologentreffen |
Or NS 25 411-414 |
Pohl A. 1956c: |
18. Grabung in Ugarit (Oktober bis Dezember 1954) |
Or NS 25 414-418 |
Pohl A. 1956d: |
Rev. of: ANET |
Or NS 25 162-163 |
Pohl A. 1956e: |
Rev. of: Vieyra M. 1955a |
Or NS 25 165-166 |
Pohl A. 1956f: |
Rev. of: Dentan R. et al. 1955a |
Or NS 25 423-424 |
Pohl A. 1956g: |
Rev. of: Riemschneider M. 1954a |
Or NS 25 424-425 |
Pohl A. 1956h: |
Rev. of: Greenberg M. 1955a |
Os NS 25 428 |
Pohl A. 1957a: |
Forschungen und Funde. Ausgrabungen. |
Or NS 26 51-54, 159-160 |
Pohl A. 1957b: |
Die Könige von Karkemisch |
Or NS 26 162-163 |
Pohl A. 1957c: |
Rev. of: Schmökel H. 1957a |
Or NS 26 360-362 |
Pohl A. 1957d: |
Rev. of: Ugaritica 3 |
Or NS 26 362-363 |
Pohl A. 1957e: |
Rev. of: Hančar F. 1956a |
Or NS 26 363-365 |
Pohl A. 1957f: |
Rev. of: Fs Goldman |
Or NS 26 367-368 |
Pohl A. 1957g: |
Rev. of: Mellink M.J. 1956d |
Or NS 26 368-369 |
Pohl A. 1957h: |
Rev. of: Riemschneider M. 1956a |
Or NS 26 369-370 |
Pohl A. 1957i: |
Rev. of: Moscati S. 1956a |
Or NS 26 370-371 |
Pohl A. 1958a: |
Der 24. Internationale Orientalisten-Kongress in München (28.Vlll.-4.IX.1957) |
Or NS 27 105-110 |
Pohl A. 1958b: |
Zur Frühgeschichte Anatoliens |
Or NS 27 203-205 |
Pohl A. 1958c: |
Das 7. Internationale Assyriologentreffen in Paris (23.-26.VI.1958) |
Or NS 27 413-420 |
Pohl A. 1958d: |
Rev. of: Jirku A. 1957a |
Or NS 27 114-115 |
Pohl A. 1958e: |
Rev. of: Ehrich R.W. 1954a |
Or NS 27 115-116 |
Pohl A. 1958f: |
Rev. of: Albright W.F. 1940a |
Or NS 27 118-119 |
Pohl A. 1958g: |
Rev. of: Goetze A. 1933a |
Or NS 27 299-304 |
Pohl A. 1958h: |
Rev. of: Laroche E. 1956e |
Or NS 27 424-426 |
Pohl A. 1958i: |
Rev. of: Osten H.H. von der 1957a |
Ur 27 429-432 |
Pohl A. 1958j: |
Rev. of: Hrouda B. 1957a |
Or NS 27 432-434 |
Pohl A. 1958k: |
Rev. of: Goossens G. 1956a |
Or NS 27 435-437 |
Pohl A. 1959a: |
Der 14. Deutsche Orientalistentag in Halle (30.VII.-1.VlII.). Das Gilgamešepos |
Or NS 28 93-94 |
Pohl A. 1959b: |
Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des hethitischen Rechts |
Or NS 28 215 |
Pohl A. 1959c: |
Rev. of: Garstang J. - Gurney O.R. 1959a |
Or NS 28 298 |
Pohl A. 1960a: |
Die Nachkriegsgrabungen in Boğazköy |
Or NS 29 333-336 |
Pohl A. 1960b: |
Das 9. Internationale Assyriologentreffen in Genf (20.-23.VI.1960) |
Or NS 29 446-449 |
Pohl A. 1961a: |
Internationaler Orientalistenkongress in Moskau |
Or NS 30 119-120 |
Pohl A. 1961b: |
Das 9. Internationale Assyriologentreffen in Genf |
Or NS 30 206-211 |
Pohl A. 1961c: |
Das 10. Internationale Assyriologentreffen (19.-23.VI.1961) in Paris |
Or NS 30 416-421 |
Pohl A. 1961d: |
Rev. of: Fs Friedrich |
Or NS 30 217-219 |
Pohl A. 1961e: |
Rev. of: Bossert H.Th. 1959h |
Or NS 30 220-221 |
Pohl A. 1961f: |
Rev. of: Oppenheim A.L. 1956a |
Or NS 30 328-330 |
Pohl A. 1961g: |
Rev. of: Bittel K. et al. 1958a |
Or NS 30 330-332 |
Pohl A. 1961h: |
Rev. of: Mode H. et al. 1959a |
Or NS 30 332-333 |
Poisson G. 1925a: |
Tantale, roi des Hittites |
RAr 22 75-94 |
Pokora T. 1963a: |
Rev. of: Souček V. 1963b |
Nový Orient 18 320 |
Pokorny J. 1936a: |
Substrattheorie und Urheimat der Indogennanen |
MAGW 66 69-91 |
Pokorny J. 1948-1957a: |
Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch |
Polacco L. 1973-1974a: |
[Topakli] |
Atti Istituto Veneto 132 130-133 |
Polacco L. 1978a: |
Le mura urbiche di Topakli |
10CongrClassArch 121-128 |
Poláček V. 1964a: |
Wirtschaft und Staat im Altertum. Zu neueren Forschungen aus der CSSR |
Fs Oertel 137-145 |
Poláčk V. 1965a: |
Rev. of: Souček V. 1963b |
RHDFE 43 650-652 |
Poláčk V. 1965b: |
Rev. of: Souček V. 1963b |
Iura 16 205-210 |
Polák V. 1951a: |
La posizione linguistica dell'ittito |
Fs Galbiati 75-81 |
Polanyi K. 1955a: |
Hittite Policies in Regard to Coastal Areas |
Economic Aspects of lnstitutional Growth Memorandum 14 |
Polanyi K. et al. 1957a: |
Trade and Market in the Early Empires Economies in History and Theory |
Polanyi K. et al. 1978a: |
Traffici e mercati negli antichi imperi. Le economie nella storia e nella teoria |
Polomé E.C. 1950a: |
Réflexes de laryngales en arménien |
Fs Gregoire 539-569 |
Polomé E.C. 1952a: |
Zum heutigen Stand der Laryngaltheorie |
RBPH 30 444-471 |
Polomé E.C. 1952b: |
On the Source of Hittite ḫ |
Language 28 444-456 |
Polomé E.C. 1954a: |
Rev. of: Rosenkranz B. 1952a |
RBPH 32 533-535 |
Polomé E.C. 1956a: |
Rev. of: Otten H. 1953c |
Oriens 9 103-112 |
Polomé E.C. 1961a: |
Rev. of: Kronasser H. 1956b |
RBPH 39 557-560 |
Polomé E.C. 1968a: |
The Indo-European Numeral for five and Hittite panku- "all" |
Fs Kuiper 98-101 |
Polomé E.C. 1985a: |
Recent Russian Papers on the Indo-European Problem and the Ethnogenesis and Original Homeland of the Slavs |
JIES 13 1-2 |
Polomé E.C. 1985b: |
How archaic is Old Indic? |
Fs Winter 1 671-683 |
Polomé E.C. 1987a: |
Rev. of: Nussbaum A. 1986a |
JIES 15 399-400 |
Polomé E.C. 1987b: |
Rev. of: Gs Cowgill |
JIES 15 400-402 |
Polomé E.C. 1987c: |
Rev. of: Diakonoff I.M. 1984a |
AArmL 8 103-109 |
Polratz J.A.H. 1964a: |
Rev. of: Schuler E. von 1962a |
Or NS 33 127-131 |
Polvani A.M. 1980a: |
La pietra ZA.GÍN nei testi di Hattusa |
Mesopotamia (T) 15 73-92 |
Polvani A.M. 1981a: |
La "pietra di Babilonia" nella documentazione ittita |
SCO 31 245-256 |
Polvani A.M. 1981b: |
Proposte di interpretazione per i termini na4TI e na4lulluri nei testi ittiti |
Studi e ricerche 1 49-64 |
Polvani A.M. 1988a: |
Appunti per una storia della musica cultuale ittita: lo strumento huhupal |
Hethitica 9 171-179 |
Polvani A.M. 1988b: |
Osservazioni sut termine ittita (giš)arkammi |
OA 27 211-219 |
Polvani A.M. 1988c: |
Un ogetto deI culto ittita: (giš)zahurti |
Fs Pugliese Carratelli 209-219 |
Polvani A.M. 1988d: |
La terminologia dei minerali nei testi ittiti 1 |
Eothen 3 |
Polvani A.M. 1989a: |
A proposito deI termine ittita šawatar "corno" |
SEL 6 15-21 |
Polvani A.M. 1991a: |
KBo XXVI 136: una versione dei mito della scomparsa dei dio Sole |
Quattro studi ittiti 69-75 |
Polvani A.M. 1992a: |
Su alcuni frammenti mitologici ittiti |
Fs Alp 445-454 |
Pons J. 1983a: |
Rev. of: TUAT 1/1 |
Études théologiques et religieuses 58 528-529 |
Pons J. 1984a: |
Rev. of: Wilhelm G. 1982a |
Études théologiques et religieuses 59 95 |
Pons J. 1985a: |
Rev. of: Lebrun R. 1984c |
Études théologiques et religieuses 60 281 |
Pons J. 1985b: |
Rev. of: TUAT 1/5 |
Études théologiques et religieuses 60 621 |
Pons J. 1988a: |
Rev. of: TUAT 2/2 |
Études théologiques et religieuses 63 278 |
Pope M. 1961a: |
Rev. of: Virolleaud Ch. 1957a |
AJA 65 198-199 |
Pope M. 1961b: |
Rev. of: Fs Albright |
JBL 80 272-275 |
Pope M. 1963a: |
Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. 1961a |
JBL 82 226-227 |
Pope M. 1964a: |
Rev. of: Yadin Y. 1963a |
JBL 83 226 |
Pope M. 1971a: |
Rev. of: Ugaritica 6 |
AJA 75 332-333 |
Pope M. 1975a: |
The Story of Archaeological Decipherment. From Egyptian Hieroglyphs to Linear B |
Popko M. – Taracha P. 1988a: |
Der 28. und der 29. Tag des hethitischen AN.TAḪ.ŠUM-Festes |
AoF 15 82-113 |
Popko M. 1963a: |
Obecny stan badán nad językiem licyjskim ze szczególnym uwzglednieniem czasownika [Gegenwärtiger Stand der Erforschung des Lykischen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Verbums] |
Popko M. 1964a: |
Modlitwa króla Mursilisa [Das Gebet Königs Mursilis] |
PO 51 237-238 |
Popko M. 1964b: |
Wladza królewska a religia u Hetyów [Königsherrschaft und Religion bei den Hethitern] |
Euhemer 8/38 69-76 |
Popko M. 1964c: |
Rev. of: Ivanov V.V. 1963a |
PO 52 325; |
Popko M. 1965a: |
Rev. of: Otten H. 1961d; Georgiev V.I. 1963a; Georgiev V.I. 1962a |
PO 53 75 |
Popko M. 1967a: |
Pięcdziesiat lat hetytologii [Fünfzig Jahre Hethitologie] |
PO 61 66-68 |
Popko M. 1967b: |
Rev. of: Ševoroškin V.V. 1965a |
Narody Azii i Afriki 168-170 |
Popko M. 1970a: |
Pieśń o Ullikumrni [Das Lied von Ullikummi] |
Euhemer 76 19-27 |
Popko M. 1970a: |
Rev. of: Diakonoff I.M. 1968a |
REArm 7 479-482 |
Popko M. 1971a: |
Orientalna geneza "Teogonii" Hezjoda [Die orientalische Herkunft von Hesiods "Theogonie"] |
Meander 26 463-473 |
Popko M. 1971b: |
Hetycki mit o wal ce ze smokiem [Der hethitische Mythus über den Krieg mit dem Drachen] |
Euhemer 15 25-29 |
Popko M. 1971c: |
Rev. of: Klengel E. - Klengel H. 1970a |
PO 78 194-196 |
Popko M. 1972a: |
Hetyckie mity o zaginionym bogu [Hethitische Mythen über den verschwundenen Gott] |
Euhemer 16 21-32 |
Popko M. 1972b: |
Puszka Pandory [Pandora's Box] |
Meander 27 381-383 |
Popko M. 1972c: |
Świat podziemny w wyobrazeniach Hetytów [Die unterirdische Welt nach den hethitischen Darstellungen] |
PO 84 335-343 |
Popko M. 1974a: |
Anatolische Schutzgottheiten in Gestalt von Vliesen |
AcAn 22 309-311 |
Popko M. 1974b: |
Notes on Hittite Vocabulary |
JCS 26 181-182 |
Popko M. 1974c: |
Kosmogonia w religii hetyckiej [Die Kosmogonie in der hethitischen Religion] |
Euhemer 93 35-40 |
Popko M. 1974d: |
Kult świętego runa w hetyckiej Anatolii [Der Kult des Goldenen Vliesses im hethitischen Anatolien) |
PO 91 225-230 |
Popko M. 1975a: |
Zum hethitischen (KUŠ)kurša |
AoF 2 65-70 |
Popko M. 1976a: |
Mitologia hetyckiej Anatolii [Mythologie des hethitischen Anatolien] |
Popko M. 1976b: |
Rev. of: Macqueen J.G. 1975a |
PO 100 472-473 |
Popko M. 1977a: |
Rev. of: Kammenhuber A. 1973a |
OLZ 72 266-268 |
Popko M. 1978a: |
Kultobjekte in der hethitischen Religion (nach keilschriftlichen Quellen) |
Popko M. 1978b: |
Rev. of: Jakob-Rost L. 1977b |
PO 108 386-387 |
Popko M. 1979a: |
Rev. of: Kammenhuber A. - Archi A. 1975-1978a |
OLZ 74 35-36 |
Popko M. 1980a: |
GIŠZA.LAM.GAR in den hethitischen religiösen Texten |
Fs Ranoszek 101-104 |
Popko M. 1980b: |
Opisy marzén sennych w piśmiennictwie hetyckim [Traumbeschreibungen in der hethitischen Literatur] |
PO 115 253-256 |
Popko M. 1980c: |
Religie starożytnej Anatolii [Die Religionen des alten Anatolien] |
Popko M. 1980d: |
Rev. of: Kammenhuber A. - Archi A. 1975-1978a |
OLZ 75 31-32 |
Popko M. 1981a: |
Cartographica Hethitica |
PO 120 375-377 |
Popko M. 1981b: |
Die hethitische Gottheit DKAL URUTauriša |
AoF 8 329-331 |
Popko M. 1981c: |
Religie Azji Mniejszej [Die Religionen Kleinasiens] |
Religie Bliskiego Wschodu i dawnej Europy 34-37 |
Popko M. 1981d: |
Rev. of: Ciantelli M. 1978-1979a |
OLZ 76 458-459 |
Popko M. 1982a: |
Kilka uwag o nazwie "Hetyci" [Einige Bemerkungen zum Namen "Hethiter"] |
PO 123-124, 183-186 |
Popko M. 1982b: |
Magia i wróżbiarstwo u Hetytów [Magie und Wahrsagung bei den Hethitern] |
Popko M. 1982c: |
Rev. of: Ciantelli M. 1978-1979a |
OLZ 77 40 |
Popko M. 1982d: |
Rev. of: Wegner I. 1981b |
BiOr 39 145-147 |
Popko M. 1983a: |
Istota bóstwa w religiach Wschodu Starożytnego (The essence of god in the religions of the Ancient Near East) |
Euhemer 127 3-9 |
Popko M. 1983b: |
Szescdziesiat lat Polskiego Towarzystwa Orientalistycznego i piecdziesiat lat Instytutu Orientalistycznego UW. [Sixty Years of the Polish Oriental Society and Fifty Years of the Warsaw University Institute of Oriental Studies.] |
PO 125-127 121-124 |
Popko M. 1984a: |
Zur Datierung des Tawagalawa-Briefes |
AoF 11 199-203 |
Popko M. 1984b: |
Zum luwischen Wort tiṷarija |
ZVS 97 228-229 |
Popko M. 1984c: |
Rev. of: Justus C.F. 1981b |
OLZ 79 39-40 |
Popko M. 1985a: |
Rev. of: Singer I. 1983-1984a |
ZA 75 146-147 |
Popko M. 1985b: |
Rev. of: Tischler J. 1981a |
Or NS 54 456-457 |
Popko M. 1985c: |
Rev. of: Tischler J. 1982e |
Or NS 54 457 |
Popko M. 1986a: |
Die kleinasiatischen Stadtnamen Kulila und Matila |
AoF 13 176-179 |
Popko M. 1986b: |
Ein neues Fragment des hethitischen nuntarrijašḫas-Festrituals |
AoF 13 219-223 |
Popko M. 1986c: |
Badania hetytologiczne |
Instytut Orientalistyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskego 1932-1982 75-78 |
Popko M. 1986d: |
Rev. of: Košak S. 1982a |
OLZ 81 354-355 |
Popko M. 1986e: |
Rev. of: Beckman G. 1983b |
OLZ 81 559-561 |
Popko M. 1986f: |
Rev. of: Alp S. 1983a |
Or NS 55 345-346 |
Popko M. 1986g: |
Rev. of: Freydank H. 1981a |
Or NS 55 475-476 |
Popko M. 1986h: |
Rev. of: Jakob-Rost L. 1983a |
Or NS 55 476-477 |
Popko M. 1987a: |
Hethitische Rituale für das Grosse Meer und das tarmana-Meer |
AoF 14 252-262 |
Popko M. 1987b: |
Wzmianki o górach v piśmiennictwie hetyckiej Azji Mniejszej [Notes on mountains in the literature of Hittite Asia Minor] |
Fs Wojtasiewicz 297-304 |
Popko M. 1987c: |
Rev. of: Gesellschaft und Kultur im alten Vorderasien |
ROr 45 78-81 |
Popko M. 1988a: |
Die Götter von Zippalanda |
ŠULMU 3 273-285 |
Popko M. 1988b: |
Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi 58 Hethitische Rituale und Festbeschreibungen |
KUB 58 |
Popko M. 1988c: |
Hetyci i Ahhijawa: stan badań [Die Hethiter und Ahhijawa: der Stand der Forschung] |
Meander 6 221-228 |
Popko M. 1988d: |
Rev. of: Klengel H. 1984d |
Or NS 57 89 |
Popko M. 1988e: |
Rev. of: Freydank H. 1985a |
Or NS 57 89-90 |
Popko M. 1988f: |
Rev. of: Klengel H. 1986c |
Or NS 57 90-91 |
Popko M. 1988g: |
Rev. of: Archi A. 1987b |
Or NS 57 91-92 |
Popko M. 1989-1990a: |
Rev. of: Rüster C. - Neu E. 1989a |
AfO 36-37 175-177 |
Popko M. 1989a: |
Neue Fragmente der hurritischen SALŠU.GI-Rituale |
AoF 16 84-88 |
Popko M. 1989b: |
Wierzenia ludów starożytnej Azji Mniejszej [Die Glaubensvorstellungen der Völker Altkleinasiens] |
Popko M. 1989c: |
Orient i Egea. Jezyk, religia, kultura [Orient und Ägäis. Sprache, Religion, Kultur] |
PO 149-150 138-140 |
Popko M. 1989d: |
Rev. of: Siegelová J. 1986a |
OLZ 84 24-26 |
Popko M. 1989e: |
Rev. of: Starke F. 1985a |
OLZ 84 542-544 |
Popko M. 1991a: |
Die hethitischen Ritualtexte: Probleme der Bearbeitung |
Ägypten, Vorderasien, Turfan 82-84 |
Popko M. 1991b: |
Weitere Fragmente zu CTH 418 |
AoF 18 44-53 |
Popko M. 1991c: |
Eine "Schwarze Tafel" aus Boğazköy (KUB LX 121) |
AoF 18 239-245 |
Popko M. 1991d: |
Berge in den altorientalischen Kulturen |
Berg ' 116 283-288 |
Popko M. 1991e: |
Z najdawniejszych dziejów Miletu [Aus der ältesten Geschichte von Milet] |
Meander 46 79-86 |
Popko M. 1991f: |
Bogowie tzw. abrzędów anatolijskich z Emar [Die Götter der sogenannten anatolischen Rituale von Emar] |
PO 157-160 131-134 |
Popko M. 1991g: |
Rev. of: Jakob-Rost L. 1989a |
Or NS 60 124-127 |
Popko M. 1992a: |
Odkrycia w Hattusa, stolicy Hetytów, w latach 1978-1989 [Entdeckungen in Hattuša, der Hauptstadt der Hethiter in den Jahren 1978-1989] |
PO 161-164 81-84 |
Popko M. 1992b: |
Huryci [Die Churriter] |
Popko M. 1992c: |
Rev. of: McMahon G. 1991a |
Or NS 61 468-469 |
Popko M. 1992d: |
Rev. of: Klengel H. 1990c |
Or NS 61 470-471 |
Popov V. 1963a: |
O statute rabov v chettskom carstve [Über den Status der Sklaven im hethitischen Königreich] |
VDI 109 73-81 |
Popov V. 1970a: |
Poljata na truda v chetskoto obščestvo (po danni ot chetskie zakoni) [Le rôle du travail dans la société hittite (d'après les lois hittites)] |
Trudove na Visšija pedagogičeski institut 6 183-210 |
Popov V. 1970b: |
Chetskite zakoni i robovladenieto v chetskata d'ržava [Die hethitischen Gesetze und die Sklaverei im Hethiterreich] |
Trudove na Visšija pedagogičeski institut 7 3-31 |
Popov V. 1972a: |
Istoričeski pregled |
76-89 |
Popov V. 1972b: |
Njakoi strani ot statuta na robite v chetskata d'ržava (Po danni ot chetskite zakoni) (Certains aspects du statut des esclaves dans I'Etat hittite /D'après leg lois hittites/) |
1CongrSHBulg 317-321 |
Popov V. 1973a: |
Osnovni čerti na socialno-klasovata struktura na chetskogo obščestvo (Po danni ot chetskite zakoni) (Traits caractéristiques de la structure des classes de la société hittite /d'après les données des lois hittites/) |
Trudove na Velikot' 8 3-15 |
Popov V. 1973b: |
Njakolko beležki okolo sobstvenostta na zemjata v chetskoto obščestvo (Formes fondamentales de propriété dans la société hittite) |
Trudove na Velikot' 9 3-21 |
Popov V. 1976a: |
Problemy na ikonomičeskata organizacija na chetskata d'ržava prez XV -XII v pr.n.e. [Problèmes de l'organisation économique de l'état hittite aux XVe-Xlle s.av.n.ère] |
Studia Thracica 3 |
Popovic A. 1974a: |
Rev. of: Meriggi P. 1971b |
OLZ 69 381-382 |
Popovic A. 1974b: |
Rev. of: Meriggi P. 1971b |
JA 262 218-219 |
Porada E. – Loon M.N. van 1958a: |
Current Near East Excavations |
Archaeology 11 285-286 |
Porada E. 1942a: |
The Warrior with Plumet Helmet, a Study of Syro-Cappadocian Cylinder Seals and Bronze Figurines |
Berytus 7 57-63 |
Porada E. 1946a: |
Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. 1946a |
AA 9 368-369 |
Porada E. 1947a: |
Mesopotamian Art in Cylinder Seals of Pierpont Morgan Library |
Porada E. 1947b: |
Rev. of: Bossert H.Th. - Çambel H. 1946a |
AA 10 82 |
Porada E. 1947c: |
Rev. of: Bossert H.Th. - Alkim U.B. 1947a |
AA 10 344-346 |
Porada E. 1948a: |
The Collection of the Pierpont Morgan Library, 1-2. In collaboration with Buchanan B. Preface by Goetze A. |
Porada E. 1948b: |
The Cylinder Seals of the Late Cypriote Bronze Age |
AJA 52 178-198 |
Porada E. 1948c: |
Rev. of: Akurgal E. 1946a |
JAOS 68 71-74 |
Porada E. 1950a: |
Rev. of: Özgüç T. - Özgüç N. 1949a |
JCS 4 79-80 |
Porada E. 1950b: |
Rev. of: Porada E. 1948a |
JCS 4 155-162 |
Porada E. 1952a: |
Rev. of: Akurgal E. 1949a |
AJA 56 213-214 |
Porada E. 1952b: |
Rev. of: Bossert H.Th. et al. 1950a |
AJA 56 214-215 |
Porada E. 1952c: |
Rev. of: ANET |
AA 15 297-298 |
Porada E. 1956a: |
Measurements and photographs of the seals found in Tarsus and Gordion |
YBAPS 351-353 |
Porada E. 1956b: |
Rev. of: Vieyra M. 1955a |
AA 19 162-165 |
Porada E. 1957a: |
Report on the Oriental Congress München 1957 |
Archaeology 10 283-285 |
Porada E. 1957b: |
Rev. of: Goldman H. et al. 1956a |
AA 20 88-91 |
Porada E. 1957c: |
Rev. of: Mellink M.J. 1956d |
AA 20 91 |
Porada E. 1959a: |
The Near East and Egypt. (Rencontre Assyriologique, Heidelberg 1959) |
Archaeology 12 280-282 |
Porada E. 1959b: |
Ancient Hatti |
Natural History 68 308-318 |
Porada E. 1960a: |
Orientalists meet in Moscow |
Archaeology 13 279-286 |
Porada E. 1963a: |
Rev. of: Lloyd S. 1961a; Terrace E.L.B. 1962a |
Art Bulletin 45 369-372 |
Porada E. 1967a: |
Assyriologists Meet at Liège |
Archaeology 20 64-66 |
Porada E. 1970a: |
17th International Congress of Assyriology |
Archaeology 23 49-50 |
Porada E. 1974a: |
Rev. of: Seidl U. 1972b; Boehmer R.M. 1972a |
AA 36 162-163 |
Porada E. 1981a: |
The Cylinder Seals Found at Thebes in Boeotia |
AfO 28 01.01.70 |
Porada E. 1982a: |
Kleine Bemerkungen über Abrollungen auf Tafeln des Karum Kanesh und zwei Texte |
CRRAI 25 161-171 |
Porada E. 1986a: |
A Subject for Continuing Conversation |
Fs Mellink 84-92 |
Porada E. 1988a: |
Rev. of: Collon D. 1987a |
AJA 92 602-604 |
Porada E. 1992a: |
An Unusual Cylinder Seal |
Fs Alp 463-473 |
Porada E. 1992b: |
Chronologies in Old World Archaeology: Archaeological Seminar at Columbia University |
JANES 21 117-118 |
Porada E. 1992c: |
Rev. of: Boehmer R.M. - Güterbock H.G. 1987a |
AJA 96 172-174 |
Porter J.L. 1881a: |
The Hittites |
PEF 11 |
Porzig W. 1923a: |
Rev. of: Marstrander C.J. 1919a |
IF 41 07.11.04 |
Porzig W. 1927a: |
Zur Aktionsart indogermanischer Präsensbildungen |
IF 45 152-167 |
Porzig W. 1927b: |
Kleinasiatisch-indische Beziehungen |
ZII 5 265-280 |
Porzig W. 1930a: |
Illujankas und Typhon |
KlF 1 379-386 |
Porzig W. 1954a: |
Die Gliederung des indogermanischen Sprachgebiets |
Porzig W. 1961a: |
Rev. of: Fs Sommer |
ZDMG 110 357-362 |
Porzig W. 1964a: |
Členenie indoevropejskoj jazykovoj oblasti |
Posener E. 1972a: |
Archives in the Ancient World |
Posener G. 1937a: |
Une liste de noms propres étrangers sur deux ostraca hieratiques du Nouvel Empire |
Syria 18 183-197 |
Posener G. 1950a: |
Rev. of: Avdiev V.I. 1948a |
BiOr 7 48-50 |
Posener G. 1957a: |
Les Asiatiques en Egypte sous les XIIe et XIIIe dynasties |
Syria 34 145-163 |
Postgate J.N. 1972a: |
Texts and Fragments [72-81] |
JCS 24 175-176 |
Postovskaja N.M. 1961a: |
Izučenie drevnej istorii Bližnego Vostoka v Sovetskom Sojuze (1917-1959 gg.) [Studium der alten Geschichte des Nahen Ostens in der Sowjetunion 1917-1959.] |
Potratz J.A.H. 1938a: |
Das Pferd in der Frühzeit |
Potratz J.A.H. 1953a: |
Rev. of: Przeworski S. 1939a |
BiOr 10 123-126 |
Potratz J.A.H. 1956a: |
Rev. of: Woolley C.L. 1954a |
ZDMG 106 367-370 |
Potratz J.A.H. 1958a: |
Rev. of: Ceram C.W. 1955a |
OLZ 53 449-450 |
Potratz J.A.H. 1958b: |
Rev. of: Bengtson H. et al. 1953a |
ZDMG 108 170-172 |
Potratz J.A.H. 1958c: |
Rev. of: Speiser W. 1952a |
ZDMG 108 195-197 |
Potratz J.A.H. 1958e: |
Rev. of: Salonen A. 1955a |
DLZ 79 669-673 |
Potratz J.A.H. 1960d: |
Rev. of: Riemschneider M. 1956a |
BiOr 17 21-22 |
Potratz J.A.H. 1961a: |
Die Kunst des Alten Orient. Babylonien und Assyrien, Alt-Syrien und das Alte Persien |
Potratz J.A.H. 1961b: |
Rev. of: Neue Ausgrabungen im Nahen Osten |
BiOr 18 223-224 |
Potratz J.A.H. 1963a: |
Rev. of: Neue deutsche Ausgrabungen |
BiOr 20 144-146 |
Potratz J.A.H. 1963b: |
Rev. of: Kammenhuber A. 1961e |
ZDMG 113 181-186 |
Potratz J.A.H. 1966a: |
Die Pferdetrensen des Alten Orients |
AnOr 40 |
Potratz J.A.H. 1966b: |
Rev. of: Otten H. 1961d |
Or NS 35 457-459 |
Potratz J.A.H. 1966c: |
Rev. of: Lloyd S. 1963a |
ZDMG 116 185-189 |
Pottier E. 1920a: |
L'art hittite |
Syria 1 169-182, 264-286 |
Pottier E. 1921a: |
L'art hittite |
Syria 2 6-39, 96-119 |
Pottier E. 1922a: |
Les travaux archéologiques du Service des antiquités de Syrie (1920-1921) et la fondation de l'École française de Jérusalem |
Syria 3 329-337 |
Pottier E. 1922b: |
Rev. of: Woolley C.L. 1921a |
Syria 3 264-266 |
Pottier E. 1923a: |
Rapport sur les travaux archéologiques en Syrie et a l'École française de Jérusalem |
Syria 4 316-323 |
Pottier E. 1923b: |
Carchemish |
JS 21 97-111 |
Pottier E. 1924a: |
L'art hittite |
Syria 5 1-8 |
Pottier E. 1926a: |
L'art hittite 1 |
Pottier E. 1930a: |
La Céramique de I' Asie Occidentale |
JS 241-252, 289-306 |
Pottier E. 1930b: |
Rev. of: Christian V. 1928a |
JS 433-446 |
Pottier E. 1930c: |
Rev. of: Genouillac H. de 1926a |
JS 5-13, 49-68 |
Pottier E. 1931a: |
L'art hittite 2 |
Pottier E. 1932a: |
Rev. of: Oppenheim M. von 1931a |
RA 36 116-119 |
Poucha P. 1943a: |
Rev. of: Hrozný B. 1943c |
ArOr 14 154-156 |
Poucha P. 1948a: |
Rev. of: Hrozný B. 1947a; Hrozný B. 1943c |
ArOr 16 373-377 |
Poucha P. 1948b: |
Rev. of: Avdiev V.I. 1948a |
ArOr 16 384 |
Poulsen F. 1912a: |
Der Orient und die frühgriechische Kunst |
Poultney J.W. 1968a: |
Rev. of: Georgiev V.I. 1966b |
Language 44 334-343 |
Poznanski L. 1978a: |
À propos de la collation du nom dans le monde antique |
RHR 194 113-127 |
PO: |
Przegląd Orientalistyczny |
Poezija i proza Drevnego Vostoka: |
Poezija i proza Drevnego Vostoka |
Pol7CongrHist: |
La Pologne au Vlle Congres International des Sciences Historiques Bd. 1 |
Polski Biuletyn Orientalistyczny: |
Polski Biuletyn Orientalistyczny |
Ponto-Baltica: |
Ponto-Baltica |
Poslaniec Sw. Grzegorza: |
Poslaniec Sw. Grzegorza |
Peoples of Old Testament Times |
Power and propaganda: |
Power and propaganda. A Symposium in Ancient Empires |
Mesopotamia (K) 7 |
Poznaj Świat: |
Poznaj Świat |
Pokorny: |
Rev. of: |
Pokorny J. 1948-1957a |
Polvani, Minerali: |
Rev. of: |
Polvani A.M. 1988d |
Popko, Kultobjekte: |
Rev. of: |
Popko M. 1978a |
POT: |
Rev. of: |
Potratz: |
Rev. of: |
Potratz J.A.H. 1938a |
Pouvoirs locaux: |
Rev. of: |
Les pouvoirs locaux |
Poetto M. 2005a: |
Rev. of: Güterbock H.G. et al. 2002a |
Kratylos 50 92-95 |
Polvani A.M. 2005b: |
Aspetti della narrativa degli Annali di Muršili II |
Narrare gli eventi 279-283 |
Polvani A.M. 2005c: |
Some Thoughts about KUB 43.60 (The so-called Text of “The Voyage of the Immortal Human Soul”) |
5HitCongr 613-622 |
Popko M. 2005b: |
Der Zukraši-Text: althethitisch? |
NABU 2005 74, 2005/68 |
Popko M. 2006a: |
Ein neues hethitisches Textfragment mythologischen Inhalts |
AoF 33 155-159 |
Porcher A. 2004a: |
Rev. of: Hethitica 15 |
BSL 99/2 141-145 |
Porter R.M. 2003a: |
Dating the Neo-Hittite Kinglets of Gurgum/Maraş |
Anatolica 29 7-15 |
Poetto M. 2006a: |
L’iscrizione lidia di Tire: una revisione |
Fs Gusmani 1373-1381 |
Poetto M. 2007a: |
Nuovi sigilli in luvio geroglifico VI |
Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 623-627 |
Polvani A.M. 2007a: |
The “Death” of Kamrušepa |
Fs Košak 569-574 |
Polvani A.M. 2007b: |
Rev. of: Schuol M. 2004a |
BiOr 64 424-426 |
Popko M. 2007a: |
luwischen Komponente in den Religionen Altanatoliens |
AoF 34 63-69 |
Popko M. 2007b: |
Hethitisch Èhišta : ein Totentempel? |
NABU 2007 30, 2007/29 |
Popko M. 2007c: |
Althethitisch? Zu den Datierungsfragen in der Hethitologie |
Fs Košak 575-581 |
Popko M. 2008a: |
Völker und Sprachen Altanatoliens |
Polvani A.M. 2008a: |
The God Eltara and the Theogony |
6HitCongr2 617-624 |
Poetto M. 1977a: |
Rev. of: Tischler J. 1977-1983a |
Paideia 32 314-321 |
Poetto M. 1988a: |
Tocharisch A lasis |
Fs W. Thomas 211-213 |
Poetto M. 1991a: |
Ad Tocharian B karse “hart, deer” and Hittite karšaš “locust, grasshopper” |
TIES 5 57-60 |
Popko M. 2009a: |
Arinna. Eine heilige Stadt der Hethiter |
StBoT 50 |
Poli P. 2008a: |
Traduzione, assimilazione, interpretazione di elementi iconografici ed ideologici da tradizioni diverse. Il caso di Malatya
4 AttiOrientalisti 250-275 |
Ponchia S. 2008a: |
Looking for Itineraries in Central Anatolia in the First Millennium B.C.
Eothen 16 253-280 |
Poetto M. 2010a: |
Nuovi sigilli in luvio geroglifico VII (Per il valore di á in alcune occorrenze)
Fs Singer 271-277 |
Polvani A.M. 2010a: |
The God Bunene
Fs Singer 278-283 |
Popko M. 2010a: |
Hethiter und Aḫḫijawa: Feinde?
Fs Singer 284-289 |
Poetto M. 2010b: |
Un nuovo verbo luvio-geroglifico: zapa-, e la sua correlazione al luvio cuneiforme zapp(a)- |
Fs Melchert 296-302 + Pl. I |
Poetto M. 2010c: |
Un nuovo frammento in luvio geroglifico da Ancoz (ANCOZ 12) |
Fs Hawkins 188-192 |
Poetto M. 2010d: |
L’iscrizione luvio-geroglifica ANCOZ 5 (A) rivista e completata |
Hethitica 16 131-138 |
Poetto M. 2010e: |
Per la definitiva lettura del numerale ‘9’ in luvio geroglifico
Fs Archi 242-245 + Tavv. XXIII-XXIV |
Polvani A.M. 2010b: |
Identification of the goddess Ḫuwaššanna with the goddess GAZ.BA.YA
Fs Archi 246-254 |
Popko M. 2010b: |
Weitere Bemerkungen zum ḫamina-Priester
Hethitica 16 143-148 |
Popko M. 2010c: |
Bemerkungen zum hethitischen Fragment Privat 35
Gs Neu 205-209 |
Pohjanlehto P. 2011a: |
Nasal Reduction in Late Luwian
Studia Orientalia 110 243-247 |
Polvani A.M. 2010c: |
An interpretation of KUB XXIII 79 ("The sacrifice on the river Mala") |
SMEA 52 273-277 |
Popko M. 2009b: |
Ein unbekanntes Textbruchstück zu CTH 627? |
Fs Łyczkowska 189-194 |
Pozza M. 2011a: |
La grafia delle occlusive intervocaliche in ittito. Verso una riformulazione della lex Sturtevant, 2 voll.: I. Introduzione e corpus lessicale; II. Analisi dei dati
Poitz E. 2011a: |
KUB 30.41
DBH 35 85-108 |
Poli P. 2012a: |
“A margine” di alcune iscrizioni e raffigurazioni di epoca neo-ittita
StMed 24 207-230 |
Polvani A.M. 2012a: |
Il banchetto nei testi mitologici ittiti
Eothen 20 119-132 |
Portnoff A. 2006b: |
Éléments d’onomastique hourrito-louvite et la légende étrusque de Tagès |
RANT 3 375-390 |
Popova O. 2013a: |
Les particularites d’emploi des signes cuneiformes a differentes periodes de la langue hittite |
CRRAI 56 803-808 |
Postgate N. – Stone A. 2013a: |
A Luwian Shrine? The Stele Building at Kilise Tepe |
Luwian Identitis 193-214 |
Pozza M. 2011a: |
La grafia delle occlusive intervocaliche in ittito. Verso una riformulazione della lex Sturtevant, 2 voll.: I. Introduzione e corpus lessicale; II. Analisi dei dati |
Poetto M. 2014a: |
Dall’appellativo all’idionimo nella glittografia luvio-geroglifica. Il caso di ‘Donna’
Fs Oettinger 289-295 |
Poetto M. 2015a: |
DINGIRrSassa |
Gs Otten 181-188 |
Potts D.T. 2012a: |
A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East |
Portnoff A. 2006a: |
Casius, le mont sacré de la Méditerranée orientale |
RANT 3 271-290 |
Portnoff A. 2008a: |
A la recherche du passé. Le premiér voyage en Asie Mineure de Charles Texier |
RANT 5 389-404 |
Portnoff A. 2009a: |
Les métamorphoses animales des divinités dans la Méditerranée antique |
RANT 6 243-262 |
Poetto M. 1973b: |
Su alcuni termini botanici etei |
RIL 107 25-32 |
Popova O. 2014a : |
Le /wa/ dans l’écriture hittite : graphie, phonologie, influences extérieures |
8HitCongr 682-695 |
Poetto M. 2017a: |
A New Hieroglyphic Luwian Epigraph: Urfa-Külaflı Tepe
Centennial Laroche 51-62 |
Poetto M. 2017b: |
The Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription ANKARA 3: A New Exegetic Approach |
NABU 2017/2 88-90 |
Podany A.H. 2010a: |
Brotherhood of Kings. How International Relations Shaped the Ancient Near
Ponchia S. – Bellocchio N. 2009a: |
Witnessing in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the Round Table Held at the University of Verona, February 25, 2008 |
Pollock S. 2015a: |
Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Towards an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces |
BSAW 30 |
Poetto M. 2016a: |
Nuovi sigilli in luvio geroglifico VIII |
Fs Siegelová 309-317 |
Posani C. 2014a: |
La diffusione del culto di Kubaba in epoca neo-assira |
Fs Lanfranchi 549-560 |
Poetto M. 2019a: |
A Hieroglyphic graffito on a pitcher from Kültepe |
News from the Lands of the Hittites 2 17-25 |
Poetto M. 2016b: |
Yet Again DINGIRSassa |
NABU 2016, 1 (mars) 35-40 Nr. 20 (= NABU 2016/20) |
Poetto M. 2015b: |
Bulla with Anatolian Hieroglyphs |
Mazzoni S. − Pecchioli Daddi F. 2015a 345-348, 418 = Pl. 42 |
Poetto M. 2014b: |
Rev. of: Bunnens G. et al. 2006a |
BiOr 71 793-797 |
Posani C. 2017a: |
Some Reflections about the Links between Rhetoric and Iconography in the Inscriptions of Yariris |
Mesopotamia 52 103-110 |
Posani C. 2015a: |
Osservazioni sull’uso dei nomi propri scribali nelle iscrizioni reali neo-ittite |
KASKAL 12 281-290 |
Posani C. 2018a: |
What is meant by "evil" in TELL AHMAR 1? |
KASKAL 15 57-65 |
Poetto M. 2019b: |
Hittite palwa- ‘blister, pustule’ |
Fs Yoshida 303-308 |
Pozza M. 2020a: |
From Experiential Contact to Abstract Thought: Reflections on Some
Hittite Outcomes of PIE *steh2- ‘to stand’ and *men- ‘to think’ |
Hrozný and Hittite 317-334 |
Popova O. 2015a: |
L’introduction de l'écriture cunéiforme chez les Hittites au IIème millénaire avant J-C. |
Briquel D. − Briquel Chatonnet F. 2015a 35-45 |
Pozza M. 2014a: |
Itt. išta(n)ḫ- e mema/i-: 'esperire' e 'riflettere' tra concretezza e metafora |
RSO NS 87 57-72 |
Pozza M. – Gasbarra V. 2019b: |
Methodological premises for a sociolinguistic analysis of Greek-Anatolian contact |
RSO NS 92 11-27 |
Poetto M. 2020a: |
Hittite “tu(?)zumazuwant-”? |
NABU 2020/2 (juin) 142-145, Nr. 69 |
Posani C. 2020a: |
The Significance of the Embrace Metaphor in the Inscription KARKAMIŠ A 21 |
Pallavidini M. − Portuese L. 2020a 141-151 |
Porada E. – Collon D. 2016a: |
Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum. Cylinder Seals IV.
The Second Millennium BC Beyond Babylon.
Pozza M. 2020b: |
On the semantics of the Proto-Indo-European roots *mel-, *men-, and *steh2: from the external-positional to the internal-cognitive perspective |
CFCEGI 30 11-22 |
Pohl M. 2020a: |
Rev. of: StBoT 63 |
ZDMG 170/2 497-499 |
Popkin P.R.W. 2013a: |
Hittite animal sacrifice. Integrating zooarchaeology and textual analysis |
Ekroth G. − Wallensten J. 2013a 101-114 |
Posani C. 2020b: |
The “Head” as a Synecdoche for “Person, Self” The Connection with Life in the Homeric Poems and in Ancient Near Eastern Texts |
RANT 17 357-374 |
Pozza M. 2016a: |
Traces of "Weaving" in Hittite: A Brief Overview |
AJP 3/4 227-238 |
Posani C. 2018b: |
The Lexicon of the Neo-Hittite Royal Inscriptions as a Tool for the Analysis of Political Ideology in South-Eastern Anatolian States in the First Millennium B.C. |
Cotticelli-Kurras P. − Giusfredi F. 2018c 159-164 |
Poetto M. 2020b: |
A Fresh Look at Recently Published Anatolian Hieroglyphic Seals |
HAR 1/2 105-120 |
Posani C. 2021a: |
Le immagini testuali nelle fonti neo-ittite. Uno studio sulle modalità comunicative e sulla relazione testo-immagine nel mondo sito-anatolico dell'Età del Ferro |
Eothen 24 |
Portuese L. – Pallavidini M. 2022a: |
Ancient Near Eastern Weltanschauungen in Contact and in Contrast. Rethinking ideology and propaganda in the Ancient Near East |
wEdge 2 425 pp. |
Podestà S. 2021a: |
La Lycie et l'historiographie grecque. Ménecratès de Xanthos et Alexandre Polyhistor |
Beyond All Boundaries 517-534 |
Poetto M. 2022a: |
za-ga-ni- du-ú-i-ni-: A Luwian Taboo |
SHHU 1 221-230 |
Portuese L. – Pallavidini M. 2022b: |
Ideology and Propaganda: An Introduction |
Portuese L. – Pallavidini M. 2022a 15-28 |
Poetto M. 2021-2022a: |
An Inscribed Hieroglyphic Luwian Stele from Karamelik (Kilis Province, Turkey) |
News from the Lands of the Hittites 5-6 107-116 |
Posani C. 2021-2022a: |
The Hieroglyphic Luwian KULULU 2 Inscription and Its Cross-Cultural Background |
News from the Lands of the Hittites 5-6 117-125 |
Posani C. 2021-2022b: |
Workshop “Figures of Speech in Mesopotamian and Syro-Anatolian Iron Age Texts” 67th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale “Eating and Drinking in the Ancient Near East” Turin (12-16 July 2021) |
News from the Lands of the Hittites 5-6 XXXIII-XXXVII |
Ponchia S. – Prandi L. 2023a: |
Shaping Boundaries. Ethnicity and Geography in the Eastern Mediterranean Area (First Millennium BC). Proceedings of the 15th Melammu Workshop, Verona, 19–21 January 2022 |
Melammu Workshops and Monographs 8 |
Posani C. 2023a : |
Alcune considerazioni sull’iscrizione luvio-geroglifica TELL AHMAR 2 e sull’episodio erodoteo di Gige e Candaule. I verba videndi e le connotazioni etico-sociali della vergogna connessa alla nudità |
Ponchia S. – Prandi L. 2023a 197-213 |
Poetto M. 2023a: |
Lydian wsta-: Semantics and Etymology |
NABU 2023/3 (septembre) 133-135 Nr. 68 |
Poetto M. 2022b: |
Reviving the Reading of an Old Phrygian Seal |
AsiAnA 4 111-114 |
Pongratz-Leisten B. 2023a: |
Production of Knowledge in Contact Zones: Mari and Tigunānum in the Old Babylonian Period |
Hausleiter A. 2023a 33-41 |
Pozza M. 2023a: |
An overview of the Hittite suffix -ena-/-ina-: A preliminary assessment |
RSO NS 96/2-4 227-242 |
Pozza M. 2023b: |
Dietro di noi, il futuro: la concretizzazione linguistica della concezione del ‘tempo che verrà’ in ittito |
Bollettino di italianistica 2023/1-2 237-249 |
Poetto M. 2023b: |
Arma-pilakku: A Hybrid Anthroponym in Anatolian Hieroglyphic |
FsKosyan 281-283 |
Poetto M. 2000e: |
Rev. of: Hawkins J.D. 2000a |
Incontri Linguistici 23 185-187 |
Ponchia S. 2021a: |
Scenarios of Aegean and Greek Presence in the Near East and Identity Construction: A Perspective from the Early Iron Age Syro-Anatolian Sources |
KASKAL 18 299-321 |