Citatio: S. Košak – G.G.W. Müller – S. Görke – Ch.W. Steitler, CTH (2025-01-13)
CTH 341 Gilgameš (.I Akkadian, .II Hurrian, III. Hittite)
CTH 345 Song of Ullikummi (.I Hittite, II. Hurrian)
CTH 348 Song of Ḫedammu (.I Hittite, II. Hurrian)
CTH 361 Tale of the hunter Kešši and his beautiful wife (.I Hittite, .II Hurrian, .III Akkadian)
CTH 370 Fragments of myths (.I Hittite, .II Hurrian)
CTH 656 Various festivals: songs in Hattian, Hurrian, Hittite etc.
CTH 774 Hurrian omens
CTH 775 Historical-mythological Hurrian texts
CTH 776 Mythological texts
CTH 777 Washing of the mouth ritual (idgaḫi-, itkalzi-) -
CTH 778 Fragments of the washing of the mouth ritual referring to Tašmišarri and Taduḫepa
CTH 779 Ritual of Ummaya
CTH 780 Ritual of Allaituraḫḫi
CTH 781 Fragments of the ritual of Allaituraḫḫi
CTH 782 Ritual of the goddess Išḫara against perjury
CTH 783 Medical ritual of Zelliya
CTH 784 Hurrian ritual for the royal couple
CTH 785 Ritual for Mt. Ḫazzi
CTH 786 Hurrian deity lists
CTH 787 Hurrian offering lists
CTH 788 Ritual of Šalašu
CTH 789 Song of release
CTH 790 Fragments of Hittite-Hurrian rituals and incantations
CTH 791 Hurrian fragments
Keyword Selection
[complete liste] • Abiratta • Adad • Adad-nīrārī I. • Agni • agreement • Aḫḫiyawa • Akkadian • Alakšandu • Alašiya • Aleppo • Aliḫešni • Allaituraḫḫi • Alli • Alluwamna • altassyrisch • Alziyamuwa •