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A Royal Seal from Ebla (17th cent. b.c.) with Hittite Hieroglyphic Symbols |
OrNS 84 18-28 + Tab. I |
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(Napravlenie čtenija i slovorazdelitel'nye znaki v chettskoj (luvijskoj) ieroglifičeskoj pis'mennosti) (Leserichtung und Worttrenner in der hethitischen (luvischen) Hieroglyphenschrift] |
Archeologičeskie izyskanija 152-159 |
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A Proposal for the Writing of the Name Ašmunikal in the Anatolian Hieroglyphs |
Archivum Anatolicum 17/2 259-266 |
Beran Th. 1965c: |
Das Zeichen "Sonne" in der hethitischen Hieroglyphenschrift |
Gs Bossert 63-69 |
Billigmeier J.-C. 1976a: |
The Values of Certain Hittite Hieroglyphic Signs |
JNES 35 189-193 |
Bolatti Guzzo N. – Marazzi M. 2020a: |
The Sign for "Wine" / "Vine" in Anatolian Hieroglyphic: A Formal Analysis |
Fs Mora 119-136 |
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Le liste dei segni (C1.-C5.): diario dei lavori |
Il geroglifico anatolico XVII-XXVIII |
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Note in margine alla costituzione di un segnario geroglifico anatolico del II mill. a.C. |
Fs Neumann 2 35ff. |
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L'inventario dei segni e le modalità di traslitterazione - Atti della Tavola Rotonda, Procida 6-9 giugno 1995 |
Il geroglifico anatolico 3-124 |
Börker-Klähn J. 1993b: |
Die Glyphe 405 |
AoF 20 238-239 |
Burgin J. 2016a: |
Graphical Origins of ‘Initial-A-final’ in Hieroglyphic Luwian |
SMEA NS 2 7-32 |
Calmeyer-Seidl U. 1983a: |
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Fs Bittel 151-154 |
Carruba O. 1998a: |
Tawananna - I. Babylonia hieroglyphica |
ZA 88 114-126 |
Carruba O. – Mora C. 1990b: |
Il segno L 277 deI geroglifico anatolico |
Gs von Schuler 143-149 |
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Palaeographic Database for the Anatolian Hieroglyphic Script 1.0 |
Cotticelli-Kurras P. − Giusfredi F. 2018c 1-12 |
Conder C.R. 1888d: |
Altaïc cylinders |
PEF 18 239-246 |
Conder C.R. 1888e: |
Chinese and Hittite |
PEF 18 246-249 |
Conder C.R. 1888f: |
On comparaison of hieroglyphs |
PEF 18 252-259 |
Conder C.R. 1893b: |
Hittite emblems of known sound |
PEF 13 253 |
d'Alfonso L. – Payne A. 2016a : |
The Paleography of Anatolian Hieroglyphic Stone Inscriptions |
JCS 68 107-128 |
Del Medico H.E. 1957a: |
Quelques signes curieux néo-hittites |
Fs Furlani 205-216 |
Demangel R. 1938a: |
Autour d'un hiéroglyphe hittite |
BCH 62 180-193 |
Dinçol A.M. – Dinçol B. 2001a: |
Der Titel "LÚ GIŠŠUKUR" im Hieroglyphischen |
Fs Haas 81-83 |
Dinçol B. 1998c: |
Der Titel GAL.GEŠTIN auf den hethitischen Hieroglyphensiegeln |
AoF 25 163-167 |
d’Alfonso L. 2012b: |
Notes on Anatolian Hieroglyphic Palaeography: An Investigation of the Sign *439, wa/wi
StMed 24 87-106 |
Fauth W. 1996a: |
Das Bildzeichen DEUS der hethitischen Hieroglyphenschrift vor dem Hintergrund der ägäisch-vorderasiatischen Glyptik und Piktographie |
Kadmos 35 1ff. |
Friedrich J. 1953a: |
Zur Lesung der hethitischen Bilderschrift |
ArOr 21 114-139 |
Giusfredi F. 2018d: |
“Chariots” in contact: on the value of the signs *91, *92 and *94 of Hieroglyphic
Luwian |
Kadmos 57 1-13 |
Goedegebuure P. 2019a: |
The Hieroglyphic Luwian Signs *128 (AVIS 'Bird') = wax and *30 = HAPA |
9HitCongr 295-316 |
Gonnet H. 1995a: |
Remarques sur le himma et le hiéroglyphe L.306 |
2HitCongr 149-158 |
Güterbock H.G. 1950a: |
Die Elemente muwa und ziti in den hethitischen Hieroglyphen |
ArOr 18 208-238 |
Güterbock H.G. 1998b: |
Notes on Some Luwian Hieroglyphs |
Fs Watkins 201ff. |
Hamp E.P. 2009a: |
Hieroglyphic Luwian [ʔ] = /ʔ/ < a(n) H called */ʔ/
HS 122 96-99 |
Hawkins J.D. 1980b: |
The Logogram "Lituus" and the Verbs "To See" in Hieroglyphic Luwian |
Kadmos 19 123-142 |
Hawkins J.D. 2005e: |
Commentaries on the Readings; Commentary on the Sign List |
Herbordt S. 2005a 248-313; 426-436 |
Hawkins J.D. 2010b: |
Sarissa, Toponym and Personal Name |
Fs Archi 171-176 + Tavv. XXI-XXII |
Hawkins J.D. 2010c: |
The Usage of the Hieroglyphic Luwian Sign “crampon” (L.386) |
Kadmos 49 1-10 |
Hawkins J.D. 2011b: |
Early Recognisable Hieroglyphic Signs(?) in Anatolia |
Anatolia’s Prologue 96-97, Abb. 1-3; 187, cat. 37 |
Hawkins J.D. 2016a: |
Adana(wa) vs. Ahhiyawa: a rejoinder to R. Oreshko, N.A.B.U. 2015/3 (74) |
NABU 2016/1 26-27, Nr. 16 |
Hawkins J.D. 2019b: |
Emirgazi: a huwasi-precinct |
NABU 2019 (3, septembre) 114-115, Nr. 65 |
Hawkins J.D. – Morpurgo-Davies A. 1975a: |
Hieroglyphic Hittite: Some New Readings and their Consequences |
JRAS 121-133 |
Herbordt S. 1995a: |
Eine Januskopf-Hieroglyphe aus Boğazköy |
Fs Boehmer 257-258 |
Hout Th.P.J. van den 2010d: |
The Hieroglyphic Luwian Signs L. 255 and 256 and Once Again Karatepe XI
Fs Hawkins 234-243 |
Jensen P. 1933a: |
Ziffern und Zahlen in den hittitischen Hieroglyphen-Inschriften |
ZfE 64 245-249 |
Jucquois G. 1968a: |
Les ligatures avec r en hittite hiéroglyphique et en devanagārī |
Muséon 81 563 |
Khazaradze N. 2007a: |
Towards the Identification of Luwian Hieroglyphs Denoting Fauna of Ancient Asia Minor |
Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences 175 138-142 |
Klock-Fontanille I. 2011a: |
L’écriture de l’espace : la perception de l’espace dans l’écriture hiéroglyphique anatolienne |
AoF 38 199-212 |
Kloekhorst A. 2019e : |
The origin of the phonetic value of the Anatolian hieroglyphic sign *41 (CAPERE/tà) |
Kadmos 58 33-48 |
Kolbus S. – Vertesalji P.P. 1994a: |
Wächter oder Atlasfiguren? Zu den Stierdämonen zwischen den Schriftzeichen für Himmel und Erde in Yazilikaya |
Fs Mayer-Opificius 121-132 |
Laroche E. 1960f: |
Les hiéroglyphes hittites 1 L'écriture |
?Rezension? |
Legge F. 1902a: |
The new hieroglyphic script |
Academy 63 274 |
Marazzi M. 2016a: |
Die sogenannten „eingepunzten“ Hieroglypheninschriften von Boğazköy: Status quaestionis |
Fs Siegelová 194-209 |
Marazzi M. 2020a: |
PORTA, PORTA2 und „Hofeingang“ in den Hieroglypheninschriften des 2. Jts. v. Chr. |
Fs de Martino 301-315 |
Marazzi M. – Bolatti-Guzzo N. 2004a: |
Studi di geroglifico anatolico per la ricostruzione della storia di un segno (L. 419; 229 ~ M. 390; 197) |
CMP-SR 1 325-335 |
Massi L. 2009a: |
The Meaning and Derivation of Anatolian Hieroglyphic BONUS2.VIR2 in the Second Millennium B.C. |
SEL 26 1-13 |
Masson E. 1979c: |
Quelques lectures nouvelles gur les inscriptions louvites hiéroglyphiques d'Emirgazi |
Fs Szemerényi 537-547 |
Masson E. 1998a: |
Le double soleil dans les hiéroglyphes anatoliens |
3HitCongr 401-412 |
Masson E. 2007a: |
Les Hiéroglyphes Anatoliens dans leur devenir : Quelques aspects |
Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 501-505 |
Melchert H.C. 1988a: |
"Thorn" and "Minus" in Hieroglyphic Luvian Orthography |
AnSt 38 29-42 |
Melchert H.C. 2019b: |
The Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs L 41, L 172 and L 319 = L 416 |
Fs Poetto 356-377 |
Menant J. 1892a: |
Elément du syllabaire hetéen |
MémAcIns 34 1-113 |
Meriggi P. 1937a: |
Listes des Hiéroglyphes Hittites1 |
RHA 4/27 69-114, 157-200 |
Michel P.M. 2015a: |
New reading of the Emirgazi monuments |
NABU 2015/1 20-23, Nr. 19 |
Mora C. 2004a: |
"Overseers" and "Lords" of the Land in the Hittite Administration |
Gs Forrer 477-486 |
Morpurgo-Davies A. – Hawkins J.D. 1978a: |
Il sistema grafico del luvio geroglifico |
Annali Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa 8 755-782 |
Neumann G. 1973a: |
Der Silbenwert ya in den hethitischen Hieroglyphen |
Fs Otten 243-251 |
Payne A. 2016b: |
The Hieroglyphic Sign EGO(2) |
Fs Siegelová 282-295 |
Payne A. 2017a: |
Determination in the Anatolian Hieroglyphic Script of the Empire and Transitional Period |
AoF 44/2 221-234 |
Payne A. 2017b: |
Bread Matters: Of Loaves and Stamps |
HS 130 73-89 |
Payne A. 2017c: |
Determination in the Anatolian Hieroglyphic Script |
News from the Lands of the Hittites 1 101-112 |
Payne A. 2018b: |
Determination in the Anatolian Hieroglyphic Script: The Late 10th and Early 9th Centuries BC |
AoF 45 102-121 |
Payne A. 2019a: |
Waste Not, Want Not. How to Recycle Determinative Signs |
Fs Poetto 469-483 |
Payne A. 2019c: |
Compound Determination in Anatolian Hieroglyphic |
BBVO 29 65-96 |
Poetto M. 2002e: |
Intorno al pittogramma luvio geroglifico 197 |
Fs Giorgadze 98-99 |
Poetto M. 2010e: |
Per la definitiva lettura del numerale ‘9’ in luvio geroglifico
Fs Archi 242-245 + Tavv. XXIII-XXIV |
Rieken E. 2008a: |
Die Zeichen ‹ta›, ‹tá› und ‹tà› in den hieroglyphen-luwischen Inschriften der Nachgroßreichszeit |
6HitCongr2 637-648 |
Rieken E. 2010a: |
Das Zeichen ‹tá› im Hieroglyphen-Luwischen
Fs Singer 301-310 |
Rieken E. 2010d: |
Das Zeichen ‹sà› im Hieroglyphen-Luwischen
7 HitCongr 651-660 |
Rieken E. – Yakubovich I. 2010a: |
The New Values of Luwian Signs L 319 and L 172
Fs Hawkins 199-219 |
Rusch R. 1914a: |
Hethitische Zahlzeichen. Ihr Wert, ihre Bedeutung, ihr Alter dargestellt und erläutert |
RecTrav 36 113-128 |
Sayce A.H. 1907b: |
Hittite inscriptions. The method, verification, and results of my decipherment of them |
PSBA 29 207-213, 253-259 |
Sayce A.H. 1911a: |
Hittite notes |
PSBA 33 43-45 |
Sayce A.H. 1913a: |
The solution of the hittite problem |
PSBA 35 6-12 |
Scott W. 1904a: |
(Sur son: The Hittite script) |
ClR 18 415 |
Simon Zs. 2008c: |
Towards an interpretation of the Hieroglyphic Luwian pair of signs *109.*285 and the phonetic value of *448 |
Kadmos 47 20-30 |
Simon Zs. 2013d: |
Once again on the Hieroglyphic Luwian sign *19 ⟨á⟩ |
IF 118 1-22 |
Simon Zs. 2016d: |
Zum hieroglyphen-luwischen Zeichen *501
NABU 2016 (3) 117-118 Nr. 70 (= NABU 2016/70) |
Simon Zs. 2016h: |
Zum hieroglyphen-luwischen Zeichen CAELUM (*182) |
NABU 2016(4) 159-162 Nr. 96 (= NABU 2016/96) |
Simon Zs. 2016j: |
Zum hieroglyphen-luwischen Zeichen *501 |
NABU 2016(4) 162 Nr. 97 |
Simon Zs. 2018a: |
Das hieroglyphen-luwische Toponym VITIS in YALBURT und SÜDBURG |
NABU 2018/1 35-38 Nr. 22 |
Simon Zs. 2019e: |
Zum Vokalismus des hieroglyphen-luwischen Zeichens tà (*41) |
Fs Yoshida 324-333 |
Soysal O. 2015b: |
Einige Beispiele mit abweichender Position und Funktion des Zeichens L. 312 „VIR“ in den hieroglyphischen Siegelinschriften |
Gs Otten 269-278 |
Steinherr F. 1949a: |
Proposal for a New Reading of the Hittite hieroglyphic "Tar" |
Oriens 2 129-142 |
Steinherr F. 1955a: |
Zum hieroglyphenhethitischen Dorn |
ArOr 23 545-556 |
Steinherr F. 1957a: |
Überlegungen für eine "ki"-Lesung des hieroglyphenhethitischen Zeichens Mer. 214 |
WdO 2 360-368 |
Tekoğlu R. 2006a: |
TL 29: una nuova proposta di lettura
Fs Gusmani 1703-1710 |
Trameri A. 2019a: |
Notes on the Use of the Sign URBS (L.225) in Anatolian Hieroglyphic |
AoF 46 249-269 |
Tyler T. 1892b: |
The nature of the hittite writing |
9CongrOr 258-272 |
Vertegaal A. 2018a: |
Signs of length. Towards an interpretation of non-filling plene spellings in
Hieroglyphic Luwian |
IF 123 |
Vertegaal A.J.J. 2017b: |
Filling in the Facts. The Practice of Space-Filling in Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions |
AoF 44/2 235–260 |
Vertegaal A.J.J. 2021a : |
The Phoneticisation of the Luwian Hieroglyphic Writing System |
HAR 2/2 295-312 |
Waal W. 2017c: |
Anatolian Hieroglyphs on Hittite Clay Tablets |
AOAT 441 297-307 |
Waal W. 2023a: |
A Brief Note on the Cretan Hieroglyphic Signs 044 and 056 |
Hieroglyphs 1 185–192 |
Ward W.H. 1880a: |
On the Hittite Inscriptions |
Weeden M. 2014a: |
Anatolian Hieroglyphs: Logogram vs. Ideogram |
BBVO 23 81-100 |
Weeden M. 2018a: |
The Good God, the Wine-god and the Storm-god of the Vineyard |
Corti C. 2018a 330-356 |
Woudhuizen F.C. 2020b: |
On the Value of the Luwian Hieroglyphic Sign LITUUS *378 |
Talanta 52 95-104 |
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“Les Hieroglyphes Hittites” listesindeki kimi imlerin, yeni seslem ve anlam değerleri eklenerek düzenlenmesi hakkında |
AMM 2003-2004 297-309 |
Ball C.J. 1888b: |
New readings of the hieroglyphs from nothern Syria |
PSBA 10 437-439 |
Bawanypeck D. 2007b: |
Bemerkungen zu zwei Siegelabdrücken Suppiluliumas aus dem Nişantepe-Archiv in Boğazköy/Hattusa |
Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 63-67 |
Bellucci B. 2023a: |
Symmetry and Duplication in Hittite Seals |
12 ICAANE(1) 597-608 |
Bolatti-Guzzo N. – Marazzi M. 2010a: |
Note di geroglifico anatolico |
Gs Neu 11-28 |
Cammarosano M. 2016a: |
Kaššu, King of Tummanna: Bo 91/944 and L. 73 "AUDIRE" |
Or NS 85/1 79-83 |
Cammarosano M. 2019b: |
Ḫuwaši. Cult Stelae and Stela Shrines in Hittite Anatolia |
Byzas 24 303-332 |
Conder C.R. 1887a: |
Altaïc hieroglyphs aud Hittite inscriptions |
DeGrado J. 2021-2022a: |
Azatiwada’s Empire: Adapting Assyrian Imagery in the Bilingual Karatepe Inscription |
News from the Lands of the Hittites 5-6 21-45 |
Dillo M. 2016a: |
The location and erection of the Storm-god stelae from Arsuz: deciphering the unreadable Luwian city name in Cilicia as the port of Urassa/i |
BiOr 73/1-2 40-61 |
Dinçol A.M. 2007a: |
Fünf neue Siegel und Siegelabdrücke aus Boğazköy und Überlegungen über die Bedeutung des Hieroglyphenzeichens L. 402 |
6HitCongr1 227-230 + T. I-III (= pp. [231-233]) |
Giusfredi F. 2013a: |
Further Considerations on the Ankara Silver Bowl |
CRRAI 56 665-679 |
Hawkins J.D. 2000a: |
Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, Volume. I: Inscriptions of the Iron Ages |
UISK 8/1; CHLI |
Hawkins J.D. 2003a: |
Scripts and Texts |
Luwians 128-169 |
Hawkins J.D. 2015a: |
Addendum to ‘Phoenician and Luwian in Early Iron Age Cilicia’ by Ilya Yakubovich |
AnSt 65 54-55 |
Hawkins J.D. – Morpurgo Davies A. 2010a: |
More Negatives and Disjunctives in Hieroglyphic Luwian |
Fs Melchert 98-128 |
Hoffner H.A. 2015a: |
On Some Passages about Fish |
Gs Otten 63-76 |
Hrozný B. 1933a: |
Les Inscriptions Hittites Hiéroglyphiques Essai de déchiffrement, suivi d'une grammaire hittite hiéroglyphique en paradigmes et d'une liste d'hiéroglyphes. Livraison 1 |
ArOr Monografie 1 |
Hrozný B. 1934a: |
Les Inscriptions Hittites Hiéroglyphiques Livraison 2. Transcription et traduction de 41 des plus importantes inscriptions hittites hiéroglyphiques avec commentaire |
ArOr Monografie 1 |
Hrozný B. 1937a: |
Les Inscriptions Hittites Hiéroglyphiques Livraison 3. Transcription et traduction de 45 inscriptions hittites hiéroglyphiques avec commentaire. Résultats d'un voyage en Asie Mineure et Syrie (Juillet-Nevembre 1934) |
ArOr Monografie 1 |
Jensen P. 1894b: |
Grundlagen für eine Entzifferung der (hatischen oder) cilischen (?) Inschriften |
ZDMG 48 235-352, 429-485 |
Jensen P. 1896a: |
Die Kilikischen Inschriften. Beiträge zu ihrer Erklärung |
WZKM 10 3-20 |
Marazzi M. 2019b: |
Schriftlichkeit und königliche Zelebration in Hattusa gegen Ende des 13. Jh. v. Chr. Über die sogenannten „langen“ Hieroglypheninschriften |
Fs Poetto 332-355 |
Massi L. 2010a: |
The GAL.GEŠTIN of the Seal SBo II 256: a new Deciphering and a Prosopographical Study |
AoF 37 341-352 |
Melchert H.C. 1999a: |
Hittite karzan- 'basket of wool' |
Studi e testi 2 121-132 |
Mittelberger H. 1964a: |
Zur Schreibung und Lautung des Hieroglyphenhethitischen |
Sprache 10 50-98 |
Mora C. 2019a: |
Lo strano caso del Sig. VITA+RA/I, scriba ‘4’ alla corte ittita |
Fs Salvini 354-358 |
Mora C. – Balatti S. 2012a: |
Stelae from Tuwana |
Fs Fales 527-538 |
Mouton A. 2002a: |
Y a-t-il une relation entre les motifs de la glyptique cappadocienne et les hiéroglyphes anatoliens? |
SMEA 44 83-113 |
Müller-Karpe A. 2021a : |
Siegel hethitischer Kaufleute |
Fs Blocher 427-447 |
Oreshko R. 2014a: |
The Strange Case of Dr. FRATER and Mr. DOMINUS: a Re-Consideration of the Evidence concerning Luvian nani- |
8HitCongr 614-631 |
Payne A. 2004a: |
Hieroglyphic Luwian |
ELO 3 |
Payne A. 2010a: |
Hieroglyphic Luwian. An Introduction with Original Texts, 2nd Revised Edition |
Payne A. 2014a: |
Hieroglyphic Luwian: An Introduction with Original Texts, 3rd Revised Edition |
SILO 2 |
Peker H. 2023b: |
A New Funerary Stele from Karkemish and New Values for Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs |
Belleten 87/309 357-383 |
Poetto M. 1997a: |
Un 'dono' luvio |
Fs Beekes 235ff. |
Poetto M. 2010a: |
Nuovi sigilli in luvio geroglifico VII (Per il valore di á in alcune occorrenze)
Fs Singer 271-277 |
Rieken E. – Yakubovich I. 2023a: |
Encounters between Scripts in Bronze Age Asia Minor |
Seen not Heard 205-235 |
Rosenkranz B. 1988a: |
Orthographica |
Fs Otten 2 287-293 |
Sayce A.H. 1903a: |
The decipherment of the Hittite inscriptions |
PSBA 25 141-156, 173-194, 277-287, 305-310, 347-356 |
Sayce A.H. 1904a: |
The decipherment of the Hittite inscriptions |
PSBA 26 17-24, 235-250 |
Sayce A.H. 1908d: |
The Hittite inscriptions of Emir Ghazi and Aleppo |
PSBA 30 182-191 |
Sayce A.H. 1908e: |
Hittite inscriptions from Gurun and Emir Ghazi |
PSBA 30 211-220 |
Sayce A.H. 1909d: |
The Hittite inscriptions discovered by Sir W. Ramsay and Miss Bell on the Kara Dagh |
PSBA 31 83-87 |
Sayce A.H. 1909e: |
The hittite inscriptions |
PSBA 31 259-268, 327-332 |
Schürr D. 2022b: |
Luwische Städte- und Länderglyphen |
HAR 3/1 49-61 |
Sibrée E. 1906a: |
Note on a hittite inscription |
PSBA 28 27 |
Simon Zs. 2014c: |
Awarikus und Warikas: Zwei Könige von Hiyawa
ZA 104 91-113 |
Valério M. 2018a: |
Linguistic Awareness in the Development of the Anatolian Hieroglyphic Script |
SMEA NS 4 143-160 |
Waal W. 2014a: |
Changing Fate. Hittite Gulš-/Gul-š-, Dgulšeš/DGUL-šeš, Cuneiform Luwian gulzā(i)- / Gul-zā(i)- Hieroglyphic Luwian REL-za- and the Kuwanšeš Deities
8HitCongr 1016-1033 |
Waal W. 2019a: |
Fate strikes back: new evidence for the identification of the Hittite fate deities and its implications for Hieroglyphic writing in Anatolia |
JCS 71 121-132 |
Woudhuizen F.C. 1994-1995a: |
Luwian Hieroglyphic Monumental Rock and Stone Inscriptions from the Hittite Empire Period |
Talanta 26-27 153ff. |
Woudhuizen F.C. 2011a: |
Selected Luwian Hieroglyphic Texts: The Extended Version |
IBS 141 |
Yakubovich I. 2008b: |
Hittite-Luvian Bilingualism and the Development of Anatolian Hieroglyphs |
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana 4 9-36 |
Yakubovich I. 2012d: |
The Reading of Luwian ARHA and Related Problems |
AoF 39 321-339 |
Yakubovich I. 2015b: |
Adanawa or Ahhiyawa? Reply to the addendum by J.D. Hawkins |
AnSt 65 56-58 |
Yakubovich I. 2019a: |
The Mighty Weapon of Tarhunt |
Fs Salvini 544-559 |