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Hethitische Briefe aus Maşat-Höyük |
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Fs Hoffner 1-12 |
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Remarks on the Early Empire Documents |
AoF 32 225-229 |
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Studies in Hittite History |
JCS 35 115-126 |
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Who was Taḫurwaili, the Great Hittite King? |
JCS 26 112-120 |
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Madduwatta and Hittite Policy in Western Anatolia |
Historia 35 1-12 |
Carruba O. 1971a: |
Hattusili II |
SMEA 14 75-94 |
Carruba O. 1973a: |
Die Annalen Tuthalijas und Arnuwandas |
Fs Otten 37-46 |
Carruba O. 1974a: |
Tahurwaili von Hatti und die hethitische Geschichte um 1500 v.Chr. |
Fs Güterbock 73-93 |
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Beiträge zur mittelhethitischen Geschichte, I. Die Tuthalijas und die Arnuwandas II. Die sogenannten "Protocoles de succession dynastique" I.-II. |
SMEA 18 137-174; 175-195 |
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Fs Pugliese Carratelli 39-50 |
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Muwattalli I. |
10 TTKongr 539-554 |
Carruba O. 1998e: |
Hethitische Dynasten zwischen Altem und Neuem Reich |
3HitCongr 87-107 |
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Tuthalija 00I. (und Hattusili II.) |
AoF 32 246-271 |
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Dokumente für die Zeit Tuthaliyas I. und Hattusilis II. |
5HitCongr 179-205 |
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Per una ricostruzione delle liste reali etee |
Fs Košak 131-142 |
Carruba O. 2008a: |
Annali Etei del Medio Regno |
StudMed 18 ?Rezension? |
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Hethitica 16 35-38 |
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10TTKongr 50 |
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Hattušili II. - Geschöpf der Forscher oder vergessener König? |
AoF 32 230-245 |
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La "révolution dynastique" du Grand Roi de Hatti Tuthaliya I |
Hethitica 13 17-38 |
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Le grand roi Tutḫaliya, fils de Kantuzzili |
Fs Lebrun 1 271-304 |
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“Feind” und “Ansiedeln” in den hethitischen Texten aus Maşat-Höyük |
5HitCongr 371-376 |
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Madduwattaš |
MVAeG 32 ?Rezension? |
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The Predecessors of Šuppiluliumaš of Ḫatti |
JAOS 72 67-72 |
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BAEO 30 135ff. |
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BAEO 34 379ff. |
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ADTCFD 2 190-191 |
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ADTCFD 2 389-397 / 399-405 |
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Hattusili II once more |
JCS 25 100-104 |
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AoF 12 269-277 |
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Die Vorgänger König Suppiluliumas I. |
Fs Edel 238-246 |
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Einige Überlegungen zum Verfasser des Madduwatta-Textes |
Or NS 53 34-51 |
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A Join to the Hittite Mita Text |
JCS 28 60-62 |
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Context of Scripture 3 45-51[Hittite Bibliography, 71-72] |
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The Records of the Early Hittite Empire (c. 1450-1380 B.C.) |
PIHANS 26 ?Rezension? |
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JEOL 34 51ff. |
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AoF 25 34-53 |
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Quattro studi ittiti 5-21 |
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Personaggi e riferimenti storici nel testo oracolare ittito KBo XVI 97 |
SMEA 29 33-46 |
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L'Anatolia occidentale nel medio regno ittita |
Eothen 5 ?Rezension? |
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AoF 32 291-321 |
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Some Questions on the Political History and Chronology of the Early Hittite Empire |
AoF 37 186-197 |
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Fs Siegelová 98-110 |
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MDOG 122 45-66 |
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Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo 121 97-108 |
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Hethitische Großköniginnen des Mittleren Reichs im Spiegel neuer Siegelfunde |
Fs A. Erkanal 299-308 |
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7TTKongr 79-83 |
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AÖAW 123 21-34 |
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Bemerkungen zur mittelhethitischen Geschichte. Madduuattaš und seine Zeit |
Klio 78 7ff. |
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Martino S. de – Miller J. 2013a 133-163 |
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Central-North Anatolia 193-205, Pls. XIX-XXIII |
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WdO 28 74-84 |
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Gs Forrer 631-638 |
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Tuthaliya I Redivivus
8HitCongr 956-963 |
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Fs Ünal 489-497 |
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AoF 32 386-400 |
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AfO 6 299-300 |
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The Edict of Tudhaliya IV |
JAOS 110 641-659 |
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Zur ersten Zeile des Šunaššura-Vertrages |
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