Systematik zur Hethitischen Bibliographie

Jana Součková
und Gerfrid G.W. Müller

Citatio: J. Součková & G.G.W. Müller, Hethitische Bibliographie (2008-02-18)

Ergebnisse der Auswahl | Selection Results

Thema: 92.5. Metrologie
Zur Systematik
Archi A. – Klengel-Brandt E. 1984a: I pesi provenienti da Zincirli SMEA 24 245-261
Bilgi Ö. 2003a: Anatolian Weights and Measures in the Pre-Classical Age Kürkman G. 2003a 16-22
Castle E.W. 1995a: Kaniš and Beyond NABU 1995 78-80, 1995/88
Cavaignac E. 1935c: Le gipessar RHA 3/20 127-129
Chambon G. 2005a: Le sicle de Carkémish prend du pois NABU 2005 52-54, 2005/47
Dercksen J.G. 2016a: Kaspam lašqul "Let Me Weigh Out the Silver": Mesopotamian and Anatolian Weights during the Old Assyrian Colony Period Kleber K. − Pirngruber R. 2016a 11-12
Erol H. 2016a: ina aban Ušša ve ina aban Karahna Fs Ünal 225-234
Giusfredi F. 2010b: Die luwische Masseneinheit ARGENTUM NABU 2010 6, NABU 2010/06
Hagenbuchner A. 2002a: Massangaben bei hethitischen Backwaren DBH-P 1 ?Rezension?
Hawkins J.D. 1986b: Royal Statements of Ideal Prices: Assyrian, Babylonian, and Hittite Fs Mellink 93-102
Kürkman G. 2003a: Anatolian Weights and Measures ?Rezension?
Lewy H. 1964b: The Assload, the Sack, and other Measures of Capacity RSO 39 181-197
Lewy H. 1965b: The Assload and Other Old Assyrian Measures of Capacity Gs Bossert 291-304
Marazzi M. 1994a: Tarife und Gewichte in einem althethitischen Königserlass Or NS 63 88-92
Marazzi M. 2015b: Dimensione temporale e collocazione spaziale: qualche breve riflessione Fs Liverani II 61-69
Mederos A. – Lamberg-Karlovsky C.C. 2004a: Weight Systems and Trade Networks in the Old World (2500-1000 BC) Hudson M. – Wunsch C. 2004a 199-214
Michailidou A. 2005a : Weight and Value in Pre-Coinage Societies. An Introduction ?Rezension?
Michailidou A. 2011a: Metric Systems and Trade Activities in Eastern Mediterranean Pre-Coinage Societies CollAn 10 21-40
Monte G.F. del 1980a: Metrologia hittita, I, Le misure di capacità per aridi OA 19 219-226
Monte G.F. del 1989a: Una nuova suddivisione dei sūtu a Boğazköy EVO 12 139-144
Müller-Karpe A. 2015a: Archäologische Beiträge zur Kenntnis hethitischer Maße und Gewichte Gs Otten 147-160
Otten H. 1939a: Hethit. gipeššar ZA 45 75-76
Otten H. 1954-1956a: Zum hethitischen Gewichtssystem AfO 17 128-131
Parise N. 1981a: Mina di Ugarit, mina di Karkemish, mina di Khatti Dialoghi di archeologia 3 155-160
Parise N. 1984a: Unità ponderali e rapporti di cambio nella Siria del Nord Circulation of Goods 125-138
Parise N. 1989a: The Mina of Ugarit, the Mina of Karkamish, the Mina of Khatti Production and Consumption 333-340
Puhvel J. 1982b: Scales in Hittite Fs Oinas 193-196
Rahmstorf L. 2018a: Ökonomische Integration durch Gewichtsnutzung im bronzezeitlichen Anatolien Anatolian Metal 8 195-204
Roos J. de 2008a: Weights and Measures in Hittite Texts Anatolica 34 1-6
Rosenkranz B. 1942a: Abgekürzte Bezeichnung von Längenmassen in Boğazköy-Texten ZA 47 247-248
Şahinbaş Erginöz G. 2007a: ‘Sayɩ’ Kavramɩ ve Hititlerde Sayɩlar Üzerine Bir Deneme Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 747-753
Salvini M. 2002a: Geroglifici di cantina Gs Imparati 677-693
Siegelová J. 1988a: Ein Adlergewicht in den Sammlungen des Britischen Museums Fs Otten 2 317-326
Taş İ. 2016b: Anadolu’nun Kadim Uygarlığı Hititlerde Ölçü ve Ölçümleme (Measurements in the Ancient Anatolian Hittite Culture) Kantarin Topuzu 59-67
Wilhelm G. 1993g: Metrik. Hethitisch RlA 8 150
Zaccagnini C. 2018a: “Heavy Shekels” in Late Bronze Age Syria AION 78 3-18
Zaccagnini C. 2018b: Capital Investment, Weight Standards and Overland Trade at Emar ZA 108/1 43-62
Zaccagnini C. 2019a: Duck Weights from Karkemish: a Historical Analysis Or NS 88 37-77 (Tab. XIII-XXI)
Vgl. zum Thema ferner:
Imparati F. 1995b: Private Life Among the Hittites CANE 571-586
Karakaya M. – Marşap B. – Taş I. 2011a: Research about the Existence of an Accounting System in the Hittite Culture 2. BMAC Procc. Vol. III 1833-1845
Massa M. – Palmisano A. 2018a: Change and continuity in the long-distance exchange networks between western/central Anatolia, northern Levant and northern Mesopotamia, c. 3200–1600 BCE Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 49 65-87
Monroe C.M. 2009a: Scales of fate. Trade, tradition, and transformation in the Eastern Mediterranean ca. 1350-1175 BCE AOAT 357
Taş I. 2008c: A Review of the Units of Measurement and their Usage in the Hittite Texts, laws and Records Procc. 12 World Congress Accounting Historians, Vol. 1 245-262

Zur Systematik
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Gerfrid G.W. Müller -- 2007- 2025