


herausgegeben im Auftrag der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur | Mainz
von Gerfrid G.W. Müller

More and more websites and web based databases like the Hethitologie Portal Mainz provide valuable information quickly and freely. But it must be insured that the work of the authors of such web content is recognized and respected. Online publications still widely suffer from a lower reputation than printed works, probably because users feel that they are available at any time and no cost. The often ephemeral nature of websites also complicates the citation process. With this publication series we wish to provide snapshots of evolving and ever changing projects and ongoing research which make it easier to make references and document the stages of the work.

The publications will be available as printed books from Harrassowitz and as downloadable PDF's. The future will show if the electronic version replaces the printed books. But still the feeling of having a book in hand is more pleasant than having it only in a virtual reality. A bonus of the electronic version is the access it provides to the newest research even for colleagues with low budgets.

The PDF's are not copy-protected. The philosophy of the Hethitologie Portal Mainz is to facilitate work and improve the efficency of research by providing means to reduce mere mechanical work. Instead of typing notes it is easier and quicker to copy and paste files together for one's own private research. But this does not mean that the data may be used without restrictions. The normal rules of citation and the rights of the authors must be respected.

==> Catalogue <==