Adelhofer M. 2020 [2022]: |
On the Old Assyrian Letter Heading. Playing with Social Hierarchy for Rhetorical Effect |
Chatressar 3/2 5-18 |
AI-Ahmad S.S. 1977a: |
[The Assyrian Colonies in Asia Minor] |
Sumer 33 70-96 |
Albayrak I. 2005a: |
1963 Yılı Kazılarında Ele Geçen Yerli Halkla İlgili Bir Grup Kültepe Tableti |
5HitCongr 21-32 |
Albayrak I. 2008a: |
A rubā’um letter sent to kārum Kaneš
Gs Garelli 111-115 |
Albayrak I. 2018a: |
Eski Asurca kaynaklara göre Asur-Anadolu ilişkilerinde Hahhum Krallığı’nın önemi (The Importance of Hahhum Kingdom in the Relationships Between Assur and Anatolia According to the Old Assyrian Sources) |
ArAn 12/2 1-11 |
Alp S. 1997a: |
Die Mehrheit der einheimischen Bevölkerung in der kārum-Zeit in Kaneš/Neša |
SMEA 39 35-48 |
Alp S. 1997b: |
Assur Ticaret Kolonileri Çağında Kaneš Neša'da Hititler'in Varlığı ve Yoğunluğu (Bilimsel Oluşumun Öyküsü) |
Gs Bilgiç 1-17 |
Anderson A.G. 2018a: |
The Old Assyrian Social Network: an analysis of the texts from Kültepe-Kanesh (1950-1750 B.C.E.) |
?Rezension? |
Anonymus 1956d: |
Assyrian CoIonists in Hittite Territory |
AJA 60 371 |
Balkan K. 1957a: |
Letter of King Anum-Hirbi of Mama to King Warshama of Kanish |
?Rezension? |
Barjamovic G. 2015b: |
Contextualizing Tradition. Magic, Literacy and Domestic Life in Old Assyrian Kanesh |
ANER 9 48-86 |
Barjamovic G. 2018a: |
Tüccarlar ve Seyyahlar: Anadolu’da Assurlular (MÖ 2000-1600) [Traders and Travelers: Assyrians in Anatolia (2000-1600 BC)] |
Köroğlu K. − Adalı S.F. 2018a 26-55 |
Barjamovic G. – Hertel Th. – Larsen M.T. 2012a: |
Ups and Downs at Kanesh. Chronology, History and Society in the Old Assyrian Period |
PIHANS 120 ?Rezension? |
Bayram S. 2000a: |
ina naditim ša narua'im |
ArchAnat 4 29-48 |
Bayram S. 2016a: |
Kültepe Metinlerinde ēzibtu(m) (ēzibtu(m) in Kültepe Texts) |
ArAn 10/1 15-28 |
Bayram S. 2016b: |
Bir Kültepe Metninde Kaydedilen “hurātum rabiātum” ("hurātum rabiātum" in the Kültepe Text) |
ArAn 10/2 27-36 |
Bayram S. – Kuzuoğlu R. 2021a: |
PİLAH-İŠTAR’IN EŞLERİ, BOŞANMALARI VE ÇOCUKLARI (Marriages, Divorces and Children of Pilah-Ištar) |
ArAn 15/1 21-46 |
Bilgiç E. 1943a: |
Kapadokya Tabletlerine Göre Anadolu Kavimleri Üzerinde Araştırmalar [Die Untersuchungen über die Völker Anatoliens auf Grund der kappadokischen Tafeln] |
ADTCFD 2 33-43 |
Bilgiç E. 1948a: |
Anadolu'nun İlk Tarihi Çağının Ana Hatları ile Rekonstrüksiyonu (Siyasî-İdarî ve İktisadî-İçtimaî Bakımlardan) [Rekonstruktion der ersten historischen Periode Anatoliens in ihren Grundzügen (Nach politisch-administrativen und wirtschaftlich-soziologischen Gesichtspunkten)] |
ADTCFD 6 489-516 |
Bilgiç E. 1951b: |
Recherches sur les tribus anatoliennes d'après les tablettes capadociennes |
CRRAI 2 102-103 |
Bilgiç E. 1951c: |
Çivi Yazılı İktisadi Metinlerde "Faiz" Meselesi ["Zins"probleme in den keilschriftlichen Wirtschaftstexten] |
Belleten 15 339-347 |
Boissier A. 1895a: |
(Etude de deux tablettes cappadociennes de la mission Chantre) |
BulAcInsc 359-360 |
Brinker C. 2010a: |
The Meaning and Significance of the Old Assyrian sikkātum |
AoF 37 49-62 |
Brisch N. 1995a: |
Die altassyrischen Handelskolonien in Anatolien. Unter Mitarbeit von Bartl K |
Zwischen Euphrat und Indus 134-147 |
Bryce T. 1985b: |
A Suggested Sequence of Historical Developments in Anatolia during the Assyrian Colony Period |
AoF 12 259-268 |
Castle E.W. 1995a: |
Kaniš and Beyond |
NABU 1995 78-80, 1995/88 |
Çayır M. 2006a: |
Anadolulu Tüccar Nini'ye Ait Tabletler |
ArAn 9/1 1-26 |
Çayir M. 2016a: |
Kültepe’den Bir Mektup ve Liste
Fs Ünal 97-104 |
Çayır M. 2016a: |
LİSTELERDE ADLARI GEÇMEYEN LĪMUMLAR [līmmus Not Recorded in the Lists] |
ArAn 10/2 37-40 |
Çayır M. 2017a: |
The 1997 Kültepe Texts: The Archives of Alaku and Ennam-Anum and his Son Aššur-Malik |
Subartu 39 3-8 |
Çayır M. 2020a: |
Aššur-emūqī Arşivinden iki Mektup (Two Letters from Archive of Aššur-emūqī) |
TAD 39/67 1-8 |
Çayır M. 2021a: |
KÜLTEPE’DE 1970 (Kt. v/k) KAZISINDA BULUNMUŞ ARŞİVDEN ÜÇ MEKTUP (Three Letters Found in 1970 Excavation Season (Kt. v/k) of
Kültepe) |
ArAn 15/1 47-48 |
Çayır M. – Albayrak I. 2018a: |
Yerli halka ait bir grup Kültepe tableti (A Group of Kültepe Tablets Belonged To Local People) |
Archivum Anatolicum 12 1-20 |
Çeçen S. 1995a: |
mūtānu in den Kültepe-Texten |
2HitCongr 101-102 |
Çeçen S. 1995b: |
Mutanu in den Kültepe-Texten |
ArchAnat 1 43-72 |
Çeçen S. – Gökçek L.G. 2006a: |
Kültepe Tabletlerinde Yerli Tarihleme Usûlleri |
Fs H. Erkanal 218-221 |
Çeçen S. – Hecker K. 1995a: |
ina mātīka eblum. Zu einem neuen Text zum Wegerecht in der Kültepe-Zeit |
Fs von Soden 2 31-41 |
Charpin D. 2008a: |
Die Beziehungen zwischen Anatolien und der syro-mesopotamischen Welt
in der altbabylonischen Zeit |
CDOG 6 95-107 |
Christian V. 1929a: |
Kappadok. ṭuppum harmum |
WZKM 36 13-17 |
Clay A.T. 1931a: |
Letters and Transactions from Cappadocia |
New Haven, Yale University Press, 1931 ; Babylonian Inscriptions, Yale University 4 ?Rezension? |
Contenau G. 1919b: |
Trente tablettes cappadociennes |
?Rezension? |
Contenau G. 1920a: |
Musée du Louvre.-Textes cunéiformes. Tablettes cappadociennes |
?Rezension? |
Delitzsch F. 1893a: |
Beiträge zur Entzifferung und Erklärung der Kappadokischen Keilschrifttafeln |
AbhPhilHistSächGesWiss 14 ?Rezension? |
Delnero P. – Lauinger J. 2015a: |
Texts and Contexts. The Circulation and Transmission of Cuneiform Texts in Social Space |
ANER 9 48-86 ?Rezension? |
Dercksen J.G. 2002a: |
Kultureller und wirtschaftlicher Austausch zwischen Assyrern und Anatoliern (Anfang des zweiten Jahrtausends v. Chr.) |
Brückenland Anatolien? 25-44 |
Dercksen J.G. 2004b: |
Old Assyrian Institutions |
MOS Studies 4 ?Rezension? |
Dercksen J.G. 2007b: |
Die altassyrischen Handelsabgaben in Nordmesopotamien und Anatolien im 19.-18. Jh. v. Chr. in Verträgen und Praxis |
Geschenke und Steuern 187-211 |
Dercksen J.G. 2008a: |
The Assyrian Colony at Kanesh |
CDOG 6 109-124 |
Dercksen J.G. 2008b: |
Subsistence, surplus and the market for grain and meat at ancient Kanesh
AoF 35 86-102 |
Dercksen J.G. 2010a: |
Anitta and the Man of Purušhanda
Fs Donbaz 71-75 |
Dercksen J.G. 2014a: |
The Old Assyrian Trade and its Participants |
Baker H.D. − Jursa M. 2014a 59-112 |
Donbaz V. 1987a: |
Tablets from the Palace of Warsuma |
RAI 34 Abstracts 17 |
Donbaz V. 1989a: |
Some Remarkable Contracts of 1-B Period Kültepe Tablets
Fs T. Özgüç 75-98 |
Donbaz V. 1994a: |
Chez les marchands assyriens d' Anatolie |
Les Hittites 20-25 |
Donbaz V. 1998a: |
Tablets from the Palace of Waršuma |
CRRAI 34 413-419 |
Donbaz V. 2004a: |
Some Remarkable Contracts of 1-B Period Kültepe Tablets III |
Gs Forrer 271-284 |
Donbaz V. 2005a: |
Another Attestation for the Expression KIŠIB PN ša GÍR ša PN |
NABU 2005 18-19, 2005/17 |
Donbaz V. 2005b: |
Old Assyrian rubātum "queen" or a fPN Seen on Cylinder Seals |
NABU 2005 19-20, 2005/18 |
Donbaz V. 2005c: |
An Old Assyrian Treaty from Kültepe |
JCS 57 63-68 |
Dönmez Ş. 2016a: |
Kızılırmak Havzası Ve Yakın Çevresinin Öntarih Dönemi Etnik Yapısı |
Fs Ünal 123-148 |
Driver G.R. 1927-1928a: |
Studies in Cappadocian Tablets |
Bayloniaca 10 69-137 |
Driver G.R. 1927a: |
Studies in Cappadocian Tablets |
RA 24 153-179 |
Driver G.R. 1929a: |
Studies in Cappadocian Texts |
ZA 38 217-232 |
Eisser G. 1927a: |
Bemerkungen zu den altassyrischen Rechtsurkunden aus Kappadokien |
Klio 21 |
Erol H. 2006: |
1992 yılında bulunmuş bir grup Kültepe tableti (A Group of Kültepe Tablets Found in 1992) |
ArAn 9/1 27-56 |
Erol H. 2018a: |
Old Assyrian Royal Families as Private Entrepreneurs in the Anatolian Trade |
JNES 77/1 47-66 |
Erol H. 2019a: |
The Parties and the Accessing Regions of the Old Assyrian Trade |
News from the Lands of the Hittites 2 35-43 |
Erol H. – Albayrak I. 2005a: |
Kültepe’den nikka İlgili Altı Yeni Belge (Six New Documents from Kültepe to Shed Light on the Word nikkassum
ArchAnat 8/2 1-20 |
Ertem H. 1995a: |
Külhöyük'ün Asur Ticaret Kolonileri ve Hititlere Ait Çivi Yazılı Belgelerdeki Adı Hakkında Bir Deneme / Ein Versuch über den Namen Külhöyük in den Keilschrifttexten der assyrischen Handelskolonien und der Hethiter |
ArchAnat 1 73-87 / 88-100 |
Esen I. 1992a: |
Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesinde Bulunan Kültepe Tabletlerinden Örnekler |
AMM 1990 119-124 |
Esin U. 1989a: |
An early Trading Center in Eastern Anatolia |
Fs T. Özgüç 135-141 |
Forlanini M. 2004b: |
La nascita di un impero. Considerazioni sulla prima fase della storia hittita: da Kaniš a Hattuša |
Or NS 73 363-389 |
Forlanini M. 2017a: |
Le rôle de Purušḫanda dans l’histoire hittite |
Centennial Laroche 125-150 |
Gambashidze M. 2004a: |
Piruwa – the Son of Anitta? |
Bulletin of AGIBAS 2-3 1 |
Garelli P. 1963a: |
Les Assyriens en Cappadoce |
BAHIFAI 19 ?Rezension? |
Garelli P. 1989a: |
Le marché de Burušhattum |
Fs T. Özgüç 149-152 |
Garelli P. 1994a: |
Le commerce assyrien de la Cappadoce au XIXe siècle av. n.e. |
Akkadica 88 1-17 |
Garelli P. – Kennedy D. 1960a: |
Un nouveau prince anatolien? |
RHA 18/66 37-44 |
Garelli P.- Michel C. 1994a: |
Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesinde Zarfı Açılmamış Bir Tablet |
AMM 1993 114-117 |
Gerber Ch. 2012a: |
When Did the First Assyrian Arrive in Anatolia? |
Fs Fales 329-332 |
Gilan A. 2021a: |
A City Shrouded in Myth: Kaneš in Hittite Texts |
KIM 4 259-274 |
Giusfredi F. 2019a: |
Le cosiddette Res Gestae di Anitta. Note di filologia e storia ittita |
Fs Poetto 209-220 |
Giusfredi F. 2020b: |
On the Old Assyrian tuzzinnum |
Fs de Martino 215-224 |
Gökçek L.G. 2005a: |
Kahramanmaraş’ta bulunmuş iki yeni Asurca tablet |
ArchAnat 8/1 47-57 |
Gökçek L.G. 2005b: |
Kültepe metinlerine göre ticari mallarin paketlenmesi ve taşınması ile ilgili bazı kelimeler (Some Words of Equipment Used for Packaging and Transporting in the Kültepe Tablets) |
ArchAnat 8/1 59-75 |
Gökçek L.G. 2005b: |
Kültepe metinlerine göre ticari mallarin paketlenmesi ve taşınması ile ilgili bazı kelimeler |
ArchAnat 8/1 59-75 |
Golenischeff W. 1891a: |
Vingt-quatre tablettes cappadociennes de Ia coIlection W. Golenischeff |
?Rezension? |
Gräff A. 2005a: |
Thoughts about the Assyrian Presence in Anatolia in the early 2nd Millennium |
AoF 32 158-167 |
Gül Ş. 1990a: |
Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesinde Bulunan Kültepe Tabletlerinden Örnekler |
AMM 1989 51-59 |
Gül Ş. 1992a: |
Müzemizde Bulunan Kültepe Tabletlerinden Liste Niteliğindeki Bir Grup Vesika |
AMM 1990 98-106 |
Gül Ş. 1993a: |
Asur Ticaret Kolonileri Çağında Anadolu'nun Siyâsi Yapısı / The Political Construction of Anatolia During the Assyrian Colonies Period |
AMM 1992 42-49 |
Günbatti C. 1996a: |
Two New Tablets Throwing Light on the Relations between Anatolian Kings and Assyrian Merchants in the Period of the Assyrian Colonies
ArchAnat 2 25-37 |
Günbattı C. 2001a: |
The River Ordeal in Ancient Anatolia |
Fs Veenhof 151-160 |
Günbattı C. 2004a: |
Two Treaty Texts Found at Kültepe |
Fs Trolle Larsen 249-268 |
Günbattı C. 2005a: |
2000 ve 2001 Yılı Kültepe Kazılarında Ele Geçen Bazı Ib Tabletlerı |
5HitCongr 445-451 |
Günbattı C. 2008a: |
Die Beziehungen zwischen assyrischen Kaufleuten und anatolischen Fürsten vor allem im Lichte der Vertragstexte aus Kültepe |
CDOG 6 125-136 |
Günbattı C. 2012a: |
Kültepe - Kaniş. Anadolu'da İlk Yazı, İlk Belgeler |
?Rezension? |
Günbattı C. 2016a: |
ina šapat humātim kalā’um “humātum kenarında alıkoymak” |
Fs Ünal 275-280 |
Günbattı C. 2016a: |
KÜLTEPE’DEN AMŪTUM’UN EKSİLMESİ HAKKINDA BİR MEKTUP [A Letter about Decrease in amūtum from Kültepe] |
ArAn 10/2 41-46 |
Halévy J. 1887a: |
Recherches bibliques, XII: La langue des Hittites d'après les textes assyriens |
REJ 15 181-202 |
Heffron Y. 2017a: |
Iraq 79 71-83 |
Heffron Y. 2021a: |
Factoids of Assyrian presence in Anatolia: towards a historiography of archaeological interpretation at Kültepe-Kaneš |
AnSt 71 185-206 |
Hrozný B. 1926d: |
A "Record office" 4000 years old. New materials for the History of Asia Minor's Earliest Civilisation |
ILN 4563 600-601 |
Hrozný B. 1932a: |
Assyriens et Hittites en Asie Mineure vers 2000 av. J.-C. |
ArOr 4 112-117 |
Hrozný B. 1937e: |
Un nouveau texte juridique du kultepé (environ 2000 ans avant J.-C.) |
AHDO 1 87-90 |
Hrozný B. 1939a: |
Über eine unveröffentlichte Urkunde vom Kültepe (ca. 2000 v. Chr.) |
Fs Koschaker 108-111 |
Jankovskaja N.B. 1988a: |
Churrity v Kaniše (Malaja Azija XIX v. do n.e.) (Hurrians in Kanish /Asia Minor, 19th Century B.C./) |
Kavkazsko-bližnevostočnyj sbornik 8 133-139 |
Jensen P. 1894a: |
Die Kappadokischen Keilschrifttäfelchen |
ZA 9 62-81 |
Kahya Ö. 2006a: |
Kültepe Metinlerinde Geçen himtum Kelimesinin Anlamı Üzerine (On the Meaning of Word himtum in the Kültepe Texts) |
ArAn 9/1 57-72 |
Kienast B. 1995a: |
Überlegungen zum Recht der altassyrischen Urkunden aus Kleinasien |
2HitCongr 225-229 |
Kılıç Y. 2005a: |
Hitit Öncesi ve Hitit Dönemi Anadolu'da Veraset Sistemi |
5HitCongr 513-518 |
Kryszat G. 2004a: |
Herrscher, Herrschaft und Kulttradition in Anatolien nach den Quellen aus den altassyrischen Handelskolonien. Teil 1: Die sikkātum und der rabi sikkitim |
AoF 31 15-45 |
Kryszat G. 2004b: |
Altassyrische Quellen zur frühen hethitischen Geschichte
2000 v.Chr. 45-48 |
Kryszat G. 2006a: |
Herrscher, Herrschaft und Kulttradition in Anatolien nach den Quellen aus den altassyrischen Handelskolonien – Teil 2: Götter, Priester und Feste Altanatoliens |
AoF 33 102-124 |
Kryszat G. 2007a: |
Eine Frau mit Namen Zizizi |
AoF 34 210-218 |
Kryszat G. 2008a: |
Herrscher, Kult und Kulttradition in Anatolien nach den Quellen aus den altassyrischen Handelskolonien – Teil 3/1: Grundlagen für eine neue Rekonstruktion der Geschichte Anatoliens und der assyrischen Handelskolonien in spätaltassyrischer Zeit |
AoF 35 156-189 |
Kryszat G. 2008b: |
Herrscher, Kult und Kulttradition in Anatolien nach den Quellen aus den altassyrischen Handelskolonien – Teil 3/2: Grundlagen für eine neue Rekonstruktion der Geschichte Anatoliens und der assyrischen Handelskolonien in spätaltassyrischer Zeit |
AoF 35 195-219 |
Kryszat G. 2015a: |
„… potom i já zemřu.“ Nálezy staroasyrských tabulek z vykopávek Bedřicha Hrozného / „… dann werde auch ich sterben.“ Die aaltassyrischen Tontafelfunde aus den Ausgrabungen von Bedřich Hrozný
Velhartická Š. 2015b 217-226 |
Kryszat G. 2019a: |
Bemerkungen zu den altassyrischen Fragmenten KpT 1.2 und KpT 1.35 |
Rieken E. 2019a 111-112 |
Kryszat G. 2021a: |
Crown Princes lost, a Singer of Kaneš found, and more possible connections between Āmkuwa and Kaneš |
NABU 2021(4) 236-239 Nr. 101 |
Kuzuoğlu A. – Kuzuoğlu R. 2017a: |
Acemhöyük'te Ortaya Cikarilan Civi Yazili Belgeler (The Cuneiform Documents Uncovered at Acemhöyük) |
2AksarayCongr 75-84 |
Kuzuoğlu R. 2010a: |
M.Ö. II. binin ilk çeyreğinde Anadolu’da yaşanan isyanlar ve iç huzursuzluklar |
7 HitCongr 479-488 |
Kuzuoğlu R. 2011a: |
Three Kültepe Texts concerning Rebellions
JNES 70 25-33 |
Kuzuoğlu R. 2015a: |
Acemhöyük’ten Eski Asur Dönemi’ne Ait İki Çivi Yazili Belge |
Höyük 8 1-15 |
Kuzuoğlu R. 2016a: |
Belleten 80 (289) 685-699 |
Kuzuoğlu R. 2018b: |
É abi-ka imaqqut: "senin babanın evi yıkılacak"
(É abi-ka imaqqut "Your Father's House Will Collapse")
ArAn 12/1 71-82 |
Kuzuoğlu R. 2019a: |
Eski Asurca metinlerde geçen bir meslek: ašlāku (A Profession in Old Assyrian Texts: ašlāku) |
ArAn 13/2 135-144 |
Landsberger B. 1925a: |
Assyrische Handelskolonien in Kleinasien aus dem dritten Jahrtausend |
AltOr 24 ?Rezension? |
Larsen M.T. 1971b: |
A Revolt against Hattuša |
JCS 24 100-101 |
Larsen M.T. 2008a: |
The Old Assyrian Merchant Colonies |
Beyond Babylon 70-81 |
Larsen M.T. 2010a: |
Kültepe Tabletleri VI-a. The Archive of the Šalim-Aššur Family, Volume 1: The First Two Generations |
?Rezension? |
Larsen M.T. 2013a: |
Kültepe Tabletleri VI-b. The Archive of the Šalim-Aššur Family, Volume 2: Ennam - Aššur. |
?Rezension? |
Larsen M.T. 2014a: |
Cultural Exchange at Kültepe |
Fs Stolper 171-188 |
Larsen M.T. 2015a: |
Ancient Kanesh. A Merchant Colony in Bronze Age Anatolia |
?Rezension? |
Larsen M.T. 2017a: |
A Complex Business Transaction with Diplomatic Repercussions. The Conflict with Ušinalam |
Subartu 39 173-177 |
Lassen A.W. 2010a: |
The trade in wool in Old Assyrian Anatolia |
JEOL 42 159-179 |
Lassen A.W. 2014a: |
Wool in Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Period |
Breniquet C. − Michel C. 2014a 255-263 |
Lewy H. 1962a: |
Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Period |
CAH Revised edition, vol 2 |
Lewy H. 1964a: |
Notes on the Political Organization of Asia Minor at the Time of the Old Assyrian Texts |
Or NS 33 181-198 |
Lewy J. 1922a: |
Studien zu den Altassyrischen Texten aus Kappadokien |
?Rezension? |
Lewy J. 1923b: |
Bemerkungen zu den altassyrischen Texen aus Kappadokien |
ZA 35 148-151 |
Lewy J. 1923c: |
Zur Geschichte Assyriens und Kleinasiens im 3. und 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. |
OLZ 26 533-544 |
Lewy J. 1924a: |
Der karrum der altassyrisch-kappadokischen Städte und das altassyrische Grossreich |
ZA 36 19-28 |
Lewy J. 1926b: |
«Kappadokische» Tontafeln und Frühgeschichte Assyriens und Kleinasiens |
OLZ 29 750-761, 963-966 |
Lewy J. 1926c: |
Bemerkungen zu den altassyrischen Texten aus Kappadokien |
ZA 37 132-133 |
Lewy J. 1926d: |
Die altassyrischen Texte vom Kültepe bei Kaisarije |
Keilschrifttexte in den Antiken-Museen zu Stambul 1 ?Rezension? |
Lewy J. 1929a: |
Die Kültepetexte der Sammlung Rudolf Blanckertz |
?Rezension? |
Lewy J. 1930a: |
Die Kültepe texte aus der Sammlung Frida Hahn, Berlin |
?Rezension? |
Lewy J. 1932a: |
Die Keilschrifttxte aus Kleinasien, autogr. und mit Inventarverz. und Namenlisten versehen |
Hilprecht Collection Jena 1 ?Rezension? |
Lewy J. 1937a: |
Old Assyrian Documents from Asia Minor (About 2000 B.C.) 1. The texts TC III 252-254 and WAG No 48/1464 |
AHDO 1 91-108 |
Lewy J. 1937b: |
Tablettes cappadociennes. Troisième série, troisième partie. Tablettes 196 à 276 |
TCL 21 ?Rezension? |
Lewy J. 1938c: |
Old Assyrian Documents from Asia Minor (About 2000 B.C.) 2. The Texts TC III 214 and Gell no 49 |
AHDO 3 |
Lewy J. 1939a: |
Old Assyrian puru'um and purum |
RHA 5/36 117-124 |
Lewy J. 1956a: |
The išši'akkum of Kaniš and the Old Assyrian Empire |
23CongrOr 135-136 |
Liverani M. 1988a: |
The Fire of Ḫaḫḫum |
OA 27 165-172 |
Luckenbill D.D. 1922b: |
New Cappadocian tablets |
AJSL 38 229-230 |
Luckenbill D.D. 1927b: |
Cappadocian Letters |
AJSL 43 309-310 |
Lumsden S. 2008a: |
Material Culture and the Middle Ground in the Old Assyrian Colony Period |
Gs Garelli 21-43 |
Lyczkowska K. 1994a: |
Anatolian amtum in the Texts from Kaneš |
ROr 48 23-33 |
Makowski M. 2014a: |
The Road to the Citadel of Kanesh. Urban Structure and Spatial Organization of the City during the Assyrian Colony Period |
8 ICAANE vol. 1, 93-112 |
Matessi A. – Giusfredi F. 2023a: |
Society, Culture, and Early Language Contact in Middle Bronze Age Anatolia (Ca. 1950–1650 BCE) |
Giusfredi F. − Matessi A. − Pisaniello V. 2023a 62-107 |
Matouš L. 1947a: |
O čem nam vyprávĕjí kappadocké tabulky (Assyrské obchodní kolonie v Malé Asii ve 20. stolo př. Kr.) [Worüber die kappadokischen Tafeln erzählen. (Assyrische Handelskolonien in Kleinasien im 20. Jahrhundert v. Chr.)] |
Nový Orient 3 87-90 |
Meer P.E. van der 1932a: |
Une correspondence commerciale assyrienne en cappadoce |
?Rezension? |
Meer P.E. van der 1932b: |
Fünf kappadokische Geschäftsbriefe |
Oriens Christianus |
Michel C. 1991a: |
Durhumid, son commerce et ses marchands |
Fs Garelli 253-274 |
Michel C. 1997a: |
Les enfants des marchands de Kaniš |
Ktema 22 91-102 |
Michel C. 2001a: |
Correspondance des marchands de Kaniš au début du IIe millénaire avant J.-C. |
?Rezension? |
Michel C. 2006a: |
Les suidés dans la documentation de Kaniš au début du IIe millénaire av. J.-C. |
De la domestication au tabou 169-180 |
Michel C. 2008d: |
Les pérégrinations des marchands assyriens en haute Mésopotamie et en Asie Mineure |
RANT 5 371-388 |
Michel C. 2011a: |
The kārum Period on the Plateau |
Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 313-336 |
Michel C. 2014a: |
Central Anatolia in the Nineteenth and Eighteenth Centuries BC |
The Emergence of the Mittani State 111-136 |
Michel C. 2014b: |
Considerations on the Assyrian Settlement at Kanesh |
Current Research at Kultepe/Kanesh 69-84 |
Miller J.L. 2001b: |
Anum-Hirbi and His Kingdom |
AoF 28 65-101 |
Nikitina A.D. 2004a: |
Этнический состав международной торговой колонии Каниша (XIX в. до н.э.) [Ethnic Composition of the Population of the International Kanish Trade Colony (1800 B.C.)] |
VDI 250 100-106 |
Olmstead A.T. 1923a: |
The Assyrians in Asia Minor |
Fs Ramsay 283-296 |
Orlin L.L. 1970a: |
Assyrian Colonies in Cappadocia |
Studies in Ancient History 1 ?Rezension? |
Öz E. 2008a: |
Kültepe tabletleri ışığında, M.Ö II. Binde, kadının iş hayatındaki yeri (The Place of Woman in the Business Life in the Light of Kültepe Tablets in the 2nd Millennium BC) |
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü 25/2 47-57 |
Öz E. 2014a: |
rhālum and unuššum in the Kültepe Tablets
8HitCongr 632-643 |
Öz E.− Albayrak I. 2005a: |
1963 Yılı Kültepe Kazısında Ele Geçen Altı Yeni Tablet (Six New Tablets Discovered in Kültepe during the Excavation of 1963)
ArchAnat 8/2 21-45 |
Özgüç N. 1969a: |
Assyrian Trade Colonies in Anatolia |
Archaeology 22 250-255 |
Özgüç T. 1950b: |
Where the Assyrians Built a Commercial Empire in Second Millennium in Anatolia: Excavating the "Karum" of Kanes |
ILN 5778 68-71 |
Özgüç T. 1963b: |
An Assyrian Trading Outpost. Clay tablets unearthed at the site of Kanesh in Anatolia describe in detail an Assyrian merchants' colony there, the headquarters of an extensive commercial system that linked two ancient cultures |
Scientific American 208 96-106 |
Özgüç T. 1986g: |
Kültepe-Kaniş: Uluslararası İlk Büyük Ticaret Merkezi [Kültepe-Kaniš: Das erste grosse internationale Handelszentrum] |
10TTKongr 29-30 |
Özgüç T. – Özgüç N. 1948a: |
A Birth-place of the Hittite Empire. The "Karum" of Kanes, an Ancient Anatolian Trade-Centre |
ILN 5722 701-703 |
Peiser F.E. 1896a: |
Sogenannte Kappadokische Urkunden |
KB 4 50-57 |
Pinches T.G. 1882a: |
(Communication sur deux tablettes cappadociennes conservées, l'une au British Museum, l'autre à la Bibliothèque Nationale) |
PSBA 4 11-18 |
Pinches T.G. 1908a: |
The cappadocian tablets belonging to the Liverpool Institute of Archaeology |
AAA 1 49-80 |
Prigorovskij G.M. 1928a: |
Kappadokijskie tablički i ich istoričeskoe značenie [Kappadokische Tafeln und ihre historische Bedeutung] |
Učenye zapiski Instituta istorii Rossijskoj associacii 6 38-53 |
Przeworski S. 1928d: |
Assyryjczycy w Azji Mniejszej u schyłku 3. tys. prz. Chr. [Die Assyrer in Kleinasien am Ausgang des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr.] |
Wiedza i Życie 3 633-640 |
Puchstein O. 1892a: |
(Emploi de la colonne en Assyrie, lorsque les Assyriens imitèrent les constructions hittites) |
JahrbInst |
Ridder J.J. de − Kryszat G. 2023a: |
Murder in Anatolia. An Urgent Letter from the Ruler of Aššur |
AoF 50/1 51–62 |
Şahin H.A. 2008a: |
Wahsusana Krallığı
Belleten 72/265 685-706 |
Şahin H.A. 2014a: |
Koloniler Çağı’nda Šalatiwar Şehrinin Ticari Önemi
8HitCongr 708-717 |
Sayce A.H. 1884b: |
Cuneiform tablets of Kappadokia |
PSBA 6 17-25 |
Sayce A.H. 1891a: |
Monumental evidences. The cuneiform inscriptions of Cappadocia |
WeekExp |
Sayce A.H. 1892a: |
The cuneiform tablets of Kappadokia |
RecPast 4 115-131 |
Sayce A.H. 1908f: |
Notes on passages in the cappadocian tablets |
AAA 1 81-82 |
Sayce A.H. 1908g: |
The Cappadocian cuneiform tablets |
Babyloniaca 2 1-45 |
Sayce A.H. 1910d: |
Cappadocian cuneiform tablets from Kara Eyuk |
Babyloniaca 4 |
Sayce A.H. 1912b: |
The cappadocian cuneiform tablets of the University of Pennsylvania |
Babyloniaca 6 182-192 |
Sayce A.H. 1918a: |
The Museum Collection of Cappadocian tablets |
MusJourn 9 |
Sayce A.H. 1919a: |
A Ladies College in Cappadocia in the third Millenium B.C. |
JRAS 588-591 |
Sazonov V. 2017a: |
Some Notes on Text of King Anitta |
NABU 2017/4 179-182 |
Scheil V. 1896a: |
Tablette cappadocienne du Musée de Constantinople |
RecTrav 18 |
Schlüter S.P. 2020a: |
Social Theories and Old Assyrian Kaneš. Overview, Comments, Developments |
Baumgartner C. et al. 2020a 23-37 |
Sever H. 1995a: |
Anadolu'da Borsa ve Enflasyonun İlk Şekilleri / Die Urformen der Börse und Inflation in Anatolien |
ArchAnat 1 123-133 / 134-136 |
Sever H. 1995b: |
Yeni Belgelerin Işiğinda Koloni Çağinda (M.Ö. 1970-1750) Yerli Halk ile Asurlu Tüccarlar Arasindaki lIişkiler [Les relations entre la population locale et les marchands assyriens à l'époque des colonies, à la lumiére des documents nouveaux (1970-1750 av.J.C.)] |
Belleten 49 1-16 |
Smith S. 1924b: |
Cuneiform texts from Cappadocian Tablets in the British Museum, part 2 |
?Rezension? |
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Cuneiform Texts from Cappadocian Tablets in the British Museum, Part 3 |
?Rezension? |
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Cuneiform Texts from Cappadocian Tablets in the British museum, Part 4 |
?Rezension? |
Sommerfeld W. 2006a: |
Ein altassyrisches Tafelragment aus Kayalipinar
MDOG 138 231-233 |
Steiner G. 1994a: |
Die Zerstörung von Hattuša durch "Anitta" und seine Wiederbesiedlung durch Hattušili I. |
11TTKongr 125-136 |
Stephens F.J. 1926a: |
Notes on Cappadocian Tablets |
JAOS 46 179-181 |
Stephens F.J. 1926b: |
Studies of the Cuneiform Tablets from Cappadocia |
Culer-Stockton Quarterly 2 11-58 |
Stephens F.J. 1927b: |
The Cappadocian Tablets in the University of Pensnsylvania Museum |
JSOR 11 101-136 |
Stratford E. 2017a: |
SANER 17.1 ?Rezension? |
Sturm Th. 2008a: |
allānū – Haselnüsse als Delikatesse im kārum-zeitlichen Handel von Anatolien nach Nordmesopotamien (ca. 1930–1730 v. Chr.) |
AoF 35 296-311 |
Thureau-Dangin F. 1909a: |
Un- acte de répudiation sur une tablette cappadocienne |
Fs de Vogue 591-598 |
Thureau-Dangin F. 1910a: |
Lettres et contrats de I'Époque de la Premiere Dynastie babyIonienne |
?Rezension? |
Thureau-Dangin F. 1928a: |
Tablettes cappadociennes- Deuxième série |
TCL 14 ?Rezension? |
Topçuoğlu O. 2011a: |
The Anitta Text |
Anatolia’s prologue 24-29 |
Toptaş K. – Yavaş M.F. – Albayrak İ. 2019a: |
Kayseri Müzesi'nden bir grup Kültepe Tableti (A Group of Kültepe Tablets from Kayseri Museum) |
ArAn 13/2 173-184 |
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Reminiszenzen an die Zeit der altassyrischen Handelskolonien in hethitischen Texten |
AoF 22 269-276 |
Ünal A. 1997a: |
Hitit Metinlerinde Eski Asur Ticaret Kolonileri Çağıyla İlgili Kayıt ve Anımsamalar |
Gs Bilgiç 341-356 |
Uzunalimoğlu A. 1987a: |
Kültepe Kazısında 1986 Yilinda Bulunan Zarf ve Tabletlerdeki Şahıs, Yer, Hamustum, Limum ve ay Isimleri |
AMM 1986 64-80 |
Uzunalimoğlu A. 1988a: |
Iki Borç Mukavalesi |
AMM 1987 95-101 |
Uzunalimoğlu A. 1993a: |
Kārum'un II. Tabakasından Bir Grup Borç Mukavelesi / A Group of Loan Agreement from the II. Phase of Karum |
AMM 1992 51-70 |
Veenhof K.R. 1969a: |
Een Assyrische handelskolonie in Klein-Azië uit het begin van het 2e mill. v. Chr. |
Phoenix 15 284-304 |
Veenhof K.R. 1986c: |
Kanesj (Kültepe) en de Assyrische handelskolonien in Klein-Azië (Schatten uit Turkije: Achtergronden) |
?Rezension? |
Veenhof K.R. 1995b: |
Kanesh. An Assyrian Colony in Anatolia |
CANE 859-871 |
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Traveling in Ancient Anatolia: Two New Sources from Karum Kanesh |
Fs H. Erkanal 778-783 |
Veenhof K.R. 2008b: |
Some displaced Tablets from Kārum Kanesh (Kültepe) - (kt 86/k 48, kt 86/k 204 and kt 91/k 539)
AoF 35 10-27 |
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Communication in the Old Assyrian Trading Society by Caravans, Travelers and Messengers
Gs Garelli 199-246 |
Veenhof K.R. 2016a: |
A difficult Old Assyrian business venture. Mannum-kī-Aššur tries his luck with iron |
BiOr 73/1-2 13-39 |
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Seven Debt-Notes of Anatolians from Ancient Kanesh |
Fs Postgate Vol. 2 665-684 |
Veenhof K.R. 2018a: |
The Struggle for the House of Dalaš in Kanesh |
Fs Hans Neumann 757-771 |
Wainwright G.A. 1958a: |
The "Signe Royal" or Cappadocian Symbol |
Or NS 27 287 |
Yener K.A. 2007a: |
The Anatolian Bronze Age kingdoms and Alalakh: Mukish, Kanesh and trade |
AnSt 57 151-160 |
Yıldırım N. 2006a: |
Kültepe Metinlerinde Geçen dulbātum Kelimesi |
ArAn 9/1 73-78 |
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Kültepe Tabletlerinde Geçen ṣiparātum sözcüğü Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme (A Commentary on ṣiparātum Word Recorded in Kültepe Tablets) |
ArAn 10/1 79-86 |
Yoffee N. – Barjamovic G. 2018a : |
Assyrian Trade and Economic History |
Fs Hans Neumann 815-824 |
Yoshida D. 2002a: |
Ein Altassyrischer Text aus Kaman-Kalehöyük |
Kaman-Kalehöyük 11 133-137 |
Zaccagnini C. 2017a: |
Two Old Assyrian letters |
Or NS 86 297-303 (Tab. X-XI) |
Akok M. 1957a: |
Kültepe Kazılarının Orta Anadolu hitit Çağı Mimarîsine Kazandırdığı Özellikler |
6TTKongr 77-88 |
Alp S. 1963a: |
Kaniş = Anişa = Nişa. Erken Hitit Çağının Bir Başkenti / Kaniš = Aniša = Niša. Eine Hauptstadt der frühhethitischen Periode |
Belleten 27 367-376 / 377-386 |
Anatolia’s Prologue: |
Anatolia´s Prologue - Kültepe Kanesh Karum. Assyrians in Istanbul (Exhib. Catalogue) |
Archi A. 2015a: |
How the Anitta text reached Hattusa |
Gs Otten 1-14 |
Archi A. 2021a: |
"Formengeschichte" and the Transmission of the Anitta Text |
Or NS 90/2 256–273 |
Atıcı L. 2014a: |
Food and Ethnicity at Kültepe-Kanesh: Preliminary Zooarchaeological Evidence |
Current Research at Kultepe/Kanesh 195-211 |
Atici L. 2014b: |
The Secondary Products Revolution in light of textual evidence from Kültepe-Kanesh, central Turkey |
Animal Secondary Products 233-252 |
Atici L. 2014c: |
Tracing Inequality from Assur to Kultepe/Kanesh. Merchants, Donkeys, and Clay Tablets |
Animals and Inequality 233-252 |
Balkan K. 1955a: |
Kanis kārum'unun Kronoloji Problemleri Hakkında Müşahedeler / Observations on the Chronological Problems of the karum Kanis |
Balkan K. 1992a: |
The Conception of Trinity in the Tablets of Kültepe |
Fs Alp 15-44 |
Barjamovic G. 2008a: |
The Geography of Trade. Assyrian Colonies in Anatolia c. 1975-1725 BC and the Study of Early Interregional Networks of Exchange |
Anatolia and the Jazira 87-100 |
Barjamovic G. 2011a: |
A Historical Geography of Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Colony Period |
Barjamovic G. 2017a: |
A Commercial Geography of Anatolia: Integrating Hittite and Assyrian Texts, Archaeology and Topography |
HdO 121 311-318 |
Barjamovic G. 2019a: |
Silver, Markts and Long-Distance Trade in the Konya Region, 2400-1700 BCE |
Maner Ç. 2019a 71-81 |
Barjamovic G. 2020a: |
Hrozný’s Excavations at Kültepe and the Resurrection of a Bronze Age Palace |
Hrozný and Hittite 5-31 |
Barjamovic G. – Fairbairn A. 2018a: |
Anatolian Wine in the Middle Bronze Age |
Corti C. 2018a 249-284 |
Bayram S. – Çeçen S. 1996a: |
Yeni Belgelerin Işığında Eski Anadolu'da Kölelik Müessesesi |
Belleten 69 579ff. |
Bilgiç E. 1941a: |
Asurca Vesikalara Göre Etilerden Önce Anadolu'da Maden Ekonomisi [Die Metallwirtschaft in Anatolien vor den Hethitern nach den assyrischen Urkunden] |
ADTCFD 1 913-950 |
Bilgiç E. 1945-1951a: |
Die Ortsnamen der "kappadokischen" Urkunden im Rahmen der alten Sprachen Anatoliens |
AfO 15 1-37 |
Bilgiç E. 1946a: |
Anadolu'nun İlk Yazılı Kaynaklarındaki Yer Adları ve Yerlerinin Tayini Üzerine İncelemeler [Untersuchungen über Ortsnamen in den ältesten schriftlichen Quellen Anatoliens und ihre Lokalisierung] |
Belleten 10 381-423 |
Bilgiç E. 1951a: |
L'économie des métaux en Anatolie avant les Hittites d'après les documents en langue assyrienne |
CRRAI 2 99-100 |
Bilgiç E. 1987a: |
Yeni Kültepe Vesikalarının Işığında Anadolu-Asur Siyasî Münasebetleri ve Yerli İdarede Yemin Usulü [The Appraisal of the Political Relations between Anatolia and Assyria in the Light of New Kültepe Documents and the Treaty Foundations in the Indigenous Administration] |
RAI 34 Abstracts 9-10 |
Bilgiç E. 1992a: |
Ebla in Cappadocian Inscriptions |
Fs Alp 61-66 |
Bogusz W. et al. 1987a: |
Kariera Pušukena. Przyczynek do dziejów handlu Anatolii w II. tys.p.n.e. [Karriere von Pušuken. Beitrag zur Geschichte des Handels in Anatolien des II. Jt. v.u.Z.] |
Studia i materialy archeologiczne 5 5-24 |
Boissier A. 1897a: |
En Cappadoce. Notes de voyage |
Börker-Klähn J. 1969-1970a: |
Zur Datierung von Karum Kaniš II und Ib |
IM 19-20 79-83 |
Börker-Klähn J. 2004a: |
Tutḫalija "König der Heiden" |
Gs Forrer 207-224 |
Castle E.W. 1995a: |
Kaniš and Beyond |
NABU 1995 78-80, 1995/88 |
Cordani V. 2016a: |
Exchange and Use of Iron in the Old Assyrian Period. The Anatolian Perspective |
Foietta E. et al. 2016a 3-8 |
Cuny A. 1909a: |
Mitra, Varuna, Indra et Nasatya en Cappadoce au XIVe siècle avant notre ère |
REAn 10 279 |
Current Research at Kultepe/Kanesh: |
Current Research at Kultepe/Kanesh: An Interdisciplinary and Integrative Approach to Trade Networks, Internationalism, and Identity |
JCS Suppl. 4 |
Démare-Lafont S. 2008b: |
Aspects du Commerce International des Assyriens en Anatolie |
Anatolia and the Jazira 195-207 |
Dercksen J.G. 1996a: |
The Old Assyrian Copper Trade in Anatolia |
Dercksen J.G. 1999a: |
On the Financing of Old Assyrian Merchants |
1 MOS Symp 85-99 |
Dercksen J.G. 2001a: |
"When We Met in Ḫattuš” |
Fs Veenhof 39-66 |
Dercksen J.G. 2004a: |
Some Elements of Old Anatolian Society in Kaniš |
Fs Trolle Larsen 137-177 |
Dercksen J.G. 2004c: |
Der altassyrische Anatolienhandel: ein Sonderfall? Die Stadt Assur als Wirtschaftsmacht |
2000 v.Chr. 155-169 |
Dercksen J.G. 2006a: |
Adad is King! the Sargon Text from Kültepe (with an Appendix on MARV 4, 138 and 140) |
JEOL 39 107-129 |
Dercksen J.G. 2007a: |
On Anatolian Loanwords in Akkadian Texts from Kültepe |
ZA 97 26-46 |
Dercksen J.G. 2008c: |
Observations on Land Use and Agriculture in Kaneš |
Gs Garelli 139-157 |
Donbaz V. 1996b: |
Kültepe Tabletleri Işığında I.Ö. 2000-1760 Yıllarında Anadolu'nun Soysal Yapısı / The Social Structure of Anatolia through the Cappadocian Tablets 2000-1760 B.C. |
AMM-K 1995 177-196 |
Dovgjalo G.I. 1971a: |
Nekotorye chettskie ritual'nye i mifologičeskie teksty v svete etnografii. (K voprosu ob etimologii termina rabi simmiltim) [Einige hethitische ritualische und mythologische Texte im Lichte der Ethnographie. (Zur Frage der Etymologie des Termins rabi simmiltim)] |
V. Vsesojuznaja sessija po Drevnemu Vostoku 82-83 |
Elsen-Novák G. – Novák M. 2020a: |
Eine kārum-zeitliche Route durch Kilikien? Ein Beitrag zu den mittelbronzezeitlichen Handelsrouten |
Fs Volk 49-68 |
Emre K. 2011a: |
The Traces of Kültepe/Kanesh in Hittite Art |
Anatolia’s prologue 154-159 |
Erol H. 2010a: |
Uṣur-ša-ištar arşivinden (Kt.N/K) Šimat-Su’en’in bir mektubu |
7 HitCongr 273-284 |
Erol H. 2016a: |
ina aban Ušša ve ina aban Karahna |
Fs Ünal 225-234 |
Erol H. 2019b: |
Old Assyrian Metal Trade, Its Volume and Interactions |
Belleten 83/298 779-806 |
Erol H. 2022a: |
Kültepe Tabletlerinde Deri ve Deri Ticareti (Leather and Leather Trade in Kültepe Texts) |
ArAn 16/1 89-120 |
Fairbairn A. 2020a: |
Did the Old Assyrian Trade Stimulate Changes in Farming Practices in Central Anatolia? |
KIM 3 115-122 |
Fischer F. 1965a: |
Boğazköy und die Chronologie der altassyrischen Handelsniederlassungen in Kappadokien |
IM 15 1-16 |
Forlanini M. 1985a: |
Remarques géographiques sur les textes cappadociens |
Hethitica 6 45-67 |
Forlanini M. 1995a: |
The Kings of Kaniš |
2HitCongr 123-132 |
Forlanini M. 2004c: |
Considerazioni sullo spostamento del centro del potere nel periodo della formazione dello stato hittita |
Fs Lebrun 1 249-269 |
Forlanini M. 2005a: |
Notes sur la géographie anatolienne dans les textes paléo-assyriens |
NABU 2005 14-15, 2005/14 |
Forlanini M. 2006a: |
Ètapes et itinéraires entre Aššur et l’Anatolie des marchands paléo-assyriens: nouveaux documents et nouveaux problèmes |
KASKAL 3 147-179 |
Forlanini M. 2008a: |
The Historical Geography of Anatolia and the Transition from the kārum-Period to the Early Hittite Empire
Anatolia and the Jazira 57-86 |
Forlanini M. 2010a: |
An Attempt at Reconstructing the Branches of the Hittite Royal Family of the Early Kingdom Period
Fs Singer 115-135 |
Forlanini M. 2010b: |
New Evidence and Recent Suggestions on the Anatolian Geography in the Old Assyrian Period |
Fs Donbaz 135-142 |
Forlanini M. 2019c: |
Alcune considerazioni sulla posizione di Uršum e Ḫaššum/Ḫaššuwa: dal commercio paleo-assiro al regno di Ḫattušili I |
Fs Salvini 212-219 |
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Marchands et TAMKĀRŪ assyriens en Cappadoce |
Iraq 39 99-107 |
Gates M.H. 2017a: |
Gods, Temples, and Cult at the Service of the Early Hittite State |
Fs Postgate Vol. 1 189-210 |
Giorgadze G.G. 1962a: |
Torgovo-kul'turnye vzaimootnošenija meždu Kappadokiej i sosednimi stranami v načale II tysjačeletija do n.e. (Commercial and Cultural Connections between Cappadocia and Neighbouring Countries at the Beginning of the Second Millennium B.C.) |
Kavkazsko-bližnevostočnyj sbornik 2 5-28 |
Giusfredi F. 2020e: |
I luvi a Kaneš e i loro nomi |
AuOr 38/2 245-254 |
Gökçek L.G. 2004a: |
Asur Ticaret Kolonileri Çağı´nda (M.Ö. 1975-1723) Anadolu´da Havancılık ve Hayan Ticareti (Animal Husbandry and Animal Trade in Anatolia during the Age of Assyrian Trade Colonies (1975-1723 B.C.))
ArchAnat 7 59-78 |
Gökçek L.G. 2006a: |
The Use of Wagons (eriqqum) in Ancient Anatolia According to Texts from Kültepe
ZA 96 185-199 |
Gorny R.L. 1995b: |
Hittite Imperialism and Anti-Imperial Resistance as Viewed from Alishar Höyük |
BASOR 299-300 65-89 |
Günbatti C. 1986a: |
Kültepe Metinlerinde Geçen İki Yeni Unvan [Zwei neue Titel aus Kültepe-Texten] |
10TTKongr 50-51 |
Günbatti C. 1992a: |
Some Observations about the Commercial Activities of Women in the Light of the Kültepe Tablets |
Fs Alp 229-234 |
Günbattı C. 2008b: |
An Eponym List (KEL G) from Kültepe |
AoF 35 103-132 |
Günbattı C. 2008c: |
A List of Eponyms from Kültepe (KEL D) |
Gs Garelli 125-135 |
Günerı A.S. 2010a: |
Kayseri’de Hitit imparatorluk çağına ait yeni arkeolojik keşifler |
7 HitCongr 347-388 |
Gunter A.C. 1980a: |
The Old Assyrian Colony Period Settlement at Boğazköy-Hattuša in Central Turkey. A Chronological Reassessment of the Archaeological Remains. PhD Dissertation Columbia University |
Gustavs A. 1936-1937a: |
Mitanni-Namen in altassyrisehen Texten aus Kappadokien |
AfO 11 146-150 |
Hecker K. 1981a: |
Der Weg nach Kaniš |
ZA 70 185-197 |
Hecker K. 1986a: |
Zur Rolle der einheimisch-anatolischen Bevölkerung im altassyrischen Fernhandel mit Kleinasien |
9TTKongr 145-152 |
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Stone stelae and religious space at Kültepe-Kaneš |
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Anadolu´nun Önsözü Kültepe Kaniş-Karumu, Asurlular Istanbul´da. Katalog |
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