Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln

Silvin Košak

Citatio: S. Košak, hethiter.net/: hetkonk (2.plus)

Searched: INVNR:~~ CTH:~10~ PUBL.:~~~ ALIA:~~
3 Text(fragment)s

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Bo 1647 . KUB 26.74 10.1 Ḫattuša: [In Istanbul] jh. TLH s. O. Soysal, Diss., 1989, 64f.,103f.; S. de Martino, Hethitica 11, 1992, 21; id., StMed 12, 2003, 203-209; M. Gander, THeth 33, 2022, 543ff.
s. O. Soysal, Diss., 1989, 64f.,103f.; S. de Martino, Hethitica 11, 1992, 21; id., StMed 12, 2003, 203-209; vgl. A. Archi, FsMeriggi, 1979, 12; A. Kempinski, ÄAT 4, 1983, 53f.; H. Klengel, HbOr I/34, 1999, 41 [B2], 62 [B2]; J. Tavernier, Identité, 2010, 178f.; R. Francia, FsdeMartino, 2020, 176.
Bo 3074 . KBo 3.45 10.2.A Ḫattuša: [In Istanbul] jh. TLH Join mit UBT 34 (Bo 8530) Hinweis J. Burgin (02.12.2022); s. H.A. Hoffner, Unity and Diversity. Essays in the History, Literature, and Religion of the Ancient Near East, Baltimore & London 1975, 56ff. (verschrieben als KBo 3.54); O. Soysal, Diss., 1989, 54f., 100f.;
s. H.A. Hoffner, Unity and Diversity. Essays in the History, Literature, and Religion of the Ancient Near East, Baltimore & London 1975, 56ff. (verschrieben als KBo 3.54); O. Soysal, Diss., 1989, 54f., 100f.; vgl. V. Haas, HbOr I/15, 1994, 16 Anm. 47; H. Klengel, HbOr I/34, 1999, 62 [B3]; P. Dardano, OrNS 71, 2002, 385; J. Freu, Origines, 2007, 116; A. Kloekhorst, IEED 5, 2008, 708; id., StBoT 56, 2014, 569; J. Tavernier, Identité, 2010, 176; A. Gilan, ZA 104, 2014, 203; R. Francia, FsdeMartino, 2020, 178.
+Bo 8530 UBT 34 . Ḫattuša jh. TLH s. M. Alparslan, UBT, 2016, 115;
s. M. Alparslan, UBT, 2016, 115; vgl. O. Soysal, ZA 95, 2005, 144: oder CTH 10.2? - Dupl. KBo 3.27 (= Bo 2423) Vs. 8´-12´.
Bo 69/47 . KBo 22.7 10.2.B T.I: Tempel I, Schutthalde vor Mag. 10. - gelber gebr. Ton jh. TLH s. H.A. Hoffner, Unity and Diversity: Essays in the History, Literature, and Religion of the Ancient Near East, 1975, 56ff.; O. Soysal, Diss., 1989, 55; D. Groddek, DBH 24, 2008, 19f.;
s. H.A. Hoffner, Unity and Diversity: Essays in the History, Literature, and Religion of the Ancient Near East, 1975, 56ff.; O. Soysal, Diss., 1989, 55; D. Groddek, DBH 24, 2008, 19f.; vgl. H. Klengel, HbOr I/34, 1999, 62 [B3]; R. Francia, FsdeMartino, 2020, 179.

(Above 3 tablets, 4 fragments)

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