Citatio: M. Cammarosano (ed.), CTH 527.56 (INTR 2020-04-15)
Cult inventory (CTH 527.56) Textual tradition
Basis of the edition The present edition is based on the photographs available at the Mainzer Photoarchiv of the Hethitologie Portal Mainz, as well as the available hand-copies and relevant secondary literature up to 2019. When the original manuscripts have been collated, this is noted in the commentary. Commentary This inventory lists a variety of festivals for multiple gods, and details as usual the relevant offerings. Noteworthy is the great variety of people who is said to be responsible for the supply of the offerings. According to Forlanini 1992: 173 with fn. 18, this inventory concerns an area south-east of Ḫattuša. According to A. Kryszeń (pers. comm.), both the mention of the Storm god of Temelḫa and of the “ruin-towns” of Ḫattuša (ḪATTI) indicate proximity to the capital. A1 obv. i 1′: On the iconography of the Stag god of the King see Herbordt 2005: 63-64 with fn. 483. A1 obv. i 5′: Like in KUB 42.100+ iii 10′, the terminus ŠU.NÍGIN “total” is written in the intercolumnium in order to enhance its legibility. A1+2 rev. iv 1′-2′/4′-5′: There is no sign at the end of the line after gulšanza, agaist the copy. The emendation proposed by Starke 1990: 458 is therefore not necessary. CC BY-SA 4.0 Michele Cammarosano | Produced as part of the research project Critical edition, digital publication, and systematic analysis of the Hittite cult-inventories (CTH 501-530), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – project number 298302760, 2016–2020. |
☛ Abbreviations, Symbols, and Bibliography