Hittite Cult Inventories

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Citatio: M. Cammarosano (ed.), hethiter.net/: CTH 528.128 (INTR 2020-04-15)

Cult inventory

(CTH 528.128)

Textual tradition



P. 6


Basis of the edition

The present edition is based on the photographs available at the Mainzer Photoarchiv of the Hethitologie Portal Mainz, as well as the available hand-copies and relevant secondary literature up to 2019. When the original manuscripts have been collated, this is noted in the commentary.


Previous editions: Vieyra 1965.

Edited based on the hand copy only.

The face of the fragment which does not present a Randleiste at the upper edge has been considered to be the obverse, differently than assumed by Vieyra (1965: 132). The fragment presents a horizontal wedge on the upper edge, the meaning of which is unclear.

i 1: In absence of a photo, it is difficult to say whether the traces are compatible with the reading ḪAR.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Michele Cammarosano | Produced as part of the research project Critical edition, digital publication, and systematic analysis of the Hittite cult-inventories (CTH 501-530), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – project number 298302760, 2016–2020.

☛ Abbreviations, Symbols, and Bibliography

☛ Hittite Local Cults Database

Editio ultima: 2020-04-15

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