Ariëns-Kappers C.U. 1932a: |
The anthropology of the Near East |
18CongrOrient 178-180 |
Ariëns-Kappers C.U. 1934a: |
An introduction to the anthropology of the Near East in ancient and recent times. With a chapter on Near Eastern bloodgroups, by Parr L. W. |
?Rezension? |
Cappieri M. 1970a: |
The Anatolians of the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic Age |
Belleten 34 209-555 |
Cappieri M. 1970b: |
The Mediterranean Race in Asia Before the Iron Age |
?Rezension? |
Das Problem des Völkertodes: |
Das Problem des Völkertodes. Eine Studie zur historischen Bevölkerungsbiologie. Vorderasiatische Studien |
?Rezension? |
Demircioğlu H. 1948a: |
Antropoloji ve Tarih [Anthropologie und Geschichte] |
ADTCFD 6 49-68 |
Ehrich R.W. 1940a: |
Preliminary Notes on Tarsus Crania |
AJA 44 87-92 |
Giuffrida-Ruggeri V. 1904a: |
I dati delI' anthropologia e il criterio cronologico a proposito dei Siculi e degli Hethei-Pelasgi. Nota critica |
Rivista di storia antica 8 97-101 |
Kansu Ş.A. 1930a: |
Hittite'lerin kraniolojik tetkitatina methal (Sur la morphologie des crânes trouvés dans un Hüyük /tell/ d'Anatolie /Alişar/) |
Türk Antropoloji Mecmuasĭ 6 3-18 |
Kansu Ş.A. 1930a: |
Hittite'lerin kraniolojik tetkikatĭna methai |
Türk Antropoloji Mecmuasĭ 6 3-18 |
Kansu Ş.A. 1931a: |
Anadolu ve Rumeli Türklerinin Antropometrik tetkikleri |
Türk Antropoloji Mecmuasĭ 7 3-15, 97-107 |
Kansu Ş.A. 1934a: |
Deuxième contribution à l'étude des Etis |
Türk Antropoloji Mecmuasĭ 15-16 105-109 |
Kansu Ş.A. 1934a: |
Deuxième contribution à l'étude des Etis |
Türk Antropoloji Mecmuasĭ 15-16 105-109 |
Kansu Ş.A. 1935a: |
Craniologie de l'Anatolie |
Anthropologie 45 105-107 |
Kansu Ş.A. 1937a: |
Étude anthropologique de quelques squelettes trouvés à Alacahöyük |
Anthropologie 47 35-39 |
Kansu Ş.A. 1937a: |
Kumtepe Neolitik Kemikleri Üzerinde Antropolojik Tetkik / Étude anthropologique sur les ossements néolithiques de Kumtepe |
Belleten 1 557-569 / 570-575 |
Kansu Ş.A. 1937b: |
Alacahöyük'te bulunan iskeletlerin antropolojik tetkiki, Birinci Kisim / Etude anthropologique de quelques squelettes d'Alacahöyük |
Belleten 1 180-191 / 192-202 |
Kansu Ş.A. 1939a: |
Anadolu´nun Irk Tarihi Üzerine Antropolojik Bir Tetkik [Anthropologische Studien der anatolischen Bevölkerung] |
Belleten 3 127-131 |
Kansu Ş.A. 1939b: |
Étude anthropologique d'ossements d'Arslantepè (Malatya) |
RHA 5/35 77-84 |
Kansu Ş.A. – Tunakan S. 1945a: |
Türk Tarih Kurumu Alacahöyük Kazılarında (1936-1944) Bakırçağı Yerleşme Katlarından Çıkarılan İskeletlerin Antropolojik İncelenmesi [Eine anthropologische Studie anhand der in den kupferzeitlichen Siedlungsschichten von Alaca Höyük in den Jahren 1936-1944 ausgegrabenen Skelette] |
Belleten 9 411-422 |
Kansu Ş.A. – Tunakan S. 1946a: |
Alaca-Höyük 1943-1945 Kazılarından Çıkarılan Kalkolitik Bakır ve Tunç Çağlarına Ait Halkın Antropolojisi [Anthropologie der kupfer- und bronzezeitlichen Bevölkerung an Hand der Ausgrabungen in Alaca-Höyük in J. 1943-1945] |
Belleten 10 539-555 |
Kansu Ş.A. – Tunakan S. 1948a: |
Karaoğlan Höyüğünden Çıkarılan Eti, Frik ve Klasik Devir İskeletlerinin Antropolojik İncelenmesi. (Étude anthropologique des squelettes datant des epoques hittite et phrygienne et de l´âge classique, provenant des fouilles de Höyük de Karaoğlan /1937-38/) |
Belleten 12 759-774 / 775-778 |
Krogman W.M. 1949a: |
Ancient Cranial Types at Chatal Hüyük and Tell al-Judaidah, Syria, from the Late Fifth Millennium B.C. to the Mid-Seventh Century A.D. |
Belleten 13 407-477 |
Luschan F. von 1890a: |
Die Tachtadschy und andere Ueberreste der allen Bevölkerung Lykiens |
AfA 19 31-53 |
Martial R. 1936a: |
Les peuples du Caucase; nouvelle orientation dans les études d'anthropologie; la corrélation céphalo-hématique; relation du Caucase avec notre Occident |
Anthropologie 46 66-89 |
Ortolani M. 1962a: |
Osservazioni sui tipi dell'insediamento umano nell'Anatolia centrale |
RGI 69 213-238 |
Sauter M.R. 1945a: |
Les races brachycéphales du Proche-Orient, des origines à nos jours |
Archives suisses d' 11 68-131 |
Schaeuble J. 1957a: |
Zur Anthropologie der Hethiter |
MAGW 87 95-96 |
Şenyürek M.S. 1941a: |
Anadolu Bakır Çağı ve Eti Sekenesinin Kraniyolojik Tetkiki / A craniological Study of the Copper Age and Hittite Populations of Anatolia |
Belleten 5 219-235 / 237-253 |
Şenyürek M.S. 1949a: |
Türk Tarih Kurumu Adına Yapılan Karahöyük Kazısından Çıkarılan Kafataslarının Tetkiki / Study of the Skulls from Karahöyük, Excavated under the Auspices of the Turkish Historical Society |
Belleten 13 1-10 / 11-20 |
Şenyürek M.S. 1949b: |
Anadolu'nun Eski Sakinlerinde Büyük Azı Dişlerinin Aşınması / The Attrition of Molars in the Ancient Inhabitants of Anatolia |
Belleten 13 229-236 / 237-244 |
Şenyürek M.S. 1951a: |
Fluctuation of the Cranial Index in Anatolia, from the fourth Millennium B.C. to 1200 B.C. |
Belleten 15 593-615 |
Şenyürek M.S. 1952a: |
A Study ofthe Human Skeletons from Kültepe, Excavated under the Auspices of the Turkish Historical Society. The Skeletons from the Excavation Season of 1948 |
Belleten 16 323-343 |
Shafiq R. 2020a: |
Come and Hear My Story: The ‘Well-Lady’ of Alalakh |
ANES-S 55 433-452 |
Sofer L. 1907a: |
Armenier und Juden |
Zeit. f. Demogr. u. Stat. d. Juden 3 65-69 |
Tunakan S. 1965a: |
Türk Tarih Kurumu adina, 1964 yazinda, Alaca-Höyük'te yapilan kazida çikarilan iki eski bronz çaği iskeletinin incelenmesi [Deux squelettes de l'Age du Bronze, trouvés aux fouilles d'Alaca-Höyük faites en 1964 au nom de la Société d'Histoire Turque] |
Belleten 59 571-584 |
Tyler T. 1886a: |
The semitism of the Hittites |
Athenaeum 273 |
Tyler T. 1890a: |
The goddess Kadesh and the semitism of the Hittites |
Academy 203 |
Tyler T. 1893a: |
The semitism of the Hittites |
Academy 43 32 |