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Accent Matters. Papers on Balto-Slavic Accentology |
Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 37 ?Rezension? |
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A little-known law on the root and syllable structures of Proto-Indo-European |
Malzahn M. – Fellner H.A. – Illés T.S. 2022a 1-14 |
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Estudios sobre las laringales indoeuropeas |
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Evolución y estructura dei verbo indoeuropeo |
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Adrados F.R. 1965a: |
Historische und Strukturelle Methode in der indogermanischen Sprachwissenschaft |
Kratylos 10 131-154 |
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Perfect, Middle Voice and Indo-european Verbal Endings |
Emerita 49 27-58 |
Adrados F.R. 1981b: |
Further Considerations on the Phonetics and Morphologizations of Hi and Hṷ in Indoeuropean |
Emerita 49 231-272 |
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Indo-European s-stems and the origins of polythematic verbal inflection |
IF 86 96-122 |
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On the Origins of the Indo-European Dative-Locative Singular Endings |
Fs Polomé 29-41 |
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More on Etruscan as an IE-Anatolian Language |
ZVS 107 54ff. |
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A Panorama of Indo-European Linguistics since the Middle of the Twentieth Century: Advances and Immobilism
JIES 35 129-153 |
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Radici Indoeuropee inizianti in *#V-, l’esistenza di *a- primaria e l’esito di *#h3e- in Anatolico |
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Comparative Slavic Syntax and Semantics |
Oslo Studies in Language 9/1 ?Rezension? |
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Proto-lndo-European Schwebeablaut |
UCA Publications in Linguistics 58 ?Rezension? |
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Afrasian/Indo-Hittite ‘Reciprocal Relations' |
Gs Petráček 15ff. |
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The Prothetic Vowel in Greek |
Language 17 83-92 |
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Sumérien et Indo-Européen: l'aspect morphologique de la question |
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Les présent à nasale indoeuropeens: La classe en *-nu- |
BSLP 74 191-235 |
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Etudes sur les pronoms indo-europeens, Il. Predications pronominales |
Verbum 1-10 |
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Déterminations nominales |
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Prépositions dans les langues indo-européennes anciennes |
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Typology and the Indo-European prepositions |
IF 84 49-61 |
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Contribuţioni noi cu privire la problema nei limbi proto-indice în Asia anterioarä |
Studi şi cercetări lingvistice 14 219-231 |
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Neues zu den "vorindischen" Sprachresten Vorderasiens |
Sprache 10 198-201 |
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Indoeuropäisches r und I |
Lingua Posnaniensis 12-13 55-61 |
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The Development of the Proto-lndo-European Laryngeals in Greek |
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The Origins of the Indo-European Nominal Inflection |
IBS 46 ?Rezension? |
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Comparative Indo-European linguistics. An Introduction |
?Rezension? |
Belardi W. 1950a: |
La formazione del perfetto nell'indoeuropeo |
Ricerche linguistiche 1 93-131 |
Benveniste E. 1932b: |
Une racine indo-europeenne |
BSLP 33 133-135 |
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Origines de la formation des noms en Indo-Européen |
?Rezension? |
Benveniste E. 1937a: |
Le probleme du P indo-européen |
BSLP 38 139-147 |
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Noms d'agent et noms d'action en indoeuropéen |
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From August Schleicher to Sergei Starostin. On the development of the tree-diagram models of the Indo-European languages
JIES 35 82-109 |
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Indo-European nominal o-stems and question of their origin |
Lingua Posnaniensis 57-2 7-16 |
Blažek V. 2016a : |
On Indo-European ‘barley’ |
Etymology and the European Lexicon 53-67 |
Blažek V. 2022a: |
Indo-European ‘stones’ |
JIES 50/1-2 243-265 |
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Kollokationen mit ‘geben’ in altindigermanischen Sprachen und im Urindogermanischen
Indogermanistik und Linguistik 90-99 |
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Some Questions raised by Early Proto-Indo-European
7 HitCongr 121-130 |
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The Indo-European phonological system: new thoughts about its reconstruction and development |
Orbis 28 66-110 |
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Etymological Notes I: Indo-European and Nostratic |
Mother Tongue 20 91-100 |
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Laryngaltheorie und innere Rekonstruktion |
IF 80 47-61 |
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Großindogermania o Grande Indoeuropa pluricontinentale e multimillenaria come modello per la preistoria linguistica dello spazio indomediterraneo
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The Thematic Genitive Singular in Indo-European |
NTS 7 121-128 |
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Die Sprachschichten im Bereich der Ägäis |
Fs Hirt 29-44 |
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The Origin of the PIE Ā-Stems |
JIES 9 255-273 |
Brosman P.W. 1982b: |
The Development of the PIE Feminine |
JIES 10 253-272 |
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PIE uw>um: A Reaffirmation
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Grammatical Change in Indo-European Languages |
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The language situation in and about Greece in the second millennium B.C. |
ClPhil 21 1-26 |
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The Rules of Reconstruction. Making our Etymologies More Grounded |
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Cambridge Encyclopedia of Ancient Languages: |
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World’s Ancient Languages |
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Die Verwandtschaftsnamen auf -ter des Indogermanischen |
Gs Kuryłowicz 1 143ff. |
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Betrachtungen zu den anatolischen und indogermanischen Zahlwörtern |
Sprache und Kultur der Indogermanen 505ff. |
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Die indogermanische Zahlwörter: Neue Ergebnisse und Perspektiven |
Fs Lehmann 145-171 |
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Indo-European *sem/sm- in the Pronouns: 'singulative' Plurals |
JIES 28 341-357 |
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Plurali 'singolativi' nei pronomi personali indoeuropei |
Atti Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese 39-40 195-206 |
Carruba O. 2005c: |
Die Pluralformen der indogermanischen und anatolischen Personalpronomina |
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The Indo-European Middle Ending -r |
Language 14 1-9 |
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The nature of the Latin passive in the light of recent discoveries |
AJPh 48 157-175 |
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The Hypothesis of the Italo-Celtic Impersonal Passive in-r |
Language 5 232-250 |
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On the origin of *-sm- in Indo-European pronouns |
IF 81 18-24 |
Cohen G.L. 1979a: |
Origin of -n in Greek I. pi. act. omen |
IF 84 107-112 |
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A New Etymology for PIE *mēms- ‘meat, flesh’ |
Linguistica Brunensia 63 57-70 |
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A new sound law of PIE: Initial **h3u̯ > *h2u̯ |
Sound of Indo-European 53-72 |
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Hat das Uralische Verwandte? Eine sprachvergleichende Untersuchung |
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"In participle we predicate" - Contributions of the comparative and historical linguistics to grammar and semantics of participle |
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Remarks on the Indo-European Laryngeals |
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Contribution à la phonétique comparée de l’indo-européen et du chamito-sémitique |
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From inflexion to derivation: The PIE word for ‘salt’ |
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Diachronic and Typological Perspectives on Verbs |
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Diachronija i tipologijajazykov |
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Consecutives and Serials in Indo-European |
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Eine textsyntaktische Regel der idg. Wortstellung (Zur Anfangsstellung des Prädikatverbums) |
ZVS 83 1-25 |
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πρόσσω καí ὀπίσσω |
ZVS 96 66-87 |
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J. Wackernagel und die idg. Partikeln *só, *ke, *kem und *an |
Sprachwissenschaft und Philologie 100-130 |
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The IE Directive |
Früh-, Mittel-, Spätindogermanisch 17ff. |
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B. Delbrück and the Instrumental-Ablative in *-m |
Actas Madrid 63ff. |
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On the "Thematisation" of Latin sum, volo, eo, and edo and the System of Endings in the IE Subjunctive Active |
Fs Watkins 83ff. |
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The Common Origin of Conjunctive *-kue and of adverbial *-s |
Fs Narten 9-29 |
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PIE *ko(m) "with" and *nu(m) "now": Did IE Have a Facultative Final Nasal? |
Gs Forrer 285-295 |
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Das Problem des Ansatzes eines urindogermanischen Numerus "Kollektiv" ('Komprehensiv') |
Grammatische Kategorien 134-169 |
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Eski Anadolu'da Hint-Avrupa Dillerinin Ikinci Binyıldan Birinci Binyıla Devamlılığı |
5HitCongr 287-292 |
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Sprachmagier und idg. Dichter – Sprachmagie und idg. Dichtersprache |
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I participi in -nt- nello svolgimento dell' "Indoeuropa" linguistica |
Supplemento agli Atti Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese 12 |
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Formal methods in the study of languages 1 |
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Neue Probleme zum Ursprung der indogermanischen Sprachen |
Mannus 26 115-127 |
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Fortführung von Relativsätzen im Avestischen |
MSS 45 55-67 |
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Indo-European Language and Culture |
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Indo-European Language and Culture - An Introduction. Second Edition |
Blackwell textbooks in linguistics 19 ?Rezension? |
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Adjective valence in Hittite in comparison with other ancient Indo-European
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Indogermanica. Kleine Schriften zur Indogermanistik und griechischen Wortkunde |
Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia 21 35-62 |
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A Relative Chronology of the Shifts of the Three Stop Series in Indo-European |
Fs Hamp 67ff. |
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PIE 'horse' and 'cart' in the light of the hypothesis of Asiatic homeland of the Indo-Europeans: Indo-European-Caucasian aspects |
Indogermanen und das Pferd 37-42 |
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Zum Akkusativ der Richtung im Vedischen und im Indogermanischen |
Fs Strunk 33-51 |
García Ramón J.L. 1997a: |
Adverbios de dirección e instrumental indoeuropoeo |
Actas Madrid 113ff. |
García Ramón J.L. 1998a: |
Indogermanisch *guhen- '(wiederholt) schlagen', 'töten' |
Fs Watkins 139ff. |
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Zu Verbalcharakter, morphologischer Aktionsart und Aspekt in der Indogermanischen Rekonstruktion |
Indogermanische Syntax 105-136 |
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Reconstructing IE lexicon and phraseology: inherited patterns and lexical renewal
21 UCLA IEConf 69-106 |
García Ramón J.L. 2012a: |
From run to desire: Lat. auere ‘desire, be eager, long (for)’ and *h2eu h1- ‘run (to/for)’, Lat. accersere ‘go forth’, ‘fetch’ and Toch. B ñäsk ‘desire’, Ved. avix-yú ‘greedy’
Gs Gusmani2 (1) 151-166 |
García Ramón J.L. 2012b: |
Aspect and Mood in Indo-European Reconstruction
IE Verb 73-85 |
García Ramón J.L. 2012c: |
Eredità, prestiti, mutamenti comuni nel lessico e nella morfosintassi delle lingue indoeuropee: il caso di anatolico e greco |
Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata a. 41 n. 3 425-439 |
García Ramón J.L. 2013a: |
Lat. Opiter, OHG aftero ‘later’, PIE *h1op(i)-tero- ‘the one after’ and Related Forms |
Fs Nussbaum 61-75 |
García Ramón J.L. 2014b: |
The Place-Name Τέμπη, τέμπεα … τὰ στενὰ τῶν ὀρῶν (Hsch.), IE *temp- ‘stretch’ |
Fs Oettinger 19-31 |
García Ramón J.L. 2015a: |
Licio, Griego, Indoeuropeo: I. Lic. epñne͂ne/i- “hermano menor”, lat. opiter, aaa. aftero, IE *h1op(i)- “después, detrás”. II. Lic. tuu̯e-“poner (en pie)”, IE *(s)teh2u-. III. Lic. Malija hrixu ama- “Malia supervisora” (: Atena ἐπίσκοπος, ἐπιήρανος, ἐπίκουρος), hit. šēr ḫuu̯ai-, hom. ἐρι-ούνιος |
Dupraz E. − Sowa W. 2015a 117-138 |
García Ramón J.L. 2016a: |
Vedic indrotá- in the Ancient Near East and the Shift of PIE *h2euh1- ‘run’ → Core IE ‘help, favor’ |
Fs Jamison 64-81 |
García Ramón J.L. 2020c: |
Vedisch havanasyádaṃ rátham und homerisch βοηθόον ἅρμα ,der zum Ruf eilende Wagen‘: ‚zum Ruf (um Hilfe) laufen‘, ‚um Hilfe rufen‘ und die indogermanische Phraseologie |
Gs K. Hoffmann 41-73 |
García Ramón J.L. 2020d: |
Anatolian and Greek infinitives: Continuity of Indo-European morphosyntax vs. areal development |
Repanšek L. − Bichlmeier H. − Sadovski V. 2020a 163-188 |
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Zum indogermanischen und anatolischen Wortschatz der »materiellen Kultur« und seine Relevanz zur Chronologie der »nach-anatolischen« dialektalen Spaltungen |
Etymology and the European Lexicon 161-168 |
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A Contribution to the Proto-lndo-European Question |
JKlF 2 23-36 |
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The Meaning of Ancient Words for ‘Earth’: An Exercise in Visualizing Colexification on a Semantic Map |
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Vorgriechische Sprachwissenschaft 1 |
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Zwei neugefundene altetruskische Inschriften und ihre Bedeutung rur die Herkunft der etruskischen Sprache |
Glotta 42 219-229 |
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Introduzione alla storia delle lingue indoeuropee |
Incunabula graeca 9 ?Rezension? |
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Etruskologie und Neotrombettianismus |
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Etruskische Sprachwissenschaft, I. Altetruskische Inschriften |
LingBalk 14 01.01.57 |
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Die Herkunft der indoeuropäischen Endungen für Nominativ -Akkusativ-Vokativ Plural Neutrum und Dual |
IF 78 43-50 |
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Die Entstehung der indoeuropäischen Verbal kategorien |
LingBalk 13 01.05.56 |
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Morphologische Untersuchungen II: Die Entstehung der ältesten indoeuropäischen Verbalsuffixe |
LingBalk 22 5-22 |
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Introduction to the History of the Indo-European Languages |
?Rezension? |
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Die Entstehung der indoeuropäischen Verbalsuffixe -nā/na und -ew/u- |
LingBalk 25 5-12 |
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Homerisch βἀσκιϑι nicht βἀσκ´´ί̓ϑι! |
ZVS 97 233-235 |
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Die Entwicklung der indogermanischen Verbindungen von dentalen Okklusiven mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Germanischen |
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The Personal Endings of the Present and Imperfect Active and Middle |
Language 6 229-252 |
Gray L.H. 1931b: |
The Personal Endings of the Present and Imperfect Active and Middle |
Language 7 201-203 |
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Zur Funktion des Nominalsuffixes *-i- im Vedischen und Urindogermanischen |
Das Nomen im Indogermanischen 88-102 |
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Indoeuropeo *wēr- |
Incontri linguistici 6 108-109 |
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When Words Coalesce: Chunking And Morphophonemic Extension |
IE Verb 87-104 |
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Fs Oettinger 32-45 |
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Rhetorical Questions and Negation in Ancient Indo-European Languages |
Fs Jamison 96-102 |
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Indo-European Linguistics 4 150-189 |
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Naming Constructions in Some Indo-European Languages |
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Laryngeal before Sonant |
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Indo-European Bases of the Form *gwel- in Greek |
Glotta 72 16f. |
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LingBalk 9 41-47 |
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AnTan 12 77-81 |
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IJDL 9 51–85 |
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Fs Nowicki 95-106 |
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MSS 48 115-137 |
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Das andere Wort für 'Frau' im Urindogermanischen |
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The Influence of Caucasian Idioms on Indo-European Languages |
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Randbemerkungen zum Infinitiv |
Fs Oettinger 64-69 |
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Praegraeca. Sprachliche Untersuchungen zum vorgriechisch-indogermanischen Substrat |
?Rezension? |
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Tense and Aspect in Indo-European Languages. Theory, Typology, Diachrony |
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 145 ?Rezension? |
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Proto-Indo-European verb-finality: reconstruction, typology, validation |
Journal of Historical Linguistics 3/1 49-76 |
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Some notes on Indo-European double direct-object constructions |
HS 125 151-164 |
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Come and get it: the Indo-European background of the Vedic éta ... stávāma construction |
24 UCLA IEConf 47–66 |
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Laryngeals and s movable |
Language 28 182-185 |
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Dark Matter. The Root *√k̑u̯el ‘Dark, Black’ |
Indo-European Linguistics 3 24-41 |
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Substantivization of adjectives |
Indo-European Linguistics 8 181-204 |
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Problems of Word Order Change in Selected Indo-European Languages Dissertation, University of California |
?Rezension? |
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Nominal sentences and the origin of absolute constructions in Indo-European |
ZvS 99 163-191 |
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Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics, Vol. 1 |
Klein J. et al. 2017a ?Rezension? |
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Indo-European ‘hawthorns’ |
17 UCLA IEConf 165-177 |
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Indo-European Accent and Ablaut |
Copenhagen Studies in Indo-European 5 ?Rezension? |
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The Indo-European Languages |
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PIE *u̯ei̯d- ‘notice’ and the origin of the thematic aorist |
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Coding Motion Events in Indo-European |
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Gray's Interpretation of the IE Personal Endings |
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Structural Types of the IE Medio-Passive Endings r and t Stemes |
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Initial Laryngeal in Tocharian? |
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Leiden Studies in Indo-European 21 ?Rezension? |
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Funktionsverbgefüge und Sekundärwurzeln |
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Indo-European o-grade Presents and the Anatolian ḫi-conjugation |
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Indo-European Conjugation: History and Pre-History (Morphology and Morphonology) |
IE Verb 180-189 |
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Die protoindogermanische Schicht |
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Las lenguas y los pueblos indoeuropeos |
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Eine ältere Lehnwörterschicht im Griechischen |
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Zur o-Stufe im idg. Verbalsystem |
I-E Word Formation 139-158 |
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The distribution of roots ending in IE *ND |
The Sound of Indo-European 2 159-176 |
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Zum „proterokinetischen“ Ablaut |
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Das dünkt mich dunkel. Germanische etymologische Probleme |
Etymology and the European Lexicon 219-233 |
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Thoughts about Pre-Indo-European Stop Systems |
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Études indoeuropéennes |
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L'apophonie en indo-europeen |
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The Inflectional Categories of Indo-European |
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Indogermanische Grammatik: Akzent und Ablaut |
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On the formation of the Indo-European demonstrative |
Language 37 469-475 |
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Die Laryngaltheorie und die Rekonstruktion des indogermanischen Laut- und Formensystems |
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Su alcune isoglosse indoeuropee "centrali" |
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Su alcuni aspetti della lingua di Omero |
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La palabra “mujer” en indoeuropeo
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Der indogermanische *kwi-/kwo- Relativsatz im typologischen Vergleich |
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Proto-Indo-European Phonology |
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On earlier stages of the Indo-European nominal inflection |
Language 34 179-202 |
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PIE key -a problem in etymological research |
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Instituttet for sammenlignende Kulturforskning Oslo, B: Skrifter 65 ?Rezension? |
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Indogermanische Nomina agentis |
Linguistische ArbeitsBerichte 83 ?Rezension? |
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Etymology and the European Lexicon 251-266 |
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Zum informationsstrukturellen Beitrag von Partizipialkonstruktionen in altindogermanischen Sprachen |
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Subjects, Topics and the Notion of Salience in Indo-European |
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External Possessor Constructions in Indo-European |
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Caractère secondaire du type thématique indo-européen |
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Indogermanistik und Linguistik 395-400 |
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The Source(s) of Indo-European Participles in *-e/ont- |
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Selected Studies in Indo-European Phonology |
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Die Differenzierung der indoeuropäischen Sprachen |
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Studies on the Collective and Feminine in Indo-European from a Diachronic and Typological Perspective |
BSIELL 11 ?Rezension? |
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Grammatische Kategorien 275-296 |
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Betrachtungen zum indogermanischen Imperativ |
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Phrygisch und Griechisch |
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MSS 74/1 109-132 |
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Greek μαπ- and its congeners |
Acta Linguistica Petropolitana 18/1 267–281 |
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Indogermanische Deiḱtēr-Sprache:”Showing Songs” in Greek and Indo-European |
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Nuovi materiali per la ricerca indoeuropeistica |
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The PIE Proprietor and His Goods
Fs Oettinger 228-254 |
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Phrygian linguistics and epigraphy: new insights |
Barcino Monographica Orientalia 20 ?Rezension? |
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Der indogermanische Stativ |
MSS 34 109-149 |
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Die Dentalerweiterung von n-Stämmen und Heteroklitika im Griechischen, Anatolischen und Altindischen |
Fs Neumann 233-245 |
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Altavestisch yas ...cišcā jeder, der |
MSS 42 177-183 |
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Avestisch hāirišī -"Frau" syn- und diachron |
IF 91 116-128 |
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Zur Funktion des indogermanischen Stativs |
Fs Rix 347ff. |
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ZVS 107 77ff. |
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Altindisch mahánt- 'groß' und indogermanisch -nt- |
Fs Beekes |
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Neue Gedanken über das nt- Suffix |
Anatolisch und Indogermanisch 301ff. |
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Indogermanische Dichtersprache und nicht-indogermanische (hattische) Tradition |
Sprachkontakt 461-471 |
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Methodisches zur indogermanischen Dichtersprache: Formale versus inhaltliche Rekonstruktion |
Langue poétique 331-341 |
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Fs Gusmani 1327-1335 |
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Fälle von o‑Stufe der Wurzel hysterokinetischer Nomina im Indogermanischen |
Protolanguage and Prehistory 340-347 |
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Die indogermanischen Wörter für ‚Schlange’
Fs Melchert 278-284 |
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Das Verhältnis von nominaler und verbaler Reduplikation im Indogermanischen und Anatolischen |
IE Verb 241-246 |
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Zur Frage der Rekonstruktion des Urgriechischen und anderere Protosprachen |
The Sound of Indo-European 2 222-225 |
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Der Flexionsyp idg. *sḗh2-ṛ ‚saure Flüssigkeit‘, *nḗbʰ-s n. ‚Gewölk‘ |
IF 120 255-267 |
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Die Wechsel -Ø/n- und -i/n im Rahmen der indogermanischen Heteroklisie |
Etymology and the European Lexicon 319-326 |
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Die Entstehung von idg. *-u̯én-, illustriert an gr. ὀπάων, ved. an-arváṇ- und heth. -ūmen-/-ūmn- |
MSS 71/1 161-174 |
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Das Suffix *-u̯ó- im Indogermanischen und
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IF 122 253-263 |
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Lateinisch lūcēscit aus * lūcēs-cit oder * lūcē-scit? Überlegungen zur indogermanischen Wortbildung |
Fs García Ramón 594-601 |
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Auswirkungen des Caland-Systems auf das Verhältnis von Verbum und Adjektiv in indogermanischen Sprachen |
Rieken E. − Geupel U. − Roth Th.M. 2018a 295-302 |
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Mond und Monat im Indogermanischen |
MSS 75/2 75-84 |
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Étude comparative sur le sens et la forme de véd. āpi |
BSL 80 91-101 |
Olander Th. 2019a: |
Indo-European cladistic nomenclature |
IF 124 231-244 |
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Über die Vervollkommnung der Forschungsmethoden in der indoeuropäischen Sprachwissenschaft |
Lingua Posnaniensis 9 7-28 |
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IF 112 26-38 |
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Le groupement des dialectes indo-européens |
KDVS-HFM 11/3 ?Rezension? |
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Venet. ekupefuris |
Fs Hirt 579-583 |
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Translatøren 4 1-7 |
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Die gemeinindoeuropäischen und die vorindoeuropäischen Verschlusslaute |
KDVS-HFM 32/5 ?Rezension? |
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Nuove lingue indoeuropee |
Le lingue estere 10 44-45 |
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The Inflection of Indo-European Personal Pronouns |
Language 6 164-193 |
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Indo-Uralic, Indo-Anatolian, Indo-Tocharian |
Kloekhorst A. – Pronk T. 2019a 186-202 |
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Tracing the expression of mastery and power in IE languages |
Etymology and the European Lexicon 337-351 |
Pisani V. 1964a: |
Le lingue indeuropee |
Studi grammaticali e linguistici 5 ?Rezension? |
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Relitti "indomediterranei" e rapporti greco-anatolici |
AION 7 41-52 |
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Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch |
?Rezension? |
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Zum heutigen Stand der Laryngaltheorie |
RBPH 30 444-471 |
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Zur Aktionsart indogermanischer Präsensbildungen |
IF 45 152-167 |
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Die Gliederung des indogermanischen Sprachgebiets |
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Členenie indoevropejskoj jazykovoj oblasti |
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On the semantics of the Proto-Indo-European roots *mel-, *men-, and *steh2: from the external-positional to the internal-cognitive perspective |
CFCEGI 30 11-22 |
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Problemy indoevropejskogo jazykoznanija |
?Rezension? |
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Proto-Indo-European *a |
Indo-European Linguistics 7 122-163 |
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État absolu et thèmes nus en Indo-Européen |
RHA 4/28 125-130 |
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Laryngeals and the Indo-European Verb |
?Rezension? |
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Meadow of the Underworld" in Indo-European Tradition |
ZVS 83 64-69 |
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Baltic-Anatolian Lexicallsoglosses |
Gs Kronasser 179-185 |
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Sober thoughts on Latin ēbrius |
Fs Winter 1 693-696 |
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Remarks on Indo-European wedding terminology |
Orpheus 8 97f. |
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Killing by chilling: Warrior lingo in Indo-European |
ZVS 117 189-193 |
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Sui termini per "magia" nelle lingue indoeuropee |
IL 43 28-53 |
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Le formazioni nominali greche in -nth- |
Incunabula Graeca 83 ?Rezension? |
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I problemi dalla radice indoeuropea *bhag- |
AION 5 33-57 |
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Acta Linguistica Petropolitana 18/1 321–343 |
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RIGI 18 61-101 |
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Zu den Reflexen von uridg. *(s)k'el- "springen, eilen" |
ZVS 110 167ff. |
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Избрани Статии по Индоевропейско Езикознание и Етимология / Selected Papers on Indo-European Linguistics and Etymology |
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Fs Poetto 536-551 |
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ZVS 92 143-178 |
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Zu vedisch uvé |
IF 64 68 |
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Zur indo-uralischen Frage |
AION 7 155-179 |
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Der idg. Wechsel von Tenuis und Media |
?Rezension? |
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Problemi di etimologia areale nel Mediterraneo orientale: gr. κύμβαχος nel suo retroterra asiatico |
Linguarum Varietas 5 211-227 |
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Contribution à l'historie de l'hypotaxe en indo-européen: faits et hypotheses |
BSLP 79 |
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La fluidité de theories gratuites et le problème du verbe indo-européen |
Lingua 25 200-204 |
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Über einige Lehnwörter aus dem Nahen Osten im Griechischen und Lateinischen |
Arctos 8 139-144 |
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The Compound Noun in Indo-European. A survey. Dissertation. New York University |
?Rezension? |
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The Types of Nominal Compound of lndo-European |
Orbis 14 38-62 |
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Ist ein Raum/Zeitmodell für eine rekonstruierte Sprache möglich? |
ZVS 95 175-202 |
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Some Morphological Implications of the Indo-European Passage of *-oN to *- ō |
ZVS 88 187-198 |
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Indo-European Linguistics. A New Synthesis |
?Rezension? |
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Fs Košak 607-612 |
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Zum Kollektivum im Indogermanischen und Georgischen |
Fs Schmitt-Brandt 173-182 |
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Autour de l's mobile |
BSLP 38 117-121 |
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?Rezension? |
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The Indo-European vocabulary of exchange, hospitality and intimacy. Contributions to etymological methodology. |
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Laryngaltheorie 527-546 |
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Jazyki mira - Relict Indo-European languages 154-165 |
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Word 45 307ff. |
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IF 100 101ff. |
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Folia Linguistica Historica 17 3ff. |
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Sanskrit Dative Singular -aya and Its Indo-European Connections |
ZVS 112 26ff. |
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Betrachtungen über die indogermanischen Komparationssuffixe |
Sprache 9 168-192 |
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Altindisch dhur- |
Sprache 1 150-163 |
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Tipologia linguistica e strategia di discorso: alcuni problemi di sintassi IE comparata |
Lingua e stile 20 3-38 |
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Grain, the staff of life: Indo-European *(h2)iéṷ-os |
MSS 62 173-215 |
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Sprachen des Alten Orients |
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Sravnitel'no-istoriceskoe izuceniejazykov raznych semej. Zadači i perspektivy |
?Rezension? |
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Perfektum und Medium |
NTS 6 29-39 |
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Genetic and Areal-Typological Relationships of Languages: A Surrejoinder to I. Diakonoff |
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Glotta 50 01.02.34 |
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The Indo-European Dative and Locative |
TAPA 62 18-25 |
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The Development of Prehistoric Latin Accented woi |
Language 10 1-16 |
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The Prehistory of Indo-European ā- stems |
Language 14 239-247 |
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An Indo-European Word for "Woman" |
Language 25 343-345 |
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The prehistory of Indo-European: A summary |
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BSLP 58 1-25 |
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Introduzione alla linguistica indoeuropea |
?Rezension? |
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IBS 63 ?Rezension? |
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Tense Systems in European Languages |
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LSIEL 41 ?Rezension? |
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Die Sprache 47 203–238 |
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Indogermanisch-Vorderasiatisch-Mediterranes |
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Indogermanische Grammatik: Formenlehre 1 Geschichte der Indogermanischen Verbalflexion |
?Rezension? |
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Puhvel J. 1970b 1-17 |
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A Celtic Miscellany |
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Einige Verba mit langvokalischer Wurzel im Indogermanischen |
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Language 93 799-826 |
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Handes Amsoreya 96 15-22 |
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?Rezension? |
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Nomina im indogermanischen Lexikon
?Rezension? |
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The Language of the Troyans |
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Indo-Europeanization in the Mediterranean: With Particular Attention to the Fragmentary Languages |
?Rezension? |
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East and West Papers 265-280 |
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On the Origin of the Indo-European Thematic Present |
Gengo Kenkyu 162 119-144 |
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Gibt es nullstellige Verben? |
Indogermanistik 645-655 |
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La théorie laryngale |
ArOr 19 428-472 |
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O východních indoevropských jazycích [Über die östlichen indoeuropäischen Sprachen] |
Novj Orient 12 77-78 |
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Die sidetische Namenliste (S I.2.5) |
Fs Tischler 359-374 |
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Sidetisch. Eine indogermanische Kleinkorpussprache in der Türkei |
Antike Welt 5/2020 6-7 |