Systematik zur Hethitischen Bibliographie

Jana Součková
und Gerfrid G.W. Müller

Citatio: J. Součková & G.G.W. Müller, Hethitische Bibliographie (2008-02-18)

Ergebnisse der Auswahl | Selection Results

Thema: 5.1. Erdkunde - Klimatologie - Umwelt
Zur Systematik
Aitken M.J. et al. 1984a: Geomagnetic Intensity in Egypt and Western Asia during the Second Millennium B.C. Nature 5975 305-306
Akurgal E. 1985a: Anadolu Tarihinin Oluşmasında Jeormorfolojik Özelliklerin Rolü [Die Rolle der geomorphologischen Besonderheiten Anatoliens in der Entwicklung ihrer Geschichte] AnAr 10 21-30
Akyol A.A. – Kadıoğlu Y.K. – Demirci Ş. – Özer A.M. 2010a: Ortaköy-Şapinuva Ağılönü Sediman Örnekleri Arkeometrik Çalışmaları 7 HitCongr 17-28
Arroyo A. 2021a: Fuentes hititas intramuros: los ejemplares de Ḫattuša y Nerik Domínguez Monedero A.J. et al. 2021a 653-668
Brandenstein C.-G. von 1939a: Zu den hethitischen Jahreszeiten Or NS 8 68-81
Brice W.C. 1978a: The Environmental History of the Near and Middle East since the Last Ice Age ?Rezension?
Chaput E. 1936a: Voyages d’étude géologiques et géomorphogéniques en Turquie ?Rezension?
Davis E.J. 1879a: Life in Asiatic Turkey ?Rezension?
Dörfler W. et al. 2011a: Environment and Economy in Hittite Anatolia ColAnt 2 99-124 (= Ch. 5)
Engels B. – Huy S. – Steitler Ch. 2019b: Einleitung: Natur und Kult in Anatolien: Tendenzen, Diskrepanzen und Perspektiven Byzas 24 XI-XXIII
Finkelstein I. et al. 2017a: Egyptian Imperial Economy in Canaan: Reaction to the Climate Crisis at the End of the Late Bronze Age Ägypten und Levante 26 249-260
Forlanini M. 2010f: Il mare, le montagne, i fiumi e le sorgenti nella storia, nel mito e nei culti dell'anatolia dell'età del bronzo Natura 77-95
Gorny R.L. 2016a: Çaltepe- Daha and the IŠTAR luliya Fs Ünal 245-266
Harmanşah Ö. 2018c: Geologies of Belonging. The Political Ecology of Water in Central Anatolia Holt E. 2018a 259-277
Harmanşah Ö. 2020a: Cities, the Underworld, and the infrastructure: The ecology of water in the Hittite world Alt S.M. − Pauketat T.R. 2020a 218-244
Herda A. et al. 2019a: From the Gulf of Latmos to Lake Bafa: On the History, Geoarchaeology, and Palynology of the Lower Maeander Valley at the Foot of the Latmos Mountains Hesperia 88 1–86
Klengel H. 2010a: “Das Jahr ist zu kurz geworden“: Die ‚Feldzugssaison’ bei den Hethitern Fs Archi 177-183
Kobayashi K. et al. 2003a: Classification of Obsidian Sources in Turkey (II): Classification of Obsidian Sources in Eastern Anatolia Kaman-Kalehöyük 12 109-112
Kosyan A. 2017a: Euphrates-Tigris contact zone AJNES 11 47-56
Kudlek M. – Mickler E.H. 1971a: Solar and Lunar Eclipses of the Ancient Near East from 3000 B.C. to 0 with Maps AOATS 1 ?Rezension?
Kuzucuoğlu C. 2015a: The Rise and Fall of the Hittite State in Central Anatolia: How, When, Where Did Climate Intervene? Beyer D. − Henry O. − Tibet A. 2015a 17-42
Lebrun R. 2006e: Campagne et nature chez les Hittites L’homme et la nature 237-242
Matessi A. et al. 2019a: East of Konya: Settlements, routes and environment in southern Cappadocia, and the political landscape of South Central Anatolia during the Second Millennium BCE Maner Ç. 2019a 117-146
Mazoyer M. 2006c: Connexions entre la nature sauvage et la nature domestiquée a l'époque hittite L’homme et la nature 261-267
Moody J. – Watrous L.V. 2016a: Climate Change and the Aegean Bronze Age. 2 ICAANE/1 81-94
Müller-Karpe A. 2009b: The Rise and Fall of the Hittite Empire in the Light of Dendroarchaeological Research Fs Kuniholm 253-262
Murat L. 2012a: Hitit Yaşamında Yağmur Ömer Çapar՚a Armağan 203-220
Murat L. 2012b: Hititlerde Kutsal Su 2. Çorum Semp. 1311-1342
Murat L. 2012c: Hititlerde Su Kültü Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi TAD 51 125-157
Partsch J. 1888a: Geologie und Mythologie in Kleinasien Fs Herz 105-122
Ramsay W.M. 1902b: The geographical conditions determining history and religion in Asia Minor GeogJourn 20 257-282
Riehl S. 2008a: Climate and agriculture in the ancient Near East: a synthesis of the archaeobotanical and stable carbon isotope evidence Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 17 Suppl. 1 43-51
Roberts N. 2017a: The Land of the Hittites: Airs, Waters and Places HdO 121 17-27
Ruge S. 1903a: Kleinasien als Wiege der wissenschaftlichen Erdkunde Globus 83 165-169, 186-191
Schachner A. 2022a: Geographical Prerequisites versus Human Behavior: Settlement Geography, Rural Economy, and Ideological Aspects of Anthropogenic Relations with the Natural Environment during the Second Millennium BC in Central Anatolia HHE 159-202
Schachner A. – Wittenberg H. 2012a: Zu den Wasserspeichern in Boğazköy/Hattuša und der Frage ihrer Befüllung Klimscha F. et al. 2012a 245-255
Schachner A. – Wittenberg H. 2013a: Hattusa´daki su havuzlarinin kullanimi ve toplumsal önemi 3. Corum Semp. 19-37
Schneider A.W. – Adalı S.F. 2016a: Further Evidence for a "Late Assyrian Dry Phase" in the Near East during the Mid-to-Late Seventh Century B.C.? Iraq 78 159-174
Sümer O. et al. 2019a: Geoarchaeological and Archaeoseismological Observations in Ḫattuša: First Evidence of Earthquake Traces from the Hittite Capital AA 1 90-96
Trémouille M.-C. 1998a: Le souverains de Hattuša, curatores aquarum Studi e testi 1 183-199
Wilhelm G. 1993c: Meer. B. Bei den Hethitiern RlA 8 3-5
Wilkinson T.J. 2003a: Archaeological Landscapes of the Near East ?Rezension?
Wiseman J. et al. 1983a: Deforestation, Erosion and Ecology in the Ancient Mediterranean and Middle East: Contributions 1-2 JFA 10 435-452
Wittenberg H. 2017a: Capture and Management of Ground and Stratum Water in the Hittite Empire – Technology and Cultural Significance Byzas 23 163-174
Wittenberg H. – Schachner A. 2012a: Grundwassernutzung in der Hauptstadt des Hethiter-Reichs 1600 v.Chr. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 2012 (5) 485-489
Wittenberg H. – Schachner A. 2012b: The Ponds of Hattusa. Early Groundwater Management in the Hittite Kingdom IWA-WWTAC 313-319
Yossef N.C. 2006a: Hittite Water Works ?Rezension?
Vgl. zum Thema ferner:
Alt S.M. – Pauketat T.R. 2020a: New Materialisms Ancient Urbanisms
Brentjes B. 2016a: Climate, Weather and History (Summary of a Workshop Held on May 23rd 2000) 2 ICAANE/1 137-138
CRRAI 44/2: Landscapes. Territories, Frontiers and Horizons in the Ancient Near East - Papers presented to the XLIV Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Venezia, 7-11 July 1997. Part II: Geography and Cultural Landscapes HANE/M 3/2
Della Casa R. 2020a: A Problem of Meaning: Variations in Hittite Landscape as Narrated in the Sun-God’s mugawar (CTH 323) Hrozný and Hittite 484-498
Della Casa R. 2023a: Scenes of a Disrupted Landscape in Hittite Historiolae: Ancient Notions of Smoke within Urban Environments of Anatolia Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 24 227-247
d’Alfonso L. 2010c: Geo-Archaeological Survey in Northern Tyanitis and the Ancient History of Southern Cappadocia StMed 22 27-52
Frey U. 1925a: Das Hochland von Anatolien m. bes. Berücks. des abflusslosen Gebietes MittGeoGesellMünch 18 203-279
Gadjimuradov I. 2004a: Die vulkanische Urheimat der altanatolischen Sukzessions- und Steingeburtsmythen AoF 31 340-357
Gates M.H. 2011a: Southern and Southeastern Anatolia in the late Bronze Age Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 393-412
Gerçek İ. 2020a: Rivers and River Cults in Hittite Anatolia StBoT 66 253-278
Glatz C. 2017a: The North: Archaeology HdO 121 75-88
Gorny R.L. 1989a: Environment, Archaeology and History in Hittite Anatolia BA 52 79-96
Gorny R.L. 2002b: Environment, Archaeology and History in Hittite Anatolia Hopkins D.C. 2002a 43-58
Harmanşah Ö. et al. 2017a: Lake-Places, Local Hydrology, and the Hittite Imperial Projects in the Ilgın Plain: Yalburt Yaylası Archaeological Landscape Research Project 2015-2016 Seasons Steadman S.R. − McMahon G. 2017a 302-320
Harmanşah Ö. – Johnson P. – Durusu-Tanrıöver M. 2014a: A Hittite King at the Spring of Yalburt: Bronze Age, Cold Waters and the Anatolian Landscape Actual Archaeology Magazine 10 10-16
Harmanşah Ö. – Johnson P. – Durusu-Tanrıöver M. 2014b: Yalburt Pınarı’nda bir Hitit Kralı Tunç Çağı, soğuk sular ve Anadolu peyzajı Aktüel Arkeoloji 37 10-15
Harmanşah Ö. – Johnson P. – Durusu-Tanrıöver M. – Marsh B. 2022a: The Archaeology of Hittite Landscape. A View from the Southwestern Borderlands JEMAHS 10/1 1-48
Klengel H. 2003a: Einige Bemerkungen zur Struktur des hethitischen Staates AoF 30 281-289
Klengel H. 2005a: Studien zur hethitischen Wirtschaft: Einleitende Bemerkungen AoF 32 3-22
Klinger J. 2022b: Hittite Economics HHE 605-647
Müller-Karpe A. 2015b: Planning a Sacred Landscape.Examples from Sarissa and Ḫattusa Studia Asiana 9 83-92
Müller-Karpe A. 2017a: The East: Archaeology. The Upper Land, Azzi-Hayaša, Išuwa HdO 121 58-74
Polvani A.M. 1980a: La pietra ZA.GÍN nei testi di Hattusa Mesopotamia (T) 15 73-92
Polvani A.M. 1981a: La "pietra di Babilonia" nella documentazione ittita SCO 31 245-256
Polvani A.M. 1981b: Proposte di interpretazione per i termini na4TI e na4lulluri nei testi ittiti Studi e ricerche 1 49-64
Polvani A.M. 1988d: La terminologia dei minerali nei testi ittiti 1 Eothen 3
Ramsay W.M. 1928a: Res Anatolicae Klio 22 369-383
Rossi Pisa P. − Speranza M. − Bittelli M. − Çakan H. 2013a: Tilmen Höyük: Climate, Soil, Hydrology, and Vegetation GRPOP 2013:3 1-12, Pl. I-II
Schachner A. 1998-2001a: Nevşehir RlA 9 300-303
Schachner A. 1998-2001b: Niğde RlA 9 307-310
Schachner A. 2012e: Orta Anadolu’da Coğrafya ve Ekonomi: Hititlerin Bıçak Sırtındaki İmparatorluğu CollAn 11 25-54
Schachner A. 2017d: Hattusa and its Environs: Archaeology HdO 121
Schachner A. 2020c: The Power of Geography. Criteria for Selecting the Location of Hattuša, the Capital City of the Hittite Empire Fs de Martino 399-420
Seeher J. 2010c: Zur Wasserversorgung und Wassernutzung in der Unterstadt von Hattuša IM 60 67-80
Ünal A. 1977a: M.Ö. II. Binyıl Anadolu'sunda Doğal Âfetler / Naturkatastrophen in Anatolien im 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. Belleten 41 423-446 / 447-472
Williams-Forte E. 1993a: Symbols of Rain, Lightning and Thunder in the Art of Anatolia and Syria Fs N. Özgüç 185-190

Zur Systematik
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Gerfrid G.W. Müller -- 2007- 2024