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Histoire d'un peuple tolérant. La plus ancienne civilisation indo-européenne |
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Hitit Tarih Sahnesi |
Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi 15 86-95 |
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Chettskoe carstvo [Hethitischer Staat] |
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Hittites |
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Das frühe Armenien. Grundlagen der Archäologie und Urgeschichte |
?Rezension? |
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Hittite Anatolia: A Political History |
Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 579-603 |
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Hittitene. En historisk og religionshistorisk oversikt |
NTT 42 97-113 |
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Geschichte der Hethiter |
Kunst und Kultur der Hethiter |
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The Hittites |
BOR 4 144 |
Bossert H.Th. 1954-1959a: |
Hethiter stellen sich vor |
WdO 2 71-75 |
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Die Hettiter |
Frankfurter Zeitung |
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The Hittites |
PresbRev 277-303 |
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Los Hetheus |
Rev. de la Asociacion artistico-arqueol. Barcelonesa 2 370-489 |
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The Kingdom of the Hittites |
?Rezension? |
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The Kingdom of the Hittites |
?Rezension? |
Cara C. de 1890b: |
Lettre (Sur les Hittites) |
PSBA 12 289-291 |
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Analisi delle liste reali etee
Eothen 16 63-85 |
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Les Hittites |
?Rezension? |
Chiera E. – Speiser E.A. 1925a: |
A new factor in the history of the ancient East |
AASOR 6 75-90 |
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Recent hittite discoveries |
ScottRev 36 62-80 |
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Les Hittites, l'Orient, la Grece |
RA 16 97-106 |
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Les Hittites |
MercFr 379-402 |
Contenau G. 1931a: |
Les Hittites |
Anthropologie 41 489-499 |
Contenau G. 1939a: |
Ce que nous savons des Hittites |
RH 186 1-16 |
Cornelius F. 1955a: |
Eine Episode der hethitischen Geschichte, geographisch beleuchtet |
MSS 6 30-34 |
Cornelius F. 1959b: |
Aus der Geschichte der Hethiter |
Altertum 5 3-16 |
Cornelius F. 1959c: |
Das Hethiterreich |
FF 33 111-113 |
Cornelius F. 1973a: |
Geschichte der Hethiter. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der geographischen Verhältnisse und der Rechtsgeschichte |
?Rezension? |
Cottrell L. 1957a: |
A Forgotten Empire |
Lost Cities |
Cowley A.E. 1920a: |
The Hittites. Schweich Lectures for 1918 |
?Rezension? |
Danmanville J. – Grelois J.-P. 1987a: |
Les Hittites jusqu'à la fin de l'Empire |
Les premieres civilisations 1 349-467 |
Das A.C. 1921a: |
Hittites |
Rig-Vedic lndia 298-293 |
Deimel A. 1928a: |
Hethaei |
VD 8 189-192, 218-222, 250-254, 281-285 |
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Les Hittites |
?Rezension? |
Delitzsch F. 1881a: |
Wo lag das Paradies? |
?Rezension? |
Devecchi E. 2012e: |
L'età dei rapporti internazionali |
Milano L. 2012a 192-235 |
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Les Hittites |
RB 33 152-158 |
Dickermann L. 1890a: |
The Hittites |
BAGS 21 325-358 |
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Les Hittites |
L'Antiquité: Le Proche Orient, La Grèce 163-173 |
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Anciennes civilisations, fouilles et découvertes: Boghaz-Keui, etc. |
Rev. de l' 17 |
Easton D.F. 1977a: |
The Sequence of Hittite Kings |
IAB 14 197-198 |
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Remarques sur la dynastie hittite: avant et après Boğazköy |
Hethitica 14 19-26 |
Forrer E. 1921a: |
Ausbeute aus den Boghazköi-Inschriften |
MDOG 61 20-38 |
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Forschungen 1. Band/1. Heft: Die Arzaova-Länder |
?Rezension? |
Forrer E. 1929a: |
Forschungen 1. Band/2. Heft. Die Nachbarländer des Hatti-Reiches von "Arzaova" bis Griechenland |
?Rezension? |
Forschungen 2/1: |
Forschungen 2. Band/1. Heft |
?Rezension? |
Frankh R. 1916a: |
Het |
ZATW 36 121 |
Freu J. 1994a: |
Histoire d'un peuple et d'un empire |
Les Hittites 26-29 |
Freu J. 1995a: |
De l'ancien royaume au nouvel empire. Les temps obscurs de la monarchie hittite |
2HitCongr 133-148 |
Furlani G. 1942a: |
L'Impero degli Hittiti |
Nuova Rivista Storica 26 379-403 |
Garstang J. 1923a: |
The Hittites: Vestiges of vanished Empire |
WondPast 3 971-985 |
Giorgadze G.G. 1982d: |
Chettskoe carstvo [Das hethitische Reich] |
Istorija Drevnego Mira 1 197-216 |
Glatz C. 2009a: |
Empire as network: Spheres of material interaction in Late Bronze Age Anatolia
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 28 127-141 |
Goetze A. 1924h: |
Wer sind die Hethiter? |
HeidTag |
Goetze A. 1928a: |
Das Hethiter-Reich. Seine Stellung zwischen Ost und West |
AltOr 27 ?Rezension? |
González Salazar J.M. 2003a: |
El Imperio Hitita. Características esenciales y cauces de desarrollo de una organización imperial hegemónica del Oriente Próximo (II milenio a.C.) |
Gerión 21 11-25 |
Gorny R.L. 1989a: |
Environment, Archaeology and History in Hittite Anatolia |
BA 52 79-96 |
Gorny R.L. 1995b: |
Hittite Imperialism and Anti-Imperial Resistance as Viewed from Alishar Höyük |
BASOR 299-300 65-89 |
Gorny R.L. 2002b: |
Environment, Archaeology and History in Hittite Anatolia |
Hopkins D.C. 2002a 43-58 |
Grant A. 1952a: |
Hattushash and the Hittites |
Geographical Magazine 25 346-358 |
Güterbock H.G. 1995c: |
Resurrecting the Hittites |
CANE 2765-2777 |
Hawkins J.D. 1995a: |
Les Hittites et leur empire |
Les cites royales des pays de la Bible 30-35 |
Hawkins J.D. 1996a: |
The Hittites and Their Empire |
Royal Cities of the Biblical World 69-79 |
Hawkins J.D. 1999b: |
Die Hethiter und ihr Reich |
Von Babylon bis Jerusalem 63ff. |
HdO 34: |
Geschichte des hethitischen Reiches |
Handbuch der Orientalistik ?Rezension? |
Hitti Ph.K. 1927-1928a: |
The rediscovery of an ancient empire, the Hittites |
The Syrian World 1 3-9 |
Hoffner H.A. 1973b: |
The Hittites and Hurrians |
POTT 197-228 |
Hoffner H.A. 1994c: |
The Hittites |
Hogarth D.G. 1911b: |
The Empire of the Hatti |
ILN 138 842-864 |
Hogarth D.G. 1926a: |
Kings of the Hittites. The Schweich Lectures, 1924 |
?Rezension? |
Holt J. 1951a: |
Kider til hittiternes historie |
?Rezension? |
Hout Th.P.J. van den 1991-1992b: |
Bellum iustum, jus divinum: some thoughts about war and peace in Hittite Anatolia |
Grotiana 12-13 13-35 |
Hrozný B. 1920d: |
Hethitische Könige |
BoStu 5/3 49-53 ?Rezension? |
Hrozný B. 1929k: |
Hethiter und Inder |
ZA 38 184-185 |
Imparati F. 1993a: |
La civiltà degli Ittiti: Caratteri e problemi |
Antichi popoli europei ; 367-456 |
Jensen P. 1894c: |
Hittiter, Kiliker, und Khatier |
AllZeit 291 294 |
Kavanagh J. 1932a: |
The Hittite Empire |
Month 160 121-129 |
Kellogg R.J. 1929b: |
Historical and cultural background of Hittite Indo-Europeanicity. The Indo-European name of the Hittites |
JAOS 49 360-361 |
Kellogg R.J. 1929d: |
Some historical suggestions and queries offered by Hittite research |
JAOS 49 367 |
Kennedy D.A. 1964b: |
Les Hittites, leurs dieux et leurs rois |
Bible et Terre Sainte 66 6-22 |
Klauber E. – Landsberger B. 1914a: |
Chetiter und χεταĩoi |
ZA 28 61-66 |
Klengel H. 1968a: |
Die Hethiter und Išuwa |
OA 7 63-76 |
Klengel H. 1976a: |
Nochmals zu Išuwa |
OA 15 85-89 |
Klengel H. 1999a: |
Geschichte des hethitischen Reiches |
HdO 34 ?Rezension? |
Klengel H. 2002b: |
Problem in Hittite History, Solved and Unsolved |
Gs Güterbock 101-109 |
Klengel H. 2002d: |
Die Geschichte des hethitischen Reiches |
Hethiter 62-73 |
Klengel H. 2011a: |
History of the Hittites
ColAnt 2 31-46 (Ch. 2) |
Klinger J. 2008a: |
Zalpa, Nerik und Ḫakmiš. Die Bedeutung der nördlichen Peripherie Zentralanatoliens in hethitscher Zeit |
CDOG 6 277-290 |
Kretschmer P. 1941b: |
Glotta 29 128 |
Kretschmer P. 1942b: |
Glotta 29 247 |
Kruzynski J. 1913a: |
Hittyci |
Bibliotheka warszawska 310-350 |
Kyle M.G. 1914a: |
Finding the great lost empire of the Hittites |
SST 56 485 |
Lantsheere L. de 1887a: |
Hittites et Amorites |
RQuestHist |
Lapouge G. de 1886a: |
Les Hittites |
REvAntr 318-323 |
Laroche E. 1956g: |
Le rôle des Hittites dans l'Orient ancien |
?Rezension? |
Laroche E. 1963d: |
Une civilisation surgit de I'inconnu/Lost Civilization Emerges from the past. The Enigma of the Hittites |
UNESCO Courier 16 14-20 |
Laroche E. 1965f: |
Une civilisation préclassique: Les Hittites [résumé de Hentz G.] |
Bulletin de l' 10-14 |
Laroche E. 1971d: |
A I'aube de I'histoire anatolienne; les Hittites |
Revue française 34-43 |
Lebrun R. 1983h: |
Les Hittites et le désert |
Akkadica 34 54 |
Lebrun R. 1989a: |
Les Hittites et le désert |
Le désert |
Lehmann J. 1975a: |
Die Hethiter. Volk der tausend Götter |
?Rezension? |
Lehmann J. 1977a: |
The Hittites. People of a Thousand Gods |
?Rezension? |
Lehmann J. 1977b: |
Gli Ittiti |
?Rezension? |
Lieblein J.C.D. 1879a: |
Etude sur les Xétas |
3CongrOr 343-364 |
Lost Cities: |
Lost Cities |
?Rezension? |
Lovett R. 1887a: |
Fresh light on the hittite problem |
CongRev 570 |
Luckenbill D.D. 1914a: |
The Hittites |
AJT 18 24-58 |
Luckenbill D.D. 1923a: |
Earliest Indo-Europeans |
AfK 1 94 |
Luckenbill D.D. 1924a: |
Our Earliest Historical Contacts with the Indo-Europeans |
JRAS CentSupp 49-60 |
Luschan F. von 1895a: |
Die sogenannten «Hethiter» |
FrankZtg 19 jan. 1895 |
Luschan F. von 1896a: |
Die Hethiter |
JFVGS 57-59 111 |
Maksimova M.I. 1948a: |
K voprosu o vychode Chettov na južnyj bereg Černogo Morja |
VDI 26 24-34 |
Maksimova M.I. 1951a: |
Hittites in the Black Sea Region |
JNES 10 74-81 |
Marrero L. 1939a: |
Perfil deI imperio Hitita |
?Rezension? |
Marrero L. 1940a: |
Perfil deI imperio hitita |
?Rezension? |
McMahon G. 1989a: |
The History of the Hittites |
BA 52 62-77 |
McMahon G. 2002a: |
The History of the Hittites |
Hopkins D.C. 2002a 59-75 |
Menabde E.A. 1962b: |
(Neskol'ko zamečanij otnositel'no osnovnych etapov razvitija Chettskogo (nesitskogo) gosudarstva) [Einige Bemerkungen zu den Hauptentwicklungsetappen des hethitischen (nesischen) Staates] |
Trudy Instituta istorii Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoj SSR 6 213-228 |
Menant J. 1887a: |
Les Hétéens. Un nouveau probleme del'histoire d'Orient |
RHR 88-93 |
Menghin O. 1928a: |
Die ethnische Stellung der ostbandkeramischen Kulturen. Tocharer und Hethiter |
Ukrains' 76 2-25 |
Messerschmidt L. 1902a: |
Die Hethiter |
?Rezension? |
Messerschmidt L. 1903a: |
The Hittites (The Ancient East) |
?Rezension? |
Messerschmidt L. 1904a: |
The ancient Hittites |
Annual report Smithsonian Instit. 681-703 |
Montenegro A. 1967a: |
El imperio hitita |
?Rezension? |
Müller W.M. 1896a: |
Ein neuer Hetiterkönig? |
Sammelheft 192 |
Nötscher F. 1925a: |
Die Hethiter |
DAR 6 4-8 |
Oettinger N. 2001-2002a: |
Von der Einwanderung der Hethiter im 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. bis zum Trojanischen Krieg |
NBA 18 61-78 |
Offord J. 1903a: |
The Hittites |
Biblia 16 131-139, 167-173, 199-205 |
Otten H. 1966a: |
Hethiter, Hurriter und Mitanni |
Fischer Weltgeschichte 3 102-176 |
Otto W. 1917a: |
Die Hethiler |
HZ 117 189 |
Pecorella P.E. 2002a: |
L'Anatolia del XIV e XIII secolo a.C. |
Battaglia di Qadesh 80ff. |
Peker H. 2010c: |
An Eastern Mediterranean Approach to Hatti-Ahhiyawa Relations |
7 HitCongr 613-622 |
Pelvanoğlu T. – Doğan Alparslan M. 2022a: |
Hitit İmparatorluğu'nun Propaganda Araçları |
Aktüel Arkeoloji 87 18-41 |
Perrot G. 1886a: |
Une civilisation retrouvée: les Hétéens, leur écriture et leur art |
RevDeuxMond 303-342 |
Peruzzi E. 1950a: |
Storia e civiltà degli Hittiti |
?Rezension? |
Pierson A. 1919a: |
Onuitgegeven Manuscripten |
?Rezension? |
Pizzagalli A.M. 1938a: |
L'Hetheo, la storia e la linguistica |
Scientia 62 22-26 |
Poetto M. 2010d: |
L’iscrizione luvio-geroglifica ANCOZ 5 (A) rivista e completata |
Hethitica 16 131-138 |
Polanyi K. 1955a: |
Hittite Policies in Regard to Coastal Areas |
Economic Aspects of lnstitutional Growth Memorandum 14 |
Porada E. 1959b: |
Ancient Hatti |
Natural History 68 308-318 |
Porter J.L. 1881a: |
The Hittites |
PEF 11 |
Prince J.D. 1915a: |
The Hittite material in the cuneiforrn inscriptions |
AJSL 32 38-63 |
Przeworski S. 1929b: |
Studja nad osadnictwem i rola Hetytów w środkowej Anatolji (Études sur l'habitation et le rôle des Hittites en Anatolie centrale) |
Wiadomości Archeologiczne 11 8-52 |
Pugliese Carratelli G. 1965a: |
Gli lttiti nella storia dei Vicino Oriente |
RSI 77 287-299 |
Ranke H. 1916a: |
Wer waren die Hethiter? |
Tag |
Roos J. de 1993a: |
De Hettieten, een Volk tussen Oosten West |
De Oude Culturen 33ff. |
Roos J. de 1994a: |
The Hittites and their History |
JAC 9 104-114 |
Roos J. de 1996a: |
Les Hittites, un peuple entre l´est et l´ouest |
Akkadica 98 1-10 |
Roos J. de 1997a: |
Anatolia and the Etruscans |
JAC 12 37-43 |
Safrastian A. 1932a: |
Hittites and Armenians |
Massis 4 14-17 |
Saphrasdian A. 1927a: |
Ḫatti petut'ian t'agawornerə [Die Könige des Landes Ḫatti] |
Gotchnag 232-233 |
Sayce A.H. 1879c: |
The Hittites in Asia Minor |
Academy |
Sayce A.H. 1880b: |
A forgotten empire in Asia Minor |
FraserMag 223-233 |
Sayce A.H. 1888a: |
The Hittites; or the story of a forgotten people |
?Rezension? |
Sayce A.H. 1890a: |
Les Hétéens. Histoire d'un empire oublié. Traduit de l'anglais avec préface et appendices par J. Menant |
?Rezension? |
Sayce A.H. 1892g: |
Who were the Hittites? |
NewbHouseMag |
Sayce A.H. 1901a: |
The Hittites, or the story of a forgotten empire |
Homiletic Review 41 387-391 |
Sayce A.H. 1912c: |
The solution of the hittite problem |
PSBA 34 217-226, 269-175 |
Sayce A.H. 1914a: |
(Sur I'histoire hittite) |
ET 26 25-26 |
Sayce A.H. 1925a: |
The Hittites. The Story of a Forgotten Empire Revised and enlarged edition |
?Rezension? |
Schachner A. 2017f: |
Die Hethiter und ihr Reich |
Petersen L. 2017a 338-342 |
Schweiger-Lerchenfeld A. von 1896a: |
Die Hethiter |
ÖMfO 22 136-144 |
Sczepańsi J.A. 1977a: |
Imperium tysiaca bogów [Das Imperium der tausend Götter] |
?Rezension? |
Sipahi İ.T. 2022a: |
Eski Hitit Devletinde İmparatorluğa Geçiş Sürecinde Eskiyapar |
18 TTK 235-252 |
Sommer F. 1947a: |
Hethiter und Hethitisch |
?Rezension? |
Stearns C.C. 1892a: |
The monuments and inscriptions called Hittit |
HartfSemRec 125-145, 165-186 |
Steiner G. 1981a: |
The Role of the Hittites in Ancient Anatolia |
JIES 9 150-173 |
Tseretheli M. 1924a: |
Ḥet'is k'veqana, misi ḥalḥebi, enebi, istoria da kulturi [Das Hethiterland, seine Völker, Sprachen, Geschichte und Kultur] |
?Rezension? |
Ünal A. 1977a: |
M.Ö. II. Binyıl Anadolu'sunda Doğal Âfetler / Naturkatastrophen in Anatolien im 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. |
Belleten 41 423-446 / 447-472 |
Weidner E.F. 1945-1951b: |
Bemerkungen zur Königsliste aus Chorsābād |
AfO 15 85-102 |
Werner R. 1954b: |
Ein frühgeschichtliches Reich "weit hinten in der Türkei" |
Volkshochschule 23 40-47 |
Wilhelm G. 1991c: |
Geschichte: Hethiter und Hurriter |
Hrouda B. 1991a 85-112 |
Wilhelm G. 1997c: |
Das anatolische Reich der Hethiter |
Damals 12ff. |
Winckler H. 1913a: |
Nach Boghaz-Köi! Ein nachlassenes Fragment |
AltOr 14 ?Rezension? |
Beckman G. 2007a: |
From Ḫattuša to Carchemish. The Latest on Hittite History |
Chavalas M.W. 2007a 97-112 |
Blanchard V. 2019f: |
Royaumes oubliés. De l'Empire hittite aux Araméens |
Dossiers d |
Cara C. de 1891a: |
Degli Hittim etc. |
CivCatt 9/974; 9/ 976; 10/980; 10/ 984; 10/ 986; 10/ 988; 10/ 990; 12/ 994; 15/ 997 159-171; 422-435; 156-181; 471-494; 157-173; 399-416; 672-688; 397-416; 21-35 |
Cara C. de 1892a: |
Degli Hittim, etc. |
CivCatt 1000; 1002; 1004; 1005; 1007 404-416; 658-674; 140-154; 295-309; 540-552 |
Cara C. de 1894a: |
Degli Hittim, etc. |
CivCatt 15/3; 15/4; 15/5; 15/6; 15/7; 15/8; 15/9; 15/10; 15/11; 15/12 667-680; 163-176, 287-299; 161-173, 417-432; 155-175, 417-432; 44-56, 285-297, 530-543; 144-162, 401-417; 16-30, 540-554; 137-152, 403-416, 655-669; 273-288, 555-568; 397-410 |
Cara C. de 1895a: |
Gli Hethei-Pelasgi, etc. |
CivCatt 16/1; 16/2; 16/3; 16/4 143-155, 427-440, 653-668; 286-297, 564-574; 19-35, 289-304, 525-549; 18-32, 412-431 |
Cara C. de 1896a: |
Gli Helhei-Pelasgi etc. |
CivCatt 16/5; 16/6; 16/7; 16/8 47-64, 280-300, 532-538; 36-50, 270-288; 146-161, 424-438, 686-701; 286-302, 650-666 |
Cara C. de 1897a: |
Gli Hethei-Pelasgi, etc. |
CivCatt 16/9; 16/10; 16/11; 16/ 12 145-160, 419-436, 656-674; 162-183, 398-413, 655-670; 277-291, 529-547; 42-55, 274-289, 526-540 |
Cara C. de 1898a: |
GIi Hethei-Pelasgi, etc. |
CivCatt 17/1; 17/2; 17/3; 17/4 152-164, 402-416, 655-668; 145-156, 414-428, 674-687; 160-171, 544-555; 159-171, 409-420, 690-701 |
Cara C. de 1899a: |
Gli Hethei-Pelasgi, etc. |
CivCatt 17/5; 17/6; 17/7, 17/8 270-281; 161-171,405-417, 656-667; 21-33, 280-291, 542-555; 181-194, 400-411 |
Forlanini M. 2022a: |
Türkmen Karahöyük, Tarḫundašša and Purušḫanda. A Suggestion Waiting for an Archaeological Confirmation |
SHHU 1 133-154 |
Gilan A. 2011b: |
Hittite Religious Rituals and the Ideology of Kingship
Religion Compass 5/7 276–285 |
Glatz C. 2020a: |
The Making of Empire in Bronze Age Anatolia. Hittite Sovereign Practice, Resistance, and Negotiation |
Hout Th.P.J. van den 2006a: |
Institutions, Vernaculars, Publics: The Case of Second-Millennium Anatolia |
Margins of Writing 217-256 |
Hout Th.P.J. van den 2020c: |
A History of Hittite Literacy. Writing and Reading in Late Bronze-Age Anatolia (1650-1200 BC) |
Kammenhuber A. 1988a: |
On Hittites, Mitanni-Hurrians, Indo-Aryans and Horse Tablets in the IInd Millennium B.C. |
Essays on Anatolian Studies 35-51 |
Martino S. de 2020b: |
La civiltà degli Ittiti. XVII-XII secolo a. C. |
Matessi A. 2023c: |
Identities in the Making. Cultural Frontiers in Central Anatolia in the 2nd Millennium BCE |
Ponchia S. – Prandi L. 2023a 33-46 |
Myres J.L. 1953a: |
Kleinasien |
Historia mundi 2 449-483 |
Sayce A.H. 1885b: |
The inscription of Tarkondêmos |
PSBA 7 143-147 |
Sayce A.H. 1903b: |
The Hittites: story of a forgotten empire |
Schachner A. 2017h: |
Einleitung - Innovation versus Beharrung |
Byzas 23 xiii-xix |
Schachner A. 2017i: |
Motor oder Bremse? Die Rolle der hethitischen Hauptstadt Hattuša für die Transformation des hethitischen Reichs |
Byzas 23 219-237 |
Vigouroux F. 1889a: |
Les Héthéens de la Bible, leur histoire et leurs monuments |
MélBib 329-431 |