Systematik zur Hethitischen Bibliographie

Jana Součková
und Gerfrid G.W. Müller

Citatio: J. Součková & G.G.W. Müller, Hethitische Bibliographie (2008-02-18)

Ergebnisse der Auswahl | Selection Results

Thema: 75.5. Hethiter und Alašija
Zur Systematik
Baurain C. 1980a: Kinyras. La fin de l'âge du bronze à Chypre et la tradition antique BCH 104 277-308
Baurain C. 1984a: Chypre et la Méditerranée orientale au Bronze récent. Synthèse historique avec une préface de Karageorghis V. Études Cypriotes 6 ?Rezension?
Bork F. 1930b: Die Sprache von Alasija MAOG 5 ?Rezension?
Carruba O. 1968b: Contributo alla storia di Cipro nel II millennio SCO 17 5-29
Casabonne O. – De Vos J. 2005a: Chypre, Rhodes et l'Anatolie méridionale: la question ionienne RANT 2 83-102
Cavaignac E. 1959a: Alashia-Élise JA 247 297-301
Dietrich M. – Loretz O. 1985a: Briefe aus Ugarit, 5. Die Alaschiya-Briefe (Ug. V, Nr. 22-24) TUAT 1/5 508-512
Erzen A. 1976a: İlkçağ Tarihinde Kıbrıs [Chypre dans l'histoire de I'antiquite] Belleten 40 93-115
Georgiou H. 1979a: Relations between Cyprus and the Near East in the Middle and Late Bronze Age Levant 11 84-100
Gilbert A.S. 2017a: Why Alashiya is Still a Problem Fs Yener 211-221
Güterbock H.G. 1967c: The Hittite Conquest of Cyprus Reconsidered JNES 26 73-81
Hellbing L. 1979a: Alasia Problems SIMA 57 ?Rezension?
Heltzer M. 2001a: Asylum on Alashia (Cyprus) ZABR 7 368-373
Jasink A.M. 2010a: The role of Cyprus and the Mycenaean / Greek presence in the island from the End of Bronze Age to the first Phases of Iron Age SMEA 52 149-167
Jasink A.M. – Marino M.G. 2010a: The Kingdom of Alašya and the Kouris River Valley: A Project on an Unsolved Historical-Archaeological Question 7 HitCongr 417-430
Jirku A. 1950a: The Problem of Alashiya PEQ 82 40-42
Karageorghis V. – Muhly J.D. 1984a: Cyprus at the Close of the Late Bronze Age ?Rezension?
Knapp A.B. 1980a: KBo I 26: Alašiya and Ḫatti JCS 32 43-47
Kozal E. 2002a: Hethitische und hethitisch beeinflußte Objekte aus Zypern Fs Korfmann 651-661 (Vol. 2)
Kozal E. et al. 2020a: A General Outlook on the Connections between Alalakh and Cyprus in the Middle and Late Bronze Ages: Textual, Archaeological and Archaeometric Studies ANES-S 55 419-432
Lebrun R. 2004c: Le monde hittite et les îles de la Méditerranée orientale: le cas chypriote RANT 1 359-364
Lodeiro Pichel N. 2019a: La conquista hitita de Alašiya Isimu 22 201-212
Malbran-Labat F. 2004b: Alašiya et Ougarit RANT 1 365-377
Mantzourani E. – Kopanias K. – Voskos J. 2019a: A Great King of Alašiya? The archaeological and textual evidence Kelder J. − Waal W. 2019a 95-148
Martino S. de 2008a: Relations Between Ḫatti and Alašiya According to Textual and Archaeological Evidence CDOG 6 247-263
Masson E. 1973a: Apropos de l'île d' Alasia Kadmos 12 98-99
Masson E. 1976a: A la recherche des vestiges proche-orientaux à Chypre. Fin du Bronze moyen et début du Bronze récent ArAnz 139-165
Muhly J.D. 1985b: The Late Bronze Age in Cyprus: A 25 year retrospect Archaeology in Cyprus 1960-1985 20-45
Muhly J.D. 1986a: The Role of Cyprus in the Economy of the Eastern Mediterranean During the Second Millennium B.C. Cyprus between the Orient and the Occident 45-62
Negbi O. 2005a: Urbanism on Late Bronze Age Cyprus: LC II in Retrospect BASOR 337 1-45
Prayon F. – Wittke A.-M. 2004a: Die Außenwirkung des späthethitischen Kulturraumes auf Zentral- und Westanatolien und Zypern Späthethitischer Kulturraum 121-126
Reyes A.T. 1994a: Archaic Cyprus. A study of the textual and archaeological evidence ?Rezension?
Singer I. – Gestoso Singer G. 2014a: Alašian products in Hittite sources Gs Vargyas 317-336
Steel L. 2014a: Cyprus duri ng the Late Bronze Age Steiner M.L. – Killebrew A.E. 2014a 577-591
Steel L. 2016a: Exploring Aredhiou: New Light on the Rural Communities of the Cypriot HinterlandDuring the Late Bronze Age AJA 120-4 511-536
Stefanini R. 1964a: Una lettera della regina Puduḫepa al re di Alasija (KUB XXI 38) AttiAccTosc 29 1-71
Steirer G. 1962a: Neue Alašija-Texte Kadmos 1 130-138
Vassileva M. 2020a: Phrygia and the Near East Hrozný and Hittite 571-582
Vigo M. 2008a: “Tradurre e non tradire”: il problema delle integrazioni. Il caso di KBo XII 39 4 AttiOrientalisiti 191-248
Vincentelli I. 1970a: Alašia "' Dissertation. Università di Roma ?Rezension?
Vincentelli I. 1976a: Alašia: per una storia di Cipro nell'età deI bronzo Biblioteca di antichità cipriote 3 9-49
Wachsmann S. 1986a: Is Cyprus Ancient Alashiya? New Evidence from an Egyptian Tablet BA 49 37-40
Vgl. zum Thema ferner:
Artzy M. et al. 1976a: Alašiya of the Amarna Letters JNES 35 171-182
Buchholz H.G. 2011a : Der Apollon Alasiotas von Tamassos in archaischer Zeit und Alasija im 2. vorchristlichen Jahrtausend Der Orient und die Anfänge Europas 73-100
Devecchi E. 2022a: The Governance of the Subordinated Countries HHE 271-312
Genz H. 2011b: Foreign Contacts of the Hittites ColAnt 2 301-332
Goren Y. et al. 2003a: The Location of Alashiya: New Evidence from Petrographic Investigation of Alashiyan Tablets from El-Amarna and Ugarit AJA 107 233-255
Guzowska M. 1992a: O lokalizacij Alashiya - "Kraju Miedzi" [On the Localization of Alashiya, "The Land of Copper"] Meander 47 119-128
Harrison T.P. 2006-2007a: Cyprus, the Sea Peoples and the Eastern Mediterranean: Regional Perspectives of Continuity and Change Scripta Mediterranea 27–28
Hirschfeld N. 2005a: Die Zyprische Keramik aus dem Schiffswrack von Uluburun Uluburun 103-108
Hoffner H.A. 1997k: Hittite Canonical Compositions - Historiography: The Hittite Conquest of Cyprus: Two Inscriptions of Suppiluliuma II Context of Scripture 1 192-193 (Nr. 1.75)
Holmes Y.L. 1971a: The Location of Alashiya JAOS 91 426-429
Karasu C. 2000a: Kıbrıs Adasının Ilk Adı Alašiya´nın da Geçtiği Yazılı Belgeleri Araştıran Hitit Bilimi ve Türkiye´de Hititoloji Üzerine [Alašiya, the first name of Cyprus mentioned in written documents and Hittitology in Turkey] 3rd International Congress for Cyprus Studies, vol. IV 301-310
Kassianidou V. 2009a: “May He Send Me Silver in Very Great Quantities” EΑ 35. Michaelides D. − Kassianidou V. − Merrillees R. 2009a 48-57
Knapp A.B. 2008a: Prehistoric & Protohistoric Cyprus. Identity, Insularity and Connectivity
Kozal E. 2017a: Fremdes in Anatolien. Importgüter aus dem Ostmittelmeerraum und Mesopotamien als Indikator für spätbronzezeitliche Handels- und Kulturkontakte Schriften zur Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 11
Lafli E. 2004a: Vorläufige Überlegungen zur Keramik aus Kilikien zwischen dem 12. und 6. Jh. v. Chr. Eine Bestandsaufnahme des Forschungsstands bis an das Ende des 20. Jhs. RANT 1 325-358
Lynn Holmes Y. 1971a: The Location of Alashiya JAOS 91 426-429
Martino S. de 2007b: Il trattato tra Ḫatti e Alašiya, KBo XII 39 Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 483-492
Meriggi P. 1978b: URUTipija, Sangarios und Rhyndakos Kadmos 17 47-49
Niehr H. 2006a: Briefe aus ugaritischer Sprache TUAT-NF 3 264-272
Niesiolowski-Spanò L. – Węcowski M. 2018b: Change, Continuity, and Connectivity PHILIPPIKA 118 1-6
Oreshko R. 2020a: The Last Foothold of Arzawa: The Location of Puranda and Mount Arinnanda Revisited Hrozný and Hittite 544-570
Petit T. 2004a: Späthethitische Einflüsse auf die zyprische baukunst der Eisenzeit Späthethitischer Kulturraum 177-204
Pfoh E. 2018a: Socio-Political Changes and Continuities in the Levant (1300-900 BCE) PHILIPPIKA 118 57-67
Researches in Cypriote History and Archaeology: Researches in Cypriote History and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Meeting held in Florence April 29-30th 2009
Sasson J.M. 1981a: On Idrimi and Sarruwa the scribe Fs Lacheman 309-324
Schachermeyr F. 1921c: Zum ältesten Namen von Kypros Klio 17 230-239
Simon Zs. 2018c: Die Griechen und das Phönizische im späthethitischen Staat Hiyawa: die zyprische Verbindung Mumm P.-A. − Sallaberger W. 2018a 313-338
Ünal A. 2021a: The Importance of the Southern Mediterranean Coast: Dana Island and its Surroundings within the Historical Process Öniz H. 2021a 12-25
Vigo M. 2010b: Tarḫuntaš-trġ(n)ds. Troodos? Researches in Cypriote History and Archaeology 155-164

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Gerfrid G.W. Müller -- 2007- 2024