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The Achaean Homeland: 'Aχαιφíα or 'Aχαιφíς? |
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New Light on the History of Western Asia in the Second Millennium B.C. |
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New Light on the History of Western Asia in the Second Millennium B.C. |
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Some Oriental Glosses on the Homeric Problem |
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Das Hieroglyphensiegel von Troja und seine Bedeutung für Westanatolien |
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5HitCongr 33-41 |
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Atti Soc. rom. di anthrop. 10 |
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La Grèce et l'Orient Ancien |
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Interpretationsraum Bronzezeit 33-44 |
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Aḫḫijawa und kein Ende: The Battle over Mycenaeans in Anatolia |
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The Ahhiyawa Texts
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Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia. In Search of the Golden Fleece |
CHANE 122 ?Rezension? |
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Bianconi M. 2021a 1-7 |
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"There and Back Again": A Hundred Years of Graeco-Anatolian Comparative Studies |
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Anatolien die Ilias und die sogenannte ‚Kontinuitätsthese‛ |
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Achejcy v Maloj Azii [Achéens en Asie Mineure] |
VDI 89 91-106 |
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Mycenae, Anatolia and the Balkans during the Middle Third of the Second Millennium B.C. |
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Anadolu 15 63-72 |
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Protominoische Züge altkleinasiatischer Kultur |
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Anatolian Relations with the Aegean before 2400 B.C. |
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Some Geographical and Political Aspects of Mursilis' Arzawa Campaign |
AnSt 24 103-116 |
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Ahhiyawa and Troy - A Case of Mistaken Identity? |
Historia 21 24-32 |
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Some Reflections on the Historical Significance of the Tawagalawas Letter (KUB XIV 3) |
Or NS 48 91-96 |
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The role of the Lukka People in Late Bronze Age Anatolia |
Antichthon 13 1-11 |
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A Reinterpretation of the Milawata Letter in the Light of the New Join Piece |
AnSt 35 13-23 |
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Ahhiyawans and Mycenaeans. An Anatolian Viewpoint |
OJA 8 279-310 |
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The Nature of Mycenaean Involvement in Western Anatolia
Historia 38 1-21 |
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The Trojan War in its Near Eastem Context |
JAC 6 1-.21 |
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Lukka Revisited |
JNES 51 121-130 |
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NEA 65 182-195 |
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Luwians 27-127 |
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Homer at the Interface |
Anatolian Interfaces 85-91 |
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Fs Singer 47-53 |
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The Late Bronze Age in the West and the Aegean
Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 363-375 |
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The Kingdom of Ahhiyawa: A Hittite Perspective |
SMEA NS 4 191-197 |
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Die Beziehungen zwischen der Balkanhalbinsel und Kleinasien in der Bronzezeit |
Altertum 29 49-54 |
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Gli Hethei-Pelasgi: ricerche di storia e di archeologia orieatale greca ed italica 2-3. Le migrazioni alle isole dell'Egeo e al continente ellenico. Le migrazioni in Italia |
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Wo lag Aḫḫijawa? |
CRRAI 11 38-46 |
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Aḫḫiya e Aḫḫiyawā, la Grecia e l'Egeo |
Fs Houwink ten Cate 7-22 |
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Neues zur Frühgeschichte Lykiens |
Fs Borchhardt 25ff. |
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L’Egeo prima dei Greci (di Luvi, Pelasgi e Greci)
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La lettre Tavagalava |
RHA 2/11 100-104 |
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Remarques sur les " Ahhijavā-Urkunden" de M. Sommer, I. La femme de Subbiluliuma |
RHA 2/12 155-159 |
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Remarques sur les " Ahhijavā-Urkunden" de M. Sommer, II. Autres textes relatifs aux Ahhijavā |
RHA 2/12 177-179 |
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L'apparition des loniens |
Fs Bidetz 83-89 |
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La lettre de Ramsès II au roi de Mira |
RHA 3/18 25-29 |
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Hittites et Achéens |
RHA 3/21 149-152 |
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La question hittito-achéenne après les dernierès publications |
BCH 70 58-66 |
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Migration and Integration at Troy from the End of the Late Bronze Age to the Iron Age |
NOSTOI 185-210 |
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Histoire critique des origines et de la formation des ordres grecs |
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A Possible Hittite Embargo Against the Mycenaeans |
Historia 40 1-9 |
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Aššuwa and the Achaeans: the "Mycenaean" Sword at Hattušas and Its Possible Implications |
BSA 91 137-151 |
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Fs Astour 189-210 |
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Rethinking Mycenaean International Trade with Egypt and the Near East |
Galaty M.L. − Parkinson W.A. 2007a 190-200 |
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Troy as a “Contested Periphery”: Archaeological Perspectives on Cross-Cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Interactions Concerning Bronze Age Anatolia |
Anatolian Interfaces 11-19 |
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Bronze Age Interactions between the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean Revisited. Mainstream, Periphery, or Margin? |
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Hittite Religion and the West
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Anatolian Interfaces 1-9 |
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Zum Aḫḫijawaa-Problem |
Historia 11 112-113 |
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Telephos. Eine Episode der hethitischen Geschichte in griechischer Sicht |
Fs Otten 53-57 |
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La guerre de Troie d´apres les documents hittites |
Ollodagos 3 129-143 |
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Bir Hitit Kralı ve Mektubu |
ArchAnat 2 1-10 |
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Le pouvoir et la ville. Xanthos et la Lycie |
Ville et Pouvoir 71-79 |
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The Mystery of the Ahhiyawa |
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Les cultes d'Asie Mineure dans le paganism romain |
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Alcaeus on the career of Myrsilos: Greeks, Lydians and Luwians at the east aegean west Anatolian interface |
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Les Achéens dans les textes de Boghaz-Keui |
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Notes on the Chronology of Emar Legal Tablets |
SMEA 46 175-214 |
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Some Eastern Traditions in Greek Thought |
Acta Classica 8 11-30 |
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Neues über Mykenä und Homer |
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La Lydie et ses voisins aux hautes époques |
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Prélydiens, Hittites et Achéens |
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Hittite Geography and the Location of Ahhiyawa
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A possible new Bronze Age period at Troy |
AnSt 68 33-73 |
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Hittite History and the Trojan War |
The Trojan War 23-44 |
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Has the Trojan War Been Found? |
Antiquity 59 188-196 |
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Fs Hawkins 50-63 |
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Troy in recent perspective |
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Woher kam der Mann von Ahhiya? |
Kadmos 61 1-36 |
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Kyberniskos, der lykische Anführer in der Flotte des Xerxes bei Salamis (Herodot VII 98) |
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Anatolian Women in Linear B Texts: A General Review of the Evidence |
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Panaztepe/Paniša (?): A Bronze Age Harbour Settlement in Western Anatolia |
Fs Ünal 205-220 |
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Études historiques sur les traités publics chez les Grecs et les Romains |
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Graecia asianica |
Acme 18 7-17 |
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From Ahhiyawa to 'αχαιoι |
Glotta 66 127-134 |
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Die Ahhijawa-Frage. Mit einer kommentierten Bibliographie |
DBH 26 ?Rezension? |
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Nachträge zur Ahhiyawa-Frage |
DBH 35 1-3 |
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Die Griechen in den Boghazköi-Texten |
OLZ 27 113-118 |
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Vorhomerische Griechen in den Keilschrifttexten von Boghazköi |
MDOG 63 1-22 |
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Forschungen 1. Band/1. Heft: Die Arzaova-Länder |
?Rezension? |
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Die pippid-Sprache |
Forschungen 2/1 60-64 |
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Forschungen 1. Band/2. Heft. Die Nachbarländer des Hatti-Reiches von "Arzaova" bis Griechenland |
?Rezension? |
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Für die Griechen in den Boghazköi-Inschriften |
KlF 1 252-272 |
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La découverte de la Grèce Mycénienne dans les textes cunéiformes de l'Empire Hittite |
REG 43 279-294 |
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Für die Griechen in den Boghazköi-lnschriften |
KlF 1 252-272 |
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Untersuchungen zur Frühgeschichte Lykiens Habilitationsschrift. Philosophische Fakultät der Universität Zürich |
?Rezension? |
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Mycenaeans and Anatolians: Pottery and Political Geography |
8TTKongr 371-374 |
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Hittites et Achéens : données nouvelles concernant le pays d'Ahhiyawa |
L.A.M.A. 11 |
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Les relations entre Troie et le monde hittite. Un problème de géographie historique |
Quaestiones Homericae 95ff. |
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Les îles de la mer Égée, Lazpa, le pays d'Aḫḫiyawa et les Hittites |
RANT 1 275-323 |
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Die Hethiter und das klassische Altertum |
HumGymn 36 57-68 |
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Werden in den hethitischen Keilschrifttexten die Griechen erwähnt? |
JKlF 1 87-107 |
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Wurden i. d. hethit. Keilshrifttexten die Griechen erwähnt? |
ZDMG 81 L |
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Die mykenischen Griechen und das alte Vorderasien. (Ein Überblick über die Forschungen der letzten Jahre) |
HumGymn 177-189 |
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Tlos, Oinoanda and the Hittite Invasion of the Lukka Lands. Some Thoughts on the History of North-Western Lycia in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages |
Klio 96 369-415 |
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Piyamaradu in den Annalen Hattusilis III.? |
NABU 2016/3 111-114 |
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Geschichte und Geographie Westkleinasiens in der Hethiterzeit |
THeth 33 ?Rezension? |
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Ahhiyawafrage y cuestiones conexas. ¿Podemos extraer más datos de las fuentes hititas? |
Las aguas primigenias 43-67 |
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Minoan-Anatolian Relations and the Ahhiyawa Question: A Re-Assessment of the Evidence |
Talanta 44 137-156 |
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Importfunde des späthethitiscen Raumes in Mittelitalien und ihre Wirkung auf das einheimische Kunsthandwerk |
Späthethitischer Kulturraum 63-83 |
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A Bridge or a Blind Alley? Hittites and Neo Hittites as Cultural Mediators |
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VDI 198 28-51 |
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Naselenie gomerovskoi Troi. Istoriko-filologicheskie issledovanija po etnologii drevnej Anatolii |
?Rezension? |
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Troja, Thrakien und die Völker Altkleinasiens. Versuch einer historisch-philologischen Untersuchung |
Archeolingua - Sonderheft 104 ?Rezension? |
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Antičnaja versija istoričeskogo sobytija, otrazennogo v KUB XXlIl, 13 [Antike Version des historischen, in KUB XXlIl, 13 wiedergegebenen Geschehnisses] |
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Gomer i istorija Vostochnogo Sredizemnomor'ja |
?Rezension? |
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Троя и "Пра-Аххиява" (Troy and Proto-Ahhijawa) |
VDI 213 14-36 |
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Orizzonte della storia greca primitiva nell'ultimo ventennio (la questione dei Greci nei documenti ittiti) |
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On the Aegean-Anatolian Historical and Linguistic Interface in the Final Bronze Age |
News from the Lands of the Hittites 5-6 I-XV |
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Lazpa (Lesbos) y Millawanda/Milawata (Mileto). En los Lejanos Confines del Dominio Hitita sobre el Occidente Minorasiático |
Fs Matthiae 77-122 |
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Chronica Asiae Minoris: Anotaciones preliminares para el estudio de las relaciones entre los Hititas y sus vecinos occidentales
Boletín de la Asociación Española de Orientalistas 41 319-344 |
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¿Dónde combatieron los Hititas en el lejano occidente? Mursili II, la destrucción de Millawanda o el fin de Mileto V (= Bauphase 2) |
BAEO 43 55-64 |
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Einige Bemerkungen zum troianischen Krieg |
5HitCongr 405-410 |
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The Greeks in Western Anatolia
Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 500-514 |
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Les Hétéens ont-ils colonié la Catalogne? L'acropole cyclopéenne de Tarragone |
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Der alte Orient und die griechische Antike |
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Mycenaean cultural impact on the Çine (Marsyas) plain, southwest Anatolia: the evidence from Çine-Tepcik |
AnSt 60 25-49 |
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Cine−Tepecik: New Contributions on Late Bronze Age Cultures in Western Anatolia
NOSTOI 627-646 |
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Die Beziehungen der ägäisch-westanatolischen Kulturen im 2. Jt.v. Chr. |
Anatolian Metal 8 157-167 |
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Neue Aḫḫijava-Texte |
ZA 43 321-327 |
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The Hittites and the Aegean World, I. The Ahhiyawa Problem Reconsidered |
AJA 87 133-138 |
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Hittites and Akhaeans: A New Look |
PAPS 128 114-122 |
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Troy in Hittite Texts? Wilusa, Ahhiyawa, and Hittite History |
Troy and the Trojan War 33-44 |
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Wer war Tawagalawa? |
Gs von Schuler 157-165 |
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A New Look at one Aḫḫiyawa Text |
Fs Alp 235-243 |
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Troia zwischen Hethitern, Mykenern und Mysern. Besitzt der Troianische Krieg einen historischen Hintergrund? |
Troia. Mythen und Archäologie 97ff. |
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Troia. Brücke zwischen Orient und Okzident 183-200 |
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Der neue Streit um Troia 330-348 |
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Griechische Archaik Interne Entwicklungen – Externe Impulse |
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NOSTOI 593-608 |
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Luwian Identities 305-328 |
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JHS 45 161-163 |
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Investigación y progreso 5 17-18 |
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MAOG 9 ?Rezension? |
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Litteris |
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Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten 100 |
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Turgut Tokuş Koleksiyonunda Saklanan Miken Kaplarɩ |
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23CongrOr 136-138 |
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Offizielle Religion 117-135 |
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SMEA NS 4 228-230 |
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