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Sumerce LÚGUDU12 (Merhemli Rahip) ve Kutsal Kitaplarda Yağlanma |
Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 100 Yaşında 243-254 |
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Il bambino e il tempio nell'Anatolia ittita |
Antiche infanzie 41-48 |
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Beiträge zur Erforschung des hethitischen Tempels. Kultanlagen im Lichte der Keilschrifttexte. Neue Deutungen |
?Rezension? |
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Die Kulttopographie der hethitischen Hauptstadt Hattuša: Ein Überblick |
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Il culto dei focolare presso gli Ittiti |
SMEA 16 77-88 |
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Das Kultmahl bei den Hethitern |
8TTKongr 197-214 |
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Fs Otten 2 5-31 |
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Il culto del focolare presso gli Ittiti |
Francia R. − Pisaniello V. − Torri G. 2020a 75-89 |
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Ein hethitischer Text über die Reorganisation des Kultes |
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Fs Korostovceva |
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Fs Korostovceva 262-272 |
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Hitit Metinlerinde Geçen MUNUSzintuḫi- ve LÚzinḫuri- Görevlileri |
ArchAnat 5 11-51 |
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Hitit Çivi Yazılı Kaynaklarında LÚzilipurijatalla- Görevlisi |
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Hitit Çiviyazılı Belgelerinde Geçen LÚakuttara- Görevlisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma |
ArchAnat 7 24-43 |
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Hitit Kültünde Bir Görevli: LÚtazzelli- |
5HitCongr 49-82 |
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LÚzilipuriiatalla-Official in Hittite Cuneiform Sources |
Fs H. Erkanal 38-47 |
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An Official in Hittite Cult: LÚtazzelli- |
Fs Košak 33-58 |
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Quellenkult: Das Beispiel von Lykaonia |
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Manifestation göttlicher Präsenz. Das Quellheiligtum Eflatun Pınar |
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Bringing the God into the Temple |
Temples and High PIaces 10-20 |
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RlA 10 106-111 |
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Intrinsic and Constructed Sacred Space in Hittite Anatolia |
Heaven on Earth 153-173 |
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StBoT 66 1-11 |
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Temples and High PIaces 63-73 |
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Studi e testi 1 9-18 |
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Settlement and Housing Symposium 75ff. |
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The Scapegoat between Hittites, Greeks, Israelites and Christians |
Kult, Konflikt und Versöhnung 175ff. |
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Der hethitische Königsfetisch KUŠkurša auf ägyptischen Reliefs der Ramessidenzeit |
AoF 22 334-347 |
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JEOL 6 203-219 |
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WdO 43 63-105 |
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The Vishap Stone Stelae 224-232 |
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KASKAL 12 199-244 |
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Hittite Local Cults |
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Byzas 24 303-332 |
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At the Interface of Religion and Administration: The Hittite Cult Inventories |
StBoT 68 ?Rezension? |
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Local Priests in Hittite Anatolia |
AfO 54 199-207 |
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JSOT Supplement Series 147 ?Rezension? |
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Pureté et impureté. Note sur les textes Hittites |
Supplément au Dictionnaire de la Bible 459 |
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Hittite Cult in Syria: Religious Imperialism or Religious Pluralism? |
StBoT 66 221-230 |
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Ritual Meals in the Hittite Cult |
Magic and Ritual Power 77-92 |
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UfficioDocumento 313-329 |
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Central-North Anatolia 13-23 |
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The Hittite King And The Vine |
9HitCongr 175-193 |
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Alcuni aspetti cultuali della città ittita di Ankuwa |
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Hititlerin Kült Törenlerinde Kadınların Yeri ve Görevleri |
Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi 4-5 231-245 |
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Una lectura simbólica de la permanencia/traslado de las divinidades en Hatti |
DavarLogos 9-2 157-170 |
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Hitit İdarî Sistemi İçerisinde Tapinaklarin Konumu (Importance of Temples in Hittite Administrative System)
Dumlupinar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 40 1-7 |
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Horned Objects in Anatolia and the Near East and Possible Connexions with the Minoan "Horns of Consecration" |
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Sikkanum „Betyle“ |
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New Horizons in the Study of Ancient Syria 51-61 |
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20CongrOr 124-128 |
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Scene sacrificali hittite |
Aegyptus 11 301-362 |
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Sul significato delle strade processionali nell'Asia occidentale antica |
Aegyptus 22 85-99 |
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SMEA 52 137-147 |
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A New Altar from Marash |
Or NS 28 206-208 |
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RAr 12 424 |
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The Hittite Offering Lists of Deceased Kings and Related Texts (CTH 610-611) as Historical Sources |
KASKAL 11 86-101 |
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Ein Text über Tempelbedienstete aus Kuşaklı (Ku T 32) |
MDOG 128 121-132 |
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Les espaces hittites du sacrifice, leur aménagement et leur utilisation |
Fs Alp 199-212 |
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Le culte des ancêtres en Anatolie hittite au lle mill. avant notre ère |
Anatolica 21 189-195 |
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Un rhyton en forme de kurša hittite |
Gs Imparati 321-327 |
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Hethitische Rituale im Tempel |
CDOG 7 123-136 |
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Hints at Temple Topography and Cosmic Geography from Hittite Sources |
Heaven on Earth 41-54 |
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Anmerkungen zu Priestern in hethitischen Festen |
StBoT 60 105-118 |
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The Role of Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East |
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LÚSANGA ŠA GU4.MAH 'der Priester des Stieres'? |
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Fs Nowicki 71-77 |
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West-Aziatische Religies: De Godsdienst der Hethieten |
De Godsdiensten de WereId 1 254-257 |
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Kultische Symbolik bei den Hethitern |
ZATW 45 134-140 |
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The Hittite Temple According to Written Sources |
CRRAI 20 125-132 |
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Yazılıkaya: Apropos a New Interpretation |
JNES 34 273-277 |
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Der Kult von Nerik. Ein Beitrag zur hethitischen Religionsgeschichte |
Studia Pohl 4 ?Rezension? |
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Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen 67-86 |
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Die Frauen mit den verstümmelten Nasen. Eine Notiz zum hethitischen Ištar-Kult |
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Yazılıkaya und der grosse Tempel |
OA 13 211-226 |
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Gods of Commagene: The Cult ofthe Stag-God in the inscriptions of Ancoz |
Diversity and Standardization 65-80 |
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Hittite Monuments and their Sanctity |
Studia Asiana 9 1-9 |
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Die in Kuşaklı gefundenen Kultinventare |
MDOG 128 95-14 |
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De Hettitische Cultusinventarissen |
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The Organization of the Anatolian Local Cults during the Thirteenth Century B.C. An Appraisal of the Hittite Cult Inventories |
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The Material Culture of Hittite ‘God-drinking’
JANER 14 164-185 |
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Priester. B. II. Nache archäologischen Quellen. In Anatolien |
RlA 10 647-648 |
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Beckman G.M. − Lewis T.J. 2006a 132-151 |
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JAOS 115 315 |
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Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen 87-108 |
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Religious Traditions in Hupisna
8HitCongr 344-357 |
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Fs Poetto 246-254 |
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Hethitische „Krankenkassenbeiträge“. Die Gelübde Puduhepas für Leben und Gesundheit Hattusilis |
AOAT 467 49-59 |
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Le istituzioni cultuali dei na4ḫékur e il potere centrale itita |
SMEA 18 19-63 |
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Gs Meriggi 293-324 |
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Obligations et manquements cultuels envers la divinité Pirwa |
Gs von Schuler 166-187 |
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Fs Struve 266-272 |
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Kült mekanları/Lo spazio del culto |
JAA 148 ?Rezension? |
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Zu einigen hethitischen Kultfunktionären |
Or NS 35 417-422 |
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Bemerkungen zum "Sänger von Kaneš" |
Sozialen Struktur des alten Vorderasien 111-115 |
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Die hethitischen Fragmente FHL 68 und 106 |
Fs Güterbock 2 111-113 |
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Hethitische Opfertexte mit anaḫi, abrusḫi und ḫuprušḫi und hurrischen Sprüchen, Teil I-lI |
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NABU 2007 32, 2007/31 |
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Hitit Metinlerinde Geçen Taş Evler Hakkında |
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Çiviyazılı Belgelerde Geçen (NA4)hekur Pirwa Üzerine Bir İnceleme |
CollAn 20 83-96 |
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Kultgeschehen und Symbolgut im Textzeugnis der Hethiter |
RBPHA 2 557ff. |
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Der Kult von Matilla im Rahmen der beiden großen hethitischen Reisefeste |
SMEA 37 67-78 |
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RlA 10 640-643 |
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Central-North Anatolia 97-107 |
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Pferdeopfer und Pferdekult der Indogermanen |
WBKGL 4 279-411 |
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Einiges zur inneren Struktur hethitischer Tempel nach der Instruktion für Tempelleute (KUB XIII, 4) |
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Hethitisch auli- und einige Aspekte altanatolischer Opferpraxis |
ZA 76 85-117 |
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Zum Vor-Opfer im alten Anatolien |
Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen 225-286 |
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Der liturgische Kuß im Alten Kleinasien |
Studi e testi 2 83-120 |
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Das daḫanga: seine Struktur und kultische Bedeutung
8HitCongr 437-458 |
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KUB 27.68+ Ein Inventar zum Kult von Nerik |
KASKAL 12 245-266 |
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Arkeoloji ve Sanat 148 63-74 |
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RA 43 55-78 |
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Les syncrétismes dans les religions de l' 87-95 |
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Fs Pugliese Carratelli 111-117 |
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Studia ad civitates Samuha et Lawazantiya pertinentia I. Voeux de la Reine à Ištar de Lawazantiya |
Hethitica 4 95-107 |
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Studia ad civitates Samuha et Lawazantiya pertinentia II. Voeux de la Reine à Ištar de Lawazantiya |
Hethitica 5 51-62 |
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Le symbolisme dans le culte 77-94 |
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Archéologie et Philologie dans I' 109-110 |
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Ritual and Sacrifice 225-233 |
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De quelques sanctuaires louvites: fonctionnement et continuité |
RANT 4 241-247 |
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Des sacrifices humains dans le monde hittite? |
AOB 23 173-177 |
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Archaeological Evidence for Hittite Cult Statuary |
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Ein ritueller Scheinkampf bei den Hethitern |
ArchRelWiss 24 73-82 |
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Il culto delle montagne all'epoca di Tuthaliya IV: continuità e innovazione |
SMEA 39 85-110 |
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Il culto delle montagne all'epoca di Tudhaliya IV: continuità e innovazione |
CRRAI 44/3 83-88 |
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Der Stier in Kult und mythischem Bild |
JDAI 43 90-139 |
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Nacktheit. A. II. Bei den Hethitern |
RlA 9 65-66 |
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Hethiter 118-121 |
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Purità dei sacerdoti e dei luoghi di culto nell'Anatolia ittita |
Or NS 73 348-362 |
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Nudità di uomini e dèi nell'Anatolia ittita |
Barbanera M. 2018a 45-65 |
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The purapši-Priest and the tabri-Attendant |
AfO 54 216-224 |
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Die Tempel von Sendschirli |
Fs Dörpfeld 78-84 |
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Yazilikaya, un monument insolite aux multiples facettes |
Les Hittites 68-79 |
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ArchAnat 4 121-141 |
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Quelques aspects du sacrifice sanglant chez les Hittites |
Rites et Célébrations 81-90 |
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Le GIŠeya dans la religion hittite |
L'Arbre 73-80 |
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Remarques sur „la maison du dieu“ |
RANT 4 249-257 |
Mazoyer M. 2013a: |
Le voyage de l’égide dans la mythologie hittite |
Fs Freu 105-112 |
McMahon G. 1991a: |
The Hittite State Cult of the Tutelary Deities |
AS 25 ?Rezension? |
McMahon G. 1995a: |
Theology, Priests, and Worship in Hittite Anatolia |
CANE 1981-1995 |
Michel P.M. 2014a: |
Le culte des pierres à Emar à l’époque hittite |
OBO 266 ?Rezension? |
Michel P.M. 2014b: |
Hittite Cults in Emar |
8HitCongr 507-515 |
Michel P.M. 2019a: |
What Does a ḫuwaši Look Like? |
9HitCongr 579-594 |
Michel P.M. 2020b: |
BIBRU. Du bel oiseau au beau vase |
Fs Wachter 41-47 |
Milgrom J. 1970a: |
The Shared Custody of the Tabernacle and a Hittite Analogy |
JAOS 90 204-209 |
Miller J.L. 2002a: |
The katra/i-women in the Kizzuwatnean Rituals from Ḫattuša |
CRRAI 47 423-431 |
Monte G.F. del 1973b: |
La porta nei rituali di Boğazköy |
OA 12 107-129 |
Mouton A. 2008b: |
Quelques différences régionales concernant le sacrifice sanglant en Anatolie hittite |
6Hit Congr2 565-573 |
Mouton A. 2012d: |
Hommes et femmes au service des dieux hittites. La répartition sexuée du personnel
des temples de l’Anatolie ancienne |
RHR 229-3 307-323 |
Mouton A. 2017b: |
Animal Sacrifice in Hittite Anatolia |
Hitch S. − Rutherford I. 2017a 239-327 |
Mouton A. − Erbil Y.H. 2023a: |
Alaca Höyük'te Hayvan Kurbanı: Filolojik ve Arkeolojik Deliller / Animal Sacrifice in Alaca Höyük: Philological and Archaeological Evidences |
Yıldırım T. – Önder D. 2023a 367-373 |
Moyer J.C. 1969a: |
The Concept of Ritual Purity among the Hittites Dissertation. Brandeis University |
?Rezension? |
Moyer J.C. 1983a: |
Hittite and Israelite Cult Practices: A Selected Comparison |
Scripture in Context 3 19-38 |
Müller-Karpe A. 2020a: |
Kulthandlungen und Kultpersonal in hethitischen Palästen |
StBoT 66 179-220 |
Murat L. 2013a: |
Kült Görevlisi Şarkıcı Kadınlar: MUNUS(.MEŠ)katra-, MUNUS(.MEŠ)hazgara- |
TAD 54 115-133 |
Nakamura M. 1996b: |
Hittaito Shinoukoku ni koousaishi -iwayuru "Koou no tameno kumotu risuto" no kizoku ni tuite- [The Cult of teh Deceased Kiings in the New Hittite Kingdom -Some Comments on the "Sacrifice Lists for Deceased Kings"] |
BSNESJ 37 35-51 |
Nakamura M. 1997a: |
Weitere Überlegungen zum hethitischen Stelenkult |
Orient 32 9-16 |
Neve P. 1989c: |
Einige Bemerkungen zu der Kammer B in Yazilikaya |
Fs T. Özgüç 345-355 |
Neve P. 1995-1996a: |
Der Große Tempel (Tempel 1) in Boğazköy-Ḫattuša |
NBA 12 41-62 |
Oettinger N. 2008d: |
An Indo-European Custom of Sacrifice in Greece and Elsewhere |
Fs Kortlandt |
Ökse A.T. 2011a: |
Open-Air Sanctuaries of the Hittites |
ColAnt 2 219-240 (Ch. 9) |
Opfermann R. 1987a: |
War Yazilikaya für die Hethiter ein "NA4 hékur SAG.UŠ"? Vortrag, gehalten auf der XXXIVème Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Istanbul, Juli 1987 |
?Rezension? |
Opfermann R. 1998a: |
War für die Hethiter Yazilikaya ein "hékur"? |
CRRAI 34 229-237 |
Otten H. 1956c: |
Das hethitische Felsheiligtum von Yazilikaya |
Altertum 2 141-150 |
Otten H. 1959e: |
Ritual bei Erneuerung von Kultsymbolen hethitischer Schutzgottheiten |
Fs Friedrich 351-359 |
Otten H. 1989c: |
Tiergefässe im Kult der späten hethitischen Grossreichszeit |
Fs T. Özgüç 265-268 |
Otten H. 1992b: |
Erwägungen zur Kontinuität altanatolischer Kulte |
1HitCongr 25-33 / 34-42 |
Otten H. – Souček V. 1965a: |
Das Gelübde der Königin Puduḫepa an die Göttin Lelwani |
StBoT 1 ?Rezension? |
Özgüç T. 1991a: |
The Newly Discovered Cult Objects from Karun of Kanesh |
Fs Mikasa 319-334 |
Özgüç T. 1993c: |
Temples of Kanish |
Fs Neve 167-174 |
Pecchioli Daddi F. 1987a: |
Aspects du culte de la divinité hattie Teteshapi |
Hethitica 8 361-379 |
Pecchioli Daddi F. 2004b: |
LÚzilipuriyatalla and LÚ/MUNUSḫuwaššannalla. Some Observations on Two Particular Religious Orders |
Offizielle Religion 357-367 |
Pecchioli Daddi F. 2010e: |
“Il giocoliere scherza col toro”
SMEA 52 265-272 |
Pecchioli Daddi F. 2016a: |
Zippalanda and the Cities of Central Anatolia: Economic and Religious Connections |
Fs Siegelová 296-308 |
Pecchioli Daddi F. – Baldi M. 2004a: |
Un inventario di culto della città di Ḫurma |
Gs Forrer 495-506 |
Peled I. 2017a: |
Cultural Transformations from Mesopotamia to Hatti? The Case of the GALA |
JCS 69 109-116 |
Picard Ch. 1941b: |
Le rite du balancement: ses origines anatoliennes |
RAr 17 84-85 |
Pierallini S. 2002b: |
Luoghi di culto sulla cittadella di Ḫattuša |
Gs Imparati 627-635 |
Pieri F.G. 1981a: |
Il sacerdote patili nell'ambito cultuale ittita |
Studi e ricerche 1 19-48 |
Pieri F.G. 1982a: |
L'edificio "Sinapsi" nei rituali ittiti |
AttiAccTosc 47 1-37 |
Pişkin E. 2019a: |
Sacrifices at Šapinuwa: Evidence from Animal Bones |
9HitCongr 805-822 |
Poli P. 2002a: |
Le feste ittite: confronto tra testimonianze scritte e rappresentazioni figurate |
Fêtes et Festivités 165-186 |
Polvani A.M. 1998a: |
Il "re di Kuššara" e l'inventario di culto KUB LVIII 15 |
Gs Quattordio Moreschini 321ff. |
Polvani A.M. 2010c: |
An interpretation of KUB XXIII 79 ("The sacrifice on the river Mala") |
SMEA 52 273-277 |
Popkin P.R.W. 2013a: |
Hittite animal sacrifice. Integrating zooarchaeology and textual analysis |
Ekroth G. − Wallensten J. 2013a 101-114 |
Popko M. 1974d: |
Kult świętego runa w hetyckiej Anatolii [Der Kult des Goldenen Vliesses im hethitischen Anatolien) |
PO 91 225-230 |
Popko M. 1978a: |
Kultobjekte in der hethitischen Religion (nach keilschriftlichen Quellen) |
?Rezension? |
Popko M. 1987a: |
Hethitische Rituale für das Grosse Meer und das tarmana-Meer |
AoF 14 252-262 |
Popko M. 1994a: |
Zippalanda. Ein Kultzentrum im hethitischen Kleinasien |
THeth 21 ?Rezension? |
Popko M. 1999b: |
Berg als Ritualschauplatz. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der hethitischen Religion |
Hethitica 14 97-108 |
Popko M. 2001a: |
Die Priester von Arinna |
Fs Haas 327-331 |
Popko M. 2002a: |
Zum Tempel des Teššup von Ḫalap in Ḫattuša |
AoF 29 73-80 |
Popko M. 2003b: |
Zum Tempel der Sonnengöttin von Arinna in Ḫattuša |
AoF 30 11-17 |
Popko M. 2004b: |
Noch zu den hethitischen Arkuti-Priestern |
JANER 4 71-74 |
Popko M. 2004d: |
Weitere Fragmente zum Zippalanda-Textcorpus |
SMEA 46 259-264 |
Popko M. 2009a: |
Arinna. Eine heilige Stadt der Hethiter |
StBoT 50 ?Rezension? |
Popko M. 2010b: |
Weitere Bemerkungen zum ḫamina-Priester
Hethitica 16 143-148 |
Postgate N. – Stone A. 2013a: |
A Luwian Shrine? The Stele Building at Kilise Tepe |
Luwian Identitis 193-214 |
Prechel D. 1997a: |
Kultvorstellungen der Hethiter |
Damals 38046 23ff. |
Raimond E. 2006a: |
Les cultes de montagnes dans le monde louvite |
RANT 3 291-298 |
Reyhan E. 2008a: |
Ortaköy/Šapinuwa arşivinde geçen yeni kurban terimleri hakkinda |
6HitCongr2 625-636 |
Robertson N. 1982a: |
Hittite Ritual at Sardis |
Classical Antiquity 1 122-140 |
Robertson N. 1982b: |
The Ritual of the Dying God in Cyprus and Syro-Palestine |
HTR 75 313-359 |
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Hittitische geloften. Een teksteditie van Hettitische geloften met inleiding, vertaling en critische noten Dissertation an der Universität von Amsterdam, 30.3.1984 |
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Roos J. de 1987a: |
Gott und Mensch in den hethitischen Gelübdetexten |
Anatolica 14 101-106 |
Roos J. de 1989a: |
KBo 33, 216. A Votive Text of Tutḫaliaš IV |
JAC 4 39-48 |
Roos J. de 1994b: |
Hettitische votiefteksten en votiefgeschenken |
Phoenix 40 168-183 |
Roos J. de 1998a: |
Hittite Votive Texts |
3HitCongr 491-495 |
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Vows concerning military campaigns of Ḫattušiliš III and Tutḫaliaš IV |
Gs Imparati 181-188 |
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Hittite Votive Texts |
?Rezension? |
Roos J. de 2007b: |
Two New Votive Texts |
Fs Košak 593-597 |
Roos J. de 2007c: |
A New Fragment of KUB 15.5+ |
Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 633-636 |
Rosenkranz B. 1964a: |
Ein neues hethitisches Ritual für dLAMA KUŠkuršaš |
Or NS 33 238-256 |
Rutherford I. 2004a: |
Women Singers and the Religious Organisation of Hatti. On the Interpretation of CTH 235.1 & 2 and Other Texts |
Offizielle Religion 377-394 |
Sasson J.M. 1976a: |
Isaiah LXVI 3-4a |
VT 26 199-207 |
Savaş S.Ö. 2002a: |
Hititlerde "Fırtına Tanrısı" ile "Boğa Kültü" Üzerine Bazı Gözlemler ve Yorumlar |
ArchAnat 5 97-170 |
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The Scapegoat among the Hittites |
ET 33 283-284 |
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Opfer. B. II. In der Bildkunst. Anatolien |
RlA 10 111-113 |
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Das Heiligtum auf dem Dülük Baba Tepesi in der Eisenzeit |
Achenbach R. 2019a 63-89 |
Schäfer H. 1937a: |
Eine nordsyrische Kultsitte? |
ZÄS 73 54-56 |
Schauer P. 1986a: |
Die Goldblechkegel der Bronzezeit. Ein Beitrag zur Kulturverbindung zwischen Orient und Mitteleuropa. Mit einer handwerkstechnischen Untersuchung von Fecht M. |
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Schuler E. von 1963a: |
Hethitische Kultbräuche in dem Brief eines ugaritischen Gesandten |
RHA 21/72 43-46 |
Schwemer D. 1995a: |
Das alttestamentliche Doppelritual 'lwt wšlmnym im Horizont der hurritischen Opfertermini ambašši und keldi |
Gs Porada 81-116 |
Schwemer D. 2004a: |
Von Taḫurpa nach Ḫattusa. Überlegungen zu den ersten Tagen des AN.DAḪ.ŠUM-Festes |
Offizielle Religion 395-412 |
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Moon-gods and no true words to Egypt – two notes on KUB 15.3 |
NABU 2023/2 (juin) 91-92 Nr. 42 |
Seeher J. 2002d: |
Heiligtümer - Kultstätten und multifunktionale Wirtschaftsbetriebe. Der Große Tempel und das Tempelviertel der hethitischen Hauptstadt Ḫattusa |
Hethiter 134-139 |
Sevinç F. 2014a: |
Erbaşı Hitit Döneminde Bir Kült Objesi Olarak Sunak
8HitCongr 775-792 |
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Ittito NA₄ḫekur come riflesso dell'espansione culturale sumero-accadica |
AION 5 291-305 |
Singer I. 1986a: |
The ḫuwaši of the Storm God in Ḫattuša |
9TTKongr 245-253 |
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Hitit Dini İnançlarında Éhešta İle İlgili Yeni Düşünceler (New Thoughts About Éhešta in Hittite Religious Beliefs)
Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 9/2 837-860 |
Sir Gavaz Ö. 2020b: |
Hititlerden Günümüz Anadolu Halk İnanışlarına Yansıyan Taş Kültü |
Fs Yakar 177-190 |
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Der Kult des Wettergottes von Ḫalap in Ḫatti |
ArOr 42 39-52 |
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Edikt von Tutḫalii̯a IV, zugunsten des Kults des Wettergottes von Nerik
Gs Neu 279-300 |
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Hattice metinlerde dört önemli kent ve bunlarɩn rahipleri |
Fs Košak 653-658 |
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Philological Contributions to Hattian-Hittite Religion (II): 3. On the Origin and the Name of the ḫazkarai-women
Fs Singer 340-350 |
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The Hattian-Hittite Foundation Rituals from Ortaköy (II). Fragments to CTH 726 Rituel bilingue de fondation dßun temple ou dßun palais" |
Fs Siegelová 320-364 |
StBoT 68: |
At the Interface of Religion and Administration: The Hittite Cult Inventories |
StBoT 68 ?Rezension? |
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Belgelere Göre Hitit Tapınakları Nasıl Korunuyordu? [Wie wurden -anhand der Urkunden- die hethitischen Tempel geschützt?] |
10TTKongr 58 |
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The Hattian-Hittite Foundation Rituals from Ortaköy (I) Fragments to CTH 725 “Rituel Bilingue de Consécration d’un Temple” |
Anatolica 33 1-22 |
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Hittite Priesthood |
THeth 26 ?Rezension? |
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The NIN.DINGIR in the Hittite Kingdom: A Mesopotamian priestly office in Hatti? |
AoF 33 313-327 |
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Hittite Priesthood – State Administration in the Service of the Gods: Its implications for the Interpretations of Biblical Priesthood |
BN 156 155-171 |
Taracha P. 2007c: |
The Capital Hattuša and Other Residential Cities of Hittite Great Kings |
Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 755-759 |
Taracha P. 2019c: |
In search of the Holy Grail: Hittite DGAL.ZU reconsidered |
Fs Bieliński 713-719 |
Taracha P. 2021a: |
Priestly Colleges in North-Central Anatolia: Some Remarks on the Tradition and
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AfO 54 225-232 |
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A Phenomenon in Hittite Religion: Reaching God by Burning Fire in the Hearth |
Traditional Mediterranean 11-20 |
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Hititçe Çivi Yazılı Belgelere Göre Ocak Kültü ve Ocağın Kutsallığı Üzerine Bazı Gözlemler – Some observations on the sanctity of the hearth and its cult according to hittite texts |
Kubaba Dergisi 18 7-18 |
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The Gala and the Gallos |
Anatolian Interfaces 173-180 |
Torri G. 2004a: |
Bemerkungen zur Rolle des DUMU.LUGAL in den hethitischen Festritualen |
Offizielle Religion 461-469 |
Torri G. 2006b: |
Le MUNUS.MEŠḫazkarai: operatori femminili nelle feste ittite |
SEL 23 99-106 |
Torri G. 2008f: |
Der Kult der königlichen Statuen in den hethitischen keilschriftlichen Quellen |
Fest und Eid 173-190 |
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Quelques observations sur KBo 23.27+ et ses relations avec CTH 776 |
Studi e testi 2 193-211 |
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Konya ve Karaman Çevresinde Hitit Dağ Kültünün Yansımaları |
Fs Göyünç 559-573 |
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Konya ve Yakın Çevresindeki Hitit Su Kültü Mekanları |
FsBayram 631ff. |
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Word Play in Hittite Literature? |
Fs Hoffner 377-388 |
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Bier im Alltagsleben und im Kult der altanatolischen Völker |
Uluburun 167-160 |
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The Socio-Political Impact of Hittite Religious Ceremonies and the Efforts of the Hittite Kings in Establishing a Unified State in Central Anatolia |
9HitCongr 1075-1095 |
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Zur Funktionalität und Identität der hethitischen Kultanlage (É/NA4)hekur |
Fs Yakar 539-550 |
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Die Vermittlungsaufgabe des LÚdU nach hethitischen Quellen |
Gs Hruška 277-286 |
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Die Heiligtümer der Hethiter |
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CRRAI 42 475-492 |
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Hurritische Opferlisten aus hethitischen Festbeschreibungen, Teil 1: Texte für ISTAR-Sa(w)uska |
ChS 1/3a ?Rezension? |
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Traces of Hittite Cult in Shiloh, Bethel and in Jerusalem |
Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen 455-472 |
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Ein hethitisches Felsenheiligtum in Kleinasien |
Volkshochschule 22 82-89 |
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Ein Kultlieferungstext aus Boğazköy |
Fs de Liagre Böhl 393-395 |
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The Sacred Landscape of Sarissa |
Studia Asiana 9 93-99 |
Wright D.P. 1993a: |
Analogy in Biblical and Hittite Ritual |
Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen 473-508 |
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Cult and Ritual at Late Bronze Age II Alalakh: Hybridity and Power under Hittite Administration |
Centennial Laroche 215-224 |
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What did the Temple get from the Kings in Hittite History? A Historical Consideration of the Temple Economy in the Hittite Kingdom |
AOAT 467 61-72 |
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Hittite Temples: Palaces of the Gods
ColAnt 2 195-218 |
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Räucherkult und Räuchergeräte. Exegetische und archäologische Studien zum Räucheropfer im Alten Testament |
OBO 97 ?Rezension? |
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SMEA NS 1 9-17 |
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Belleten 46 247-259 |
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Città Sacre d' Asia Minore. Il problema dei laoi dell'antefatto ittita |
PdP 164 329-344 |
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The Cult of the Royal Ancestors at Hattusa and the Syrian Practices |
Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 49-55 |
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Hitit Belgelerinde Körler |
ArchAnat 4 207-224 |
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Hitit Din ve Sosyal Hayatında LÚ/MUNUSÚ.ḪÚB "Sağır" |
4HitCongr 652-669 |
Arıkan Y. 2006a: |
The Blind in Hittite Documents |
AoF 33 144-154 |
Arıkan Y. 2007b: |
The Mala River and its importance according to Hittite documents |
6HitCongr1 39-48 |
Aydıngün Ş. – Reyhan E. 2010a: |
Sakalını Tutan Bir Erkek Figür, Hitit Tapınak Görevlilerinden LÚALAN.ZU9 Olabilir mi? |
Fs Donbaz 27-34 |
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‘And I built this Everlasting Peak for him’. The Two Scribal Tradition of the Hittites
AoF 38 213-225 |
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Qualche osservaione sulla lingua delle Opferlisten hurro-ittite |
Bossolino I. – Zanchi C. 2023a 11-22 |
Beal R.H. 2002d: |
Dividing a God |
Magic and Ritual 197-208 |
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Yazilikaya. Architektur, Felsbilder, Inschriften und Kleinfunde |
WVDOG 61 |
Bittel K. et al. 1975a: |
Das Hethitische Felsheiligtum Yazilikaya |
Boğazköy-Hattuša 9 |
Bozkurt Cengiz T. 2018a: |
Hitit Krallığında Arinna’nin Güneş Tanrıçası Kültü / Sun Goddess Cult of Arinna in Hittite Empire
Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 37/64 125-140 |
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Droit et religion en Asie Mineure: autour de la reconsacration comme sanction juridique chez les Hittites |
RANT 4 171-188 |
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Aspects of Religious Administration in the Hittite Late New Kingdom |
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Rejoicing in the Gods: the Verb dušk- and Hittite Cheese Fighting |
8HitCongr 138-170 |
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Der hethitische Staatskult als öffentliches Gut |
AOAT 467 21-28 |
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Linguistic Text Types in 13th c. Hittite: A Research Program |
Martino S. de − Devecchi E. 2020a 45-67 |
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Muséon 114 246-250 |
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O nekotorych terminach oboznačujuščich personal chettskogo chrama (About Some Terms Designating Personnel ofthe Hittite Temple) |
Drevnjaja Anatolija 203-208 |
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Liturgische Agenda, Unterweisungsmaterial und rituelles Traditionsgut. Die hethitischen Festritualtexte in kulturvergleichender Perspektive |
StBoT 60 31-65 |
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Totenkult und Ahnenverehrung im hethitischen Anatolien. Vorstellungen, Rituale und Institutionen |
THeth 32 |
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The Administration of Cult in Hittite Emar
AoF 38 145-157 |
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Greek ὀλολύζω and Hittite palwai-: Exultation in the Ritual Slaughter of Animals |
Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 36 319ff. |
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A Statue for the Deity: Cult Images in Hittite Anatolia |
Cult Image 13-42 |
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Pigs at the Gate: Hittite Pig Sacrifice in Its Eastern Mediterranean Context |
JANER 6 155-188 |
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Hero, Field Master, King: Animal Mastery in Hittite Texts and Iconography |
Master of Animals 60-75 |
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