Akçay A. 2020a: |
Tabal Heykeltıraşlık Eserleri Üzerine Genel Bir Değerlendirme |
AHBV Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 2 11-28 |
Alkım U.B. 1957a: |
Yesemek Taşocağı ve Heykeltraşlık Atelyesi / Steinbruch mit Skulpturatelier von Yesemek |
Belleten 21 359-376 / 377-394 |
Alkim U.B. 1962e: |
The Quarry and Sculptor-Workshop of Yesemek. Contribution to the study of the technique of stone-reaking and sculpting in South Eastern Anatolia in the 2nd and 1st millennia B.C. |
PlHANS 16 ?Rezension? |
Alkim U.B. 1974d: |
Yesemek Taşocağı ve Heykel Atelyesinde Yapılan Kazı ve Araştırmalar |
?Rezension? |
Alp S. 1961-1962a: |
Amasya Civarında Zara Bucağında Bulunan Hitit Heykeli ile Diğer Hitit Eserleri [Eine hethitische Bronzestatuette und andere Funde aus Zara bei Amasya] |
Anatolia 6 191-216 |
Anonymus 1931c: |
The oldest monumental Statues in the World |
lLN 4804 826 |
Aydıngün Ş. 2010a: |
Gaziantep Müzesi Yapı Adak Çivileri |
7 HitCongr 53-62 |
Aydıngün Ş. – Reyhan E. 2010a: |
Sakalını Tutan Bir Erkek Figür, Hitit Tapınak Görevlilerinden LÚALAN.ZU9 Olabilir mi? |
Fs Donbaz 27-34 |
Balcioğlu B. 2005b: |
Gaziantep Arkeoloji Müzesine yeni gelen bir aslan yontusu |
AMM 2003-2004 311-313 |
Baltacioğlu H. 1995a: |
Alaca Höyük Anıtsal Hitit Heykeli |
Gs Akyurt 41-52 |
Baltacioğlu H. 1996c: |
Alaca Höyük Sfenksli Heykeltraşlık Eserlerinin Tarihlendirilmesi / The Dating of the sculptures at Alaca Höyük Sphinx Gate |
AMM 1995 274-294 |
Bartsch G. 1933-1934a: |
Eine neue chetitische Skulptur in Mittel-Anatolien |
AfO 9 50-52 |
Behm-Blancke M.R. – Rittig D. 1970a: |
Der "Aslantaş" von Eflatun Pinar |
MDOG 102 89-99 |
Belgiorno M.R. 1985a: |
A Red Polished Amphora Decorated with an Anatolian Idol from Pyrgos |
Report Cyprus 45-46 |
Beyer D. 1989a: |
Une tête royale hittite au Musée du Louvre |
Fs T. Özgüç 25-27 |
Bilgi Ö. 1975a: |
Kültepe Kazılarında Bulunmuş Olan İnsan Figürinleri / Anthropomorphic Representations from the Mound of Kültepe |
Belleten 39 201-208 / 209-216 |
Bilgi Ö. 1977a: |
Yeni Tip Mermer İdoller / Some Remarks on Marble Idols of an Unusual Type |
Belleten 41 473-475 / 477-480 |
Bilgi Ö. 1978a: |
M.Ö. III Binyılına Tarihlenen Bir Grup İnsan Figürini ve Bunların Anadolu'da Dağılışı A type of goddess of the third millennium B.C. and its diffusion in Anatolia |
AnAr 6 133-137 / 138-141 |
Bilgi Ö. 1985a: |
An Anthropomorphic Representation from Ikiztepe in Turkey |
Fs Puglisi 273-275 |
Bilgi Ö. 1986a: |
İkiztepe Kazılarında Ele Geçirilen Antropomorfik Figürinler Hakkında Genel Gözlemler [Allgemeine Bemerkungen über die antropomorphen Figurinen aus Ikiztepe] |
9TTKongr 133-134 |
Bisi A.M. 1963a: |
In margine a una terracotta di Pazarli |
RSO 38 219-230 |
Bittel K. 1949-1950a: |
Einige Idole aus Kleinasien |
Prähistorische Zeitschrift 34-35 135-144 |
Bittel K. 1950a: |
Zwei Bronzestatuetten aus Kommagene |
Fs Wahle 131-135 |
Bittel K. 1954a: |
Eine hethitische Statuette aus Boğazköy |
BAnB 29 87-90 |
Bittel K. 1979a: |
Eine kleinasiatische Nagelbronze |
Fs Laroche 59-63 |
Boehmer R.M. 1977a: |
Eine bronzene Hirschfigur aus Boğazköy |
ZA 67 73-77 |
Böhl F.M.Th. 1933a: |
Vier Antiken aus den Assyriologischen Sammlungen in Leiden und Groningen |
Fs von Oppenheim 9-12 |
Bossert H.Th. 1947a: |
Zur Chronologie der Skulpturen von Malatya / Malatya Heykeltraşlık Eserlerinin Kronolojisine Dair (Ins Türkische übersetzt von Alkim U.B.) |
Felsefe Arkivi 2 85-101 / 102-121 |
Bossert H.Th. 1960a: |
Unveröffentlichte hethitische Skulpturen |
Or NS 29 104-106 |
Cagiano de Azevedo M. 1955b: |
Restauri alle sculture ittite di Karatepè |
Bollettino dell' 21 71-77 |
Çambel H. 1949a: |
Karatepe Heykeltıraşlık Eserleri Hakkında Bazı Mülahazalar (Some Observations on the Karatepe Sculptures) |
Belleten 13 21-34 |
Canby J.V. 1969a: |
Some Hittite Figurines in the Aegean |
Hesperia 38 141-149 |
Canby J.V. 1975a: |
The Walters Gallery Cappadocian Tablet and the Sphinx in Anatolia in the Second Millennium B.C. |
JNES 34 225-248 |
Canby J.V. 1976a: |
The Sculptors of the Hittite Capital |
OA 15 33-42 |
Coco T. 1962a: |
Nota su una testa neo-ittita |
OA 1 279 |
Conder C.R. 1888a: |
The Marash lion |
PEF 18 41 |
Contenau G. 1927a: |
Idoles en pierre provenant de l' Asie Mineure |
Syria 8 193-200 |
Darga M. 1988a: |
Les figurines en terre cuite de Şemsiyetepe |
Fs Otten 2 77-85 |
De Vos J. 2010a: |
Amour, musique et poésie au gré des relations égypto-hittites. Réflexions autour d’une statuette de harpiste “hittite” de Médinet el Gourob/Miour |
Identité et Alterité 105-126 |
Delaporte L. 1939f: |
Tête de statue colossale provenant d'Arslan-tepè (Malatya) |
RHA 5/35 85-86 |
Dupré S. 1993a: |
Bestiaire de Cappadoce. Terre cuites zoomorphes anatoliennes du lIe millenaire av. J.-C. au Musee du Louvre |
Notes et documents des musées de France 25 ?Rezension? |
Dussaud R. 1933a: |
Leon mitannien de Sandig |
Syria 14 227 |
Ekiz H.H. 1995: |
Afyon Müzesinde Bulunan Bir Hitit Heykelciği |
AMM 1994 159-163 |
Ekiz H.H. 2000a: |
Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi'nde Bulunan Üç Hitit Heykelciği |
AMM 1999 65-75 |
Ekiz H.H. 2003a: |
Tokat Müzesi'nde Bulunan Bir Hitit Tanrı Heykeli |
AMM 2002 357-365 |
Ekiz H.H. 2006b: |
Kahramanmaraş Müzesi’nde Bulunan Bir Grup Hayvan Üzerinde Duran Hitit Tanrı Heykelciği |
Fs H. Erkanal 305-309 |
Ekiz H.H. 2010a: |
Gaziantep Müzesi'nde Bulunan Bir Grup İnsan ve Tanrı Heykelciği |
27/1 AST 297-306 |
Ekiz H.H. 2012a : |
M.Ö. 2. Bin Hitit Dönemi İnsan ve Tanrı Heykelcikleri / The God and Man Statuettes Dating to the Hittite Period (2000 BC) |
KUBABA 9/20 11-164 |
Ekiz H.H. 2022a : |
İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’nde Bulunan Bir Grup Hitit İnsan Ve Tanrı Heykelciği (A Group of Hittite Humans and God Statuette Found at İstanbul Archeology Museums)
Kubaba 20/31 39-50 |
Emre K. 1993b: |
A Group of Hittite Statuettes from Alaça Höyük |
Fs Neve 235-244 |
Engin A. 2022a: |
Northern Syrian Sculpture in the 2nd Millennium BC in the Light of Oylum Höyük Findings / Oylum Höyük MÖ 2. Binyıl Buluntuları Işığında Kuzey Suriye Heykeltıraşlığı |
Engin A. − Demir T. − Özgüner Gülhan N.P. 2022a 165-189 |
Eralp G. 1995a: |
Sevdiliköy Geç Hitit Aslanı |
Gs Akyurt 115-120 |
Erbil Y. 2019a: |
The Importance of Beyşehir in the Hittite Period |
Maner Ç. 2019a 193-206 |
Eskioğlu M. 1975-1976a: |
Konya Ovasında Bulunmuş Olan Bir Kadın Heykelciği Hakkında Gözlemler / An unstratified anthropomorphic figure from the Konya plain |
Anadolu 19 185-186 / 187-188 |
Galter H.D. 2005a: |
Die Torlöwen von Arslan Tash |
UF 37 193-211 |
Garstang J. 1912b: |
A new royal hittite monument from near Marash in northern Syria |
AAA 4 126-127 |
Garstang J. 1914b: |
The winged deity and other sculptures of Malatia |
AAA 6 116-118 |
Garstang J. 1937b: |
The first imperial Hittite sculpture found south of the Taurus Range |
ILN 5129 210-211 |
Genouillac H. de 1929a: |
Idole en plomb d'une triade cappadocienne |
Syria 10 1-11 |
Genz H. 2017b: |
Hittite Gods Abroad: Evidence for Hittite Diplomatic Activities? |
Fs Gates 243-255 |
Goldman H. 1952a: |
A Crystal Statuette from Tarsus |
Gs Herzfeld 129-133 |
Gottheil R.J.H. 1912a: |
Figurines of syro-hittite art |
Fs Toy 361-365 |
Guler A. 1963a: |
The Exploring Eye: Hittite Sculpture |
Architectural Review 134 185-187 |
Hanfmann G.M.A. 1962a: |
A "Hittite" Priest from Ephesus |
AJA 66 1-4 |
Hanfmann G.M.A. – Balmuth M.S. 1965a: |
The Image of an Anatolian Goddess at Sardis |
Gs Bossert 261-269 |
Hansen D.P. 1962a: |
An Archaic Bronze Boar from Sardis |
BASOR 168 27-36 |
Harden D.B. 1934a: |
Three North Syrian Terracottas |
AAA 21 89-92 |
Heffron Y. 2016a: |
Stone stelae and religious space at Kültepe-Kaneš |
AnSt 66 23-42 |
Ilasli A. 1993a: |
A Hittite Statue Found in the Area of Ahurhisar |
Fs N. Özgüç 301-308 |
Jira J. 1923a: |
Bronzová soška nalezená u Kouřimi [Eine Bronzestatuette gefunden bei Kouřim] |
Obzor praehistorický 2 104-107 |
Kampman A.A. 1964a: |
Zwei Bildwerke aus dem hethitischen Imperium in Leiden |
BAnB 39 55-56 |
Karamete K. 1935a: |
Idoles du Kultepe au Lycée et au Musee de Kayseri |
RHA 3/18 63-66 |
Karamete K. 1936a: |
Nouvelles idoles du Kültepe au Musee de Kayseri |
RHA 3/24 245-247 |
Karamete K. 1938a: |
Idoles récemment découvertes au Kültepe |
RHA 4/30 205-207 |
Kohlmeyer K. 2008a: |
Zur Datierung der Skulpturen von ´Ain Dara
Fs Kühne 119-130 |
Kozloff A.P. 1972a: |
A Hittite Priest-King Figure |
BCMA 59 56-62 |
Kozloff A.P. 1981b: |
Ancient Animals in Art |
Archaeology 34 56-58 |
Kulakoğlu F. 1999a: |
Late-Hittite Sculptures from the Şanliurfa Region |
BMECCJ 11 197-181 |
Kulakoğlu F. 2003a: |
Şanlıurfa'da Son Yıllarda Keşfedılen Geç Hitit Heykeltraşlık Merkezlerı ve Eserlerı |
AMM-K 2002 65-87 |
Kulakoğlu F. 2006a: |
Some Neo-Assyrian Sculptures from Şanlıurfa Province (Upper Balikh) |
Fs H. Erkanal 515-522 |
Laroche L. 1961a: |
Deux objets méconnus du Musée du Louvre |
RA 55 5-12 |
Littauer M.A. – Crouwel J.H. 1979a: |
Wheeled Vehicles and Ridden Animals in the Ancient Near East |
HdO ?Rezension? |
Lovejoy N. 2022a: |
Ambiguity of Divine and Royal Portraiture and the Hiyawan Image of Kingship: Political Identity through the Monuments of ÇİNEKÖY and KARATEPE |
BASOR 387 113-138 |
Majewski K. 1947a: |
O niektórych t.ZW. Brazach Syro-Hetyckich (Sur quelques statuettes en bronze appelées syro-hittites) |
Archeologia (W) 1 209-212 |
Marchetti N. 2014b: |
Bronze Statuettes from the Temples of Karkemish (Tab. XXII-XXXI) |
Or 83/3 305-320 |
Martin L. 2007a: |
Die Statuette VA 4853 – Eine Darstellung des Wettergottes? |
Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 475-482 |
Martino Sh. 2018a: |
The context and chronological relationship of Middle Bronze Age figurines at Alişar Höyük |
Anatolica 44 213-228 |
Mazzoni S. 1984a: |
Sikizlar: una cava d'età siro-ittita |
SMEA 24 233-243 |
Mellink M.J. 1965d: |
A Hittite Figurine from Nuzi |
Fs Moortagt 155-164 |
Mellink M.J. 1993b: |
Aspects of Minor and Major Arts in Kanish and Acemhöyük |
Fs N. Özgüç 423-433 |
Merriam 1885a: |
Arrangement of the hair on the sphinxes at Euiuk |
AJA 1 159-160 |
Moortgat A. 1930b: |
Eine mitannische Statuette |
Berliner Museen 51 56-59 |
Moortgat A. 1933a: |
Ein Basaltidol aus churrischem Bereich |
ZA 41 209-215 |
Moortgat A. 1973a: |
Zur Geschichte der Karyatide |
Fs Otten 209-216 |
Müller V.K. 1929a: |
Frühe Plastik in Griechenland und Vorderasien; ihre Typenbildung von der neolithischen bis in die griechisch-archäische Zeit (rund 3000 bis 600 v. Chr.) |
?Rezension? |
Nagel W. 1984-1985a: |
Zwei Kupfermodelle eines Kultwagens mit Rinderzweigespann vom zweiachsigen Gatterkanzeltyp aus der Alacahüyük-Kultur im Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte Berlin |
Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 16-17 143-151 |
Naumann R. 1962a: |
Eine hethitische Statuette aus Kilikien |
Fs M. Wegner 1-13 |
Neve P. 1994b: |
Datierung des Sphinxtores von Alaca Hüyük |
Fs Mayer-Opificius 213-226 |
Neve P. 1995a: |
Sulla datazione della Porta delle Sfingi a Alaca Höyük |
2HitCongr 295-312 |
Neve P. 2002b: |
Ein Fragment einer Stierskupltur von der sogenannten Südburg in Boğazköy-Hattuša |
Fs Hauptmann 309‒312 |
Nunn A. 2018a: |
Eine späthethitische Statue |
Fs Wartke 111-120 |
Offord J. 1911: |
A Hittite bronze statuette |
AAA 4 88-89 |
Olmstead A.T. 1929a: |
Two Stone Idols from Asia Minor at the University of Illinois |
Syria 10 311-313 |
Opitz D. 1930a: |
Sculptures Hittites en Métal |
Cahiers d' 4 354-358 |
Opitz D. 1936-1937a: |
Eine silberne Stier-Statuette aus Kleinasien |
AfO 11 97-98 |
Oppenheim M. von 1928-1929a: |
Eine unbekannte Statue aus dem Serudj |
Fs Meissner 155-162 |
Oppenheim M. von 1931b: |
The oldest monumental statues in the world |
ILN 178 826-827 |
Orthmann W. 1974a: |
Der Löwe von Zilfe |
Fs Güterbock 239-243 |
Orthmann W. 2013b: |
Stone Sculpture of the Iron Age in Northern Syria |
Orthmann W. − Matthiae P. − al-Maqdissi M. 2013a 525-542 |
Osten H.H. von der 1928-1929a: |
New Sculptures from Malatia |
AJSL 45 83-89 |
Özcan A. – Yiğit T. 2014a: |
A New Late Hittite Stone Workshop and Artifacts at Kuşçu-Boyacı |
AoF 41 63-79 |
Özgen E. 1989a: |
Eine "Göttin"-Statue aus Oylum Höyük in Südost-Anatolien |
Fs T. Özgüç 369-371 |
Özgen E. – Summers G.D. 1993a: |
Metalwork in the Gaziantep and Adana Museums: an Addendum |
AnSt 43 109-110 |
Özgüç N. 1949a: |
Dövlek Köyünden (Şarkışla İlçesi) Getirilen Eti Heykelciği (A Hittite figurine found at Dövlek, Anatolia) |
TTAED 5 45-51 |
Özgüç N. 1956a: |
Tokat Menşeli Bir Hitit Boğa Başı / Ein hethitischer Stierkopfaus Tokat |
Anatolia 1 53-55 / 56-58 |
Özgüç N. 1957a: |
Kültepe Kazılarında Bulunan Mermer İdol ve Heykelcikler / Marble Idols and Statuettes from the Excavations at Kültepe |
Belleten 21 61-70 7 71-80 |
Özgüç T. 1954b: |
Koloni Devrinin Geç Safhasına (Ib) Ait Bir Arslan Heykeli Parçası / Fragment of a lion statue found in the late phase (Ib) of the Colony Period |
Belleten 18 441-443 / 445-447 |
Özgüç T. 1958b: |
The Statuette from Horoztepe |
Anatolia 3 53-56 |
Özgüç T. 1959c: |
A Unique Mother Goddess Statue. A Sistrum. A Bull Standard, from Early Bronze Age Anatolia (Karum Kanesh) |
ILN 572-573 |
Özgüç T. 1974c: |
A Bronze Hittite Statuette |
Fs Güterbock 253-255 |
Özgüç T. 1979b: |
A Figurine of a God from Anatolia in the Hermitage Museum in Leningrad |
Fs Laroche 291-296 |
Özgüç T. 1993a: |
Alabaster Idols and Statuettes from Kültepe |
Gs Palmieri 509-515 |
Özgüç T. 1993b: |
Studies on Hittite Relief Vases, Seals, Figurines and Rock-Carvings |
Fs N. Özgüç 473-499 |
Özgüç T. 1994c: |
A Votive Foundation-nail in the temple of Maşathöyük |
Fs Mayer-Opificius 227-234 |
Özgüç T. 1999b: |
The Metal Figurines of Two Hittite Gods |
BMECCJ 11 23-38 |
Özgüç T. – Akok M. 1957a: |
Objects from Horoztepe |
Belleten 21 211-220 |
Özyar A. 1998a: |
The Use and Abuse of Re-use at Karkamish
Fs Çambel 633-640 |
Peiser F.E. 1899a: |
Die Funde der Expedition der deutschen Orient-gesellschaft |
OLZ 2 418 |
Picard Ch. 1923a: |
La sculpture antique, des origines à Phidias |
?Rezension? |
Picard Ch. 1937b: |
Le premier monument impérial de sculpture hittite au Sud de la barrière du Taurus |
RAr 10 256-257 |
Przeworski S. 1924b: |
Nieznany posąźek hetycki w Krakowie [Eine unbekannte hethitische Statuette in Krakau] |
Sztuka i Artysta 1 145-148 |
Przeworski S. 1925c: |
Chettitische Bronzestatuette |
Kunstchronik 59 280 |
Przeworski S. 1926b: |
Une statuette hittite de Cracovie. Avec bibliographie des bronzes hittites |
Eos 29 1-8 |
Przeworski S. 1927c: |
Studja nad figuralnemi zabytkami Egei i Azji Mniejszej w III-em i II-em tys. przed Chr. [Studien über figürliche Überbleibsel der Ägäis und Kleinasien im 3. und 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr.] |
Przegląd Historyczny 6 196-214 |
Przeworski S. 1928g: |
Vier nordsyrisch-hethitische Denkmäler |
OLZ 31 233-238 |
Przeworski S. 1931a: |
Une statuette asianique à crâne déformé |
RHA 1/2 45-51 |
Przeworski S. 1938a: |
Ein Bronzestier von Tarsus in Warschau |
Belleten 2 187-194 |
Przyluski J. 1935c: |
Les monuments mégalithiques de Malatya |
RAr 6 3-7 |
Pucci M. 2008a: |
The King´s Gate Complex at Karkamiš: Analysis of Space |
Fs Kühne 215-224 |
Ridder A. de 1898a: |
Bases de slatuettes portées par des animaux |
BCH 22 201-232 |
Robinson W.A. 1908a: |
A monument from Tshok-Göz-Köprüköe |
PSBA 30 25-27 |
Roeder G. 1937a: |
Bronzefiguren von hethitischer Arbeit |
Ägyptische Bronzewerke 7 |
Roes A. 1953a: |
Un grand bronze hittite trouvé en Arabie |
Syria 30 65-71 |
Ronzevalle S. 1909a: |
Hittite stele from the environs of Restan. Hittite monument of Arslan-Tépé |
Records of the Past 9 67-73 |
Rostovtzeff M. 1931a: |
Dieux et chevaux. Apropos de quelques bronzes d'Anatolie, de Syrie et d'Arménie |
Syria 12 48-57 |
Sakal F. 2007a: |
Zerschlagen und beraubt, Die Geschichte der Torlöwen aus Emar
Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 637-645 |
Schachner A. 2018c : |
Tešubs Stiere. Zwei neue Darstellungen von Stieren aus Ḫattuša und Umgebung |
Fs Dittmann 257-266 |
Schachner A. 2019c: |
Teşup’un Boğaları Hattuşa Ve Çevresinden Iki Yeni Boğa Tasviri |
9HitCongr 835-849 |
Schachner A. – Schachner Ş. – Karabulut H. 2002a: |
Vier Sitzbilder aus Bit-Bahiani |
ZA 92 106-123 |
Schachner Ş. – Schachner A. 1996a: |
Eine späthethitische Grabstele aus Maraş im Museum von Antakya |
Anatolica 22 203-236 |
Schaeffer Cl.F.-A. 1956c: |
Triade hittite sur un pendentif en electrum de Ras Shamra |
Ugaritica 3 94-95 |
Schapps H. 1960a: |
Ein kleinasiatisches Idol aus Westdeutschland |
JPEK 20 16-21 |
Serventi A.T. 1957a: |
Una Statuetta hittita |
Fs Furlani 241-246 |
Sevinç M.G. 2001a: |
Kırşehir Kızılırmak Yayı Içinde Üç Hitit Yontusu |
18/2 AST 169-180 |
Seyrig H. 1929a: |
Statuette d'un dieu anatolien |
RHR 98 87-93 |
Shear T.L. 1931a: |
The Lion Group at Sardis |
Art Bulletin 13 127-137 |
Snegirev I.L. 1931a: |
[Über einige pseudohethitische Statuetten] (russisch) |
Soobščenija Gosudarstvennoj Akademii Istorii Material' 28-30 |
Speleers L. 1922a: |
Deux figurines syro-hittites |
Syria 3 134-140 |
Speleers L. 1927b: |
Un bronze hittite |
Syria 8 46-48 |
Spycket A. 1981a: |
La statuaire du Proche-Orient ancien |
HdO 7/1/2/2 ?Rezension? |
Summers G. D. – Özen E. 2012a: |
The Hittite Stone and Sculpture Quarry at Karakız Kasabası and Hapis Boğazı in the District of Sorgun, Yozgat, Central Anatolia |
AJA 116 507-519 |
Summers G.D. 1991a: |
Metalwork in Gaziantepe Museum said to be a Hoard from the Region of Sakçagözü |
AnSt 41 173-195 |
Tankard E. 1939a: |
The Sculptures of Saksegeuzi |
AAA 26 85-88 |
Tankard E. 1940a: |
The Sculptures of Sakjegeuzi |
AAA 26 85-88 |
Taracha P. 2011b: |
The Iconographic Program of the Sculptures of Alacahöyük |
JANER 11 132-147 |
Taş I. – Yılmaz Ö. – Sir Gavaz Ö. 2013a: |
Identification of an Unfinished Statue Found in a Quarry at Karakiz, Yozgat, Turkey
CRRAI 56 833-838 |
Temizsoy I. 1993a: |
Yesemek Taşocağı ve Heykel Atölyesinde Kazı ve Araştırmalar / Yesemek quarry and sculpture workshop |
AMM-K 1992 57-82 |
Uzunoğlu E. 1979a: |
Une figurine de fondation hittite? |
Fs Laroche 321-325 |
Vaughan D.M. 1934a: |
Some Notes on the Dado-Sculptures of Sakjegeuzi |
AAA 21 37-41 |
Voos J. 1986a: |
Studien zur Rolle von Statuen und Reliefs im syrohethitischen Totenkult während der frühen Eisenzeit (ca. 10.-7. Ih. v.u.Z.) Dissertation |
?Rezension? |
Wilson V. 1975a: |
The Iconography of Bes with Particular Reference to the Cypriot Evidence |
Levant 7 77-103 |
Yağcı R. 1995a: |
Ankara Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesindeki Tanrı Adad Betimlemeli Bir Grup Eser |
Gs Akyurt 373-387 |
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Eine Liste von Amulettsteinen im Museum zu Istanbul |
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