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Anadolu Araştırmaları 27 31-49 |
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A Conspectus of Early Cilician Pottery |
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The Early Iron Age in Central Anatolia |
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Strukturierung und Datierung 349-363 |
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A Glimpse into the Hittite Culinary Culture and Consumption Habits through Statistics of Tableware and Cooking Ware |
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Late Bronze Age Pot Marks from Thyateira - Hastane / Thyateira - Hastane Höyüğü'nde Bulunan Geç Tunç Çağı Çömlekçi İşaretleri |
TÜBA-AR 31 61-74 |
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From Bronze to Iron Ages in Cilicia: the Pottery in its Stratigraphic Context |
Identifying Changes 79-91 |
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Beobachtungen zur Keramikentwicklung der Schicht III von Kaman-Kalehöyük |
Kaman-Kalehöyük 13 95-105 |
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Strukturierung und Datierung 277-292 |
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Analysis of Specialized Iron Age Wares at Kaman-Kalehöyük |
Anatolian Archaeological Studies 17 201-223 |
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AnSt 60 71-92 |
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Ortaköy-Şapinuva kazısı’nda ele geçen kol biçimli ritüel kaplar
7 HitCongr 457-478 |
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Die spätbronzezeitliche Keramik von Norşuntepe |
Institut für Bauen und Planen in Entwicklungsländern. Mitteilungen 4 ?Rezension? |
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A Contribution to Central-Anatolian Prehistoric Ceramics |
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The Pottery of Alaca Höyük |
AJA 51 152-157 |
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Identifying Changes 65-77 |
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The dualistic nature of a Red Lustrous Wheelmade bowl from Boğazköy with a depiction of a victorious armed warrior |
AnSt 69 95-108 |
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Ferzant-Type Bowls from Kültepe |
Essays on Ancient Anatolia and Syria 69-86 |
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BMECCJ 11 149-165 |
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RANT 1 325-358 |
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Across the Border 373-392 |
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Iron Age Pottery from Southern Anatolia |
Belleten 19 115-136 |
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Anatolian Pottery as a Basis for Cultural Synthesis |
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Studia Archaeologica et Medievalia X 187-207 |
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Die Keramik vom Westhang |
Kuşaklı-Sarissa 2 ?Rezension? |
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Red Lustrous Wheelmade Ware from Hittite Contexts |
The Lustrous Wares 155-168 |
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Produktion und Distribution von Keramik im Rahmen der hethitischen Wirtschaftsorganisation |
Byzas 22 155-185 |
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From »Anatolian« to »Hittite«. The Development of Pottery in Central Anatolia in the 2nd Millennium BC |
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Hittite Pottery: Research, Corpus and
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HHE 649-690 |
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MDOG 150 |
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Kochen auf hethitisch |
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Zum Töpferhandwerk bei den Hethitern |
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Zur frühhethitischen Kultur im Mündungsgebiet des Maraššantija |
4HitCongr 430-442 |
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Strukturierung und Datierung 241-249 |
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Önasya Arkeolojisi Seramik Terimleri |
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Bollettino di Archeologia on line 14 2023,2 75-102 |
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Parnassus 4 26 |
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Or NS 21 307-328 |
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Buntkeramik in Anatolien |
Orientalia Suecana 1 15-38 |
Osten H.H. von der 1953a: |
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ColAnt 2 241-273 (Ch. 10) |
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Eine Kultvase mit der Darstellung des Wettergottes von Halab aus Hattuša |
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Gefässmarken von Boğazköy |
WVDOG 88; Boğazköy-Ḫattuša 8 ?Rezension? |
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A Provenance Study of Pottery from Büklükale Using Heavy Mineral Analysis by SEM-EDS |
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A painted pottery of the second millennium from Southem Turkey and Northern Syria |
Iraq 15 57-68 |
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An Old Hittite Rhyton from Imikuşaği |
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Späthethitischer Kulturraum 237-257 |
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“Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware” und offizielle Religion |
Pluralismus und Wandel 145-174 |
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Eskiyapar’dan Orta Hitit’e Ait Bir Kabartmalı Vazo Parçası Üzerine Yeni Gözlemler |
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