Systematik zur Hethitischen Bibliographie

Jana Součková
und Gerfrid G.W. Müller

Citatio: J. Součková & G.G.W. Müller, Hethitische Bibliographie (2008-02-18)

Ergebnisse der Auswahl | Selection Results

Thema: 5.2. Flora und Fauna
Zur Systematik
Alaura S. 2016b: Significance of the Gavur Lake Elephant for the History of Bronze and Iron Age Anatolia Origini 39 264-269
ANES-S 51: Of Vines and Wines. The Production and Consumption of Wine in Anatolian Civilizations through the Ages ?Rezension?
Arbuckle B.S. – Mikeska Ch. – McLeod Kassebaum Th. 2022a: Flattening the Wild in the Ancient Near East NEA 85/4 248-257
Archi A. 1988b: Société des hommes et société des animaux Fs Pugliese Carratelli 25-37
Aslan E. – Doğanay O. – Karauğuz G. 2011a: Some Wineries of the Lykaonia and Isauria Regions SOMA 2009 67-74
Atici A.L. 2003a: Early Bronze Age Fauna from Kaman-Kalehöyük (Central Turkey): A Preliminary Analysis Kaman-Kalehöyük 12 99-102
Atıcı L. 2014a: Food and Ethnicity at Kültepe-Kanesh: Preliminary Zooarchaeological Evidence Current Research at Kultepe/Kanesh 195-211
Aykut İ. 1993a: Boğazköy Metinlerinde Geçen Anlamları Bilinen ve Bilinmeyen Kuş İsimleri (KUB XXXVIII-LVIII ve IBoT IV) / Bird Names with their Means Known and Unknown which Occur in Boğazköy Texts (KUB XXXVIII - LVIII and IBoT IV) AMM 1992 87-97
Azzaroli A. 1982a: Il cavallo nelle culture del rame e del bronzo antico Fs Vonwiller 27-39
Berthon R. 2017a: Herding for the Kingdom, Herding for the Empire. The Contribution of Zooarchaeology to the Knowledge of Hittite Economy Byzas 23 175-184
Boessneck J. – Driesch A. von den 1975a: Tierknochenfunde vom Korucutepe bei Elazig in Ostanatolien Korucutepe 1
Boessneck J. – Wiedemann U. 1977a: Tierknochen aus Yarikkaya bei Boğazköy, Anatolien Archäologie und Naturwissenschaften 1 106-128
Brandenstein W. 1962a: Das Pferd - eine Hauptfrage der indogermanischen Altertumskunde MAGW 92 30-34
Casabonne O. 2006b: Buffles et zébus au Proche-Orient ancien CollAn 5 71-84
Casabonne O. – Porcher A. 2003a: Remarques sur l'explotation et le contrôle des forêts et vergers en Anatolie méridionale dans l'Antiquité L'Arbre 81-86
CMP-SR 2: Centro Mediterraneo Preclassico - Studi e ricerche II: I cereali nell’antico Mediterraneo preclassico QRS-SOB 3 ?Rezension?
Collins B.J. 1989a: The Representation of Wild Animals in Hittite Texts ?Rezension?
Collins B.J. 2002b: Animals in Hittite Literature History of the Animal World 237-250
Collins B.J. 2002c: Animals in the Religions of Ancient Anatolia History of the Animal World 309-334
Cornelius F. 1965a: Die Antahschum-Pflanze Gs Bossert 175-177
Corti C. 2017c: Wine and Vineyards in the Hittite Kingdom: A Case Study of Northern Anatolia and the Southern Black Sea Coast ANES-S 51 41-60
Corti C. 2018a: Viticulture and Wine in Hittite Anatolia and Its Ancient near Eastern Context: Philological, Archaeological and Comparative Perspectives WO 48/2 ?Rezension?
Debruyne S. 2010a: Tools and souvenirs: the shells from Kilise Tepe (1994-1998) AnSt 60 149-160
Della Casa R. – Sapir-Hen L. 2022a: The Environment We Share. Human-Nonbhuman Animal Interactions in the Ancient Near East NEA 85/4 244-247
Demirel S. 2016a: Domestication of Wheat in Anatolia from the Neolithic Period to the Iron Age Efe R. − Cürebal İ. − Nyussupova G. − Atasoy E. 2016a 130-138
Demirel S. 2016b: Hititçe Metinlerde Keten Tohumuna İlişkin Bir Öneri (A Proposal About Linseed in Hittite Texts) Akademik Bakış 10/19 161-168
Diffey C. – Neef R. – Bogaard A. 2017a: The Archaeobotany of Large-Scale Hermetic Cereal Storage at the Hittite Capital of Hattuša Byzas 23 185-202
Dönmez E.O. 2019a: Hitit Şehri Şapinuva’da (Ortaköy - Çorum) Arkeobotanik Buluntular 9HitCongr 669-684
Dörfler W. et al. 2000a: Untersuchungen zur Umweltgeschichte und Agrarökonomie im Einzugsbereich hethitischer Städte MDOG 132 367-380
Driesch A. von den – Boessneck J. 1981a: Reste von Haus- und Jagdtieren aus der Unterstadt von Boğazköy-Hattuša. Grabungen von 1958-1977 Boğazköy-Hattuša 11 ?Rezension?
Driesch A. von den – Pöllath N. 2004a: Vor- und frühgeschichtliche Nutztierhaltung und Jagd auf Büyükkaya in Boğazköy-Ḫattuša, Zentralanatolien Bo-Ber 7 ?Rezension?
Erkut S. 1998a: The Plant AN.TAH.SUMSAR and Its Festival Among the Hittites BMECCJ 11 199-205
Erkut S. 1998b: Hititlerde AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR Bitkisi ve Bayramı Üzerine Bir İnceleme 3HitCongr 189-195
Ertem H. 1965a: Boğazköy Metinlerine Göre Hititler Devri Anadolu'sunun Faunası [Die Fauna Anatoliens zur Hethiterzeit nach den Boğazköy-Texten] ?Rezension?
Ertem H. 1974a: Boğazköy Metinlerine Göre Hititler Devri Anadolu'sunun Florası [The Flora of Anatolia in the Hittite Period, Based on Documents from Boğazköy] ?Rezension?
Ertuğ F. 2000a: Baharın Müjdecisi: Çiğdem (Crocus) ya da AN.TAH.ŠUMŠAR Hititler Devri Anadolu Florasına Küçük Bir Katkı [Harbinger of Spring: Crocus “Çiğdem” or AN.TAH.ŠUMŠAR. A Small Contribution to the Anatolian Flora of the Hittite Period] TÜBA-AR 3 129-136
Fairbairn A. 2002a: Archaeobotany at Kaman-Kalehöyük 2001 Kaman-Kalehöyük 11 201-212
Fairbairn A. 2003a: Archaeobotany at Kaman-Kalehöyük 2002 Kaman-Kalehöyük 12 151-162
Fairbairn A. 2004a: Archaeobotany at Kaman-Kalehöyük 2003 Kaman-Kalehöyük 13 107-120
Fairbairn A. 2006a: Archaeobotany at Kaman-Kalehöyük 2005 Kaman-Kalehöyük 15 133-137
Fairbairn A. et al. 2019a: Ceremonial plant consumption at Middle Bronze Age Büklükale, Kırıkkale Province, central Turkey Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 28/3 327-346
Fairbairn A. – Wright N. 2017a: Grinding, Burning and Trading at Kültepe: Archaeobotanical Evidence for Economic Differences between Settlements in Anatolia’s Middle Bronze Age Subartu 39 9-28
Frantz-Szabó G. 2003a: Obst und Gemüse. A. II. In Anatolien RlA 10 22-26
Frantz-Szabó G. 2003b: Öl, Ölbaum, Olive. B. In Anatolien RlA 10 33-38
Frey W. – Probst W. 1977a: Gliederung der Vegetation und ihre Darstellung im Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients und in den Beiheften zum Atlas TAVO Beihefte A 1 ?Rezension?
Gökçek L.G. 2004a: Asur Ticaret Kolonileri Çağı´nda (M.Ö. 1975-1723) Anadolu´da Havancılık ve Hayan Ticareti (Animal Husbandry and Animal Trade in Anatolia during the Age of Assyrian Trade Colonies (1975-1723 B.C.)) ArchAnat 7 59-78
Güterbock H.G. 1968a: Oil Plants in Hittite Anatolia Gs Speiser 66-71
Hafner F. 1965a: Die Bewaldung Anatoliens in den letzten fünf Jahrtausenden Allgemeine Forstzeitung
Hančar F. 1956a: Das Pferd in prähistorischer und früher historischer Zeit Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik 11 ?Rezension?
History of the Animal World: A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East HdO I/64 ?Rezension?
Hnila P. 2002a: Opium Poppy in Ancient Anatolia Fs Korfmann 315-328 (Vol. 1)
Hollenstein D. – Middea G. 2016: The Faunal Remains from the Square Building Horizon in the Valley West of Sarikale, Bogazköy-Hattusa (16th/15th Century BC) Boğazköy-Ḫattuša 24 147-225
Hongo H. 2004a: Transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age in Central Anatolia: A View from Faunal Remains from Kaman-Kalehöyük Kaman-Kalehöyük 13 121-131
Jean È. 2005a: Archéobotanique et géographie historique: l'olivier en Kizzuwatna 5HitCongr 453-470
Kishimoto M. 1962a: Indo-europeens et chevaux Orient 2 1-20
Kürschner H. 2006a: Die Vegetation von Vezirköprü-Oymaağaç (Nord Türkei). Eine Übersicht über die vorläufigen Ergebnisse zum Naturraumpotential MDOG 138 189-197
Kuz'mina E.E. 1971a: Lošad' v Evrope i na Perednem Vostoke (istorija rasprostranenija) [Pferd in Europa und im Vorderen Osten (Geschichte der Verbreitung) V. Vsesojuznaja sessija po Drevnemu Vostoku 92-94
Macchioni N. − Lazzeri S. 2013a: Tilmen Höyük: Identification of Wood Species from Areas E and G GRPOP 2013:4 1-3, Pl. I
Marom N. – Herrmann V.R. 2014a: Incorporation into the Neo-Assyrian Empire from the Perspective of the Faunal Remains from Zincirli Höyük, Turkey JEMAHS 2 298-316
Marston J. M. − Castellano L. 2021: Archaeobotany in Anatolia Steadman S.R. − McMahon G. 2021a
McGovern P. 2017a: Turkey: The Birthplace of Wine? ANES-S 51 9-20
Meadow R.H. – Uerpmann H.-P. 1986a: Equids in the Ancient World 1 TAVO Beihefte A 19/1 ?Rezension?
Meadow R.H. – Uerpmann H.-P. 1991a: Equids in the Ancient World 2 TAVO Beihefte A 19/2 ?Rezension?
Mills J.S. – White R. 1989a: The Identity of the Resins from the Late Bronze Age Shipwreck at Ulu Burun (Kaş) Archaeometry 31 37-44
Nesbitt M. 1995b: Recovery of Archaeological Plant Remains at Kaman-Kalehöyük Anatolia and Surrounding Civilizations 115-130
Osten-Sacken E. von der 1994a: Wild als Opfertier Fs Mayer-Opificius 235ff.
Pasternak R. – Kroll H. 2017a: Wieviel haben wir Ende Mai zu essen? – Botanische Großreste aus hethitischen Siedlungskontexten Byzas 23 203-218
Peled I. 2019a: Categorization and Hierarchy: Animals and their Relations to Gods, Humans and Things in the Hittite World Mattila R. − Fink S. − Ito S. 2019a 79-93
Potratz J.A.H. 1938a: Das Pferd in der Frühzeit ?Rezension?
Roos J. de 2007d: Animals in Hittite texts Tydskrif vir semitistiek 16/3 624-634
Şenkul et al. 2020a: Paleo-Ecological Conditions of Kültepe and its Vicinity Based on Palynological Data KIM 3 123-140
Todd I.A. 1974a: Anatolian Symposium Archaeology 27 278-280
Tyler T. 1884a: The bee and the Hittiles Athenaeum
White C.E. – Miller N.F. 2018a: The Archaeobotany of Grape and Wine in Hittite Anatolia Corti C. 2018a 209-224
Zeist W. van 2003a: An Archaeobotanical Study of Ikiztepe, Northern Turkey Fs Esin 547-581
Vgl. zum Thema ferner:
Akdoğan R. 1990a: Boğazköy Metinlerinde Geçen Bazı Hayvan İsimleri [Animal Names Attested in the Boğazköy Texts] AMM 1989 60-67
Akdoğan R. 1993a: Boğazköy Metinlerinde Geçen Bazı Hayvan İsimleri II [Some Animal Names of the Boğazköy Tablets (Part 2) AMM 1992 71-85
Altmann P. 2019a: Banned Birds. The Birds of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14
Atici L. 2014c: Tracing Inequality from Assur to Kultepe/Kanesh. Merchants, Donkeys, and Clay Tablets Animals and Inequality 233-252
Balkan K. 1979a: Makriš and ašiš, component-parts of wagons and ploughs respectively, in a Cappadocian Tablet from Kültepe Fs Laroche 49-58
Barjamovic G. – Fairbairn A. 2018a: Anatolian Wine in the Middle Bronze Age Corti C. 2018a 249-284
Canby J.V. 2002a: Falconry (Hawking) in Hittite Lands JNES 61 161-201
Carra M. 2013a: Tilmen Höyük: Archaeobotanical Remains from Area E GRPOP 2013:6 1-3, Pl. I
Collins B.J. 2003a: On the Trail of the Deer: Hittite kūrala- Fs Hoffner 73-82
Corti C. 2018b: Viticulture and Wine in Hittite Anatolia and Its Ancient Near Eastern Context: A Brief Introduction Corti C. 2018a 202-208
Corti C. 2018c: The Knowledge of Viticulture in Hittite Anatolia: An Interdisciplinary Approach Corti C. 2018a 285-298
Curci A. 2020a: Tilmen Höyük. Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Middle and Late Bronze Age Urban Centre (Excavation Campaigns 2003-2007) GRPOP 2020:2 1-70, Pl. I-XXIV
Davis E.J. 1879a: Life in Asiatic Turkey
Della Casa R. 2022a : Encountering Ancient Environments. The Impact of Nonhuman Animals on Populations of Hittite Anatolia NEA 85/4 258-269
Dörfler W. et al. 2011a: Environment and Economy in Hittite Anatolia ColAnt 2 99-124 (= Ch. 5)
Dupré S. 1993a: Bestiaire de Cappadoce. Terre cuites zoomorphes anatoliennes du lIe millenaire av. J.-C. au Musee du Louvre Notes et documents des musées de France 25
Durnford S.P.B. – Akeroyd J.R. 2005a: Anatolian marashanha and the many uses of fennel AnSt 55 1-13
García Trabazo J.V. 2023a: La figura numinosa del ciervo en Anatolia y en otras tradiciones indoeuropeas y no indoeuropeas. Comparación,prehistoria, interpretación Revista de poética medieval 37 79-116
Giusfredi F. 2020c: Assyrian camels and Luwian officials NABU 2020/1 (mars) 53-56, Nr. 24
Glatz C. 2017a: The North: Archaeology HdO 121 75-88
Glatz C. – Matthews R. 2005a: Anthropology of a Frontier Zone: Hittite-Kaska Relations in Late Bronze Age North-Central Anatolia BASOR 339 47-65
Görke S. – Kozal E. 2018a: Birds of prey in pre-Hittite and Hittite Anatolia (c. 1970–1180 BCE): textual evidence and image representation Gersmann K.-H. − Grimm O. 2018a 1667-1689
Haas V. 1977d: Magie und Mythen im Reich der Hethiter 1 Vegetationskulte und Pflanzenmagie Merlins Bibliothek 6
Haas V. 1988a: Magie in hethitischen Gärten Fs Otten 2 121-142
Haas V. 2003a: Materia Magica et Medica Hethitica. Ein Beitrag zur Heilkunde im Alten Orient
Herbordt S. 2010a: The Bulls on the Seals of Muwatalli II Fs Hawkins 123-130
Herda A. et al. 2019a: From the Gulf of Latmos to Lake Bafa: On the History, Geoarchaeology, and Palynology of the Lower Maeander Valley at the Foot of the Latmos Mountains Hesperia 88 1–86
Hoffner H.A. 1974a: Alimenta Hethaeorum. Food Production in Hittite Asia Minor AOS 55
Hongo H. 1998a: Patterns of Animal Husbandry at Kaman-Kalehöyük, Turkey: Continuity and Changes During the Second and First Millennia Essays on Ancient Anatolia 239-278
Hout Th.P.J. van den 2004l: Pferd (und weitere Equiden). A. II. In Anatolien RlA 10 482-490
Karauğuz G. – Şanda A. 2011a: An Ethnobotanical Plant from the Hittite Flora: Hatalkišni- SOMA 2009 93-97
Klinger J. 2022b: Hittite Economics HHE 605-647
Koppers W. 1936a: Pferdeopfer und Pferdekult der Indogermanen WBKGL 4 279-411
Kozloff A.P. 1981a: Animals in Ancient Art from the Leo Mildenberg Collection
Kozloff A.P. 1981b: Ancient Animals in Art Archaeology 34 56-58
Kozloff A.P. et al. 1986a: More Animals in Ancient Art
Kubala A. 2018a: Representations of Animals on So-Called Neo-Hittite Seals SOMA 2015 1-12
Lefevre-Novaro D. – Mouton A. 2008a: Aux origines de l’ichthyomancie en Anatolie ancienne. Sources textuelles et données archéologiques Anatolica 34 7-51
Littauer M.A. – Crouwel J.H. 1979a: Wheeled Vehicles and Ridden Animals in the Ancient Near East HdO
Magikon Zōon: Magikon Zōon. Animal et magie dans l’Antiquité et au Moyen Âge Bibliothèque d’Histoire des Textes 2
Marazzi M. 2023c: Der Wolf und die Hethiter FsKosyan 195-224
Martino S. de 1998b: L'uso di bruciare aromata presso gli Ittiti AoF 25 141-155
Matoïan V. – Vita J.-P. 2018a: The Administration of Wine in Ugarit Corti C. 2018a 299-318
Mattila R. – Fink S. – Ito S. 2019a: Animals and their Relation to Gods, Humans and Things in the Ancient World
Mérode R. de – Damblon-Willemaers N. 1983a: Essai sur I'iconographie des cervides chez les Hittites Fs Naster 2 173-186
Mouton A. 2022b: Les procédés d’identification du substitut animal avec l’homme dans les textes rituels hittites Magikon Zōon 71-84
Müller-Karpe A. 1998c: Untersuchungen in Kuşaklı 1997 MDOG 130 93-174
Müller-Karpe A. 1999a: Untersuchungen in Kuşaklı 1998 MDOG 131 57-113
Müller-Karpe A. 2000e: Untersuchungen in Kuşaklı 1999 MDOG 132 311-353
Nesbitt M. 1993a: Ancient Crop Husbandry at Kaman-Kalehöyük: 1991 Archaeobotanical Report Essays in Anatolian Archaeology 75-97
Nesbitt M. 1995a: Plants and People in Ancient Anatolia Fs Neve 2 68ff.
Nesbitt M. 2002a: Plants and People in Ancient Anatolia Hopkins D.C. 2002a 5-18
Pişkin E. 2019a: Sacrifices at Šapinuwa: Evidence from Animal Bones 9HitCongr 805-822
Riemschneider K.K. 1975a: kappu-rapšu and pattarpalḫi- JCS 27 233-234
Roberts N. 2017a: The Land of the Hittites: Airs, Waters and Places HdO 121 17-27
Ross J.C. et al. 2019a: Local Experiences from Hittites to Phrygians at Çadır Höyük JEMAHS 7/3 299-320
Schrijver P. 2019a: Hittite Plant Names in KBo XIII 248 Gs Weitenberg 315-321
Sollee A.E. et al. 2020a: The Development of the Southeast Lower Town of Sirkeli Höyük A Preliminary Assessment based on the 2013–2019 Campaigns AoF 47/2 215-285
Soysal O. 1989a: "Der Apfel möge die Zähne nehmen!" Or NS 58 171-192
Stivala G. 2004a: Contributo alla lessicologia ittita: per una classificazione dei nomi di piante erbacee SEL 21 35-64
Tischler J. 2002a: Hethitische Äpfel Fs Popko 345-350
Trémouille M.-C. 2004d: I testi ittiti di medicina RANT 1 205-225
Turgut M. 2019a: The Using of Trees in Hittite Rituals Int. Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Science 3 22-30
Ünal A. 1992a: Parts of Trees in Hittite. According to a Medical Incantation Text (KUB 43, 62) Fs Alp 49-500
Vieyra M. 1981b: À propos d'un oiseau hittite et de la lecture du nom d'un oiseau biblique RA 75 176-179
von den Driesch A. – Pöllath N. 2003a: Changes from the Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age Animal Husbandry as Reflected in the Faunal Remains from Büyükkaya/Boğazköy-Hattuša Identifying Changes 295-300
Yar N.M. et al. 2016a: The Elephant Remains from Gavur Lake (South-Eastern Turkey). Restoration and Display Origini 39 243-273
Zinko C. 1987d: Bemerkungen zu hethitischen Vogelnamen Grazer Beiträge 14 1-22
Zinko C. 2001b: Bemerkungen zu einigen hethitischen Pflanzen und Pflanzennamen 4HitCongr 739-759

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