Systematik zur Hethitischen Bibliographie

Jana Součková
und Gerfrid G.W. Müller

Citatio: J. Součková & G.G.W. Müller, Hethitische Bibliographie (2008-02-18)

Ergebnisse der Auswahl | Selection Results

Thema: 5.5. Studien zur anatolischen (insbesondere hethitischen) Geographie
Zur Systematik
Sir Gavaz Ö. 2006a: Hitit Kenti Zalpa’nın Yeri Üzerine Anadolu/Anatolia 31 1-18
Akdoğan R. 2017b: Hititler Döneminde URUAdaniya [URUAdaniya in the Hittite Period] ArAn 11/1 1-28
Akdoǧan R. – Ersoy A. 2014a: Kahramanmaraş Müzesi'nde Bulunan Yapı-Adak Çivileri Çivilerinin Işıǧında Mama Şehrinin Lokalizasyonu 8HitCongr 20-31
Alkim U.B. 1969c: The Amanus Region in Turkey. New Light on the Historical Geography and Archeology. Archaeology 22 280-289
Alp S. 1956a: Die Lage von Šamuḫa Anatolia 1 77-80
Alp S. 1977a: Maşat-Höyük'te Keşfedilen Hitit Tabletlerinin Işığı Altında Yukarı Yeşilırmak Bölgesinin Coğrafyası Hakkında Belleten 41 636-647
Alp S. 1979c: Remarques sur la géographie de la région du haut Yeşil-Irmak d'après les tablettes hittites de Maşat-Höyük Fs Laroche 29-35
Alp S. 1979d: Die Lage der hethitischen Kultstadt Ḫanḫana Fs Edel 13-16
Alp S. 1983c: Die Lage der hethitischen Kultstadt Karaḫna im Lichte der Maşat-Texte Fs Bittel 43-46
Alp S. 1986a: Maşat Tabletlerinin Eski Anadolu Coğrafyasına Katkıları [Beiträge der Tontafeln aus Maşat zur Geographie Altanatoliens] 9TTKongr 227-233
Alp S. 1992A: Hitit Çağında Anadolu Coğrafyası; bazı atılımlar ve yeni umutlar 1HitCongr 21-24
Alp S. 1995a: Bronz Tablet ve Tarhuntassa Kentinin Yeri AMM-K 1994 11-27
Alp S. 1995b: Zur Lage der Tarḫuntašša 2HitCongr 1-11
Alparslan M. 2002a: Artukka: Aššuwa Ülkesi ve Lokalizasyonu / Artukka: Das Land Aššuwa und seine Lokalisation AnAr 16 23-27/28-34
Alparslan M. 2010a: Das land Hakmiš: Geschichte, Lokalisation und politische Bedeutung einer hethitischen Metropole 7 HitCongr 29-44
Alparslan M. 2017c: The East: Upper Land, Išuwa-Malitiya, Azzi-Hayaša Philology HdO 121 209-218
Alparslan M. – Doğan-Alparslan M. 2014a: The Hittites and their Geography: Problems of Hittite Historical Geography European Journal of Archaeology 18 90-110
Archi A. 1986a: The Geography of South-Eastern Anatolia and Northern Syria according to the Texts from Ebla (IIIrd Millennium B.C.) 9TTKongr 165-170
Archi A. 2008d: Haššum/Hassuwan and Uršum/Uršaum from the point of view of Ebla Fs Darga 87-102
Archi A. 2015e: Iritum (Irrite) at the Time of the Archives of Ebla Fs Ünal 35-43
Archi A. et al. 1971a: Gaziantep e la sua regione. Uno studio storico e topografico degli insediamenti preclassici Incunabula Graeca 48 ?Rezension?
Artzy M. et al. 1976a: Alašiya of the Amarna Letters JNES 35 171-182
Aydin N. 1994a: Satışla İlgili Bir Kültepe Tableti ile Etüdlük Tabletlerde Geçen Yer Adları ve Kārum Nahria. Eine Tafel über Hausverkauf mit den Ortsnamen in Fragmenten der Tafeln aus Kültepe und Kārum Nahria Belleten 58 29-38 / 39-49
Baltacioğlu H. 2004a: Yazılı Kaynaklar ve Arkeolojik Veriler Işiğında Hattuša ile Arinna Arasındaki Uzaklık (The Distance Between Hattuša and [Arinna]in the Light of Written Sources and Archeological Data) ArchAnat 7/2 13-47
Baltacioğlu H. 2006a: Güneş Kursları, Alaca Höyük ve Arinna Fs H. Erkanal 129-137
Barjamovic G. 2008a: The Geography of Trade. Assyrian Colonies in Anatolia c. 1975-1725 BC and the Study of Early Interregional Networks of Exchange Anatolia and the Jazira 87-100
Barjamovic G. 2010a: Sites, Routes and Historical Geography in Central Anatolia Fs Hawkins 10-25
Barjamovic G. 2011a: A Historical Geography of Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Colony Period ?Rezension?
Barjamovic G. 2014a: The Size of Kanesh and the Demography of Early Middle Bronze Age Anatolia Current Research at Kultepe/Kanesh 55-68
Barjamovic G. – Gander M. 2012a: Tegaram(m)a RlA 13/5-6 503-504
Barjamovic G. – Gander M. 2015a: Ušša RlA 14 5/6 507-508
Baysal E.L. – Karakatsanis L. 2017a: Bordered Places - Bounded Times. Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Turkey BIAA Monograph Series 51 ?Rezension?
Beal R.H. 1992b: The Location of Cilician Ura AnSt 42 65-73
Becks R. 2015a: Settlement Patterns and Socio-Political Landscape of Western Anatolian in the Middle and Late Bronze Age: A Geoarchaeological View NOSTOI 115-129
Belmonte Marín J.A. 2021a: El “horizonte geográfico” del Reino de Tigunānum (ca. 1620 a.C.) Feliu L. − Millet A. − Vidal J. 2021a 83-115
Berges D. 1998-1999a: Tyana in Kappadokien. Luwischer Dynastensitz und kaiserzeitliche Colonia NBA 15 37ff.
Blasweiler J. 2023a: Evidence to Place the City of Purušhanda at Acemhöyük Rollinger R. et al. 2023a 715-750
Borghi G. 2019a: Troia ≠ anatolico (KUR URU)Ta-ru-(ú-)i-ša ≠ geroglifico Tara/i-wa/i-zi/a-wa/i(REGIO) RIOn 25 99-130
Börker-Klähn J. 1989a: Mons argaius und papana, "Die Berge" Fs T. Özgüç 237-255
Börker-Klähn J. 2007a: Die Schlacht um Tuanua als „Atlante Storico“ Fs Košak 91-118
Börker-Klähn J. 2014a: Landeskundliches: Suppilulija, Karahna, Urista Fs A. Erkanal 131-146
Bossert H.Th. 1950a: Reisen in Kilikien. Or NS 19 122-125
Bozgun Ş. 2018a: Çiviyazılı Belgelere Göre Tiliura Kenti'nin Konumu (II) (The Location of Tiliura City according to Cuneiform Documents (II) DTCF Dergisi 58.2 1246-1266
Bozgun Ş. 2019c: Nerik, Hakmiš ve Yakın Çevresinin Lokalizasyonu Hakkında (On Localization of Nerik, Hakmiš and Its Surrounding) DTCF Dergisi 59.1 152-180
Bozgun Ş. 2020a: Hititçe Çiviyazılı Belgelere Göre Azzi-Hayaša'nın Tarihi ve Konumu Erzincan Tarihi 1 395-411
Bozgun Ş. 2020b: Nerik ve Hakmiš Hakkında ArAn 14/1 29-50
Brown M. 2013a: Waterways and the Political Geography OF South-East Cyprus in the Second Millennium BC The Annual of the British School at Athens 108 121-136
Bryce T. 1986a: The Boundaries of Hatti and Hittite Border Policy Tel Aviv 13-14 85-102
Bryce T. 2007b: The Geopolitical Layout of Late Bronze Age Anatolia’s Coastlands: Recent Advances and Important Caveats Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 125-131
Burgin J. 2010a: A geographical note on the Xanthos stele Kadmos 49 181-186
Camatta P. 2006a: Die Stadt Ḫanḫana und ein Identifizierungsvorschlag AoF 33 263-270
Cancik-Kirschbaum E. – Ziegler N. 2009a: Entre les Fleuves. 1. Untersuchungen zur historischen Geographie Obermesopotamiens im 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. BBVO 20 ?Rezension?
Carnevale A. 2020a: La frontiera nord-orientale dell'Impero Ittita. Uno studio sulla provincia di Tapika e sulle terre del fiume Kummešmaḫa MAVOA 2 ?Rezension?
Casabonne O. 2001a: La notion de ville-sainte en Anatolie et les deux Kastabala Muséon 114 246-250
Casabonne O. 2001b: Kiršu : une capitale cilicienne (6e-4e Av. J.-C.) Ville et Pouvoir 101-114
Casabonne O. 2002a: Notes ciliciennes 12 - Quelques villes et capitales ciliciennes a l'age du fer: toponymie et geographie historique) Anatolia Antiqua/Eski Anadolu 10 185-195
Casabonne O. 2003a: Les deux Komana et les exodes de Mâ Muséon 116 281-283
Casabonne O. 2004a: Rhodes, Cyprus and Southern Anatolia During the Archaic and Achaemenid Periods: The Ionian Question CollAn 3 1-14
Casabonne O. 2005a: Quelques Remarques et Hypothèses sur Ura et la Cilicie Trachée CollAn 4 67-82
Casabonne O. 2009a: Kataonia, Melitene, Kummanni, and the Problem of Komana AOB 22 181-188
Casabonne O. – Forlanini M. – Lemaire A. 2001a: Ingirâ (Cilicie). Numismatique et géographie historique Revue Belge de Numismatique et Sigillographie 147 57-66
Casabonne O. – Lebreton S. – Lebrun R. 2013a: Notes ciliciennes Anatolia Antiqua/Eski Anadolu 21 87-92
Cau N. 1998a: Sulla localizzazione di Zagaba NABU 1998 8, 1998/8
Cavaignac E. 1932c: La localisation du Barga et de Iaruvatta RHA 1/8 254-258
Cavaignac E. 1933b: Dadasa-Dattassa RHA 2/10 65-76
Cavaignac E. 1936b: La place du Palâ et du Tumanna RHA 3/22 173-178
Cavalier L. – Courtils J. des 2011a: La vallée du Xanthe et la mer Anatolia Antiqua/Eski Anadolu 19 453-463
Chačatrjan V.N. 1971a: Nekotorye voprosy etničeskoj geografii drevnej Maloj Azii [Einige Fragen ethnischer Geographie des alten Kleinasien] V. Vsesojuznaja sessija po Drevnemu Vostoku 84-85
Chačatrjan V.N. 1971b: Vostočnye provincii chettskoj imperii (Voprosy toponimiki) [Östliche Provinzen des Ḫatti-Reiches (Fragen der Toponymie)] ?Rezension?
Chačatrjan V.N. 1976a: Nekotorye voprosy toponimiki central'nych rajonov strany Chatti (Some problems relating to the toponymy of the central regions of the land of Hatti) Drevnij Vostok 2 67-75
Chačatrjan V.N. 1983a: Jugo-zapadnye provincii Chettskogo carstva (Voprosy toponimiki) (South-Western Provinces of the Hittite Kingdom /Questions of Toponymics/) Drevnij Vostok 4 148-173
Chazaradze N.V. 1970a: (K voprosu o mestonachoždenii Tabala) [Zur Frage der Lage von Tabal] Kavkazsko-bližnevostočnyj sbornik 3 64-83
Chazaradze N.V. 1984a: K istorii termina "Tabal" assirijskich pis'mennych istočnikov (The term Tabal of Assyrian evidence) Kavkazsko-bližnevostočnyj sbornik 7 93-101
Chrzanowska A. 2017a: Fortified cities, high rocky mountains, steep places: what do we know about the border between the Hittite state and Azzi-Ḫayaša? Baysal E.L. − Karakatsanis L. 2017a 53-64
Cohen Y. 2017b: The Historical Geography of Hittite Syria: Philology HdO 121 295-310
Coindoz-Kleiman C. – Coindoz M. 1987a: Avanos, un village cappadocien menacé Dossiers histoire et archéologie 121 80-93
Cornelius F. 1958a: Geographie des Hethiterreiches Or NS 27 225-251, 373-398
Cornelius F. 1958b: Zur hethitischen Geographie: die Nachbarn des Hethiterreiches RHA 16/62 1-17
Cornelius F. 1959d: Der Text des Hattusilis III, geographisch erläutert RHA 17,fasc. 65 104-116
Cornelius F. 1959e: Hauptprobleme der hethitischen Geographie 24CongrOr 162-164
Cornelius F. 1960c: Wilhelm Esch-Expedition von 1959 nach Kleinasien ?Rezension?
Cornelius F. 1961a: Zur Geographie der Hethiter (Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise) BiOr 18 214-218
Cornelius F. 1962c: Zur hethitischen Landeskunde. Ergebnisse der 2. W. Esch-Expedition 1962 BiOr 21 11-15
Cornelius F. 1963b: Neue Aufschlüsse zur hethitischen Geographie Or NS 32 233-245
Cornelius F. 1967a: Neue Arbeiten zur hethitischen Geographie Anatolica 1 62-77
Cornelius F. 1976a: Streitpunkte der hethitischen Geographie BiOr 33 283-285
Cornil P. 1990a: Liste des noms géographiques des textes hittites. KBo XXIII-XXX, XXXIII, KUB XLV-LVII Hethitica 10 7-8
Corti C. 2017a: The North: Hanhana, Hattena, Ištahara, Hakpiš, Nerik, Zalpuwa, Tummana, Pala and the Hulana River Land HdO 121 219-238
Corti C. 2017d: Zalpa RlA 15 3/4 193-201
Coşkun Y. 1989a: Hitit Çivi Yazılı Belgelerinin Işığı Altında İlk Çağda Tuuanuua [Tuuanuua, sous la lumière des documents en cuneitorme hittite] Belleten 53 477-485
Crasso D. 2005a: Ankuwa in Hittite Written Sources: Preliminary Observations Kaskal 2 147-158
Crasso D. 2008a: The Location of Ankuwa and the Geographic Connections with the Hittite Capital and the Neighbouring Towns Eothen 16 87-129
Crasso D. 2009a: The Region of the Upper Euphrates: the Hittite Perspective Cancik-Kirschbaum E. – Ziegler N. 2009a 211-231
Crossland R.A. 1956a: The Arguments for Locating "Ahhiyawa" in Cyprus 23CongrOr 136-138
Curtius E. 1872a: Beiträge zur Geschichte und Topographie Klein-Asiens (Ephesos, Pergamon, Smyrna, Sardes) SitzBPreussAkWiss
De Vos J. 2008a: Ramsès III et les cités néo-hittites de Syrie septentrionale: note géographique à propos de toponymes mentionnés à Medinet Habou CollAn 7 157-166
Del Fabbro R. 2012a: The Roads from and to Aleppo. Some Historical-geographical Considerations in the Light of New Archaeological Data Fs Fales 201-222
Demirel S. 2012b: M.Ö. II. Binyil Bati Anadolu’sunda Yer Alan Arzava Ülkeleriyle İlgili Coğrafik Değerlendirme (Evaluation of Arzawa Lands Located in the West Anatolia, II Millenium BC) Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Elektronik Dergisi 5 215-226
Demirel S. 2017d: A Contribution to Localization of Azzi-Hayaša Mentioned in Hittite Cuneiform Texts ArchAn 11 97-110
Dinçol A.M. et al. 2000a: The Borders of the Appanage Kingdom of Tarhuntašša - A Geographical and Archaeological Assessment Anatolica 26 1-29
Dinçol A.M. et al. 2001a: Die Grenzen von Tarhuntašša im Lichte geographischer Beobachtungen La Cilicie 79-86
Dinçol A.M. – Dinçol B. 2000b: Orta Toroslar Bölgesi Tarihsel Coğrafya Araştırmaları Türkiye Arkeolojisi 348ff.
Dinçol A.M. – Dinçol B. 2001d: Studies in Historical Geography of the Central Taurus Seals Archaeology in Turkey 318-319
Dinçol A.M. – Yakar J. 1974a: Nerik Şehrinin Yeri Hakkında / The Theories on the Localization of Nerik Belleten 38 563-572 / 573-582
Dinçol B. – Peker H. 2023a: Alaca Höyük’ten Yazılı Belgeler, Yazılı Belgelerde Alaca Höyük’ü Aramak / Texts from Alaca Höyük, Looking for Alaca Höyük in Texts Yıldırım T. – Önder D. 2023a 189-201
Doğan Alparslan M. – Alparslan M. – Pelvanoğlu T. 2018a: Kutsal bir Hitit kenti Arınna ve lokalizasyonuma dair bazı ipuçları [Arinna, a holy Hittite city, and some hints concerning its localizations] Arslan M. − Baz F. 2018a 261-269
Dönmez Ş. 2017a: The Contribution of New Research to Hittite Historical Geography of Amasya Province Alparslan M. 2017a 75-90
Edel E. 1952b: Zur historischen Geographie der Gegend von Kadeš. Ein Nachtrag zu ZA NF XV 205 ZA 50 253-258
Efe T. – Perello, B. 2016a: Second Millennium Site Distribution and Pottery of Inland Northwestern Anatolia Anatolia Antiqua/Eski Anadolu 24 35-89
Engin A. 2014a: Oylum Höyük İçin Bir Lokalizasyon Önerisi: Ulisum/Ullis/İllis (A Localisation Proposal for Oylum Höyük: Ulisum/Ullşs/illis) Fs Özgen 129-149
Engin A. 2017a: Uršu / Uršum İçin Bir Lokalizasyon Önerisi: Gaziantep-Kale Höyüğü Fs Öztan 97-111
Erkut S. 1999a: Hitit Kenti Kaštama'nın Yeri Üzerine 12TTKongr 129ff.
Ertern H. 1973a: Boğazköy Metinlerinde Geçen Coğrafya Adları Dizini (Çivi Yazılı Metin Yerleri ve Bibliografya ile Birlikte) ?Rezension?
Ertern H. 1980a: Hitit Devletinin İki Eyaleti: Pala- Tum(m)ana ile Yakın Çevresindeki Yerlerin Lokalizasyonu Üzerine Yeni Denemeler [Zwei Provinzen des hethitischen Staates: Neuer Lokalisierungsversuch von Pala-Tum(m)ana und umliegenden Orten] ?Rezension?
Ertern H. 1992a: Coğrafi Lokalizasyon Denemelerinde Alınması Gereken Noktalar ve Bazı Şehirlerin İdentifikasyonları Hakkında [Für die geographische Lokalisation notwendige Gesichtspunkte und über einige Städte-Identifikationen] Fs Alp 167-169
Forlanini M. 1977a: L'Anatolia nordoccidentale nell'impero eteo SMEA 18 197-225
Forlanini M. 1979a: Appunti di geografia etea Gs Meriggi 165-185
Forlanini M. 1980a: La prima lista di VBoT 68 e la provincia di Arinna SMEA 22 71-80
Forlanini M. 1983a: Gašipura e Gazziura Hethitica 5 11-19
Forlanini M. 1984-1985a: Problèmes de la géographie historique hittite EPHE 93 257-259
Forlanini M. 1985a: Remarques géographiques sur les textes cappadociens Hethitica 6 45-67
Forlanini M. 1988a: La regione dei Tauro nei testi hittiti VO 7 129-169
Forlanini M. 1990a: Uda, un cas probable d'homonymie Hethitica 10 109-127
Forlanini M. 1997a: La ricostruzione della geografia storica del Ponto nella tarda età del bronzo e la continuità della toponomastica indigena fino all'età romana Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo 131 397-422
Forlanini M. 1997b: Gab es eine hethitische Stadt Hamsa? Gs Bilgiç 117-123
Forlanini M. 1998a: The Geography of Hittite Anatolia in the Light of the Recent Epigraphical Discoveries 3HitCongr 215-222
Forlanini M. 1998b: L'Anatolia occidentale e gli Hittiti: appunti su alcune recenti scoperte e le loro conseguenze per la geografia storica SMEA 40 219-253
Forlanini M. 2000a: L'orizzonte geografico dei testi hittiti e le "liste di evocazione" CRRAI 44/2 9-20
Forlanini M. 2001a: Quelques notes sur la geographie historique de la Cilicie La Cilicie 553-563
Forlanini M. 2002a: Tapikka: una marca di frontiera. Note sulla struttura territoriale ed economica Gs Imparati 255-276
Forlanini M. 2004a: Luḫuzatija, Lawazantija e la localizzazione delle città di Kizzuwatna Gs Forrer 297-309
Forlanini M. 2004d: Dall’Alto Habur alle montagne dell’Anatolia nel II millennio a.C. Note sulla geografia storica di una regione poco conosciuta CRRAI 46 405-426
Forlanini M. 2005a: Notes sur la géographie anatolienne dans les textes paléo-assyriens NABU 2005 14-15, 2005/14
Forlanini M. 2006a: Ètapes et itinéraires entre Aššur et l’Anatolie des marchands paléo-assyriens: nouveaux documents et nouveaux problèmes KASKAL 3 147-179
Forlanini M. 2007a: Geographica Diachronica Fs Košak 263-270
Forlanini M. 2007b: Happurija, Eine Hauptstadt von Arzawa? Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 285-298
Forlanini M. 2007c: The Offering List of KBo 4.13 (I 17’-48’) to the local gods of the kingdom, known as “Sacrifice List”, and the history of the formation of the early Hittite state and its initial growing beyond central Anatolia 6HitCongr1 259-280
Forlanini M. 2008a: The Historical Geography of Anatolia and the Transition from the kārum-Period to the Early Hittite Empire Anatolia and the Jazira 57-86
Forlanini M. 2008b: The Central Provinces of Hatti: an Updating Eothen 16 145-188
Forlanini M. 2009a: On the Middle Kızılırmak, II Central-North Anatolia 39-69
Forlanini M. 2009b: Kudupa, un port de la Cilicie Hittite NABU 2009 40-41 (NABU 2009/30)
Forlanini M. 2010b: New Evidence and Recent Suggestions on the Anatolian Geography in the Old Assyrian Period Fs Donbaz 135-142
Forlanini M. 2010d: La région autour de Nerik selon les sources hittites SMEA 52 119-135
Forlanini M. 2011b: ABoT 2, 7 et la ville de Ḫu(wa)rniya dans le Pays-Bas hittite NABU 2011 (n. 2, juin) 33-35 Nr. 25 (= NABU 2011/25)
Forlanini M. 2012a: Geographica Diachronica 2: dall’alto Eufrate all’alto Tigri Fs Fales 273-298
Forlanini M. 2012c: The Historical Geography of Western Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age: still an Open Question OrNS 81 133-140
Forlanini M. 2017b: South Central: The Lower Land and Tarḫuntašša HdO 121 239-252
Forlanini M. 2017c: The Ancient Land of “Northern” Kummaḫa and Aripša “Inside the Sea” Alparslan M. 2017a 1-12
Forlanini M. 2019a: Appunti di geografia hittita, 2 Fs Poetto 134-155
Forlanini M. 2019b: Bekannte und unbekannte Ortsnamen aus den im Jahre 2015 gefundenen Texten aus Kayalıpınar Rieken E. 2019a 31-46
Forlanini M. 2019c: Alcune considerazioni sulla posizione di Uršum e Ḫaššum/Ḫaššuwa: dal commercio paleo-assiro al regno di Ḫattušili I Fs Salvini 212-219
Forlanini M. 2022a: Türkmen Karahöyük, Tarḫundašša and Purušḫanda. A Suggestion Waiting for an Archaeological Confirmation SHHU 1 133-154
Forrer E. 1926c: Zur Lage von Kizzuvadna Forschungen 2/1 38-40
Forrer E. 1937b: Der Südosten des Hatti-Reiches Klio 30 267-269
Fortuna M.T. 1965a: Attraverso I'altopiano anatolico verso il regno hittita Humanitas 20 355-359
Frangipane 1992a: Arslantepe-Malatya: sviluppo di un centro locale tra Anatolia ed il mondo siro-mesopotamico Seminari 1991 13-42
Freu J. 1980a: Luwiya. Géographie historique des provinces méridionales de I'empire hittite: Kizzuwatna, Arzawa, Lukka, Milawatta Document 6 177-352
Freu J. 2006a: Les montagnes dans l’historiographie et la géographie hittites RANT 3 219-243
Frey U. 1925a: Das Hochland von Anatolien m. bes. Berücks. des abflusslosen Gebietes MittGeoGesellMünch 18 203-279
Gander M. 2010a: Die geographischen Beziehungen der Lukka-Länder THeth 27 ?Rezension?
Gander M. 2015c: Urikina RlA 14 5/6 415-416
Gander M. 2017a: An Alternative View on the Location of Arzawa Centennial Laroche 163-190
Gander M. 2017a: The West: Philology HdO 121 262-281
Garstang J. 1923b: Notes on Hittite Political Geography AAA 10 21-26, 172-179
Garstang J. 1942a: Šamuḫa and Malatia JNES 1 450-459
Garstang J. 1944a: The Hulaya River Land and Dadassas. A Crucial Problem in Hittite Geography JNES 3 14-37
Garstang J. 1948b: The Location of Pakhuwa AAA 28 48-54
Garstang J. – Gurney O.R. 1959a: The Geography of the Hittite Empire BIAA Occasional Publications 5 ?Rezension?
Gerçek İ. 2017c: Hittite Geographers: Geographical Perceptions and Practices in Hittite Anatolia JANEH 4 39-60
Giorgadze G.G. 1959a: (K voprosu o lokalizacii nekotorych punktov vostočnoj periferii chettskogo carstva) [Zur Frage über die Lokalisierung einiger östlicher Orte an der Peripherie des hethitischen Reiches] Soobščenija Akademii nauk Gruzinskoj SSR 23 361-368
Giorgadze G.G. 1960a: K voprosu o lokalizacii chettskich oblastej Pāla i Tūmanna [De la localisation des provinces hittites Pāla et Tūmanna] VDl 64 74-84
Giorgadze G.G. 1960b: (K voprosu o lokalizacii nekotorych oblastej Chettskogo carstva) [Zur Frage über die Lokalisierung einiger Gebiete des hethitischen Reiches] Trudy instituta istorii Akademii nauk Gruzinskoj SSR 5 197-212
Giorgadze G.G. 1960c: (Neskol'ko zamečanij o lokalizacii stran Arcava) (Some remarks on the localization of Arzawa countries) Vostočnyj sbornik 1 5-22
Giorgadze G.G. 1961a: K voprosu o lokalizacii i jazykovoj strukture kaskskich etničeskich i geografičeskich nazvanij (On the localization and the linguistic structure of the ethnic and geographical names of the Kaskeans) Voprosy chettologii i churritologii 161-210
Giusfredi F. 2024a: The Cebelireis Dağı Inscription from an Anatolian Perspective Studi classici e orientali 70 31-42
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Gerfrid G.W. Müller -- 2007- 2025