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Eski Anadolu'da Ticaret (M.Ö. II. Binyıl) |
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Bir İmparatorluğu Ayakta Tutabilmek: Ekonomi ve Ticaret / Sustaining an Empire: Economy and Trade |
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OA 12 209-226 |
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Città Sacre d' Asia Minore. Il problema dei laoi dell'antefatto ittita |
PdP 164 329-344 |
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Overland Trade Routes in Ancient Western Asia |
CANE 1401-1420 |
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Animal Secondary Products 233-252 |
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Animals and Inequality 233-252 |
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Silver, Markts and Long-Distance Trade in the Konya Region, 2400-1700 BCE |
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National Geographic 172 692-733 |
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Studies in Hittite Economic Administration. A New Edition of the Hittite Palace-Temple Administrative Corpus and Research on Allied Texts Found at Ḫattuša. Vol. II: Text Editions and Philological Commentary |
StBoT 71 ?Rezension? |
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Current Research at Kultepe/Kanesh: |
Current Research at Kultepe/Kanesh: An Interdisciplinary and Integrative Approach to Trade Networks, Internationalism, and Identity |
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Extracting Cohesion: Fiscal Strategies in the Hittite Staple Economy |
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Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Altertums |
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AOAT 467 39-48 |
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AOAT 467 1-4 |
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Bronzezeitlicher Handel im Vorderen Orient: Ebla und Ugarit |
Orientalisch-ägäische Einflüsse 33-46 |
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Handwerker im hethitischen Anatolien |
AoF 23 265-277 |
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Prolegomena zu einer hethitischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte |
Gs Imparati 425-436 |
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Studien zur hethitischen Wirtschaft: Einleitende Bemerkungen |
AoF 32 3-22 |
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Uluburun 367-372 |
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Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 383-388 |
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Studien zur hethitischen Wirtschaft, 4: Das Handwerk. Werkstoffe: Wolle und Leder, Holz und Rohr |
AoF 35 68-85 |
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Altassyrischer Zinnhandel mit Anatolien |
TÜBA-AR 12 175-181 |
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Eine mittelhethitische Handwerkerliste |
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NOSTOI 693-706 |
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Gs Tjumenev 72-87 |
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NOSTOI 671-692 |
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RAI 34 Abstracts 38 |
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AOAT 357 ?Rezension? |
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