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Rebellions and Peripheries in the Cuneiform World
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The Propaganda of Ḫattušiliš III |
SMEA 14 185-215 |
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Le testimonianze oracolari per la regina Tawannanna |
SMEA 22 19-29 |
Archi A. 2003a: |
Middle Hittite - "Middle Kingdom" |
Fs Hoffner 1-12 |
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Remarks on the Early Empire Documents |
AoF 32 225-229 |
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Il tema della malattia come spia di propaganda politica nei testi del periodo imperiale ittita |
RAL s. 9 12 229ff. |
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VONA 9 104-110 |
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Churrity na rubežach Maloj Azii do ustanovlenija moguščestva Mitanni (Hurrians at the outskirts of Asia Minor betore the rise of the empire of Mitanni) |
Drevnij Vostok 3 5-24 |
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Eine neue Lesung im Anfang des 'Anitta-Textes' |
WdO 18 43-44 |
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Ist Urḫi-Tešup der König von Zulapa? |
Anatolica 36 1-16 |
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The Legend about the Queen of Kanis: a Historical Source? |
JAC 9 1-13 |
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Studies in Hittite History |
JCS 35 115-126 |
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Kurunta of Tarḫuntašša and the Imperial Hittite Mausoleum. A new Interpretation of § 10 of the Bronze Tablet |
AnSt 43 29-39 |
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The Ten Year Annals of Great King Muršili II of Hatti |
Context of Scripture 2 82-90 (Nr. 2.16) |
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The Predecessors of Hattušili I |
Fs Hoffner 13-35 |
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Edicts and Proclamations: Bilingual Edict of Hattušili I |
Context of Scripture 2 79-81 (Nr. 2.15) |
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Hantili I |
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Hittite Historical Texts I: “The Anitta Text” |
Chavalas M.W. 2006a 216-219 |
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Hittite Historical Texts I: “Annals of Hattušili I” |
Chavalas M.W. 2006a 219-222 |
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Hattušili III between Gods and Men |
Fs Ünal 69-74 |
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Per una riattribuzione di KBo 4.14 a Šuppiluliuma II |
Gs Imparati 71-86 |
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The Queen Consort and the Struggle for Succession to the Throne |
CRRAI 33 33-40 |
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Historia y leyes de los Hititas. Textos del Reino Medio y del Imperio Nuevo |
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Who was Taḫurwaili, the Great Hittite King? |
JCS 26 112-120 |
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Das Ende des Hethiterreiches auf grund archäologischer Zeugnisse |
JIVF 1976 36-56 |
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Zum Kolophon der Bronzetafel aus Boğazköy |
AoF 20 235-237 |
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Ḫattušili l and the Problems of the Royal Succession in the Hittite Kingdom |
AnSt 31 9-17 |
Bryce T. 1982a: |
The Major Historical Texts of Early Hittite History |
Asian Studies Monograph 1 ?Rezension? |
Bryce T. 1986b: |
Madduwatta and Hittite Policy in Western Anatolia |
Historia 35 1-12 |
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The role of Telipinu, the Priest, in the Hittite Kingdom |
Hethitica 11 5-18 |
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Letters of the Great Kings of the Ancient Near East. The Royal Correspondence of the Late Bronze Age |
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The Secession of Tarḫuntašša |
Fs Košak 119-129 |
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The Annals and Lost Golden Statue of the Hittite King Hattusili I |
GEPHYRA 26 1-12 |
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The Abandonment of Hattuša. Some Speculations |
Fs Poetto 51-60 |
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Marshall Sahlins’in Büyük Adam Modeli: I.Hattuşili Örneği |
Fs Ünal 75-96 |
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Il decreto antico-ittita di Pimpira |
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A Coregency for Muršili III? |
AoF 36 171-202 |
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Tanuḫepa: a Hittite Queen in Troubled Times
Mesopotamia 45 47-64 |
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Das Land Tumanna und sein König in den hethitischen Quellen |
WdO 45 158-192 |
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A New Hittite Child |
Fs T. Özgüç 53-57 |
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Die Chronologie der hethitischen Texte und die hethitische Geschichte der Grossreichzeit |
17DOrTag 226-249 |
Carruba O. 1971a: |
Hattusili II |
SMEA 14 75-94 |
Carruba O. 1973a: |
Die Annalen Tuthalijas und Arnuwandas |
Fs Otten 37-46 |
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Tahurwaili von Hatti und die hethitische Geschichte um 1500 v.Chr. |
Fs Güterbock 73-93 |
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Beiträge zur mittelhethitischen Geschichte, I. Die Tuthalijas und die Arnuwandas II. Die sogenannten "Protocoles de succession dynastique" I.-II. |
SMEA 18 137-174; 175-195 |
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Testi arcaici d'Anatolia |
AION 7 157-175 |
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Fs Pugliese Carratelli 39-50 |
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Muwattalli I. |
10 TTKongr 539-554 |
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Die Tawannannas des Alten Reiches |
Fs Alp 73-89 |
Carruba O. 1998e: |
Hethitische Dynasten zwischen Altem und Neuem Reich |
3HitCongr 87-107 |
Carruba O. 2001c: |
Anitta res gestae: paralipomena I |
4HitCongr 51-72 |
Carruba O. 2003a: |
Anittae res gestae |
StudMed 13; SerHeth 1 ?Rezension? |
Carruba O. 2005a: |
Tuthalija 00I. (und Hattusili II.) |
AoF 32 246-271 |
Carruba O. 2005d: |
Dokumente für die Zeit Tuthaliyas I. und Hattusilis II. |
5HitCongr 179-205 |
Carruba O. 2007a: |
Per una ricostruzione delle liste reali etee |
Fs Košak 131-142 |
Carruba O. 2008a: |
Annali Etei del Medio Regno |
StudMed 18 ?Rezension? |
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Les Annales de Muršil II |
RA 26 145-188 |
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Les Annales de Subbiluliuma |
REAn 32 229-244 |
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Subbilulima et son temps |
PFLS 58 ?Rezension? |
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La date et I'ordre des campagnes de Mursil |
RHA 2/14 193-198 |
Cavaignac E. 1936c: |
La maison de Subbiluliuma |
RHA 3 237-239 |
Cavaignac E. 1938a: |
Le bilingue hittite-akkadien de Hattusil l. |
RHA 5/33 01.06.04 |
Cavaignac E. 1949a: |
L'Arnuwandas d'Ismirikka |
ArOr 17 85-87 |
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The Countries and Peoples of the Near and Middle East 23 339-346 engl. Resumé S. 344 |
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Some thoughts on the periphery of the Hittite Old Kingdom |
196 ASOR Meeting Abstracts 49-50 |
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Dating the Ascension to the Throne of Šuppiluliuma I
KASKAL 8 141-160 |
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One-year or Five-year War? A Reappraisal of Suppiluliuma’s First Syrian Campaign |
AoF 38 240-253 |
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Die Annalen Ḫattušiliš I |
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La restauration de Nérik (KUB XXI 8, 9 et 11 = Cat. 75) |
Hethitica 1 15-30 |
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I frammenti "minori" di CTH 3: ipotesi di interpretazione |
Gs Imparati 171-180 |
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Erzählte Vergangenheit und kulturelles Gedächtnis im hethitischen Schrifttum. Die so genannte Palastchronik
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Fs Nowicki 41-50 |
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Teratomancy at Tigunānum: Structure, Hermeneutics, and Weltanschauung of a Northern Mesopotamian Omen Corpus |
JCS 69 125-150 |
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The Governance of the Subordinated
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HHE 271-312 |
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Die Entdeckung des Felsmonuments in Hatip und ihre Auswirkungen über die historischen und geographischen Fragen des Hethiterreichs |
TÜBA-AR 1 27ff. |
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Anadolu'da Bulunan İlk Çiviyazılı Tunç Tablet ve Yeni Bir Hitit Kralının Ortaya Çıkısının Öyküsü |
Sanatdünyamız 80 175ff. |
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AnAr 18 1-13 |
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Hethitica 16 35-38 |
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Orta Hitit Dönemine Ait Bir Mektup Parçası [Ein Brieffragment aus mittelhethitischer Zeit] |
10TTKongr 50 |
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Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi 21 47-57 |
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SOA 1 ?Rezension? |
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Wohnsitze und Hauptstädte der hethitischen Könige |
IM 61 85-103 |
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Poder y alteridad, orden y caos en las prácticas imperiales heteas durante los siglos XIV al XIII. a.C.
III-II Jornadas Nacionales de Historia Antigua 104-119 |
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Une mention de Ḫattuša dans une lettrede Mari |
RHA 5/35 70-76 |
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La lettre de Labarna au roi de Tigunânum, un réexamen |
Fs Sanmartín 219-227 |
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The Kingdom of Tarhuntassa: A Reassessment of its Timeline and Political Significance |
8HitCongr 216-235 |
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Kurunta als hethitischer Großkönig |
Antike Welt 32 515ff. |
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Acemhöyük in the Old Hittite Kingdom: From the Commercial Center to Rural Settlement |
AuOr 41/2 161-181 |
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New Results and New Questions on the Reign of Suppiluliuma I |
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Die Literatur der Ägypter |
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The Kings of Kaniš |
2HitCongr 123-132 |
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Considerazioni sullo spostamento del centro del potere nel periodo della formazione dello stato hittita |
Fs Lebrun 1 249-269 |
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Hattušili II. - Geschöpf der Forscher oder vergessener König? |
AoF 32 230-245 |
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An Attempt at Reconstructing the Branches of the Hittite Royal Family of the Early Kingdom Period
Fs Singer 115-135 |
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Der Untergang des Hatti-Reiches |
Ugaritica 6 207-228 |
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Les débuts du nouvel empire Hittite et les origines de I'expansion mycénienne à propos d'une nouvelle datation des textes des rois Tuthaliya et Amuwanda |
Annales Nice 35 01.07.37 |
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De l'ancien royaume au nouvel empire. Les temps obscurs de la monarchie hittite |
2HitCongr 133-148 |
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La "révolution dynastique" du Grand Roi de Hatti Tuthaliya I |
Hethitica 13 17-38 |
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Le grand roi Tutḫaliya, fils de Kantuzzili |
Fs Lebrun 1 271-304 |
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Šuppiluliuma I ou Šuppiluliyama (II)? |
RANT 1 111-124 |
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L'apogée du Nouvel Empire hittite |
Collection Kubaba : Série Antiquité 14 ?Rezension? |
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Le déclin et la chute du nouvel empire hittite. Les Hittites et leur histoire |
?Rezension? |
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Nochmals zum Brief des Labarna an Tunija von Tikunani |
Fs de Martino 193-201 |
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L'apologia di Ḫattušiliš III di Ḫatti |
Aegyptus 17 65-97 |
Gadd C.J. 1962a: |
Hammurabi and the End of His Dynasty |
CAH Revised edition, vol 2 |
Galter H.D. 1987a: |
28800 Hethiter |
RAI 34 Abstracts 23 |
Galter H.D. 1988a: |
28.800 Hethiter |
JCS 40 217-235 |
Gates M.H. 2017a: |
Gods, Temples, and Cult at the Service of the Early Hittite State |
Fs Postgate Vol. 1 189-210 |
Gelb I.J. 1937b: |
Queen Pudu-ḫepa |
AJA 41 289-291 |
Gerçek İ. 2017a: |
Approaches to Hittite Imperialism: A View from the ›Old Kingdom‹ and ›Early Empire‹ Periods (c. 1650-1350 BCE) |
Byzas 23 21-38 |
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Bread, Wine and Patridges – A Note on the Palace Anecdotes (CTH 8) |
Fs Košak 299-304 |
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Fs de Martino 203-214 |
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“Šawoška of Šamuḫa, My Lady, caught him like a fish with a net”:
Usurping the Throne and writing about it |
Portuese L. – Pallavidini M. 2022a 289-308 |
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The “Šuppiluliuma Conundrum”: A Hittite King between Religious Piety and Political Performance |
Morgan K.P. 2024a 193-208 |
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“Feind” und “Ansiedeln” in den hethitischen Texten aus Maşat-Höyük |
5HitCongr 371-376 |
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VDI 94 87-111 |
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Chetty i Churrity po drevnechettskim textarn [Hittites and Hurrians in Old Hittite Texts] |
VDI 107 71-85 |
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The Dynastic Crisis of the Hittite Royal Family in the Late Empire Period: Evidence from the Loyalty Oaths |
Martino S. de − Devecchi E. 2020a 155-176 |
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Kingship in Ḫatti during the 13th Century: Forms of Rule and Struggles for Power before the Fall of the Empire
Fs Singer 136-157 |
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Appunti di critica delle varianti degli Annali bilingui di Hattusili I
RSO NS 86 93-102 |
Glocker J. 2011a: |
Ališarruma, König von Išuwa
AoF 38 254-276 |
Goedegebuure P. 2006b: |
Hittite Historical Texts I: “The Bilingual Testament of Hattusili I” |
Chavalas M.W. 2006a 222-228 |
Goedegebuure P. 2006c: |
Hittite Historical Texts I: “The proclamation of Telipinu” |
Chavalas M.W. 2006a 228-235 |
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“Let only Neša become populous!”, and more. Philological Notes on Old Hittite |
Fs Košak 305-312 |
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Akkadisch-Hethitisches |
ZA 34 170-188 |
Goetze A. 1924c: |
Zu den Annalen-Tafeln des Muršiliš |
OLZ 27 391-394 |
Goetze A. 1924d: |
Zum Briefwechsel zwischen Šuppiluliuma und der Witwe des Biphururijaš |
OLZ 27 581-582 |
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Hattušiliš. Der Bericht über seine Thronbesteigung nebst den Paralleltexten |
MVAeG 29/3 ?Rezension? |
Goetze A. 1925i: |
Šuppiluliumas syrische Feldzüge |
Klio 19 247-250 |
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Der Regierungsantritt des Hattušil |
Klio 20 238-240 |
Goetze A. 1928c: |
Madduwattaš |
MVAeG 32 ?Rezension? |
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Neue Bruchstücke zum grossen Text des Hattusilis und den Paralleltexten |
MVAeG 34/2 ?Rezension? |
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Die Annalen des Muršiliš |
MVAeG 38 ?Rezension? |
Goetze A. 1952a: |
The Predecessors of Šuppiluliumaš of Ḫatti |
JAOS 72 67-72 |
Goetze A. 1962b: |
Anatolia from Shuppiluliumash to the Egyptian War of Muwatallish |
CAH Revised edition, vol 2 |
González Salazar J.M. 1994a: |
La ciudad fronteriza de Mashat Höyük. Algunas consideraciones sobre el nordeste de Anatolia durante el período Hitita |
BAEO 30 135ff. |
González Salazar J.M. 1997b: |
El reino anatolio de Hatti (segunda mitad del II° milenio a.C.) y su preocupación por los aspectos fronterizos |
BAEO 33 227ff. |
González Salazar J.M. 1998a: |
Los inicios de la organización administrativo-periférica de las regiones septentrionales de Anatolia (fases finales del s. XV y los inicios del s. XIV a.C.). Los últimos soberanos del reino medio hitita |
BAEO 34 379ff. |
González Salazar J.M. 1999a: |
Los hititas en Anatolia septentrional durante la primera mitad del s.XIII a.C. Panorámica geopolítica de un conflicto armado |
Fs Garrido Herrero 265-279 |
González Salazar J.M. 1999b: |
Observaciones sobre la organización administrativo-periférica del monarca Šuppiluliuma I en Anatolia septentrional a inicios del período imperial hitita - segunda mitad del s. XIV a.C. |
BAEO 35 379ff. |
González Salazar J.M. 2001a: |
Los hititas en Anatolia septentrional durante la primera mitad del s. XIII a.C. (II). La organización político-administrativa de una región conflictiva del reino de Hatti |
Gerión 19 47-74 |
González Salazar J.M. 2002a: |
Reflexiones sobre los ultimos grandes reyes hititas: Tuthaliya IV, Anatolia y el despunte final del reino de Hatti durante la segunda mitad del s.XIII a.C.
Asociacion Espanola de Orientalistas 38 249-270 |
Graeve M.C. de 1983a: |
De betekenis van de Mesopotamische scheepsmodellen in hel leven voor en na de dood |
Vie et survie 39-44 |
Grélois J.-P. 1988a: |
Les Annales decennales de Mursili II (CTH 61, 1) |
Hethitica 9 17-145 |
Groddek D. 2002h: |
Muršili II, die große Feste und die 'Pest'. Überlegungen zur Anordnung der Fragmente der späteren Jahre seiner Regierung in den AM |
Gs Imparati 329-338 |
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Noch einmal zur Frage der Textüberlieferung des Zehnjahr-Annalen Mursilis II |
Muséon 116 283-286 |
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KUB 14.4 IV 22 – Grammatik und Geschichte |
Fs Tischler 89-97 |
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Idanda Archive and the Syrian Campaigns of Suppiluliuma I: New Pieces for the Puzzle
Babel und Bibel 6 473-478 |
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La conquète de Haššum par le roi de Zarwar |
NABU 1993 46-47, 1993/54 |
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Balances of power in the Hatti-Egypt-Mittani system (1400-1300 B.C.) |
CRRAI 61 473-479 |
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Anatolia c. 1750-1600 B.C. |
CAH Revised edition, vol 2 |
Gurney O.R. 1962c: |
Anatolia c. 1600-1380 B.C. |
CAH Revised edition, vol 2 |
Gurney O.R. 1979b: |
The Anointing of Tudhaliya |
Gs Meriggi 213-233 |
Gurney O.R. 1997a: |
The Annals of Hattusilis III |
AnSt 47 127-139 |
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The Authorship of the Tawagalawas Letter |
Fs Popko 133-141 |
Güterbock H.G. 1943b: |
Zile Mıntıkasında Bulunmuş Bir Eti Mektubu / Ein hethitischer Brief aus der Umgegend von Zile |
ADTCFD 2 190-191 |
Güterbock H.G. 1944a: |
Zile Yakınında Maşat'tan Gelme Bir Eti Mektubu / Ein hethitischer Brief aus Maşat bei Zile |
ADTCFD 2 389-397 / 399-405 |
Güterbock H.G. 1952a: |
Neue Texte zur Geschichte Šuppiluliumas |
IF 60 199-211 |
Güterbock H.G. 1956a: |
The Deeds of Suppiluliuma as Told by His Son, Mursili II |
JCS 10 41-68, 75-98, 107-130 |
Güterbock H.G. 1973a: |
Hattusili II once more |
JCS 25 100-104 |
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Zalpa, die Stadt am Schwarzen Meer und das althethitische Königtum |
MDOG 109 15-26 |
Haas V. 1985a: |
Betrachtungen zur Dynastie von Ḫattuša im Mittleren Reich (ca. 1450-1380) |
AoF 12 269-277 |
Haas V. 1993a: |
Eine hethitische Weltreichsidee. Betrachtungen zum historischen Bewusstsein und politischen Denken in althethitischer Zeit |
Anfänge politischen Denkens 135-144 |
Haas V. – Wegner I. 2002c: |
Betrachtungen zu dem Bericht des Puḫanu. Versuch einer Interpretation |
Gs Imparati 353-358 |
Hagenbuchner A. 1989a: |
Die Korrespondenz der Hethiter 1. Die Briefe unter ihren kulturellen, sprachlichen und thematischen Gesichtspunkten 2. Die Briefe mit Transkription, Übersetzung und Kommentar |
THeth 15-16 ?Rezension? |
Hagenbuchner A. 1992a: |
War der LÚTUḪKANTI Neriqqaili ein Sohn Ḫattušilis III.? |
SMEA 29 111-126 |
Hagenbuchner A. 1999a: |
Bemerkungen zu kürzlich edierten Briefen |
ZA 89 50-64 |
Hardy R.S. 1941a: |
The Old Hittite Kingdom. A Political History |
AJSL 58 177-216 |
Hawkins J.D. 1998a: |
The Land of Išuwa: the Hieroglyphic Evidence |
3HitCongr 281-295 |
Hawkins J.D. 2001a: |
Urhi-Tešub, tuhkanti |
4HitCongr 167-179 |
Hazenbos J. 2006a: |
Hittite Historical Texts I: “CTH 40: Manly Deeds of Shuppiluliuma (excerpts)” |
Chavalas M.W. 2006a 235-239 |
Heinhold-Krahmer S. 2007a: |
Drei Fragmente aus Berichten über die Taten Šuppiluliumas I.? |
Fs Košak 367-383 |
Heinhold-Krahmer S. 2010a: |
Zur Datierungsgeschichte des „Tawagalawa-Briefes“ und zur problematischen Rolle des fragments KBo 16.35 als Datierungshilfe
Fs Singer 191-213 |
Heinhold-Krahmer S. – Rieken E. 2020a: |
Der „Tawagalawa-Brief“: Beschwerden über Piyamaradu. Eine Neuedition |
UAVA 13 ?Rezension? |
Helck W. 1979a: |
Die Vorgänger König Suppiluliumas I. |
Fs Edel 238-246 |
Helck W. 1983a: |
Zur ältesten Geschichte des Hatti-Reiches |
Fs Bittel 271-281 |
Helck W. 1984a: |
Die Sukzija-Episode im Dekret des Telepinus |
WdO 15 103-108 |
Hoffmann I. 1984a: |
Einige Überlegungen zum Verfasser des Madduwatta-Textes |
Or NS 53 34-51 |
Hoffner H.A. 1976a: |
A Join to the Hittite Mita Text |
JCS 28 60-62 |
Hoffner H.A. 1997h: |
Hittite Canonical Compositions - Historiography: Proclamation of Anitta of Kuššar |
Context of Scripture 1 182-184 (Nr. 1.72) |
Hoffner H.A. 1997i: |
Hittite Canonical Compositions - Historiography: Crossing of the Taurus |
Context of Scripture 1 184-185 (Nr. 1.73) |
Hoffner H.A. 1997j: |
Hittite Canonical Compositions - Historiography: Deeds of Šuppiluliuma |
Context of Scripture 1 185-192 (Nr. 1.74) |
Hoffner H.A. 1997k: |
Hittite Canonical Compositions - Historiography: The Hittite Conquest of Cyprus: Two Inscriptions of Suppiluliuma II |
Context of Scripture 1 192-193 (Nr. 1.75) |
Hoffner H.A. 2000a: |
The Treaty of Tudhaliya IV with Kurunta of Tarhuntašša on the Bronze Tablet found in Hattuša |
Context of Scripture 2 100-106 (Nr. 2.18) |
Hoffner H.A. 2002e: |
Hittite Archival Documents, A. Letters: 1. Middle Hittite Period (ca. 1450-1350 BCE) |
Context of Scripture 3 45-51[Hittite Bibliography, 71-72] |
Hoffner H.A. 2002f: |
Hittite Archival Documents, A. Letters: 2. Later New Kingdom (Hattušili III to Suppiluliuma II) (ca. 1250-1180 BCE) |
Context of Scripture 3 51-53 [Hittite Bibliography, 71-72] |
Hoffner H.A. 2006b: |
Hittite Historical Texts II: “The Apology of Hattušili III” |
Chavalas M.W. 2006a 266-270 |
Hoffner H.A. 2006c: |
Hittite Historical Texts II: “The Treaty with Kurunta of Tarhuntašša” |
Chavalas M.W. 2006a 270-275 |
Hout Th.P.J. van den 1984a: |
Kurunta und die Datierung einiger hethitischen Texte |
RA 78 89-92 |
Hout Th.P.J. van den 1991a: |
Hethitische Thronbesteigungsorakel und die Inauguration Tudḫalijas IV. |
ZA 81 274-300 |
Hout Th.P.J. van den 1992b: |
Der Fall 'Zannanza': KUB XIX 20 + KBo XII 23.Privatdruck für die 39. RAI, Heidelberg |
Hout Th.P.J. van den 1997b: |
Hittite Canonical Compositions - Biography and Autobiography: Apology of Hattušili III |
Context of Scripture 1 199-204 (Nr. 1.77) |
Hout Th.P.J. van den 2001a: |
Zur geschichte des jüngeren hethitischen Reiches |
4HitCongr 213-223 |
Hout Th.P.J. van den 2006d: |
Hittite Historical Texts II: “Muršili II’s 'First' Plague Prayer” |
Chavalas M.W. 2006a 259-263 |
Hout Th.P.J. van den 2006e: |
Hittite Historical Texts II: “Muršili II’s 'Second' Plague Prayer” |
Chavalas M.W. 2006a 263-266 |
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1966b: |
A New Fragment of the "Deeds of Suppiluliuma as Told by his Son, Mursili II" |
JNES 25 27-31 |
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1966c: |
Mursilis' North-Western Campaigns - Additional Fragments of His Comprehensive Annals |
JNES 25 162-191 |
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1967b: |
Mursilis' North-Western Campaigns - A Commentary |
Anatolica 1 44-61 |
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1970a: |
The Records of the Early Hittite Empire (c. 1450-1380 B.C.) |
PIHANS 26 ?Rezension? |
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1974a: |
The Early and Late Phases of Urhi-Tesub's Career |
Fs Güterbock 123-150 |
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1979a: |
Mursilis' North-Western Campaigns-Additional Fragments of His Comprehensive Annals Concerning the Nerik Region |
Fs Laroche 157-167 |
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1979b: |
The Mashuiluwas Affair: A Join (KBo XIX 46) and a Duplicate (KBo IX 77) to Mursilis's Comprehensive Annals (12th year of his reign) |
Gs Meriggi 267-292 |
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1992b: |
The Bronze Tablet of Tudhaliyas IV and its Geographical and Historical Relations |
ZA 82 233-270 |
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1994a: |
Urhi-Tessub revisited |
BiOr 51 233-259 |
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1995-1996a: |
The Genealogy of Mursilis II. The Difference Between a legalistic and a Genealogical Approach to the Descent of Suppiluliumas I. |
JEOL 34 51ff. |
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1998b: |
An Alternative Date for the Sunassuras Treaty (KBo 1.5) |
AoF 25 34-53 |
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 2006b: |
The Apparently Delayed Homecoming of Tudḫaliyas IV to his Capital Ḫattuša |
Symposium de Roos 107-115 |
Hrozný B. 1930c: |
O prastarém hethitském králi Anittovi z 20. stolo př. Kr. [Über den uralten hethitischen König Anitta vom 20. Jhd. v.Chr.] |
Národní politika 11 |
Hrozný B. 1934d: |
Anittas |
Tvůrcové dĕjin 24-28 |
Hutter-Braunsar S. 1991a: |
Die Beurteilung der Regierung des hethitischen Grosskönigs Šuppiluliuma I. in den Texten seiner Nachfolger |
MGMG 1 5-20 |
Hutter-Braunsar S. 1997b: |
Liebe und Politik: Zur "glücklichen Ehe" Hattušilis III. |
Eros 107ff. |
Imparati F. 1992a: |
Significato politico della successione dei testimoni nel trattato di Tuthaliya IV con Kurunta |
Seminari 1991 59-86 |
Imparati F. 1995a: |
Apology of Ḫattušili III or Designation of his Successor? |
Fs Houwink ten Cate 143-158 |
Imparati F. – Pecchioli Daddi F. 1991a: |
La relazioni politiche fra Hatti e Tarhuntassa all'epoca di Hattusili III e Tuthaliya IV |
Quattro studi ittiti 23-68 |
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L'autobiografia di Ḫattušili I |
SCO 14 40-85 |
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Interpretacija drevnechetskogo fragmenta 2 BoTU 10 ß [Die Interpretation des althethitischen Fragments 2 BoTU 10 B] |
IV. Vsesojuznaja sessija po Drevnemu Vostoku 70-72 |
Jasink A.M. 2001a: |
Šuppiluliuma and Hartapu: two "Great Kings" in Conflict |
4HitCongr 235-240 |
Jasink A.M. 2003a: |
Il ruolo di Tarhuntašša da Muwatalli II a Šuppiluliuma II |
Fs Fronzaroli 269-285 |
Jean Ch.-F. 1952a: |
Qui a saccagé et incendié Mari au IIe millénaire? |
RA 46 55-57 |
Justus C.F. – Mc Whirter D.A. 1986a: |
In search of ancient politician propaganda: The propaganda value of the text of Murshili's aphasis |
196 ASOR Meeting Abstracts 50-51 |
Kammenhuber A. 1969d: |
Zur Textüberlieferung der Annalen des Hethiterkönigs Mursilis II. |
Fs Meriggi 168-172 |
Kampman A.A. 1939b: |
Schets der Hethietische Geschiedenis en Beschaving |
JEOL 6 177-201 |
Kempinski A. 1993a: |
Suppiluliuma I. The Early Years of His Career |
Gs Kutscher 81-91 |
Kempinski A. – Košak S. 1982a: |
CTH 13: The Extensive Annals of Hattušili I (?) |
Tel Aviv 9 87-116 |
Klengel H. 1974a: |
"Hungerjahre" In Ḫatti |
AoF 1 165-174 |
Klengel H. 1995a: |
Historischer Kommentar zum Šaušgamuwa-Vertrag |
Fs Houwink ten Cate 159-172 |
Klinger J. 2001b: |
Historische Texte: Aus der sogenannte "Palastchronik" |
TUAT Erg. 61-64 |
Klinger J. 2005e: |
Herrscherinschriften und andere Dokumente zur politischen Geschichte des Hethiterreiches. 1. Der sogennante Anitta-Text; 2. Das Testament Ḫattušilis I.; Der Tatenbericht des Šuppiluliumas I. - Auszug |
TUAT-NF 2 139-150 |
Klinger J. 2014a: |
The Imperial Space – The Early Hittite Kingdom |
The Emergence of the Mittani State 75-90 |
Klock-Fontanille I. 2011b: |
La frontière chez les Hittites : de la réalité à la représentation |
AOB 24 31-49 |
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A New Interpretation of the Old Hittite Zalpa-Text (CTH 3.1): Nēša as the Capital under Ḫuzzii̯a I, Labarna I, and Ḫattušili I |
JAOS 141/3 557-575 |
Knudtzon J.A. 1897a: |
Der Cheta-Fürst Sʻ-pʻ -rw-rw in Keilschrift |
ZÄS 35 141 |
Košak S. 1980b: |
The Rulers of the Early Hittite Empire |
Tel Aviv 7 163-168 |
Kosyan A. 2006a: |
Arnuwandas I in the East
AJNES 1 72-97 |
Kosyan A. 2014a: |
Rulers of Hayasa: Hukkana
AJNES 8/1-2 128–134 |
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Did Ḫattušili I Destroy Beycesultan II? An Interpretation of the Site’s New C-14 Dating |
Hajnal I. – Zangger E. – Kelder J. 2022a 377-393 |
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Tudhaliyas IV. and his Successors Typescript. Ph.D. Diss. University of Birmingham, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ancient History and Archaeology |
?Rezension? |
Kuentz C. 1927a: |
La bataille de Qadech |
MémIFAO 55 ?Rezension? |
Kupper J.-R. 1949a: |
Uršu |
RA 43 79-87 |
Laroche E. 1947-1948a: |
Un point d'histoire: Ulmi-Teššub |
RHA 8/48 40-48 |
Laroche E. 1953a: |
Šuppiluliuma II. |
RA 47 70-78 |
Laroche E. 1960d: |
Lettre d'un préfet au roi hittite |
RHA 18/67 81-86 |
Lebrun R. 1980d: |
Considérations sur l'expansion occidentale de la civilisation hittite |
OLP 11 69-78 |
Lebrun R. 1983j: |
À propos de quelques rois hittites batisseurs |
Fs Naster 2 157-166 |
Lehmann G.A. 1970a: |
Der Untergang des hethitischen Grossreiches und die neuen Texte aus Ugarit |
UF 2 39-73 |
Lewy J. 1962a: |
Old Assyrian Evidence Concerning Kuššara and its Location |
HUCA 33 45-57 |
Lewy J. 1965a: |
Old Assyrian Evidence Concerning Kuššara and its Location |
Gs Bossert 305-315 |
Liverani M. 1971a: |
Zannanza |
SMEA 14 161-162 |
Liverani M. 1990b: |
Hattushili alle prese con la propaganda ramesside |
Gs von Schuler 207-217 |
Liverani M. 2002a: |
La battaglia di Qadesh |
Battaglia di Qadesh 17ff. |
Lodeiro Pichel N. 2021a: |
Tarḫuntašša: Rise and Fall of the New Capital for the Hittite Empire |
Hess Ch.W. – Manuelli F. 2021a 238-249 |
Lorenz J. 2006a: |
Zwei neue Zusatzstücke zur Apologie des Hattusili (CTH 81) |
NABU 2006 50, 2006/50 |
Marizza M. 2005a: |
Un frammento ittita di difficile definizione tipologica : KUB XXIII 83 |
Kaskal 2 133-146 |
Martínez J. 2016a: |
The Evidence for Hurma as Early Hittite Capital in the Old Kingdom |
Fs Tischler 173-190 |
Martino S. de 1991a: |
Alcune osservazioni su KBo III 27 |
AoF 18 54-66 |
Martino S. de 1991b: |
Himuili, Kantuzili e la presa dei potere da parte di Tuthaliya |
Quattro studi ittiti 5-21 |
Martino S. de 1991c: |
I Hurriti nei testi ittiti dell'antico regno |
Seminari 1990 71-83 |
Martino S. de 1992b: |
Personaggi e riferimenti storici nel testo oracolare ittito KBo XVI 97 |
SMEA 29 33-46 |
Martino S. de 1992c: |
I rapport i tra Ittiti e Hurriti durante il regno di Muršili I |
Hethitica 11 19-37 |
Martino S. de 1995b: |
Die Unternehmungen des Muršili I. im südöstlichen Anatolien nach KUB XXXI 64+ (CTH 12) |
AoF 22 282-296 |
Martino S. de 1996a: |
L'Anatolia occidentale nel medio regno ittita |
Eothen 5 ?Rezension? |
Martino S. de 1999c: |
La cosiddetta "cronaca di Ammuna" |
Studi e testi 2 69-82 |
Martino S. de 2002a: |
The Military Exploits of the Hittite King Hattušili I in Lands Situated between the Upper Euphrates and the Upper Tigris |
Fs Popko 77-85 |
Martino S. de 2003a: |
Annali e res gestae antico ittiti |
StudMed 12; SerHeth 2 ?Rezension? |
Martino S. de 2005d: |
Hittite Letters from the Time of Tutḫaliya I/II, Arnuwanda I and Tutḫaliya III |
AoF 32 291-321 |
Martino S. de 2005f: |
Le Res Gestae dei sovrani ittiti dell’Antico Regno |
Narrare gli eventi 143-147 |
Martino S. de 2010f: |
Some Questions on the Political History and Chronology of the Early Hittite Empire |
AoF 37 186-197 |
Martino S. de 2012d: |
Malatya and Išuwa in Hittite Texts: New Elements of Discussion |
Origini 34 375-383 |
Martino S. de 2013b: |
The Wives of Suppiluliuma I |
Eothen 19 65-80 |
Martino S. de 2016b: |
Išuwa and Ḫatti during the Early Hittite Empire (Tutḫaliya I − Šuppiluliuma I) |
Fs Siegelová 98-110 |
Martino S. de 2018c: |
Ramses II, il re ittita Muršili III/Urḫi-Tešob e i luoghi del suo esilio |
Vacca A. − Pizzimenti S. − Micale M.G. 2018a 223-231 |
Martino S. de 2022c: |
The Collapse of the Hittite Kingdom |
Gehler M. − Rollinger R. − Strobl Ph. 2022a 81-96 |
Martino S. de 2022e: |
The Decree issued by Hattušili III for the NA4ḫekur Pirwa (KBo 6.28 + KUB 26.48) |
FsGraziani 203–226 |
Martino S. de 2023a: |
The Edict Issued by the Hittite King Ḫattušili III Concerning the Priesthood of the Goddess Ištar/Šaušga |
Mora C. – Torri G. 2023a 9-23 |
Martino S. de – Devecchi E. 2020a: |
Anatolia Between the 13th and the 12th century BCE |
Eothen 23 ?Rezension? |
Martino S. de – Imparati F. 2003a: |
More on the So-Called "Puḫanu Chronicle" |
Fs Hoffner 253-263 |
Martino S. de – Miller J. 2013a: |
New Results and New Questions on the Reign of Suppiluliuma I |
Eothen 19 ?Rezension? |
Masalcı Şahin G. 2023a: |
Some Observations on the Exiled Members of the Royal Family during the Old Hittite Period |
Vakanüvis-Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 8/1 676-692 |
Masson E. 1995a: |
L'avènement de Ḫattušili ler à la lumière des plus anciens documents |
2HitCongr 257-262 |
Masson E. 2008a: |
Testament politique de Hattusili Ier: encore et toujours |
6HitCongr2 513-52 |
Matessi A. 2017a: |
The Making of Hittite Imperial Landscapes: Territoriality and Balance of Power in South-Central Anatolia during the Late Bronze Age |
Mayer W. 1990a: |
Der antike Name von Tall Munbāqa, die Schreiber, und die chronologische Einordnung der Tafelfunde: Die Tontafelfunde von Tall Munbāqa 1988 |
MDOG 122 45-66 |
McMahon G. 2010a: |
Agency, Identity, and the Hittite State
Agency and Identity 181-189 |
Meissner B. 1917b: |
Zur Geschichte des Chattireiches nach neuerschlossenen Urkunden des chattischen Staatsarchivs |
Jsb. Schles. Gesell. f. Vaterl. Kultur 95 1-29 |
Melchert H.C. 1977a: |
The Acts of Hattušili I |
Indo-European Studies 3 568-620 |
Melchert H.C. 1978a: |
The Acts of Hattušili I |
JNES 37 1-22 |
Menabde E.A. 1962a: |
O charaktere pridvornych smut v Chettskom gosudarstve (XVII-XVI vv. do n.e.) (Du caractere des troubles avant Telipinus dans l'Empire Hittite) |
Kavkazsko-bližnevostočnyj sbornik 2 33-45 |
Meriggi P. 1962b: |
Über einige hethitische Fragmente historischen Inhaltes |
WZKM 58 66-110 |
Meriggi P. 1973b: |
Zu einigen Stellen hethitischer historischer Texte |
Fs Otten 199-208 |
Meriggi P. 1978a: |
Spigolando nei testi storici etei |
1ConvItVOA 67-80 |
Miller J.L. 2001a: |
Hattušili I's Expansion into Northern Syria in Light of the Tikunani Letter |
4HitCongr 410-429 |
Miller J.L. 2006b: |
Ein König von Ḫatti an einen König von Aḫḫijawa (der sogenannte Tawagalawa-Brief) |
TUAT-NF 3 240-247 |
Miller J.L. 2007f: |
Mursili II’s Dictate to Tuppi-Teššub’s Syrian Antagonists |
KASKAL 4 121-152 |
Miller J.L. 2017a: |
Political interactions between Kassite Babylonia and Assyria, Egypt and Ḫatti during the Amarna Age |
Bartelmus A. − Sternitzke K. 2017a 93-111 |
Miller J.L. 2020a: |
Two Notes on Kizzuwatna’s Status as a Hittite Vassal in the Middle Hittite Period |
Fs de Martino 345-350 |
Miller J.L. 2020b: |
Are There Signs of the Decline of the Late Hittite State in the Textual Documentation from Hattuša? |
Martino S. de − Devecchi E. 2020a 237-256 |
Mineck K.R. 2006a: |
Hittite Historical Texts II: “The Ten Year Annals of Muršili II: excerpts” |
Chavalas M.W. 2006a 253-259 |
Mineck K.R. 2006b: |
Hittite Historical Texts II: “A Letter from the Hittite King Hattušili III to Kadašman-Enlil II, King of Babylonia, in Akkadian” |
Chavalas M.W. 2006a 275-279 |
Mladjov I. 2016a: |
Ammuna, Ḫuzziya, and Telipinu reconsidered |
NABU 2016/1 21-24, Nr. 14 |
Monte G.F. del 1974a: |
Su un frammento degli annali di Muršili |
OA 13 35-37 |
Monte G.F. del 1985c: |
Un nuovo frammento degli "Annali completi" di Muršili II |
Athenaeum 63 164-166 |
Monte G.F. del 1991-1992a: |
Ulmitešub re di Tarḫuntaša |
EVO 14-15 123-148 |
Monte G.F. del 1998a: |
Ein neues Bruchstück der ausführlichen Annalen des Mursili |
NABU 1998 27-28, 1998/24 |
Monte G.F. del 2001a: |
Un frammento delle "Gesta di Hattušili I" (CTH 4) |
NABU 2001 8-9, 2001/6 |
Monte G.F. del 2008a: |
Le gesta di Suppiluliuma. Traslitterazione, traduzione e commento |
?Rezension? |
Monte G.F. del 2009a: |
L'opera storiografica di Mursili II re di Hattusa, Vol. I: Le gesta di Suppiluliuma |
?Rezension? |
Monte G.F. del 2009a: |
“Quando il nemico venne a sapere che…”. Uno stilema nelle opere storiografiche di Mursili II
Fs Saporetti 97-117 |
Mora C. 1987b: |
Una probabile testimonianza di coreggenza tra due sovrani ittiti |
Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo 121 97-108 |
Mora C. 1988d: |
Il paese di Ḫatti è pieno di discendenti della regalità" (KUB XXVI 1+ I 10). Ipotesi sull'ultimo periodo della impero ittita |
Athenaeum 66 553-576 |
Mora C. 1989a: |
La datazione di "Malnigal" |
OA 28 183-191 |
Mora C. 1992c: |
KUB XXI 33 e l'identità di Muršili III |
SMEA 29 127-148 |
Mora C. 2003a: |
On Some Clauses in the Kurunta Treaty and the Political Scenery at the End of the Hittite Empire |
Fs Hoffner 289-296 |
Mora C. 2014c: |
La corte di Karkemish durante il periodo imperiale ittita |
Marchetti N. 2014a 93-98 |
Müller-Karpe A. 2014a: |
Hethitische Großköniginnen des Mittleren Reichs im Spiegel neuer Siegelfunde |
Fs A. Erkanal 299-308 |
Neu E. 1974a: |
Der Anitta-Text |
StBoT 18 ?Rezension? |
Neve P. 1992c: |
Šuppiluliuma I oder II? |
Fs Alp 401-408 |
Nowicki H. 1985a: |
Ein Deutungsvorschlag zum "Grossen Text" des Ḫattušili III |
ZVS 98 26-35 |
Nowicki H. 2000a: |
Zum Einleitungsparagraphen des Anitta-Textes (CTH 1,1-4) |
125 Jahre Indogermanistik 347ff. |
Otten H. 1951a: |
Zu den Anfängen der hethitischen Geschichte |
MDOG 83 33-45 |
Otten H. 1955a: |
Neue Fragmente zu den Annalen des Muršili |
MIO 3 153-179 |
Otten H. 1963b: |
Neue Quellen zum Ausklang des Hethitischen Reiches |
MDOG 94 1-23 |
Otten H. 1964c: |
Ausklang des hethitischen Reiches. Neue Quellen zu Suppiluliuma II. |
CRRAI 11 47 |
Otten H. 1964d: |
Der Weg des hethitischen Staates zum Grossreich |
Saeculum 15 115-124 |
Otten H. 1971d: |
Die Genealogie Ḫattušilis III. nach KBo VI 28 |
ZA 61 233-238 |
Otten H. 1972a: |
Quellen zur hethitischen Geschichte des 15. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. |
7TTKongr 79-83 |
Otten H. 1974b: |
Die Königin von Kaniš |
CRRAI 19 301-303 |
Otten H. 1975a: |
Puduḫepa. Eine hethitische Königin in ihren Textzeugnissen |
AkWisseLit AbhGeistSozialwissKlas 1975/1 ?Rezension? |
Otten H. 1977a: |
Zum Ende des Hethiterreiches auf grund der Boğazköy-Texte |
JIVF 1976 22-35 |
Otten H. 1981a: |
Die Apologie Hattusilis IlI. Das Bild der Überlieferung |
StBoT 24 ?Rezension? |
Otten H. 1983d: |
Die letzte Phase des hethitischen Grossreiches nach den Texten |
Griechenland, die Ägäis und die Levante 13-24 |
Otten H. 1986b: |
Das hethitische Königshaus im 15. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Zum Neufund einiger Landschenkungsurkunden in Boğazköy |
AÖAW 123 21-34 |
Otten H. 1986d: |
Historische Konsequenzen aus der Neubearbeitung des grossen Thronbesteigungsberichtes Ḫattušilis IIl. |
9TTKongr 213-219 |
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Hitit Mektuplarının Dünya Uygarlık Tarihine Yaptığı Katkılar |
9HitCongr 751-780 |
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Hethitische Fragmente historischen Inhalts aus der Zeit Ḫattušilis III. |
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Un documento del re ittita Ammuna |
SMEA 32 85-89 |
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SMEA 34 61-80 |
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The Original Home of the Hittites and the Site of Kussar |
JRAS 264 |
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ZRGG 37 1-21 |
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Fs Otten 303-310 |
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AoF 25 5-33 |
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Athenaeum 40 01.03.36 |
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Tuthaliya I Redivivus
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Fs Ünal 489-497 |
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Muršili II |
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Uršu Kuşatması Metni’nin Yeniden Değerlendirilmesi |
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Crisis Years 111-122 |
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Belleten 27 367-376 / 377-386 |
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6HitCongr1 31-37 |
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De la Estepa al Mediterráneo 383-390 |
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Fs H.L. Thomas 11-17 |
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Manly Deeds: Hittite Admonitory History and Eastern Mediterranean Didactic Epic |
Epic and History 66-85 (Ch. 5) |
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JCS 35 115-126 |
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Gleanings from Hittite Oracle Questions on Religion, Society, Psychology and Decision Making |
Fs Popko 11-37 |
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Gs Imparati 55-70 |
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JCS 47 23-34 |
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Hittite Diplomatic Texts |
SBL Writings from the Ancient World 7 |
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The Trials of Tudhaliya IV |
9HitCongr 125-133 |
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Historia y leyes de los Hititas. Textos del Reino Medio y del Imperio Nuevo |
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The LÚ.MEŠ SAG and Their Rise to Prominence |
Hrozný and Hittite 435-454 |
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Gs Forrer 155-185 |
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Ahnengalerie und letzte Dienste derer von Ḫattuša |
Fs De Meyer 355-367 |
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Tutḫalija "König der Heiden" |
Gs Forrer 207-224 |
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Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 125-131 |
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Zur Datierung der ältesten Schenkungsurkunden und der anonymen Tabarna-Siegel |
Fs Neve 1994a 71 |
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RHA 2/12 155-159 |
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RHA 2/12 177-179 |
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L'Arnuwandas d'Ismirikka |
ArOr 17 85-87 |
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§ 54 of the Hittite Laws and the Old Kingdom Periphery |
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Der Text des Hattusilis III, geographisch erläutert |
RHA 17,fasc. 65 104-116 |
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Il racconto delle origini: alcune riflessioni sul testo di Zalpa |
Narrare gli eventi 113-121 |
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UfficioDocumento 313-329 |
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Mesopotamia 52 3-20 |
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Anitta and the Man of Purušhanda
Fs Donbaz 71-75 |
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Gli annali di Ḫattušili I nella versione accadica |
StudMed 16 |
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Atlante Storico del Vicino Oriente Antico 4.2: Anatolia:La prima metà del II millennio a.C. |
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UF 35 103-139 |
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Ein interessanter Siegelabdruck aus Boğazköy und die damit verknüpften historischen Fragen |
4HitCongr 89-97 |
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Fs Neve 87-106 |
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Anatolica 26 1-29 |
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La Cilicie 79-86 |
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Ein mittelhethitischer Brief |
6HitCongr1 235-245 |
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Beispiele Zeremonieller Handlungen im (H)išuwaš-Fest und ihre Beziehung zu Muwatalli II. |
5HitCongr 245-258 |
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Drei Schreiber, Zwei Könige |
6HitCongr1 247-257 |
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The Hišuwa Festival as a Political Instrument |
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Hittite Land Donations and Tabarna Seals |
JCS 33 3-43 |
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AbhRheinWestfalAkWiss 77 |
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Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 269-283 |
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FsMazar 673-688 |
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Hethitica 14 19-26 |
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Or NS 73 363-389 |
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6HitCongr1 259-280 |
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KASKAL 6 49-75 |
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Centennial Laroche 125-150 |
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Fs de Martino 141-174 |
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Hethitica 8 123-175 |
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De l'ancien royaume au nouvel empire. Les temps obscurs de la monarchie hittite |
2HitCongr 133-148 |
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Fs Popko 87-107 |
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Deux princes-prêtres de Kizzuwatna, Kantuzzili et Telipinu |
Hethitica 15 65-80 |
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Des Grand Rois de Tarḫuntašša aux Grand Rois de Tabal |
RANT 2 399-417 |
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RANT 3 219-243 |
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Walanni e due nuove possibili sequenze di regine ittite |
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Philistines 469-477 |
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AoF 31 263-296 |
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The End of God-Napping and the Religious Foundations of the New Hittite Empire |
ZA 104 195-205 |
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Formen und Inhalte althethitischer Literatur |
THeth 29 |
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Aspetti della regalità ittita nel XIII secolo a.C. |
Biblioteca di Athenaeum 32 |
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Mita of Paḫḫuwa |
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Zur Diskussion um einen zweiten Namen Tuthaliyas IV. |
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Asylum on Alashia (Cyprus) |
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The Last Days of Khattusha |
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From the Disciplines of a Dictionary Editor |
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Letters from the Hittite Kingdom
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Halpaziti, König von Aleppo |
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Hitit Öncesi ve Hitit Dönemi Anadolu'da Veraset Sistemi |
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TUAT-NF 2 107-112 |
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TUAT-NF 2 130-138 |
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