Systematik zur Hethitischen Bibliographie

Jana Součková
und Gerfrid G.W. Müller

Citatio: J. Součková & G.G.W. Müller, Hethitische Bibliographie (2008-02-18)

Ergebnisse der Auswahl | Selection Results

Thema: 74.4. Späthethitische Staaten in Kleinasien und Nordsyrien
Zur Systematik
Adalı S.F. 2015a: Yeni-Asur Kehanet Metni K.2401'de Geçen ṭuppi adê ša dAššur Ifadesinin Anlamı Üzerine ArAn 9/2 1-24
Adalı S.F. 2018a: Yeni Assur Krallıǧı'nın Orta Anadolu'ya İlgisi: Melid, Tabal, Frig ve Lidya İlişkileri / The Neo-Assyrian Kingdom’s Interest in Central Anatolia: Relations with Melid, Tabal, Phrygia and Lydia Köroğlu K. − Adalı S.F. 2018a 276-299
Adalı S.F. 2020a: Iron Age Kültepe and its Region in Light of Tabal's History KIM 3 225-240
Akçay A. 2016a: Hartapu: Kimin Kralı? Fs Ünal 9-24
Alt A. 1948a: Die geschichtliche Bedeutung der neuen phönizischen Inschriften aus Kilikien FF 24 121-124
Alt A. 1948b: Kilikya'da Keşfedilen Yeni Fenike Yazıtlarının Tarihi Önemi Belleten 12 691-700
Amiaud A. 1886a: Une inscription cappadocienne expliquée ZA 1 91-94
Aramaean Borders: Aramaean Borders. Defining Aramaean Territories in the 10th-8th Centuries B.C.E. ?Rezension?
Aro S. 2019a: Le Tabal, en marge du domaine culturel néo-hittite: esquisse de son histoire et de sa production sculpturale Blanchard V. 2019a 233-237
Aro S. 2023a: Vanishing kingdoms: Tabal and Tuwana during the seventh century BC Fs Summers 113-136
Balza M.E. 2017a: ‘Personne ne remplissait la grange de Kubaba’: le topos de l’accumulation des céréales dans les inscriptions hiéroglyphiques des seigneurs locaux néo-hittites RANT 14 1-12
Balza M.E. 2021-2022a: “And much came down from the sky and much came up from the earth”: The Tabalean Hieroglyphic Inscriptions and the Ideological Discourse of Local Rulers News from the Lands of the Hittites 5-6 9-20
Beal R.H. 1983b: The Hittites after the Empire's Fall Biblical Illustrator 73-81
Belck W. 1927a: Beiträge zur Urgeschichte Armeniens Handes Amsoreya 41 805-818
Belger C. 1893a: Sindschirli BerlPhilolWs 12; 13 355; 386
Bemporad A. 2006a: Considerazioni sulla fine dell’impero ittita Kaskal 3 69-80
Bonfante G. 1946c: Armenians and Phrygians Armenian Quarterly 1 82-97
Bossert H.Th. 1933-1934d: Zur Geschichte Malatias AfO 9 330-332
Bossert H.Th. 1948-1949a: Sur quelques problèmes historiques des inscriptions de Karatepe RHA 9/49 1-9
Brandeburg E. 1907a: Phrygien und seine Stellung im Kleinasiatischen Kulturkreis ?Rezension?
Bryce T. 2012a: The World of the Neo-Hittite Kingdoms. A Political and Military History ?Rezension?
Bryce T. 2016a: The Suhi Inscription and Other Recently Discovered Neo-Hittite Inscriptions Fs Tischler 13-26
Bryce T. 2020a: Change and Continuity from Bronze Age to Iron: A Review Fs Yakar 105-119
Burton R. 1873a: (Sur la découverte des pierres de Hamath) PEF 3
Casabonne O. – Lebrun R. 2005a: Le Tabal de la préhistoire au début de l'ère chrétienne RANT 2 383-384
Čech P. 2015a: What if Goliath were David? Taita, King of the Palistineans Oeming M. − Sláma P. 2015a 63-73
Çevik Ö. 2013a: An Intervening Phenomenon in a Non-Urban Environment: Iron Age Cities in Eastern Anatolia ANES Suppl. 40 67-80
Chazaradze N.V. 1973a: [Aus der Geschichte von Tabal] 22WissTagAkadGeorg 30-31
Chazaradze N.V. 1974a: Tabal. Remarks on the Ethnocultural Description of Eastern Asia Minor. Ethnopolitical Entities of the 9th-7th Centuries B.C. AcAn 22 429-432
Cohen Y. – Anor N. 2020a: Forging an Empire. The Borders of Carchemish According to CTH 50 (KUB 19.27) Fs de Martino 71-79
Collins B.J. 2007a: The Bible, the Hittites, and the Construction of the "Other" Fs Košak 153-161
Craig J.A. 1893a: The Panammu inscription of the Zinjirli collection Academy 43 351, 441
Crisis Years: The Crisis Years: The 12th Century B.C. from Beyond the Danube to the Tigris ?Rezension?
d'Alfonso L. – Mora C. – Tomassini Pieri B.M. 2011a: Il passaggio dall’età del Tardo Bronzo all’età del Ferro in Cappadocia meridionale Mazzoni S. et al. 2012a 69-103
Davies E.J. 1876a: On a new Hamathite inscription at Ibreez TSBA 4 336-346
Defendenti F. 2015a: Le pouvoir royal proche-oriental au premier millénaire av. J.-C. ; le cas du royaume de Tabal en Anatolie méridionale Les mises en scène de l’autorité dans l’Antiquité 35-47
DeGrado J. 2021-2022a: Azatiwada’s Empire: Adapting Assyrian Imagery in the Bilingual Karatepe Inscription News from the Lands of the Hittites 5-6 21-45
Di Filippo F. – Mori L. 2019a: The Malatya Plain in The Network of Interregional Relations in The Late Bronze and lron Ages Durak N. – Frangipane M. 2019a 173-184
Dussaud R. – Toutain J. 1900a: Phrygie Grande Encyclop 26 802-804
d’Alfonso L. 2012a: Tabal: An Out-group Definition in the First Millennium BC. Fs Fales 173-194
d’Alfonso L. – Cohen Y. 2021a: Mazi-Karḫuḫa, King of Karkemiš and Hittite Syria at the end of the 13th century Akkadica 142/1 63-77
Emanuel J.P. 2016a: King Taita and his “Palistin”: Philistine State or Neo-Hittite Kingdom? Antiguo Oriente 13 11-40
Erzen A. 1974a: Das Besiedlungsproblem Pamphyliens im Altertum ArAnz 1973 388-401
Fiedler G. 2005a: Les Phrygiens en Tyanide et le problème des Muskis RANT 2 389-398
Finkelberg M. 2006a: Ino-Leukothea between East and West JANER 6 105-121
Forlanini M. 2014a: The Survival of Dynastic Traditions of Bronze Age Anatolia During the Transition to the Iron Age: the Case of Ḫalpa-šulubi and the Historical Connections Between Išuwa and Milidia Fs Lanfranchi 251-271
Freu J. 2005a: Des Grand Rois de Tarḫuntašša aux Grand Rois de Tabal RANT 2 399-417
Freu J. – Mazoyer M. 2012a: Les royaumes néo-hittites à l'âge du fer. Les hittites et leur histoire ?Rezension?
Fuchs A. 2021a: Azatiwada and the Assyrians Beyond All Boundaries 449-458
Giusfredi F. 2010a: Sources for a Socio-Economic History of the Neo-Hittite States THeth 28 ?Rezension?
Giusfredi F. 2014a: Astuwatamanzas 0 and the Family of Suhis in Karkemiš CRRAI 55 481-494
Giusfredi F. – Pisaniello V. 2021a: The Population, the Language and the History of Yadiya/Sam'al Beyond All Boundaries 189-223
Gottheil R.J.H. 1896a: On the language of the Sindjirli inscriptions JAOS 16 CXCII-CXCIII
Grayson A.K. 1987a: Assyrian Expansion into Anatolia in the Sargonid Age (c. 744-612 BC) RAI 34 Abstracts 25
Gunter A.C. 2012a: Neo-Hittite and Phrygian Kingdoms of North Syria and Anatolia Potts D.T. 2012a 797-815
Güterbock H.G. 1961c: When Was the Late Hittite Palace at Sakçagözü Built? BASOR 162 49-50
Güterbock H.G. 1992c: Survival of the Hittite Dinasty Crisis Years 53-55
Halévy J. 1899a: Nouvel examen des inscriptions de Zindjirli RS 7 333-355
Harmanşah Ö. 2018b: Karşilaşmalar, Etkileşimler ve Ortak Bir Kulturel Alan: Assur Imparatorluğu ve Demir Çağı Suriye-Hitit Devletleri / Encounters, Interctions, and a Shared Cultural Sphere: The Assyrian Empire and the Syro-Hittite States of the Iron Age Köroğlu K. − Adalı S.F. 2018a 256-275
Harrison T.P. 2013a: Tayinat in the Early Iron Age Across the Border 61-88
Harrison T.P. 2013b: Landscapes of Power: Neo-Hittite Citadels in Comparative Perspective ANES-S 40 97-114
Harrison T.P. 2014a: Recent Discoveries at Tayinat (Ancient Kunulua/Calno) and Their Biblical Implications 21 IOSOT 396-425
Hawkins D. – Peker H. 2014a: Karkemish in the Iron Age Marchetti N. 2014a 107-110
Hawkins J.D. 1987b: Hittites and Assyrians at Melid (Malatya) RAI 34 Abstracts 28
Hawkins J.D. 1993a: The Historical Significance of the Karahöyük (Elbistan) Stele Fs N. Özgüç 273-279
Hawkins J.D. 1993c: Melid. A. Historisch RlA 8 35-41
Hawkins J.D. 1993d: Hittiti e Neohittiti nel Tauro e in Siria L' 90ff.
Hawkins J.D. 1995d: The Political Geography of North Syria and South-East Anatolia in the Neo-Assyrian Period Neo-Assyrian Geography 87-101
Hawkins J.D. 1995e: Karkamish and Karatepe: Neo-Hittite City-States in North Syria CANE 1295-1307
Hawkins J.D. 1998f: Hittites and Assyrians at Melid (Malatya) CRRAI 34 63-77
Hawkins J.D. 2002b: Die Erbe des Großreiches I. Die Geschichte der späthethitischen Kleinkönigreiche Anatoliens und Nordsyriens im Überblick (ca. 1180 - 700 v. Chr.) Hethiter 56-59
Hawkins J.D. 2002c: Die Erbe des Großreiches II. Die archäologischen Denkmäler in den späthethitischen Kleinkönigreichen Anatoliens und Nordsyriens im Überblick (ca. 1180 - 700 v. Chr.) Hethiter 264-273
Hawkins J.D. 2009a: Cilicia, Amuq, and Aleppo: New Light in a Dark Age NEA 72/4 164-173
Hawkins J.D. 2015c: The Political Geography of Arzawa (Western Anatolia) NOSTOI 15-35
Hawkins J.D. – Weeden M. 2016a: Sketch History of Karkamish in the Earlier Iron Age Wilkinson T.J. − Peltenburg E. − Wilkinson E.B. 2016a 9-21
Herrmann V.R. 2019a: The Politics of Ritual Performance at Assyrian-Period Sam’al: Local and Imperial Identity in the Katumuwa Mortuary Stele from Zincirli Religious Convergence 411-436
Hoffner H.A. 1992d: The Last Days of Khattusha Crisis Years 46-52
Houwink ten Cate Ph.H.J. 1967a: Kleinasien zwischen Hethitern und Persern Fischer Weltgeschichte 4 112-134
Hrozný B. 1934c: Les plus anciens rois et l'habitat ancien des "Hittites" hiéroglyphiques ArOr 6 399-407
Hutter-Braunsar S. 2009a: Begegnungen am oberen Euphrat – Urartäer und Luwier in Ostanatolien CNES 13 77-89
James P. 2021-2022a: Hartapu, the Muški and the Problems of Dating “Neo-Hittite” Monuments News from the Lands of the Hittites 5-6 47-59
Janeway B. 2017a: Sea Peoples of the Northern Levant? Aegean-Style Pottery from Early Iron Age Tell Tayinat ?Rezension?
Jasink A.M. 1995a: Gli stati neo-ittiti. Analisi delle fonti scritte e sintesi storica StudMed 10 ?Rezension?
Jasink A.M. −Marino M. 2007a : The West-Anatolian origins of the Que kingdom dynasty 6HitCongr1 407-426
Jongkees J. 1937-1938a: Het Westen van Klein Azië JEOL 5 403-409
Kalaç M. 1941a: M. Ö. 745-620 Yükseliş Çağında Büyük Asur İmparatorluğu´nun Anadolu´ya Yayılışı [Die Ausbreitung des assyrischen Großreiches nach Anatolien in seiner Blütezeit 745-620 v. Chr.] ADTCFD 1 982-1019
Kalaç M. 1999a: Tabal Ülkesi 12TTKongr 133ff.
Kaufman S.A. 2007a: The Phoenician Inscription of the Incirli Trilingual: A Tentative Reconstruction and Translation Maarav 14/2 7-26 + pp. 107-115 (Pll.III-XI)
Kealhofer L. – Grave P. – Genz H. – Marsh B. 2009a: Post-collapse: The Re-Emergence of Polity in Iron Age Boğazköy, Central Anatolia OJA 28 275-300
Kealhofer L. – Grave P. – Marsh B. 2023a: In search of Tabal, central Anatolia: Iron Age interaction at Alişar Höyük AnSt 73 69-98
Kökten K. 1960a: Anadolu Maraş Vilayetinde Tarihten Dip Tarihe Gidiş [En remontant de l'histoire à la prehistoire de Maraş, province d'Anatolie] TAD 10 45-52
Kopanias K. 2015a: The Mushki/Phrygian Problem from the Near Eastern Point of View NOSTOI 211-226
Kopanias K. 2018b: Cilicia and Pamphylia during the Early Iron Age: Hiyawa, Mopsos and the Foundation of the Greek Cities AURA 1 69-95
Kosjan A.V. 1984b: (Pozdnechettskoe gosudarstvo Melid/po ieroglifičeskim luvijskim istočnikarn/) [Der späthethitische Staat Melid (nach hieroglyphenluwischen Quellen/) VONA 6 62-70
Kosjan A.V. 1993a: Hartapus and the Problem of Early Tabalian History (12th-10th cent. B.C.) ŠULMU 4 183-187
Kosjan A.V. 1997a: The Mushki problem Reconsidered SMEA 39 253-266
Kretschmer P. 1949b: Die Danawer (Danuna) und die neuen kilikischen Funde AÖAW 186-202
Lafli E. 2001a: Geschichte und Perspektiven der archäologischen Erforschung des eisenzeitlichen Kilikien 4HitCongr 308-325
Lanfranchi G.B. 2002a: Chronology in the Inscriptions of Shalmaneser III and in the Eponym Chronicle. The number of the Campaigns against Que Gs Imparati 453-469
Lanfranchi G.B. 2005a: The Luwian-Phoenician Bilingual of Çineköy and the Annexation of Cilicia to the Assyrian Empire Fs Schretter 481-496
Lanfranchi G.B. 2009a: A Happy Son of the King of Assyria: Warikas and the Çineköy Bilingual (Cilicia) Fs Parpola 127-150
Lebrun R. 1987b: L'Anatolie et le monde phenicien du Xe au IVe siecle av. J.-C. Studia Phoenicia V 23-33
Leclercq H. 1940a: Phrygie Dictionnaire d' 14 758-806
Lehmann G. 1994a: Zu den Zerstörungen in Zincirli während des frühen 7. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. MDOG 126 105-122
Lemaire A. 2006a: La maison de Mopsos en Cilicie et en Pamphylie à l’époque du Fer (XIIe-VIe s. av. J.-C.) RANT 3 99-107
Lipiński E. 2002a: Diyarbakir - An Aramaean Capital of the 9th Century B.C. and its Territory Fs Popko 225-239
Liverani M. 2012a: Melid in the Early and Middle Iron Age: Archaeology and History AOAT 392 327-344
Loon M.N. van 1990a: Anatolia in the Earlier First Millennium B.C. Iconography of Religion 15 ?Rezension?
Lutz H.F. 1922: Sanduarri, King of Kundi and Sizû JAOS 42 201-202
Manuelli F. 2016a: What Remains when Contact Breaks Off? Survival of Knowledge and Techniques in the Material Culture of the Peripheral Regions of the Hittite Empire after Its Dissolution Foietta E. et al. 2016a 26-35
Manuelli F. 2019b: Carving the memory, altering the past. PUGNUS-mili and the earlier Iron Age rulers at Arslantepe/Malizi (South-Eastern Turkey) Fs Strobel 227-241
Masetti-Rouault M.G. – Salmon S. 2010a: L’Assyrie en Syre et en Anatolie au début de l’empire. Cultures en conflit Identité et Alterité 145-162
Maspero G. 1872a: De Carchemis oppidi situ et historia antiquissima ?Rezension?
Masson E. 2010a: La stèle mortuaire de Kuttamuwa (Zincirli) : comment l’appréhender Semitica et Classica 3 47-58
Matney T. 2010a: Material Culture and Identity: Assyrians, Aramaeans, and the Indigenous Peoples of Iron Age Southeastern Anatolia Agency and Identity 129-147
Matney T. 2011a: The Iron Age of Southeastern Anatolia Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 443-463
Mazzoni S. 2014a: The Aramean states during the Iron Age II-III periods The Archaeology oft he Levant 683ff.
Melville S.C. 2010a: Kings of Tabal: Politics, Competition, and Conflict in a Contested Periphery AOS 91 85-107
Menant J. 1886a: Kar-kemish, sa position d'après les découvertes modernes MémAcIns 32 201-273
Merlo P. 2016a: Die Inschrift des Kulamuwa KAI 24 und ihre Rhetorik FsCardellini 19-29
Meyer E. 1925b: Die Grenzen der hellenistischen Staaten in Kleinasien ?Rezension?
Mora C. 2012c: Nel “Paese Basso” ittita e nella regione di Tabal. Ricerche archeologiche, storiche, epigrafiche Pasiphae 6 195-205
Mora C. 2019c: Des monuments et des hommes de Tabal Fs Rouault 135-142
Mora C. – Balza M.E. – Bixio R. – De Pascale A. 2020a: Cappadocia, a “Hidden” Landscape: “Underground World” and Neo-Hittite Evidence 11 ICAANE 481ff.
Mora C. – d’Alfonso L. 2012a: Anatolia after the End of the Hittite Empire. New Evidence from Southern Cappadocia Origini 34
Müller D.H. 1893a: Die altsemitischen Inschriften von Sendschirli WZKM 7 33-70, 113-140
Müller D.H. 1896a: Die Bauinschrift des Barrekub in den kaiserlich Osmanischen Museum zu Constantinopel WZKM 10 193-197
Myres J.L. 1908a: Midas beyond the Halys: a further note on the black stone from Tyana AAA 1 13-16
Naster P. 1938a: L'Asie Mineure et l'Assyrie aux VIIIe et VIIe siècles av. J.-C. d'après les annales des rois assyriens Bibliothèque du Muséon 8 ?Rezension?
Novák M. 2013b: Between the Musku and the Aramaeans: The Early History of Guzana/Tell Halaf Across the Border 293-309
Novák M. 2019a: Histoire des principautés néo-hittites(louvito-araméennes) Blanchard V. 2019a 104-114
Novák M. 2021a: Azatiwada, Awariku from the "House of Mopsos", and Assyria. On the dating of Karatepe in Cilicia Beyond All Boundaries 397-466
Novák M. 2023a: Geschichte der neohethitischen Fürstentümer. Luwier und Aramäer zwischen Erbe, Innovation und Anpassung Antike Welt 2/23 8-13
Oppenheim M. von 1930b: The great discoveries at Tell Halaf ILN 4906 603
Oppenheim M. von 1930d: Glories of TeIl Halaf. A great discovery. Wonderful Sculptures from a little known Centre of "Subarean-Hittite" Civilisation in upper Mesopotamia ILN 760-761
Oppenheim M. von 1932a: Tell Halaf. La plus ancienne capitale soubaréenne de Mesopotamie Syria 13 242-254
Oppenheim M. von 1933a: The Great Discoveries at Tell Halaf ILN 4905
Oppenheim M. von 1933b: The Great Discoveries at Tell Halaf ILN 4906
Oppenheim M. von 1939a: Die Embleme der subaräischen Hauptgottheiten auf der Buntkeramik des Tell Halaf und das Alter der Tell Halaf-Steinbilder Fs Dussaud 609-623
Osborne J.F. 2021a: The Syro-Anatolian City-States. An Iron Age Culture ?Rezension?
Payne A. 2014b: Zum Herrscherhaus von Karkamiš Fs Nowicki 149-156
Peiser F.E. 1898a: Aus dem kaiserlich ottomanischen Museum in Constantinopel OLZ 1 6-9
Radet G. 1893a: La Lydie et le monde grec au temps des Mermnades (687-546) ?Rezension?
Ramsay W.M. 1882a: Phrygian notes BezzBeitr 14 308-3112
Ramsay W.M. 1885a: Bas-relief of Ibriz ArchZeit 203-208
Röllig W. 1992b: Asia Minor as a Bridge Between East and West: The Role of the Phoenicians and Aramaeans in the Transfer of Culture Greece Between East and West 93ff.
Röllig W. 2013a: History of the Neohittite and the Aramaean States and the Assyrian Conquest Orthmann W. − Matthiae P. − al-Maqdissi M. 2013a 461-472
Sams G.K. 1992a: Observations on Western Anatolia Crisis Years 56-60
Sano K. 2015a: Der Tod des [M]ussi von Tabāl NABU 2015 (4) 167-168 Nr. 100 (= NABU 2015/100)
Sass B. 2010a: Four Notes on taita King of Palistin with an Excursus on King Solomon’s Empire Tel Aviv 37 169-174
Simon Zs. 2009b: Die ANKARA-Silberschale und das Ende des hethitischen Reiches ZA 99 247-269
Simon Zs. 2014b: Tabal und die Tibarener AoF 41 125-134
Simon Zs. 2014c: Awarikus und Warikas: Zwei Könige von Hiyawa ZA 104 91-113
Simon Zs. 2014f: Das Fragment einer syro-hethitischen Votivstele vom Dülük Baba Tepesi I: Die Inschrift (DÜLÜK BABA TEPESI 1) Asia Minor Studien 73 17-22
Simon Zs. 2018c: Die Griechen und das Phönizische im späthethitischen Staat Hiyawa: die zyprische Verbindung Mumm P.-A. − Sallaberger W. 2018a 313-338
Simon Zs. 2020e : The Formation of the Neo-Hittite States in Karkemish, in its Successor States and in the Breakaway Territories: An Overview of Political History Sollee A.E. 2020a 151-171
Simon Zs. 2021g: 401 BC - The Year the Neo-Hittite Statehood Ended Beyond All Boundaries 675-688
Singer I. 2012a: The Philistines in the North and the Kingdom of Taita AOAT 392 451-471
Soden W. von 1961b: Azitawadda -Mattî von Atunna; KTK und Kasku OLZ 56 576-579
Sollee A.E. 2020a: Formation, Organisation and Development of Iron Age Societies: A Comparative View. Proceedings of the Workshop held at the 10th ICAANE in Vienna, April 2016 OREA 15 ?Rezension?
Starke F. 1999b: Kleinasien. III. C. Hethitische Nachfolgestaaten, 1. Historischer Überblick Neue Pauly 6 518ff.
Steitler Ch. 2010a: The Biblical King Toi of Ḥamath and the Late Hittite State P/Walas(a)tin Biblische Notizen 146 81-99
Strobel K. 2005a: Aspekte eines neuen Bildes der Entwicklung Anatoliens in der Frühen Eisenzeit (a new understanding of the historical development of Anatolia in the Early Iron Age: the myth of the 'Dark Ages') Anatolian Iron Ages 5 195-210
Strobel K. 2008d: Die kulturelle und religiöse Entwicklung Altphrygiens II: von Hattuša nach Gordion. Mit einem Anhang zum Kιzιl Dağ Fs Schwertheim 639-671 + Taff. 78-79
Strobel K. 2010b: Altphrygische Religion und Königsideologie – Eine weitere Brücke zur hethitischen Grossreichszeit? CollAn 9 29-85
Strobel K. 2014a: The Cimmerians in Asia Minor Fs A. Erkanal 369-386
Sürenhagen D. 1996a: Politischer Niedergang und kulturelles Nachleben des hethitischen Großreiches im Lichte neuerer Forschung Fs Beran 283-293
Thuesen I. 2002a: The Neo-Hittite City-states Hansen M.H. 2002a 43-55
Torrey C.C. 1915-1917a: The Zakar and Kalamu Inscriptions JAOS 35 353-369
Unger E. 1925b: Die Reliefs Tiglatpilesers III, aus Arslan Tach PMAS 7 ?Rezension?
Unger E. 1933a: Tiglatpileser III-ün Oğlu Asur Kıralı Sargon II [Sargon II. von Assyrien der Sohn Tiglatpilesers lll.] lstanbul Asariatika Müzeleri Neşriyati 9 ?Rezension?
Vassileva M. 2008a: King Midas in Southeastern Anatolia Anatolian Interfaces 165-171
Voigt M.M. – Henrickson R. 2001a: Formation of the Phrygian state: the Early Iron Age at Gordion AnSt 50 37ff.
Waartke R.-B. 2005a: Sam’al – Ein araamäischer Stadtstaat des 10. bis 8. Jhs. v.Chr. und die Geschichte seiner Erforschung ?Rezension?
Wäfler M. 1983a: Zu Status und Lage von Tabāl Fs Kammenhuber 181-193
Wartke R.-B. 2005a: Sam'al. Ein aramäischer Stadtstaat des 10. bis 8. Jhs. v. Chr. und die Geschichte seiner Erforschung ?Rezension?
Weeden M. 2010b: Tuwati and Wasusarma: Imitating the behaviour of Assyria Iraq 72 39-61
Weeden M. 2013b: After the Hittites: The Kingdoms of Karkamish and Palistin in Northern Syria BICS 56-2 1-20
Weeden M. 2017a: Tabal and the Limits of Assyrian Imperialism Fs Postgate Vol. 2 721-736
Winckler H. 1896a: Die Bauinschrift Barrekub's aus Sendschirli Sammelheft 148-202
Winckler H. 1898a: Samal unter Sargon AltorientForsch 2/1 71-73
Winter I.J. 1979a: On the Problems of Karatepe: The Reliefs and their Context AnSt 29 115-151
Wittke A.-M. 2023a: König Ḫartapus und das Land Mušku FsNiehr 471-489
Woudhuizen F.C. 2013c: Note on the Karkamisian Dynasty of the Early Iron Age NABU 2013(4) 147-149 Nr. 87
Yakar J. 1993a: Anatolian Civilization Following the Disintegration of the Hittite Empire: An Archaeological Appraisal Tel Aviv 20 3-28
Yakar J. 1994a: Studies on Eastern Anatolian in the lron Age - An lntroduction Tel Aviv 21 3-5
Young R.S. 1960a: Gordion: Phrygian Construction and Architecture I Expedition 2 209
Vgl. zum Thema ferner:
Across the Border: Across the Border: Late Bronze-Iron Age Relations between Syria and Anatolia. Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Research Center of Anatolian Studies, Koç University, Istanbul, May 31-June 1, 2010
Adalı S.F. 2021a: Marks on arrowheads from the Konya Ereğli Museum. Signs of native Anatolian production? Beyond All Boundaries 1-24
AOS 91: Rebellions and Peripheries in the Cuneiform World American Oriental Series - AOS 91
Archi A. 2016a: Luwian Monumental Inscriptions and Luwians in Northern Syria Fs Siegelová 16-47
Autran C. 1920a: Phéniciens. Essai de contribution à l'histoire antique de la Méditerranée
Ball C.J. 1888e: The inscribed stones from Jerâbîs Academy 416
Balza M.E. – Mora C. 2015b: Memory and Tradition of the Hittite Empire in the post-Hittite Period CRRAI 57 427-437
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