Systematik zur Hethitischen Bibliographie

Jana Součková
und Gerfrid G.W. Müller

Citatio: J. Součková & G.G.W. Müller, Hethitische Bibliographie (2008-02-18)

Ergebnisse der Auswahl | Selection Results

Thema: 95.7.2. Siegel(abdrücke) aus der Zeit der altassyrischen Emporien in Anatolien
Zur Systematik
Alexander R.L. 1979a: Native Group Cylinder Seals Engravers of Karum Kanish Level II Belleten 43 573-618
Alp S. 1993a: Eine kārum-zeitliche Gussform und die Siegel von Karahöyük Fs Neve 185-193
Ancient Art in Seals: Ancient Art in Seals ?Rezension?
Boehmer R.M. 1986a: Drei Siegel mit Spiralstabmuster aus Ḫattuša Fs Porada 49
Boehmer R.M. 1986b: Einflüsse der Gulfglyptik auf die anatolische Stempelglyptik zur Zeit der assyrischen Handelsniederlassungen BaM 17 293-298
Boehmer R.M. 1996a: Nochmals zur Datierung der Glyptik von Karahöyük Schicht I IM 46 17-22
Casabonne O. 2007a: Le dieu-taureau et la montagne divinisée: brèves remarques à propos d’un groupe de sceaux de Kültepe-Kaneš Fs Dinçol-Dinçol 133-135
Collon D. 1989a: An Intriguing 'Cappadocian' Document and its Relations Fs T. Özgüç 59-62
Collon D. 2008a: Cappadocia and the Eastern Mediterranean Gs Garelli 91-100
Danmanville J. 1960a: Deux empreintes cappadociennes inédites du Musée d'Oxford RHA 18/66 25-32
Doğan-Alparslan M. – Alparslan M. – Özdemir C. 2010a: Amasya Müzesi’nde bulunan bir grup mühür Fs Donbaz 91-96
Donbaz V. 2011a: A Lapis-Lazuli Cylinder Seal Found at Oylum Höyuk CollAn 10 95-101
Garelli P. 1993a: Remarques sur les sceaux des tablettes "cappadociennes" Fs N. Özgüç 209-213
Garelli P. – Homès-Fredericq D. 1987a: Une tablette de la couche I b de Kaniš Fs Reiner 107-123
Gilibert A. 2015a: The Armenian dragon stones and a seal impression from Acemhöyük The Vishap Stone Stelae 205-210
Hrouda B. 1983a: Zu vier Abrollungen auf einer kappadokischen Tontafel Or NS 52 102-106
Klengel-Brandt E. 1993a: Zu einigen Siegelabrollungen auf Kültepe-Tafeln im Vorderasiatischen Museum, Berlin Fs N. Özgüç 85-90
Lassen A.W. 2014b: The Old Assyrian Glyptic Style: An Investigation of a Seal Style, Its Owners and Place of Production Current Research at Kultepe/Kanesh 107-122
Lassen A.W. 2017a: The ‘Bull-Altar’ in Old Assyrian Glyptic: A Representation of the God Assur? Subartu 39 179-196
Leinwand N. 1992a: Regionl Characteristics in the Styles and Iconography of the Seal Impressions of Level II at Kültepe JNES 21 141-172
Matouš L. 1982a: Zur Bestimmung der altassyrischen Siegeleigentümer Fs Diakonoff 262-264
Matouš L. et al. 1984a: Kappadokische Keilschrifttafeln mit Siegeln aus den Sammlungen der Karlsuniversität in Prag ?Rezension?
Matoušová M. 1992a: Tanzschulen im alten Vorderen Orient? ArOr 60 167-171.
Matoušová-Rajmová M. 1982a: Kult und Riten auf den kappadokischen Siegeln des altassyrischen Stiles ArOr 50 54-63
Matoušová-Rajmová M. 1983a: Einige Bemerkungen zu den kappadokischen Siegelabdrücken der Prager Sammlung ArOr 51 249-254.
Matoušová-Rajmová M. 1989a: Der Tanz auf kappadokischen Siegelbildern ArOr 57 247-256
Meijer D.J.W. 1995a: A Cylinder Seal and Some Ramifications Fs Houwink ten Cate 195-209
Mouton A. 2002a: Y a-t-il une relation entre les motifs de la glyptique cappadocienne et les hiéroglyphes anatoliens? SMEA 44 83-113
Nemirovsky A. – Shelestin V. – Iasenovskaya A. 2020a: Scene of Fighting with Serprent(s) on the Old Assyrian Seal Impression from Kültepe (Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, I 2 B 1591) Antiguo Oriente 18 207-234
Nemirovsky A. – Shelestin V. – Iasenovskaya A. 2021a: Scene of Triumph Over the Stretched Enemy Next to an Anatolian Sacred Tree on One Old Assyrian Sealing from Kültepe (the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, I 2 b 1598) Anatolia Antiqua 29 13-21
Özgüç N. 1953a: Kültepe'de 1950 Yılında T.T.K. Adına Yapılan Kazıda Bulunan Mühür ve Mühür Baskıları Hakkında Ön-Rapor / Vorbericht über die Siegel und Siegelabdrücke der Kültepe Grabung 1950 Belleten 17 119-122 / 123-127
Özgüç N. 1958a: Kaniş Karumunda I B Tabakasının Mühürleri / Die Siegel der Schicht I B in Kārum Kaniş von Kültepe Belleten 22 7-11 / 13-19
Özgüç N. 1959a: Seals from Kültepe Anatolia 4 43-53
Özgüç N. 1965a: Kültepe Mühür Baskılarında Anadolu Grubu / The Anatolian Group of Cylinder Seal Impressions from Kültepe ?Rezension?
Özgüç N. 1968a: Kaniş Karumu Ib Katı Mühürleri ve Mühür Baskıları / Seals and Seal Impressions of Level Ib from Karum Kanish ?Rezension?
Özgüç N. 1977a: Acemhöyük Saraylarında Bulunmuş olan Mühür Baskıları [Les empreintes de sceaux découvertes dans les palais d'Acemhöyük] Belleten 41 357-381
Özgüç N. 1980a: Seal Impressions from the palaces at Acemhöyük Translated from Turkish by Mellink M.J. Ancient Art in Seals
Özgüç N. 1983a: Sealings from Acemhöyük in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Fs Bittel 413-420
Özgüç N. 1986a: Seals of the Old Assyrian Colony Period and Some Observations on the Seal Impressions Fs Mellink 48-53
Özgüç N. 1986b: Two Seal Impressions from Kültepe and the Kirik Bayir Relief Fs Porada 197-200
Özgüç N. 1988a: Anatolian Cylinder Seals and Impressions from Kültepe and Acemhüyük in the second Millenium B.C. Essays on Anatolian Studies 22-29
Özgüç N. 1989a: Bullae from Kültepe Fs T. Özgüç 377-405
Özgüç N. 1991a: The Composite Creatures in Anatolian Art During the Period of Assyrian Trading Colonies Fs Mikasa 293-317
Özgüç N. 1993a: Identical Aspects of the Cylinder and Stamp Seal Representations of Level I b Period Fs Neve 175-178
Özgüç N. 1994a: Notes on Cylinder Seals of Level Ia-b from Kärum-Kanis Fs Hrouda 217-220
Özgüç N. 1994b: Identical Aspects of the Cylinder and Stamp Seal Representations of Level Ib Period Fs Neve 1994a 175-178
Özgüç N. 1996a: Seal Impressions on Kültepe Documents Notarized by Native Rulers Fs Spycket 267-278
Özgüç N. 1998a: Kaniş Karumu´nda Bulunmuş Olan Eski Assur Üslubunda Iki Silindir Mühür Fs Çambel 611-614
Özgüç N. 2002a: Götterprozessionen, Kriegs- und Jagdszenen. Ein Überblick über den Motivreichtum anatolischer Roll- und Stempelsiegel des 20.-18. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Hethiter 234-239
Özgüç N. – Tunca Ö. 2001a: Kültepe-Kaniš : mühürlü ve yazıtlı kil bullalar [Sealed and Inscribed Clay Bullae] ?Rezension?
Özkan S. 1993a: The Seal Impressions of Two Old Assyrian Kings Fs N. Özgüç 501-502
Öztan A. 2020a: Acemhöyük Sarıcakaya Sarayından Bir Silindir Mühür Fs Yakar 415-424
Öztürk G. 2023a: Cultural Continuity from the Kārum Period to the Hittite Empire Period in Light of Stamp Seals and Impressions Adalya 26 1-35
Porada E. 1982a: Kleine Bemerkungen über Abrollungen auf Tafeln des Karum Kanesh und zwei Texte CRRAI 25 161-171
Porada E. – Collon D. 2016a: Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum. Cylinder Seals IV. The Second Millennium BC Beyond Babylon. ?Rezension?
Ricetti M. 2017a: Sealing without a Seal: Alternative Sealing Media at Kültepe during the Old Assyrian Period Subartu 39 131-162
Ricetti M. 2018a: Identification through image and legend. Inscribed seals from Kültepe lower town level II CRRAI 61 369-382
Ricetti M. 2018b: The Contribution of Old Assyrian Cylinder Seals to the Elaboration of a Local Style in Anatolia at the Beginning of the 2nd Millennium BCE 10 ICAANE Vol. 1 509-522
Ricetti M. 2020a: Preliminary Results on the Seal Impressions from the 1990 Excavation Season at Kültepe/Kaniš (kt 90/k) KIM 3 205-224
Sayce A.H. 1897a: Haematite cylinder from Cappadocia PSBA 19 301
Sayce A.H. 1922c: A Cappadocian seal JRAS 265-266
Speleers L. 1940a: Sumer et Assour au pays des Hittites BMRAH 9 74-80
Strupler N. 2021a: Overview on Sealing Practices at Kültepe during the Anatolian-Old Assyrian Trade Network Period KIM 4 181-196
Taracha P. 1989a: Götter mit Löwen und Symbolik dieses Tieres in der kappadokischen Glyptik-Ikonographie (19.-18. Jh. v. Chr.) ROr 46 111-121
Teissier H. 1990a: A Shakkanakku Seal Impression from Kültepe MARI 6 649-653
Teissier H. 1993a: The Ruler with the Peaked Cap and Other Syrian Iconography on Glyptic from Kültepe in the Early Second Millennium B.C. Fs N. Özgüç 601-612
Teissier H. 1994a: Sealing and seals on texts from Kültepe Kārum Level 2 PIHANS 70 ?Rezension?
Topçuoğlu O. 2014a: Behind the Scenes: A Look at Seal Carvers as Artists and Artisans in the Old Assyrian Period Current Research at Kultepe/Kanesh 123-134
Tosun M. 1965a: Styles in Kültepe Seal Engraving as Expressions of Various Cultural lnfluences Fs Landsberger 183-188
Tunca Ö. 1989a: Cylinder Seal lnscriptions of Šamši-Adad I and His Officials from Acemhöyük Fs T. Özgüç 481-183
Tunca Ö. 1993a: Des inscriptions de sceaux-cylindres diverses provenant d'Acemhöyük Fs N. Özgüç 629-633
Veenhof K.R. 1993a: On the Identification and Implications of Some Bullae from Acemhöyük and Kültepe Fs N. Özgüç 645-657
Veenhof K.R. 2017a: Acemhöyük: Seals, Chronology and History Kulakoğlu F. − Barjamovic G. 2017a 243-257
Veenhof K.R. – Klengel-Hrandt E. 1992a: Altassyrische Tontafeln aus Kültepe. Texte und Siegelabrollungen VS 26 ?Rezension?
Vgl. zum Thema ferner:
Alp S. 1994a: Eine kārum-zeitliche Gußform und die Siegel von Karahöyuk Fs Neve 1994a 185-254
Andersson Strand E. et al. 2017a: Textile Imprints on bullae from Kültepe Subartu 39 87-104
Baltacioğlu H. 2015a: Hitit Yazılı Kaynaklarında ve Görsel Sanatlarında purpura-, purpuri- (purpura-, purpuri- in Hittite written sources and visual arts) Anadolu 41 239-296
Barjamovic G. 2014a: The Size of Kanesh and the Demography of Early Middle Bronze Age Anatolia Current Research at Kultepe/Kanesh 55-68
Donbaz V. 2005b: Old Assyrian rubātum "queen" or a fPN Seen on Cylinder Seals NABU 2005 19-20, 2005/18
Emre K. 2011a: The Traces of Kültepe/Kanesh in Hittite Art Anatolia’s prologue 154-159
Gates M.H. 2017a: Gods, Temples, and Cult at the Service of the Early Hittite State Fs Postgate Vol. 1 189-210
Gilibert A. 2011b: Die anatolische Sphinx Wege der Sphinx 39-49
Gräff A. 2005a: Thoughts about the Assyrian Presence in Anatolia in the early 2nd Millennium AoF 32 158-167
Heffron Y. 2016a: Stone stelae and religious space at Kültepe-Kaneš AnSt 66 23-42
Hermanowska-Stelmachów E. 1975a: Iconographie des sceaux de Kaneš Études et travaux 8 25-31
Larsen M.T. 2008a: Archives and Filing Systems at Kültepe Gs Garelli 77-88
Larsen M.T. 2014a: Cultural Exchange at Kültepe Fs Stolper 171-188
Lumsden S. 2008a: Material Culture and the Middle Ground in the Old Assyrian Colony Period Gs Garelli 21-43
Marazzi M. 1986e: L'Anatolia hittita. Repertori archeologici ed epigrafici. Contributi di Lazzari A., Marazzi M., Re L. QGS 3
Müller-Karpe A. 2000e: Untersuchungen in Kuşaklı 1999 MDOG 132 311-353
Müller-Karpe A. et al. 2006b: Untersuchungen in Kayalɩpɩnar 2005 MDOG 138 211-247
Müller-Karpe A. – Müller-Karpe V. 2009a: Untersuchungen in Kayalιpιnar und Umgebung 2006-2009 MDOG 141 173-238
Müller-Karpe A. – Müller-Karpe V. 2019a: Untersuchungen in Kayalıpınar 2017 und 2018 MDOG 151 219-270
Müller-Karpe A. – Müller-Karpe V. – Kryszat G. 2014a: Untersuchungen in Kayalıpmar 2013 und 2014 MDOG 146 11-41
Otten H. 1957c: Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 9 (Vorwiegend Texte der Grabungen 1955 und 1956) WVDOG 70; KBo 9
Özgüç T. 1999d: Kültepe-Kaniš/Neša sarayları ve mabetleri / The Palaces and Temples of Kültepe-Kaniš/Neša
Özgüç N. 1979a: Gods and Goddesses with identical Attributes during the Period of Old Assyrian Trade Colonies Fs Laroche 277-289
Özgüç T. 1986a: Glazed Faience Objects from Kanish Fs Porada 201-208
Vanschoonwinkel J. 2004a: La double hache minoenne et l'Anatolie RANT 1 409-428
Vennhof K.R. 2017a: Acemhöyük: Seals, Chronology and History Subartu 39 243ff.
Yener K.A. 2017a: Cult and Ritual at Late Bronze Age II Alalakh: Hybridity and Power under Hittite Administration Centennial Laroche 215-224

Zur Systematik
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Gerfrid G.W. Müller -- 2007- 2025