Systematik zur Hethitischen Bibliographie

Jana Součková
und Gerfrid G.W. Müller

Citatio: J. Součková & G.G.W. Müller, Hethitische Bibliographie (2008-02-18)

Ergebnisse der Auswahl | Selection Results

Thema: 97.1.2. Metallurgie / Bergbau / Technologie in Anatolien
Zur Systematik
Abramišvili R.M. – Mikeladze T.K. 1970a: K istorii osvoenija železa v Zakavkaz'e i Maloj Azii [Zur Geschichte der Eisenverwendung in Transkaukasien und Kleinasien] 7CongrPreist 29-31
Akanuma H. 1995a: Metallurgical Analysis of Iron Artifacts and Slag From the Archaeological Site of Kaman-Kalehöyük Anatolia and Surrounding Civilizations 59-88
Akanuma H. 2003a: Further Archaeometallurgical Study of 2nd Millennium BC Iron Objects from Kaman-Kalehöyük. Turkey Kaman-Kalehöyük 12 137-149
Akanuma H. 2004a: Archaeometallurgical Analysis of Iron and Copper Objects from Stratum III and Stratum II at Kaman-Kalehöyük: Correlation between Composition and Archaeological Evidence Kaman-Kalehöyük 13 163-174
Alkim U.B. 1983b: Einige charakteristische Metallfunde von Ikiztepe Fs Bittel 29-42
Alp S. 1994a: Eine kārum-zeitliche Gußform und die Siegel von Karahöyuk Fs Neve 1994a 185-254
Alparslan M. – Doğan-Alparslan M. 2009a: Die Bedeutung von Zinn im Licht der Hethitischen Texte TÜBA-AR 12 183-188
Alparslan M. – Doğan-Alparslan M. 2011a: Symbol der ewigen Herrschaft: Metall als Grundlage des hethitischen Reiches Anatolian Metal 5 79-84
Anatolian Metal 2: Anatolian Metal II Anschnitt Beiheft 15 ?Rezension?
Anatolian Metal 3: Anatolian Metal III Anschnitt Beiheft 18 ?Rezension?
Anatolian Metal 5: Anatolian Metal V ?Rezension?
Belli O. 1985a: Untersuchungen zur Eisenmetallurgie in Hubuškia AnAr 10 271-299
Belli O. 1987a: Demir Çağda Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinde Demir Metalurjisi [Die eisenzeitliche Eisenmetallurgie im Gebiet von Ostanatolien] Anadolu demir Çağlari/Anatolian Iron Ages 1 89-107
Belli O. 1993a: Neue Funde steinerner Gussformen aus Akçadağ bei Malatya Gs Palmieri 605-613
Bilgi Ö. 2001a : Protohistorik Çağ´da Orta Karadeniz Bölgesi Madencileri. Hind-Avrupalıların Anavatanı Sorununa Yeni Bir Yaklaşım / Protohistoric Age Metallurgists of the Central Black Sea Region. A New Perspective on the Question of the Indo-Europeans´ Original Homeland ?Rezension?
Bilgi Ö. 2005a: Orta Karadeniz Bölgesi MÖ.2. binyili metal silahlari 5HitCongr 119-149
Birgi S.E. 1950a: Notes on the Influence of the Ergani Copper Mine on the Development of the Metal Industry in the Ancient Near East JKlF 1 337-343
Bissing F.W. von 1932a: On the Occurrence of Tin in Asia Minor and in the Neighbourhood of Egypt JHS 52 119
Bittel K. 1933c: Artvin´de Bulunan Tunçtan Mamul Asarı Atika [Oeuvres anciennes en bronze d'Artvin / Ancient Bronze Objects Found at Artvin] TTAED 1 150-156
Bittel K. 1944a: Ein Bronzefund aus Kleinasien ZA 48 1-8
Blinkenberg C. 1920-1925a: Le pays natal du fer MSRAN
Bordaz L.A. 1978a: The Metal Artifacts from the Bronze Age Excavations at Karataş-Semayük, Turkey and their Significance in Anatolia, the Near East, and the Aegean PhD Dissertation, Bryn Mawr College, 1978 ?Rezension?
Bozkurt H. et al. 1988a: İkiztepe Metal Buluntularının Metalografik Etüdü I. [Metallographische Studie über die Metallfunde von Ikiztepe] 3 ArkeomST 121-138
Buchholz H.-G. – Drescher H. 1987a: Einige frühe Metallgeräte aus Anatolien Acta praehistorica et archaeologica 19 37-70
Caneva C. et al. 1990a: Copper Ores in the Malatya Region and Smelting Experiments 5 ArkeomST 53-65
Coghlan H.H. 1941a: Prehistoric Iron prior to the Dispersion of the Hittite Empire Man 41 59
Çukur A. – Kunç Ş. 1989a: Analyses of Tepecik and Tülintepe Metal Artifacts AnSt 39 113-120
Cuny A. 1938b: Antiquité de la connaissance du métal "fer" REAn 40 485
Dardeniz G. – Sipahi T. – Yildirim T. 2019a: An insight into Old Hittite metallurgy: alloying practices at Hüseyindede (Çorum, Turkey) AnSt 69 77-94
Dercksen J.G. 2005a: Metals According to Documents from Kültepe-Kanish Dating to the Old Assyrian Colony Period Anatolian Metal 3 17-34
Dönmez Ş. 2014a: Early Bronze Age Metallurgy in Amasya Province,North-Central Anatolia Kvachadze M. – Puturidze M. – Shanshashvili N. 2014a 182-197
Dubin R. 2016a: Treatment of a Copper Alloy Container from Kaman-Kalehöyük AnArSt 19 175-181
Eastman A.C. 1930a: Exhibitions of Hittite and Scythian Bronzes and of Han Potteries Parnassus 2 31-35
Eastman A.C. 1931a: An Exhibition of Hittite Bronzes Parnassus 3 26-28
Ekmen F.G. 2016a: Anadolu Metal Atölyeleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme Fs Ünal 177-186
Elat M. 1983a: The iron export from Uzal (Ezekiel XXVlI 19) VT 33 323-330
Emre K. 1969a: Kültepe Menşeli Yeni Bir Kalıp [Nouveau moule provenant de Kültepe] Belleten 33 163-170
Emre K. 1971a: Anadolu Kurşun Figürinleri ve Taş Kalıpları / Anatolian lead figurines and their stone moulds ?Rezension?
Emre K. 1993a: New Lead Figurines and Moulds from Kültepe and Kizilhamza Fs N. Özgüç 169-177
Emre K. 1994b: A new Mould from Kültepe Fs Mayer-Opificius 71-7
Erkut S. 2014a: Hititler’de Demir Üretimi Üzerine Bazı Ayrıntılar Fs A. Erkanal 235-238
Erol H. 2019b: Old Assyrian Metal Trade, Its Volume and Interactions Belleten 83/298 779-806
Esin U. 1969a: Kuantatif Spektral Analiz Yardımıyla Anadolu'da Başlangıcından Asur Kolonileri Çağına Kadar Bakır ve Tunç Madenciliği (Metin, Kataloglar, Resim ve Haritalar), I. Kısım I. ve 2. Metin Analiz ve Tipoloji Katalogları ?Rezension?
Esin U. 1984a: Ergani Doğal Bakır Analizlerinin Arkeolojik Açıdan Önemi (Archaeological Significance of Native Copper Analyses from the Ergani Mine) TÜBITAK 4 243-251
Esin U. 1985a: Doğu Anadolu'ya Ait Bazı Prehistorik Cüruf ve Filiz Analizleri [Analysen einiger vorgeschichtlichen Erz- und Schlackenbeispiele aus Ostanatolien] AnAr 10 143-160
Esin U. 1986a: Tepecik ve Tülintepe'ye (Altınova - Elazığ) Ait Bazı Metal ve Cüruf Analizleri [Einige Analysen von Metallen und Schlacken aus Tepecik und Tülintepe (Distrikt Altinova, Vilayet Elaziğ)] KAAS 8 68-70
Gale N.H. et al. 1985a: Alloy Types and Copper Sources of Anatolian Copper AlIoy Artifacts AnSt 35 143-173
Galili E. et al.1986a: Bronze Age Ship's Cargo of Copper and Tin IJNAUE 15 25-37
Genz H. 2006c: Ein neues Metall macht Furore - Die frühe Eisenzeit in West- und Zentralanatolien Korfmann M. 2006a 71-80
Giorgadze G.G. 1988c: Proizvodstvo i primenenie železa v central'noj Anatolii po dannym chettskich klinopisnych tekstov [Iron Making and Use in Central Anatolia According to Hittite Cuneiforrn Texts] Fs Piotrovskij 2 238-262
Hauptmann A. – Maddin R. – Prange M. 2002a: On the Structure and Composition of Copper and Tin Ingots Excavated from the Shipwreck of Uluburun BASOR 328 1-30
Hertz A. 1937a: Iron: Prehistoric and Ancient. An Answer to Mr. Richardson AJA 41 441-446
Herzfeld E. 1921a: Khattische und Khaldische Bronzen Fs Lehmann-Haupt ; Janus 1 145-157
Heskel D.L. 1980a: Early Bronze Age Anatolian Metal Objects: A Comparison of Two Techniques for Utilizing Spectrographic Analysis AION 40 473-502
Hirao et al. 1995a: Lead Isotope Rations of Copper, Zinc and Lead Minerals in Turkey - in Relation to the Provenance Study of Artifacts - Anatolia and Surrounding Civilizations 89-114
Jean É. 2001c: Le fer chez les Hittites: un bilan des donées archéologiques Mediterranean Archaeology 14 163-188
Jesus P.S. de 1977a: Metallurgical Practices in Early Anatolia BMREIT 87 49-63
Jesus P.S. de 1978a: Metal Resources in Ancient Anatolia AnSt 28 97-102
Jesus P.S. de 1980a: The Development of Prehistoric Mining and Metallurgy in Anatolia BAR-IS 74 ?Rezension?
Jesus P.S. de 1981a: A Survey of Some Ancient Mines and Smelting Sites in Turkey Archäologie und Naturwissenschaften 2 95-105
Johnson M.A. et al. 2017a: Experimental Smelting of Tin from Senir Sırtı and Hısarcık near Kayseri: Mostly Heartbreak, Some Elation Subartu 39 117-130
Kammenhuber A. 1996a: Eisen an Hand des hethitischen Schriftmaterials Essays on Ancient Anatolia and Syria 209-220
Kaptan E. 1986a: Ancient mining in the Tokat province, Anatolia Anatolica 13 19-36
Kaptan E. 1995a: Tin and ancient tin mining in Turkey Anatolica 21 197-203
Kartalkanat A. 2014a: Bolkar Dağlarındaki Eski İşletmeler Vadisinde Yeni Yaş Bulguları ve İlk Maden Ruhsatı: Yazılıtaş (Niğde) / New Age Findings in Ancient Mining Valley in Bolkar Mountains and First Mining Licence: Yazılıtaş, Niğde Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 57/2 53-71
Kawasaki Y. 1996a: Was there an Anatolian multiple mining centre in Šalahšuwa? NABU 1996 83-85, 1996/98
Kelly-Buccellati M. 1990a: Trade in Metals in the Third Millennium: Northeastern Syria and Eastern Anatolia Fs Bounni 117-132
Koçak Ö. 2006a: Mining at the Central Black Sea Region in the Ancient Period Black Sea Studies 39-62
Košak S. 1986a: "The Gospel of lron" Fs Güterbock 2 125-135
Koşay H.Z. 1941c: Le Fer chez les Hittites TurqKém 46 10-12
Kunç Ş. 1984a: Değirmentepe Cüruf Buluntuları Analizi (Analyses of Slug Samples from Değirmentepe) TÜBITAK 4 133-139
Kunç Ş. 1986a: Analyses of Ikiztepe Metal Artifacts AnSt 36 99-101
Kunç Ş. – Çukur A. 1988a: Tepecik ve Tülintepe Buluntularının Eser Element Analizleri [Analysen von Spurenelementen der Funde aus Tepecik und Tülintepe] 3 ArkeomST 87-95
Kunç Ş. – Çukur A. 1988b: Bakır Buluntularda İz Element Dağılımı [Die Verteilung der Spurenelemente bei Kupferfunden] 3 ArkeomST 97-105
Kuruçayırlı E. – Özbal H. 2005a: New Metal Analysis from Tarsus Gözlükule Anatolian Metal 3 49-61
Lehner J. 2017a: Innovation and Continuity of Metal Production and Consumption during the Early Iron Age at Boğazköy-Hattuša Byzas 23 145-162
Lehner J. – Schachner A. 2017a: The Organization of Metal Production at Hattuša: A First Assessment Fs Yener 403-435
Lehner J.W. 2014a: Metal Technology, Organization, and the Evolution of Long-Distance Trade at Kültepe Current Research at Kultepe/Kanesh 135-155
Lehner J.W. – Yazgan E. – Pernicka E. – Kulakoǧlu F. 2015a: Continuity of Tin Bronze Consumption and Production during the Late Third Millennium BC at Kültepe Subartu 35 195-217
Lehner J.W. – Yener A.K. 2014a: Organization and Specialization of Early Mining and Metal Technologies in Anatolia Archaeometallurgy in Global Perspective 529-557
Massa M. – McIlfatrick O. – Fidan E. 2017a: Patterns of metal procurement, manufacture and exchange in Early Bronze Age northwestern Anatolia: Demircihüyük and beyond AnSt 67 51-84
Masubuchi et al. 2004a: X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Copper-Based and Noble Metal Artifacts from Kültepe Mesured at Kayseri Archaeological Museum Kaman-Kalehöyük 13 153-161
Maxwell-Hyslop K.R. 1977a: Sources of Sumerian Gold. The Ur Goldwork from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds. A Preliminary Report Iraq 39 83-86
Memiş E. 1986a: Bakır Madeninin Eski Anadolu Medeniyetinin Gelişmesindeki Rolü ve Önemi [Rolle und Bedeutung der Kupfervorkommen für die Entwicklung der altanatolischen Zivilisation] 10TTKongr 22-23
Muhly J.D. 1987a: Çayönü and the Beginnings of Metallurgy in Anatolia and Mesopotamia RAI 34 Abstracts 39
Muhly J.D. 2011a: Metals and Metallurgy Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 858-876
Muhly J.D. et al. 1985a: Iron in Anatolia and the Nature of the Hittite Iron Industry AnSt 35 67-84
Müller-Karpe A. 1994a: Altanatolisches Metallhandwerk Offa-Bücher 75 ?Rezension?
Müller-Karpe A. 2005a: Metallbarren bei den Hethitern Uluburun 485-492
Newton M.W. et al. 2005a: Die Datierung des Schiffswracks von Uluburun Uluburun 115-116
Özbal H. 1984a: İkiztepe Metal Bulgu Analizleri (Analyses of Metal Artefacts from Ikiztepe) TÜBlTAK Arkeometri Ünitesi Bilimsel Teoplanti Bildirileri IV 117-132
Özbal H. et al. 2002a: Metallurgy at İkiztepe Anatolian Metal 2 39-48
Özbal H. – Özkösemen G. 1988a: İkiztepe Metalik Savaş Araçlarının Kimyasal Analizi [Chemische Analyse der metallischen Kriegsgeräte aus Ikiztepe] 3 ArkeomST 139-153
Özgüç N. 1995a: Silver and Copper Ingots from Acemhöyük Fs Boehmer 513-519
Palmieri A.M. et al. 1993a: From Arslantepe Metalwork to Arsenical Copper Technology in Eastern Anatolia Gs Palmieri 573-599
Palmieri A.M. et al. 1997a: 1995 Archaeometallurgical Campaign at Arslantepe 12 ArkeomST 57-63
Palmieri A.M. et al. 1998a: The Metal Objects in the "Royal" Tomb Dating from 3000 B.C. Found at Arslantepe (Malatya): A New Alloy (Cu - Ag) 13 ArkeomST 115-121
Patrier J. 2014b: Le fer au début du IIe millénaire av. J.-C. : nouveaux apports de l’archéologie anatolienne Anatolica 40 181-196
Peiser F.E. 1915a: parzillu OLZ 18 6-7
Przeworski S. 1939a: Die Metallindustrie Anatoliens in der Zeit von 1500-700 v.Chr. Rohstoffe, Technik, Produktion ?Rezension?
Pulak C. 2000a: Uluburun Batiği: Genel Bir Bakis Sanatdünyamız 80 185ff.
Pulak C. 2005a: Das Schiffswrack von Uluburun Uluburun 55-102
Pulak C. 2009a: The Uluburun Tin Ingots and the Shipment of Tin by Sea in the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean TÜBA-AR 12 189-207
Richardson H.C. 1937a: Iron: Prehistoric and Ancient; a reply to Madame Hertz AJA 41 447-451
Savaş Ö.S. 2006a: Çiviyazɩlɩ Belgeler Işɩğɩnda Anadolu’da (I.Ö. 2. Binyɩlda) Madencilik ve Maden Kullanɩmɩ ?Rezension?
Sayce A.H. 1921b: The lead mines of early Asia Minor JRAS 54-55
Sayce A.H. 1928c: The Antiquity of lron-Working Antiquity 2 224-227
Seeliger T.C. et al. 1985a: Archäometallurgische Untersuchungen in Nord- und Ostanatolien Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentral museums 32 597-659
Selimkhanov I.R. 1986a: Notes to the Problem of Tin's Origin in the History of Ancient Metallurgy of Transcaucasia and Anatolia 10TTKongr 33
Sertok M.K. 1988a: Güney Doğu Anadolu Bakır Kuşağının Arkeometalurjik Değerlendirilmesi ve Pötürge Çevresinde Yeni Bulunan Bakır Cevherlerinin Eski Aslantepe Metalurjisi Açısından Önemi [Die archäometallurgische Bewertung der Kupferzone in Südostanatolien und die Bedeutung der Entdeckung von Kupfererzen in der Umgebung von Pötürge hinsichtlich der Metallurgie des alten Aslantepe) 3 ArkeomST 235-246
Siegelová J. 1984a: Gewinnung und Verarbeitung von Eisen im Hethitischen Reich im 2. Jahrtausend v.u.Z. Annals Náprstek Museum 12 71-168
Siegelová J. 1993a: Metalle und Metallurgie. A. II. In den heth. Texten RlA 8 112-119
Siegelová J. 1994a: Anwendung von Kupfer und Bronze in Anatolien anhand der hethitischen Texte Handwerk und Technologie im Alten Orient 119-124
Siegelová J. 2001b: Treatment and Usage of Iron in the Hittite Empire in the 2nd Millennium B.C. Mediterranean Archaeology 14 189-193
Siegelová J. 2005a: Metalle in hethitischen Texten Anatolian Metal 3 35-39
Siegelová J. – Tsumoto H. 2011a: Metals and Metallurgy in Hittite Anatolia ColAnt 2 275-300 (Ch. 11)
Stech T. – Pigott V.C. 1986a: The metals trade in southwest Asia in the third millennium B.C. Iraq 48 39-64
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Wagner G.A. 1988a: Die Anfänge der Kupfermetallurgie Kleinasiens. Ein geowissenschaftlicher Ansatz Geowissenschaften 6 323-329
Wagner G.A. et al. 1986a: Geochemische und isotopische Charakteristika früher Rohstoffquellen für Kupfer, Blei, Silber und Gold in der Türkei Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 33 723-752
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Yakar J. 1984a: Regional and Local Schools of Metalwork in Early Bronze Age Anatolia, I AnSt 34 59-86
Yakar J. 1985a: Regional and Local Schools of Metalwork in Early Bronze Age Anatolia, II AnSt 35 25-38
Yakar J. 1985c: Regional and Local Schools of Metalwork in Early Bronze Age Anatolia, I AnSt 35 25-38
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Yener K.A. 1983a: The Production, Exchange and Utilization of Silver and Lead Metals in Ancient Anatolia Anatolica 10 1-15 [Errata
Yener K.A. 1984a: Niğde Ulukışla Bolkardağı Kurşun-Gümüş Yatakları ile İlgili Önçalışmalar (Preliminary Research on the Niğde-Ulukişla Bolkardağ /silver-lead ore/ Mining Oistrict) TÜBITAK 4 103-116
Yener K.A. 1986a: Tin in the Taurus Mountains: The Bolkardağ Mining Survey AJA 90 183
Yener K.A. 1986b: The Archaeometry of Silver in Anatolia: The Bolkardag Mininğ District AJA 90 469-472
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Yener K.A. 1995a: Swords, Armor, and Figurines Fs Neve 2 101ff.
Yener K.A. 2000a: The Domestication of Metals. The Rise of Complex Metal Industries in Anatolia ?Rezension?
Yener K.A. 2002b: Swords, Armor and Figurines. A metalliferous View from the Central Taurus Hopkins D.C. 2002a 35-42
Yener K.A. 2008a: Revisiting Kestel Mine and the Dynamics of Local Provisioning of Tin during the Early Bronze Age Ancient Mining 57-64
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Yener K.A. – Vandiver P.B. 1993a: Tin Processing at Göltepe, an Early Bronze Age Site in Anatolia AJA 97 207-238
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Zaccagnini C. 1971a: KBo I 14 e il "monopolio" hittita del ferro RSO 45 11-20
Zimmermann T. 2007a: Anatolia as a bridge from north to south? Recent research in the Hatti heartland AnSt 57 65-75
Zimmermann T. 2012a: Lapanu – Let (It) Glow! – Recent Archaeometric Analyses of Hattian and Hittite Metalwork 7 ICAANE 303-324
Zimmermann T. 2020a: Hatay Bay Hittites? – A Primary Archaeometrical Assessment of Late Bronze Age Metalwork at Kinet Höyük Gs Korfmann 185-192
Zimmermann T. et al. 2010a: The Metal Tablet from Boğazköy-Hattuša: First Archaeometric Impressions JNES 69 225-229
Zwicker U. 1980a: Investigations on the Extractive Metallurgy of Cu/Sb/As ore and Excavated Smelting Products from Norşun-Tepe (Keban) on the Upper Euphrates (3500-2800 B.C.) Aspects on Early Metallurgy 13-26
Vgl. zum Thema ferner:
Alp S. 1993a: Eine kārum-zeitliche Gussform und die Siegel von Karahöyük Fs Neve 185-193
Ancient Mining: Ancient Mining in Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean
Bachmann H.-G. 1984a: Düsenrohre und Gebläsetöpfe: Keramikfunde aus Metallverarbeitungs-Werkstätten Bogazköy 6 107-115
Baykal Seeher A. – Seeher J. 2003a: Götterbilder aus Babylonstein? Eine hethitische Gußform aus Boğazköy-Ḫattuša IM 53 99-110
Benveniste E. 1953a: Le terme obryza et la métallurgie de l'or RPLHA 27 122-126
Bilgi Ö. 1993a: Some Unstratified Metal Weapons from the East Anatolian Museums Gs Palmieri 601-604
Bilgiç E. 1941a: Asurca Vesikalara Göre Etilerden Önce Anadolu'da Maden Ekonomisi [Die Metallwirtschaft in Anatolien vor den Hethitern nach den assyrischen Urkunden] ADTCFD 1 913-950
Bilgiç E. 1951a: L'économie des métaux en Anatolie avant les Hittites d'après les documents en langue assyrienne CRRAI 2 99-100
Bittel K. 1937c: Vorläufiger Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Boğazköy 1936 MDOG 75 1-70
Dercksen J.G. 1996a: The Old Assyrian Copper Trade in Anatolia
Glatz C. 2017a: The North: Archaeology HdO 121 75-88
Günbattı C. 2016a: KÜLTEPE’DEN AMŪTUM’UN EKSİLMESİ HAKKINDA BİR MEKTUP [A Letter about Decrease in amūtum from Kültepe] ArAn 10/2 41-46
Heffron Y. 2017b: Anatolian Lead Figurines: A Stocktaking Fs Gates 243-305
Herbordt S. 2019c: Die Tempelinventare aus der Oberstadt von Boğazköy-Hattusa: hethitische Tempelanlagen als Kultstätten und Wirtschaftseinheiten Evans J.M. − Roßberger E. 2019a 175-187
Kempinski A. – Košak S. 1977a: Hittite Metal "Inventories" (CTH 242) and their Economic Implications Tel Aviv 4 87-93
Klengel H. 2009a: Altassyrischer Zinnhandel mit Anatolien TÜBA-AR 12 175-181
Kohlmeyer K. 2022a: Quarries and Sculpture Workshops in Perspective of the Temple of the Storm God in Aleppo, and Some Conclusions for Yesemek / Taş Ocakları ve Heykel Atölyelerinin Halep’teki Fırtına Tanrısı Tapınağı Bağlamında Gözden Geçirilmesi ve Yesemek Üzerine Gözlemler Engin A. − Demir T. − Özgüner Gülhan N.P. 2022a 205-223
Košak S. 1982a: Hittite inventory texts (CTH 241-250) THeth 10
Laroche E. 1957b: Études de Vocabulaire VI RHA 15/60 09-29
Laroche E. 1965a: Études de linguistique anatolienne 1 RHA 23/76 33-54
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